The strange thing is that although the temple doesn't smell of incense at all, it is cleaned cleanly. It is not as dilapidated and dilapidated as Li Zedao imagined on the way here, and there are crows croaking on the roof. , visit the latest chapter: ШШШ.79xs.СоМ.

However, it is very quiet and deserted, without the atmosphere of people living here.

"So, this is the place where Huang Wen usually confesses?" Standing in the clean and orderly courtyard of this small temple, Li Zedao asked, looking at the small temple that looked a little wet in the night.

As he said that, Li Zedao blinked his scary eyes that were covered with scarlet blood. Although the eyes had become like this, he still didn't feel any tingling or any discomfort in other parts of his body.

Li Zedao was somewhat rejoicing, fortunately, this unreasonable woman, Bei, took her away, otherwise Jin Suyan would not be frightened when she saw her eyes become like this?

Bei glanced at his strange and terrifying eyes, and said coldly, "No."

"Oh..." Li Zedao said playfully, "I thought he thought he had committed a serious crime, so he found such a place to come here from time to time to pretend to repent to the Lord Buddha."

"This is the former residence of Tathagata, who claimed to be number one on the killer list back then." Bei said coldly, ignoring Li Zedao's sarcasm. He felt that this was very childish, and of course, it was also very funny.

Li Zedao's face changed slightly, Master Tathagata? That Uncle Tathagata who can make that kind of top-quality grilled 'chicken'? A Tathagata master who gave him the entire Angel number as soon as they met?

Since the farewell on the Angel, there has been no news of Li Zedao. Later, Uncle Lin Sen died in the Demon Cave Forest, and the master also had an accident. All the teachers and wives died without exception. What will happen, Li Zedao has no idea.

It's not that he hasn't asked Huang Wen, but Huang Wen always laughs and doesn't say a word, or just pretends that he didn't hear it, which makes Li Zedao very crazy but helpless.

"Afterwards, after he followed the hand of God, he asked people to renovate this small temple, and contacted a housekeeping company, gave a large sum of money, and asked them to come and clean it every few days, so it was very clean , although he is dead now, but the contract with the housekeeping company has not yet expired, so every few days, someone will still come to clean this small temple." Bei said coldly.

Li Zedao's heart shrank suddenly, his expression was very ugly, his eyes were scarlet, as if blood was about to flow down at any time, his eyes were fixed on Bei's indifferent little face: "Dead? You said he was dead." ?”

Bei looked at him like an idiot,

He said coldly, "Are you surprised?"

Li Zedao's hands were already clenched into fists, yes, what's so unexpected about Master Tathagata's death? This was expected.

Something happened to the master, and those confidantes around him naturally died, surrendered and surrendered, which is really not surprising.

"He is the strongest person except God's Hand, so Master Huang personally took action to eliminate him." Bei said again, "It's considered worthy of him."

"Hehe..." Li Zedao sneered, his heart was full of violence, killing people to make him look up to him? What kind of fallacy is this?

"Where's Lin Sen? What's going on with Lin Sen? Is he one of yours? He drove into the magic cave at your behest?" Li Zedao took a deep breath and asked in a hoarse voice, feeling that he knew the sudden temperature around him. It seemed that it had dropped several degrees, and he felt a little cold for no reason.

This is a more reasonable explanation he can think of, and of course, it is also an explanation he does not want to get.

Bei glanced at him and said, "He's not one of us, it's just that he's been controlled by us and has lost the ability to resist... In fact, there was a person hiding in the car that day. In other words, he drove into the magic cave forest The person in the car was not Lin Sen at all, he was just in charge of 'showing' his face. When the car was about to drive into the magic cave forest, another person in the car jumped out of the car, allowing the car to finally drive into the forest. In the thick fog, and then left the scene."

"So it's like this...the person hidden in the car" Li Zedao stared at Bei with his scarlet eyes, his tone was gloomy and cold, without any human feelings at all.

Bei looked at him and nodded simply: "Yes."

"Want to kill me to avenge him?" she asked again.

Li Zedao breathed heavily, but didn't answer, and then, he suddenly felt very cold, so cold that he couldn't help shivering.

You know, now that early summer is approaching, the weather in Yanjing is starting to get hot, and you can see beautiful women with white thighs showing off everywhere on the street. Besides, since his body was completely remodeled by Shenwan, and he developed his inner strength under the guidance of his master, Li Zedao didn't know what it feels like to be cold for a long time.

But now, he clearly felt what it means to be cold!

That feeling was like being in a big ice cave, and the pervasive chill of the cold air invaded his body.

What Li Zedao didn't know was that his eyes had changed again. Before, the eyeballs were densely intertwined with red blood, but now they are blood red, without any white or black, they are completely blood red.

At the same time, Bei, who was standing next to Li Zedao, could already clearly feel the cold air emanating from Li Zedao's body. When he raised his head, he met Li Zedao's dazzling red eyes.

If she hadn't been very courageous and had been prepared in her heart, she would have been so frightened that she would have screamed loudly when she saw such a strange and terrifying scene.

Bei's seldom agitated heart began to agitate uncontrollably at this time, and then, she took a deep breath, stretched out her hand, and suddenly wrapped Li Zedao, who was trembling because of the cold, tightly. Then, her body also began to tremble.

Because of the cold, but also because of extreme nervousness, discomfort, and at a loss... She clearly remembered what Huang Ye needed her to do.

Bei's temperament is cold, but his body is hot.

Therefore, Li Zedao, who had already lost consciousness, instinctively felt the presence of a warm object in his arms.

As if a person suffering from hunger and cold suddenly embraced a warm stove, Li Zedao crazily hugged the woman in his arms, his face turned purple, and his breathing became rapid ...This beast, doesn't know how to be gentle? He's so violent with his 'women' too... What are you kidding?

Immediately thinking of this Bei who had lost consciousness and was extremely uncomfortable, he decided to forgive him.

Li Zedao put his arms around Bei's body, and instinctively inserted into Bei's clothes, groping frantically.

When his cold hands without any warmth touched his skin, Bei felt a layer of 'goose bumps' on his skin, and these four words popped up in his mind for no reason... ...well done!

This 'bastard'!

In an instant, she remembered the conversation between the two when Huang Wen called her to him in the morning.

"There is one thing that needs you to do." Huang Wen said, his tone and demeanor were the same as those of the previous "account" tasks, and there was no difference.

"Yes, Master Huang." Bei nodded. Her attitude towards Huang Wen has always been absolute obedience and absolute loyalty. Therefore, she knows a lot more than them, for example, about the fx organization and The fc organization, Dong and the others don't know as well as she does.

"I checked that kid. The aftereffects of that kid taking Shenwan are about to erupt. After the eruption, he will not die, but he will become bloodthirsty, and it will be an unconscious kind of killing. To put it bluntly, it is a He has a body with extremely powerful skills but no soul, and he will have to be killed at that time, otherwise no one will be able to control him." Huang Ye said after taking a sip of the cup of fragrant tea in front of him.

The tone was unusually bland, like saying that bean sprouts cost a pound and tofu cost five cents a piece. It was so common, so simple.

Bei's eyes were indifferent, and he kept silent, but his heart twitched a few times, inexplicably painful, it turned out that he already cared so much about him.

"I'm about to enter the devil's lair. I need his strength and his assistance. Therefore, I need you to help him survive this calamity. You can help him." Huang Wen said.

"Yes, what do I need to do?" Bei nodded, and asked bluntly, secretly heaving a sigh of relief, and at the same time, there was a trace of inexplicable joy.

"According to the records, Ji Yang's virgin blood can dissolve that kind of 'yin' energy." Huang Wen didn't look at Bei's face this time, and said while drinking tea with his head down, as if he was talking to himself.

"..." Bei's face changed became hot, so what Huang Ye meant was that she wanted her to give him her body after Li Zedao's sequelae broke out?

She is indeed a virgin, but...wouldn't this be too absurd? too kidding?

She looked up at Huang Wen, her expression remained the same, without any change: "Can't other women?"

After all, she is not the only virgin. If the price of the flower is high, there will always be someone who is willing to sacrifice herself, and it is not impossible to take her away and knock her out... Thinking of this, Bei felt inexplicably upset.

This is the first time in so many years that Bei put forward his own ideas after Huang Wen's "confession" of the task, or subconscious resistance, a very weak resistance, so weak that Bei didn't even think it was a kind of resistance, more like It is discussing, discussing better countermeasures.

Huang Wen picked up the cup of fragrant tea in front of him, and smelled it with a look of enjoyment, without even looking at Bei, and didn't speak.

Bei knew it. There was no room for negotiation on this matter, and his heart was like a mirror. Knowing the intention of Master Huang's move, he nodded immediately: "I will handle it well."


Therefore, if you want him to survive this calamity, you have to give him your virginity, so Bei's breathing has become rapid, not only because of shyness and embarrassment, but also because Li Zedao's hands are very violent and very familiar He continued to 'grope' upwards inside her clothes, and finally, he had already reached her 'breast', and he started to 'knead' it vigorously.

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