The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1400 The benefactor is safe and sound

Li Zedao let go of her, looked at her lower body tightly clamped by the two 'legs' with strange eyes, and said, "That... is it here?"

"...Any opinion?" Bei said coldly, wanting to slap this guy who was obviously gloating over there to death. --If you insist on telling it, where will people save face?

At the moment, I just feel that my face is hot, embarrassed, angry, shy but inexplicably sweet and exciting. In short, there are many emotions that I didn't have before.

Li Zedao suppressed a smile and said, " objection, no objection, don't worry, the leather 'pants' are...waterproof, others can't see..."

"You, beast..." Bei wanted to hit someone even more, even by biting him!

"Hurry up and find a hotel to deal with it first." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Bei looked at him coldly, silent.

Therefore, this was the default, so Li Zedao hurriedly hailed a taxi, found the nearest hotel, and opened a room.

After entering the room, Bei Mian looked at Li Zedao expressionlessly and said coldly, "Go and help me buy 'pants' and sanitary napkins."

When she said this, she actually summoned up her courage to say it. Fortunately, her mentality and aura were strong enough, so when she said it, her ears were only slightly red, and her expression and tone were still as indifferent as ever.

This kind of request has long been expected by Li Zedao, and Li Zedao has done this kind of thing many times, and his face is thick enough, so there is no embarrassment at all, so he nodded and smiled: "Then you Boil some water to drink first, I will be back soon."

"Yeah." Bei nodded and didn't say much.

Downstairs of the hotel is the self-selected shopping mall, which has all kinds of items, food, clothing and all kinds of luxury goods, which provides great convenience for guests

Li Zedao came to the underwear area first, and the beautiful waiter in a checkered striped uniform immediately came up to say hello to Li Zedao, and asked Qin Luo what kind of help he needed.

"I want a pair of leather 'pants'" Li Zedao said. And told the waitress the waist size of the trousers.

The waiter immediately recommended them, and the leather pants were quickly selected, followed by underwear... Li Zedao walked towards the underwear area cheekily.

Then she looked at the waitress with a tall figure and outstanding temperament and said, "Miss, help me choose a piece of underwear that is more comfortable, thank you.


Li Zedao likes 'sexy' clothes, but now like Bei, wearing 'sexy' clothes is not so suitable, besides... in the future, there will be opportunities to see her wearing 'sexy' clothes...

The sales lady stared wide-eyed at this handsome guy with a wretched smile, and said cautiously: "Sir, this is the women's underwear section. For men, turn left."

"...I just bought it for 'female' ladies." Li Zedao said helplessly, "I bought it for my 'girlfriend' friend."

"...Ah, oh, I'm really sorry, please wait a moment." The sales lady gave Li Zedao an embarrassed look, and then hurriedly helped her choose one.

Afterwards, Li Zedao picked out another pack of sanitary napkins, then came to the counter, paid the money and left under the surprised eyes of the waiter.

When he walked out of the shopping mall, a slightly familiar voice sounded behind him: "Infinite Heavenly Venerable, it is destined to meet thousands of miles away, and the opposite side will not meet, benefactor, we have met again."

"..." Li Zedao froze, then quickened his pace, pretending he didn't hear it.

He really didn't want to talk to this Taoist priest who claimed to be Qing Xuzi, although he was indeed a little curious about what this guy with a strong skill but a problematic mind found him again.

Could it be that he wakes up in the morning, pinches his fingers, counts something, and then comes here?

Li Zedao really wanted to say that I don't study much, so don't try to lie to me.

Qing Xuzi's voice came from behind him: "The benefactor..."

your sister! It wasn't a matter of speeding up the pace, but Li Zedao ran directly, as if there was a ghost chasing him behind him.

However, Qing Xuzi's voice was like a tarsal maggot, and continued to ring very clearly beside Li Zedao's ears: "Benefactor, your things have fallen..."

"You lied to a three-year-old..." Li Zedao muttered angrily.

"Oh, this seems to be a 'medicine' bottle? Hey, there is a black 'medicine' pill in it..."

"..." Li Zedao's face suddenly changed, and the next second his figure was even more rigidly fixed there, and then subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch his pocket, his face turned pale It's even uglier.

The 'medicine' jar that was said to be left by Chen Tuan to General Wolf that was given by the old Zhao Tou in his pocket before disappeared!

At that moment, Li Zedao turned around slowly, and saw the psychopath standing there, looking at him with a pitiful smile, and still holding the 'medicine' jar in his hand.

Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly, so he accidentally dropped it on the ground and picked it up? Li Zedao quickly denied this possibility. After all, the pocket was not broken, and he did not do any violent jumping exercises. It is unlikely that the medicine jar would fall out of the pocket.

Besides, even if it fell, with his concentration, it was impossible not to notice it.

So, was taken away by this psychopath without anyone noticing? Also, how could he have uncapped the bottle so quickly?

You must know that the design of the bottle is extremely special. Although the lock has disappeared the day the 'medicine' jar was locked, it is basically impossible to open the lid with bare hands.

No, he didn't seem to open the lid. Since he didn't open it, how did he know there was a black pill inside?

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, the benefactor is safe and sound." Qing Xuzi said with a smile.

"... Daoist, don't come here safe." Li Zedao said with some difficulty, pointing to the 'medicine' jar in his hand, "That... I dropped it."

If the psychopath didn't want to return the 'medicine' jar to him, Li Zedao really had nothing to do with him.

"Wuliang Tianzun, Pindao woke up in the morning and was hungry, so he made a fortune teller. The hexagram shows that there are not only delicious food in the western direction, but also meet benefactors, so Pindao came here." Qing Xuzi looked like a magic stick .

"..." Li Zedao had millions of muddy horses galloping past in his heart, so he was planning to cheat for food and drink again?

What's more shameless, I saw this psycho, pointing to the Tianjin Goubuli steamed stuffed bun shop across the road: "Wuliang Tianzun, the steamed stuffed buns in that shop must taste good, benefactor, what do you think?"

Li Zedao's face was so 'twitched' that he almost couldn't feel it, and he said with great difficulty: "I think so too... Daoist, please."

"Benefactor, please." Qing Xuzi was polite.

"That priest...that 'medicine' jar..." Li Zedao pointed to the 'medicine' jar in his hand.

"Oh, Pindao has a predestined relationship with this thing. After playing with it, I will naturally return it to the benefactor later." Qing Xuzi said with a smile.

So, I just don't plan to pay you back, at least not now!

"..." Li Zedao didn't know what to say, and his heart was full of powerlessness, so he couldn't move * directly, right? The point is, you can't grab this crazy person, even if he gets angry and walks away with his things, wouldn't it be a 'fuck'? How about... call the police?

Qingxuzi walked towards the bun shop first as if he couldn't wait to eat the buns. Li Zedao followed behind in a bit of a breakdown, took out his cell phone and gave Bei a call.

"I'm done shopping, but I acquaintance, wait for me." Li Zedao said.

"Okay." Bei said. She didn't ask too much, she was not a woman who was too curious, and even, she didn't want to understand or even pay attention to those Yingying and Yanyan around Li Zedao, at least not now.

"I dealt with it simply, and I'm not in a hurry." Bei said again.

Li Zedao smiled, this 'female' has started to be considerate of others... I am so fucking charming! Immediately said: "I will bring you a bone marrow bun later."

"One more cup of hot soy milk." Bei said.


After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao followed the psychopath into the steamed stuffed bun breakfast shop, asked for a private room, and the two sat down.

The reason why he wanted a private room was because Li Zedao didn't want others to see him eating with a psychopath.

"Wuliang Tianzun, benefactor, come and order food. The poor are always not picky about what they eat, and they don't care about meat and vegetables... Oh, for the poor, just ask for three drawers of donkey meat stuffed buns, and another bowl Millet porridge is the best, Wuliang Tianzun."

"..." Li Zedao wanted to hit someone, didn't he choose?

Right now Li Zedao ordered five drawers, packed one drawer, and brought the remaining four drawers directly to the table.

Qing Xuzi picked up the chopsticks with a smile on his face, picked up the steaming soup dumpling, and stuffed it directly into his mouth without caring about the hot one.

After eating the buns three or five times, one of them enjoyed it and said, "Wuliang Tianzun, this bun tastes really good... Donor, you can eat it too, don't be polite to the poor."

The muscles on Li Zedao's face "twitched", you said don't be polite to you? Talk like you paid for it?

"Is the Taoist priest really a Taoist priest?" Li Zedao asked. After asking, I realized that this question seemed a bit silly to me, as if I was asking a monk, are you a monk, eminent monk?

"Poverty Qingxuzi." The question was idiotic, but Qingxuzi answered patiently again with a smile.

"Then... which Taoist temple on that fairy mountain did the Taoist master practice?" Li Zedao felt that he was about to become crazy.

"Oh, it was first in Dongyue Dai Temple, but that was a long time ago." Qing Xuzi said with a smile, "Now he travels and practices everywhere, lives without a fixed place, and lives a life of idle clouds and wild cranes."

Li Zedao secretly slandered in his heart, did he live a life of cheating and cheating?

He said it was Dongyue, so isn't that Mount Tai? There is a Dai Temple on Mount Tai. Li Zedao still knows about it, but he doesn't know if this psycho is just talking nonsense.

Li Zedao asked such a question because he wanted to get a little bit out of his mental illness. Now it seems that no useful information has been obtained at all.

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