The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1389 Instant Noodles

Shanny doesn't like Kim So-yeon very much, not because Kim So-yeon is good-looking and steals her limelight, or because Kim So-yeon makes her boyfriend lose her mind, it doesn't matter, she Kim So-yeon is not easy to see to that level, but because of Kim So-yeon That enviable identity... the closed disciple of Teacher Li Gu. . For more latest chapters visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ.

Becoming the closed 'door' disciple of Teacher Li Gu can be said to be the dream of the students of the entire conservatory of music. They all know very well that becoming the closed 'door' disciple of Teacher Li Gu means that you will become a singer. The road is officially opened, and after you make your official debut, many entertainment companies will take the initiative to sign you and focus on packaging you.

Of course, not everyone can become Teacher Li Gu's closed disciple, at least not because you are pretty, you just have to work hard enough.

Sunny naturally also wanted to be a student of Teacher Li Gu, she dreamed of it, so she made good use of her own advantages and served a vocal music teacher who had a good relationship with Teacher Li Gu in the college. In the end, the teacher took her to visit Teacher Li Gu and expressed her feelings.

At that time, Teacher Li Gu just glanced at her, just one glance, as simple as looking at a very ordinary Chinese cabbage, and didn't ask her to show her talents, such as singing songs and playing the piano. , bluntly stated that your qualifications are too low to be my student.

At that moment, Shanny was so embarrassed that she wanted to scratch this high-ranking old man to death. What does it mean to be too low-qualified? It made her, a petite and lovely big beauty, look like a fool.

Then a few days later, a girl moved into the empty dormitory next door, and upon questioning, she turned out to be Teacher Li Gu's closed disciple!

Therefore, Teacher Li Gu would rather have this shriveled, long-term malnourished thing than her... Of course, at that time, Kim So-yeon had just stepped out of the shadows with the help of Li Zedao. Suffering from the ravages of life, she is thin and dressed a little more plainly, so the outside is really not that glamorous.

So, Shanny was naturally very upset, she wanted to run to question the old man, why?

Is it possible that this damned bitch is able to 'serve' that damned old man very well? This is really... I can't see it!

Therefore, Shanni was upset when she saw what Jin Suyan thought, and when she met Jin Suyan by accident when she was returning to the dormitory, she also had a cold face.

Seeing her indifferent attitude, Jin Suyan just felt baffled and didn't think much about it.

"Shouldn't you be accepting teacher Li Gu's "careful" guidance at this time? Why did you come here?" Shanni's tone was sour and mean, especially the word "guidance" was emphasized. , so it is inevitable to let people think about it.

Kim So-yeon is kind-hearted by nature, and rarely thinks of people as bad, plus she is full of sweetness in her heart now, so I really didn't want to say that this is just a familiar girl who is sneering at her, and smiled lightly Response: "I'm on leave..."

"I'm asking for leave. Teacher Li Gu doesn't know that you are out with the handsome guy, right? Otherwise, how could I give you leave?" Shanny glanced at Li Zedao, and said pointedly with a giggle.

Handsome is 'very' handsome, but the clothes are too ordinary, so it should be a student from some school.

I have to say that one of the cruel things now is that in many cases, this is not only a world of faces, but also a world of clothes, so even if Li Zedao is a handsome guy, Shanny doesn't like him at all .

Look up to the money Look up to the money, you don't have money, how can I see you?

Kim So Yeon smiled slightly and said, "Brother Ze Dao asked for leave for me, so Teacher Li knew about it." Speaking of Li Ze Dao, Jin So Yeon had an unconcealable happiness and sweetness on her face.

"..." Shanny felt as if she had punched the cotton when she heard it, you idiot, can't you hear that I am mocking you?

Jin Suyan actually heard it, but she didn't want to refute anything, it's unnecessary and meaningless, besides, brother Zedao is by her side, she is always happy, and she can't get angry even if she wants to.

Shanny changed another way of ridiculing. She hugged the arm of the middle-aged man beside her and said with a smile: "You also want to buy clothes of this brand? The clothes and bags of this brand are really fashionable and beautiful. It's not expensive, the average price is around ten thousand yuan..."

"Ten thousand or so yuan..." Jin Suyan's eyes widened, she was speechless, she turned her head to look at Li Zedao, although she knew that the clothes here should be very expensive, but her concept of expensive was stuck in the sky for thousands of years Ten yuan, but I didn't expect it to cost tens of thousands. Clothes worth more than ten thousand are too expensive, right? Although Brother Zedao said that he is a money printing machine, he can't "spend" like this.

"So, don't you... look at the queue at this place, and think that there is a special price inside?" Shanny giggled with an unconcealable sarcasm in her tone.

Li Zedao looked at Jin Soyan's wide open eyes, blinked, then looked at the proud woman like a big white goose, said with a embarrassed smile: "I just received a part-time salary Plus, I saved some before, and my parents also gave me some, so... there are still more than 10,000."

The corner of Jin Suyan's mouth twitched, and she almost couldn't help laughing, Brother Ze Dao, it's too bad, and he's planning to dig a hole to bury someone again.

Shanny's sarcasm became even stronger, and she said, "Hey, classmate, I'm afraid you saved the money by eating instant noodles for several months? Jin Suyan, your little boyfriend treats you really... well."

"Well, Brother Ze Dao is very kind to me." Jin Suyan smiled happily and said very seriously.

"..." The muscles on Shanny's face twitched, and her heart was full of powerlessness. How could you be so bad? I've tried my best to mock you, how can you be so uncooperative?

"After shopping for clothes, let's eat instant noodles." Li Zedao looked at Jin Suyan and smiled, "I'm adding two sausages."

"Yeah." Kim So-yeon nodded with a happy and sweet smile, "I'll be full if I add one."

"..." Shanny's face froze, she really didn't know what to say, and seeing how nice they were, why did they want to scratch people so much?

"Okay, since we are classmates, let's go in together." The middle-aged man looked at Jin Suyan with a smile and said.

After seeing Kim So-yeon, the middle-aged man really felt amazing. It's not about how exquisite Kim So-yeon's face is, how hot her figure is, and how outstanding her temperament is, but because of this There is a very special and weak aura about a 'female' child, and that aura will give you an urge to love him well.

Now middle-aged men have such an impulse.

So he took the initiative to reach out his hand to Jin Suyan, and said kindly: "Student Jin Suyan, hello, I'm Hu Bin, you also like this brand? Sunny also likes bags and clothes of this brand, I don't even know how to give How much did she buy...Since you and Shanni are classmates, it's rare to meet you today, so let's go in and shop together? Of course, no matter what you like, I'll just pay for it. You can't bear to see you Boyfriend spends frugal money, even the hard-earned money given by parents?"

Kim So-yeon didn't reach out her hand, glanced at him, and said, "My brother Ze Dao can afford it."

"Well, thank you for your kindness, I have enough money saved." Li Zedao added very politely, without seeming humble or overbearing.

"..." Then Hu Bin's mood was the same as Shanny's. His heart was trampled by a group of alpacas crazily. How could he meet such two strange creatures? The men shamelessly spend their parents' hard-earned money indiscriminately, and the 'female' shamelessly squeeze out the hard-earned money of their boyfriends...

Such a disrespectful person is too ignorant!

As a result, Hu Bin's face became a little gloomy, and he said coldly: "If that's the case, then I'm troubled."

"It's really a bit troublesome." Li Zedao said. Damn, you dare to rape my woman in front of my face, I will beat you to death!


Shanny on the side saw that her man was actually interested in Jin Suyan, and realized what a stupid thing she had done.

Immediately hugged Hu Bin tighter, and said: "My husband, since they like instant noodles and don't want to accept your kindness, let's go in first. I have liked that bag for a long time. It is a limited edition. If someone buys it, I will ignore you."

Hu Bin looked at this kid who dared to hate him, snorted coldly, then put his arms around Shanny's waist and said, "Let's go in."

At that moment, Shanny showed her membership card to the security guard, and then the security guard at the 'door' immediately pulled the rope to let them go. This made some people who were still queuing at the 'door' a little bit dissatisfied, but their emotions quickly stabilized... Rich people can most accept such behavior.

They don't think this is a privilege, they just regret that their property has not reached such a level.

"Offended her?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

Jin Suyan thought for a while, then shook her head: "No... But, I seem to have heard that she went to visit Teacher Li Gu before and wanted to become a student of Teacher Li Gu, but was rejected by Teacher Li Gu."

Li Zedao chuckled: "That's jealousy."

"Maybe." Jin Suyan didn't think much, she leaned her little head on Li Zedao's shoulder and said, "Brother Zedao, I want to eat sauerkraut later."

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Sauerkraut?"

"Instant noodles, didn't you say to eat instant noodles after buying?" Jin Suyan said with a smile.

"Then I also eat sauerkraut flavor." Li Zedao said with a laugh.

After everyone in front had gone in, it was Li Zedao and Jin Suyan's turn to go in.

Li Zedao actually came to this store with Ji Yuemo before, so after entering, he took Jin Suyan to the clothing area with ease, came to the hanger, picked out a blue skirt, and said: "Little sister Suyan, I think you must be very beautiful in this dress, would you like to try it?"

"Sir, you are really discerning. This is our latest model for this year..." The sales lady next to him flattered me in time.

Jin Soyan smiled shyly, took the clothes that Li Zedao handed over, and planned to try them on.

"Wait...that dress was the first thing I saw." A voice came over.

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