However, the head that was close at hand suddenly exploded, without any warning, it exploded like this miraculously.

Unexpectedly, she was also affected, her face was covered with red and white... Bei's brain-plasma and blood were simply splashed on her face.

There were bloodstains on her Shengxue white clothes, which looked so dazzling.

She didn't scream, but... She was so dazed, so dazed that she forgot to wipe off the blood that had already blurred her vision.

She really couldn't understand why her good head exploded? I didn't punch her at all, and no one did it secretly.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, which was the sound of Bei's headless body falling to the ground.

Li Zedao stared at the corpse with rounded eyes, his expression neither sad nor happy, as if he had become an idiot.

Yes, Li Zedao has indeed become an idiot.

He couldn't accept the facts in front of him, and he didn't want to accept the facts in front of him.

How could this woman die? How can this woman die? How can this woman die? How can she be so stupid? How can she be so stupid? How could she just leave him behind? How could she let herself feel guilty for the rest of her life?

As I said, I will not allow you to die before I die, and even if I die, I will do my best to protect you. Why do you want to do this? Why? Why?

"No..." Li Zedao's eyes were scarlet and his face was twisted ferociously, and he suddenly let out a cry of grief like a beast.

Then stretched out the hand with the blue veins exposed, and grabbed the Xuanyuan Xiayu sword on the ground again, turned around and slashed at the gossip on the sarcophagus with murderous intent.

Bingxue, who was in a daze, also woke up instantly.

"No, no, please stop..." Her cold and mournful voice was full of pleading, helplessness, threat, and the deepest panic in her heart.

She swooped towards Li Zedao in a flash, intending to stop him.

However, facing an opponent of the same level who was in a state of rage, her body, which was so powerful that it was suffocating and desperate, completely lost its advantage.

She can't stop the other party! She understood very well, but she refused to understand, so her voice was full of pleading, she begged this man to let her senior brother go, and not let his soul fly away.

At this moment, she is no longer the master of returning to basics that makes people feel powerless, but a pitiful little woman.

However, Li Zedao's whole heart has long been filled with an indescribable violence, his eyes are bloodshot like a beast that has completely fallen into a state of rage, he just wants to kill! He wanted to kill Duanmu Weizhuang, he wanted to kill Huang Wen, and he even wanted to kill himself!

I have no idea, only kill! kill! kill!

"哐!" This is the muffled sound of Li Zedao's sword slashing fiercely on the gossip on the sarcophagus. This sword not only splits the gossip into two pieces, but also cuts tofu. Split in the middle.

"Bang!" The muffled sound of the bloody fist that followed the ice and snow hitting Li Zedao's back fiercely.

Li Zedao's body instantly flew forward like a kite with a broken string.

"Bang!" His body hit the wall heavily, and then he fell to the ground, his mouth opened, and he vomited out a mouthful of blood.

Bingxue did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, and stared blankly at the gossip that had been split in half with big eyes for a long time, and then fell to the ground, and those eyes seemed to lose their soul all at once, becoming so emptiness.

If the previous state was seen by others, everyone would agree that this is an out-and-out female ghost!

But now that this state is seen by others, everyone will agree that this is an unscrupulous corpse!

Of course she was still alive, but with the disappearance of Duanmu Weizhuang's soul and no possibility of reviving in the world, her heart was completely dead.

She has been waiting for more than a thousand years, just to wait for the big brother to come back to life again, and then be his little follower, his little tail, and everything to him just like a thousand years ago, but what she waited for was Such a cruel result.

Li Zedao spat out another mouthful of blood, his eyes were still bloodshot, and his expression was still ferocious. He got up with difficulty, staggered, and walked step by step to Bei's already horrific corpse.

He sat down next to the corpse, stretched out his hand, and hugged the already cold corpse in his arms, holding it tightly, as if grasping the most important thing in life, the tears could not stop falling Big ones slipping down.

"You...Why did you do this? Why?" He said with difficulty, his voice hoarse, "I... have a problem, I love all women who have emotional entanglements with me, so, I I really love you, although we haven't known each other for a long time, during this time you always have a cold face to me, as if I owe you millions... You still want to kill me, but I really love you, there is no difference between sister Aimengchen, sister Xiaoyu, and Binger..."

"I... I don't care how many people he will kill after letting Duanmu Weizhuang go out, he will cause chaos in China, I only want you to live, as long as you have a straight face to me, call me an idiot, beat me... "

Li Zedao couldn't continue talking, tears fell down in big ones,

He cried "Wow".

He cried heart-rendingly, hysterically, the cuckoo cried blood, and cried so hard that he was about to die.

As for Bingxue, she still stared at the gossip that had become two halves with empty eyes.


Outside the tomb, Huang Longfeng was lying there. Of course, he was already a body without any temperature at this time. When Li Zedao chopped off the two souls and seven souls who were temporarily trapped in Duanmu Weizhuang with a sword, Duanmu Wei Zhuang's life soul attached to him also dissipated directly, so he directly turned into a corpse.

Not far from the grave, Huang Wen was lying on the dead branches and leaves shrouded in dense fog. He tried very hard to get up from the ground...not to escape or leave this place, because he was very It is clear that he cannot do it, because he is not far from death.

He just... wants to change to a slightly more decent posture. The current posture is too much like a dead dog.

He is Huang Wen, Huang Wen who can walk sideways in China, his pride drives him to say that he can die, but he can't die like a dead dog!

Finally, after exhausting his last bit of strength, he succeeded. He changed from lying on his stomach to lying down now.

He wanted to take a look at the sun, the blue sky and white clouds, and the birds flying in front of him, but what caught his eyes was endless thick fog, which filled his heart with regret.

There was grief and indignation in his eyes, because he still couldn't accept what happened in front of him.

Obviously everything is under his control, obviously he is the big boss, obviously they are all his pawns one after another, why the final fact is that he is the pawn in other people's hands? ?

More importantly... what to do?

Yes! what to do?

Vicious and cunning, vicious methods, narrow-minded, in order to achieve their own goals, it can be said that they will use any means. Many times, they regard human life as worthless, kill if they need it, and kill if they don’t need it but when they are in a bad mood. He was very, very simply trampled under his feet... Huang Wen admitted all these accusations, and he didn't want to make excuses. Those were all facts, and he was just that kind of person.

However, Huang Wen feels that it is necessary for him not to follow without making excuses, that is, after all, he still has a heart for the country and the people, for the safety of this country, and for the happiness of the people in this country In life, he no longer encounters such a shameful war as before. He has done a lot of things silently, cheated many organizations that tried to harm China, and crushed many conspiracies against China...

So, now, Duanmu Weizhuang, who is trying to become the emperor, is about to start his ambition. The most terrible thing is that if he really has that kind of means and strength, no one can stop him at all. You just pull a regiment from the army and He came out with a heavy weapon, and he was capable of dealing with it, so... what to do?

At this moment, Huang Wen was really worried and blamed himself. He felt that he really deserved to die. If he hadn't had such a huge ambition in his heart, how could he have caused this situation today?

Then, he became excited, his chest began to heave violently, he was so excited that he vomited another mouthful of blood, and then he started coughing violently.


Coughing and coughing, his eyeballs suddenly opened wide, and then his neck seemed to be tightly strangled by an invisible hand, and he could no longer make any sound.

Then, his hand hangs down feebly, unable to move anymore, his eyes are still wide open... He will die with regret!

As for the east, bottom, left and right lying around him in disorder, they were all in a coma without breathing.


Outside the misty land, Qing Xuzi leaned back against a big tree, his pale and bloodless face was full of relief.

Duanmu Weizhuang finally lost his soul, it is impossible to be a human being again, and then commit crimes, his mission will be completely completed!

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, benefactor, Pindao said, you can do it..." He muttered to himself, and then gorgeously vomited a mouthful of blood.

After that, his eyes began to loosen, and he continued to mutter to himself: "Junior Sister, why don't you come out? Second Senior Brother still wants to take a look at you..."

In a daze, he seemed to see that innocent and romantic little junior sister standing there, pretending to be serious and saying to him: "Second senior brother, good morning..."

With great difficulty, he raised his hand, stretched it out, and tried to touch her face... This kind of action would not have dared to do it even if he had given him ten thousand courages a thousand years ago, but now, he is going to die again Yes, what are you afraid of?

His hand felt empty, and then he hung down powerlessly. He closed his eyes, and the regret on his face did not fade for a long time.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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