Li Zedao thinks he is an absolute genius...Of course, in the eyes of those who know the truth...For example, Bei, they think that Li Zedao's performance is all due to the fact that he took Shenwan. So, it's just that Li Zedao sometimes forgets about it.

His genius is manifested in many aspects, such as the college entrance examination, the exam that has been talked about by thousands of Qianqian students. It took Li Zedao only a little time to get such abnormal results and become the number one in the college entrance examination.

For example, in the cultivation of internal strength, how many people have spent their whole lives without any breath, but he is lucky, in less than a few months, he has already broken through the realm of fighting cattle across mountains.

It's also like picking up girls... Oh, this aspect has nothing to do with genius, it's more because of his good looks.

For example, now, he sat cross-legged and immersed himself in the study of the nine palaces and gossips drawn on the animal skin. When most people see this kind of thing, it is absolutely no different from reading a heavenly book. More importantly, the words on it The introduction is still Xiaozhuan, which is even more incomprehensible.

But Li Zedao not only understood it, he also quickly understood the mystery. It felt as if he was proficient in this way, but he was unfamiliar with it for a long time. This is what I feel in my heart.

Li Zedao raised his head, looked at the night pearl inlaid on it, and at the same time, went through all the mysteries and changes in the formation that he had learned in his mind.

Then, he stood up, carefully folded the animal skin in his hand and put it back to its original position.

"Have you learned it?" Bei stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes. She knew that the learning ability of this beast was terrifying, but she really didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

He only spent half an hour? It seems to be shorter, right? That's a heavenly book. When I saw it, I was one of the first three, and I didn't even know if there was a heavenly book that was reversed.

"It should be." Li Zedao nodded and said, "It should be possible to go out."

"Should?" Bei wanted to beat someone up.

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "You must give me some practical experience, right? But it's almost the same, if there are no problems or omissions in the above records."

That's all right. Bei didn't think there would be any mistakes or omissions in the above record, so he said immediately: "Then let's go."

She didn't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment.

At that moment, Li Zedao picked up the Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword on the ground, and the two left the Library Pavilion where throwing any one out would cause a gust of wind in the cultural relics world. They didn't take anything from it... …except dust and air.

As soon as the two walked out, there seemed to be a hand in the invisible, the stone door "哐!" A muffled sound, and it was closed automatically, so the wall has become the same as before. out of any clues.

As for whether there were any mechanism, ghosts or even gods, Li Zedao didn't think too much about it, and put the Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword back into the sarcophagus with a respectful expression, closed the sarcophagus, knelt down, and bowed three times.

Bei also knelt down and bowed together with Li Zedao, quite a bit like marrying a chicken like a chicken and marrying a dog like a dog.

Only then did the two leave the main tomb, climbed the steps, and walked out of the tomb.

It was still the same outside, surrounded by thick fog, whether it was day or night.

Li Zedao reached out and pushed the tombstone back to its original position, reached out and stroked the safety button on it, thought for a while, but still didn't take it off.

Of course, he knew that the master's soul was inside the white safety button, but Li Zedao didn't know what to do to release it and let him find a body to be a human again.

Stretching out his hand to touch the white safety buckle, Li Zedao thought maybe Qingxuzi knew about it, but... With the hatred Duanmu Weizhuang and Bingxue had towards him, I'm afraid his soul is in the initial state of wandering right now?

"Bury this corpse." Bei pointed to Huang Longfeng on the ground and her dead body whose head was gone.

Of course, pointing to his own body and saying to bury weird it is.

"Of course, dig two pits." Bei said again, she didn't want to be buried with a strange man... Uh, this idea is so weird.

Li Zedao quickly dug a big hole on top of the small hole he had dug, and then dug another hole at the side, then put the two corpses in, filled them with soil, and buried them.

Bei stood aside and watched him do these things quietly, saying that a serious man is very attractive, so Li Zedao who digs the soil with his hands like a puppy is very sexy.

Looking at Bei, she couldn't help showing a smile. She found that she liked to laugh, and she always laughed involuntarily when she was with this beast.

Or I was amused by his obviously not funny words, or I was obviously very cheap when I saw him being cheap, but I just wanted to laugh.

Bei thought of a sentence, and this sentence could not be more suitable to describe Li Zedao... He is so cheap, so cheap that people are fascinated.

"Can their bodies be found?" Li Zedao asked Bei after he had buried the bodies, feeling unavoidably uncomfortable again.

Li Zedao looked around and nodded, "It should be possible...plan to take the corpse back?"

"This mission is considered a failure, and I have to give an explanation to the higher-ups." Bei said, "Of course, I can't go back. I'm dead and I don't even have a body, so you have to explain what happened."

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "I'm afraid that the higher authorities may not believe what I said, and besides, there is no way to explain this kind of thing."

"You just have to play to your strengths," Bei said.

"My strengths?" Li Zedao thought for a while, his... is indeed quite long, but... hooligan.

Bei glanced at him indifferently, and said coldly, "Pretending to be bullshit."

"..." Li Zedao felt that this woman was becoming more and more lawless, and she really hadn't been on the house for three days.

Already familiar with the changes of the formation here, Li Zedao easily returned to the place where he stayed when he came in. There, they saw Huang Wen, who died with death, and Dong, Xia, and Zuo. As well as the dead bodies of the right, the five yellow stones that slipped out of their mouths like this were also found.

Looking at Huang Wen, Bei couldn't help feeling sad, and immediately stretched out his hand, stroking across his wide-open eyeballs, making him close them.

"In my heart, I regard him as my father." Bei stood up, looked at Li Zedao and said.

"I know." Li Zedao nodded, somewhat moved in his heart. Li Zedao once wanted to kill this evil old man in his dreams, but now that he is really dead, he feels strange in his heart, saying that he doesn't feel so uncomfortable at all, that is a lie.

"You hold him, I'll take them with you." Li Zedao said again.

Bei nodded, and picked up Huang Wen's thin body that seemed weightless, while Li Zedao walked forward with the two bodies in one hand.

It didn't take long to leave the thick fog.

At this time, the sun outside was bright and dazzling, but the ears were filled with the chirping of birds and insects, and the scent of unknown wild flowers could be smelled.

This kind of sunshine, this kind of air, and the fragrance of birds and flowers, and the dense fog seem to be the difference between heaven and hell.

Looking forward, you can still see the two off-road vehicles that were parked there when they came over before.

Li Zedao and Bei looked at each other, and both of them had a feeling as if they had passed away, especially Bei, a woman who died and survived with another body, this feeling was even stronger.

"Let's go," Bei said. Now she just wants to find a place to take a comfortable bath and eat a big meal. A lot of the blood on her face was wiped off, but there was still some. Don't even think about wiping off the clothes, so the bloody smell all over her body was extremely strong. Even if she was used to seeing bloody scenes, she was extremely uncomfortable.

Moreover, she was also hungry... She had undergone hunger endurance training, and with her current level of hunger, she hadn't eaten for at least two days.

"I still have to dig a hole." Li Zedao said in a sad tone.

"Huh?" Looking in the direction of Li Zedao's gaze, Bei had already seen the corpse leaning against the big tree. The chest of the corpse had been sunken, and the death was tragic. Show mercy.

"He is, you said...Chen Tuan?" Bei asked.

"To be precise, he is just a body possessed by Chen Tuan's soul." Li Zedao said, "But it seems that he was cheated..."

Li Zedao did not forget that this magic stick said before with an inscrutable face that he had a way to restore his fertility, but he had to wait until he came out of the foggy land. Now that Li Zedao has come out, Qing Xuzi has turned into a According to him, his soul will have to wander for at least a hundred years before he can find a body to be a human again.

"This liar!" Li Zedao said indignantly in his heart, but he still felt a little uncomfortable. After all, if he hadn't appeared in time to attract that woman, Duanmu Weizhuang would have invaded his body by now. It's his money, and his woman is his woman... This is unbearable.

Moreover, his ambition is still so great. Most importantly, he has the strength to match his ambition. By then, Huaxia will not be disturbed by him?

Li Zedao remembered the words Qing Xuzi said that he least believed... Wuliang Tianzun, Pindao is with you, Pindao will fight side by side with you... Now it seems that he really didn't just say it casually.

Feeling sad, Li Zedao put the bodies of Huang Wen and Dong into one of the cars, or in the trunk, or on the back seat.

So he is going to drive a car and leave? Bei frowned and asked, "Why don't you drive two cars?"

She felt that those corpses were a bit crowded, or that putting Dong and You's corpses on the trunk was a kind of disrespect to them... Although, Bei never respected them when they were alive, even If you don't agree, just punch it.

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