The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1437 Why Revenge

Building No. 1 of Shengli Garden Community is the largest building in the entire community. The apartment types in this building are at least three bedrooms and one living room. Courtyard, so there is no doubt that the price of this building is naturally much more expensive than those of other buildings.

In Building 101, Yu Fandong sat slumped on the wide and soft sofa, staring at the heavy rain outside with a blank expression.

Compared with before, his body has become thinner, the flesh on his pale and bloodless cheeks is sunken, and his eyes are empty, without any expression. From time to time, hatred is revealed, mortal hatred.

Didn't he just rape a little girl from the countryside? What's the big deal? Why was he subjected to such a punishment that was ten thousand times worse than death?

Zhu Canghai was sitting opposite him. Like Yu Fandong, he had been suffering from that kind of inhuman torture both mentally and physically for a period of time, so that now he was almost skinny and his whole body looked like a dried-up body. Like a dead body.

What he was thinking in his heart was similar to that of Yu Fandong, didn't he just fall in love with a bumpkin? They also gave money afterwards, why was the price paid in the end so expensive?

Not only were they beaten violently, but their descendants' bags were even pierced through with such nails and finally nailed to the floor. What's more, this scene was filmed, and finally was uploaded online.

In the past, because of his family background, he and Yu Fandong were quite famous in Yanjing City. After the video spread, he and Yu Fandong became even more famous. They rushed out of Yanjing City and resounded throughout China. .

Now, the physical wounds of the two of them haven't healed yet, and they probably won't heal in this lifetime, and the wounds in their hearts are getting worse.

Zhu Canghai hated it, he hated Li Zedao who forced his way in, and even more hated that bumpkin named Jin Suyan.

It's just that he didn't dare to have any thoughts of revenge, especially Li Zedao, he didn't dare to face that kind of woman with such a strong background, and he didn't dare to give him ten courages.

As for Jin Suyan, he also didn't dare, because he found out later that Jin Suyan actually became Teacher Li Gu's closed disciple to study music with him.

Of course, the status of Teacher Li Gu's closed disciple is nothing special, even Zhu Canghai didn't pay attention to Teacher Li Gu at all, isn't he just a singer? What's the big deal?

But why did that country bumpkin bitch become Teacher Li Gu's student? If you think about it with your knees, it must be for Li Zedao's face.

Therefore, Li Zedao took good care of that woman, at least for a short period of time, so even if there was a huge resentment, it would be bad to move her immediately.

However, the perfect opportunity for revenge has come.

A few days ago, District Chief Sun of Chaoyang District brought his son Sun Jundong to visit his father. They said something that was overheard by Zhu Canghai who was hiding in the house and dared not come out to meet people.


"...Mayor Zhu, the situation is like this, so that Li Ping has to leave her job..." District Chief Sun said. The reason why Li Ping was able to successfully become the head of the Personnel Bureau before was that District Mayor Sun knew that Mayor Zhu had made great efforts in secret. Now, Li Ping offended that person and was forced to leave his job. The boss naturally has to come over and say hello to the leader, but he can't let the leader think that this matter has nothing to do with him.

Deputy Mayor Zhu nodded slightly with a sigh: "I see..."


During such a conversation, Zhu Canghai probably knew what happened, and even heard the name that made his teeth itch with hatred.

Lee Taek-do and Kim So-yeon!

What he didn't expect was that Jin Suyan became Li Zedao's woman... This made him inexplicably happy, after all, that woman was opened by him.

Then Zhu Canghai came up with a plan, and ran to Yu Fandong the next day,

Come over and discuss with him.

In fact, the strategy is very simple, that is, he vaguely heard District Chief Sun tell his father that the woman named Li Ping thought that her son's car accident was not an accident, but man-made, and that her son was killed by Li Zedao. She was murdered secretly. He tried to persuade her, but it was useless, so I hope Mayor Zhu can contact her, and don't let her do anything, so as not to make things worse.

Zhu Canghai didn't know if his father had contacted Li Ping, but he knew that he could use Li Ping's "idea" to make things happen.

They could find someone to drive an earth-moving truck to cause a car accident, and they were also hit by the earth-moving truck. Naturally, Li Zedao immediately suspected Li Ping.

After that, Li Ping was secretly obliterated to make it look like she committed suicide. In this way, it can be believed that she chose to commit suicide because she was afraid of being retaliated.

After Yu Fandong heard this, he also felt that Zhu Canghai's idea was good, so he used various connections and finally found a killer named "Mo Crow".

Create a car accident and kill more than two people, one of whom is a public servant, so the killer asks for five million.

Zhu Canghai and Yu Fandong simply handed over the money.

Mo Ya had already successfully caused the car accident. The two people in the car were killed and the other was injured. What made Zhu Canghai and Yu Fandong very depressed was that the one who died was not Jin Suyan, that bitch, but Li Zedao, who knew the arrangements at first glance. The driver next to her is really lucky.

But now, they were waiting for Mo Ya, waiting for him to deal with Li Ping. In this way, there would be no proof, and no one would think that the car accident was related to them.

Yu Fandong's cell phone on the table rang suddenly, and the two of them looked at each other, both slightly shocked.

At that moment, Yu Fandong stretched out his hand, looked at the phone number displayed on it, and then nodded slightly to Zhu Canghai: "It's the killer's phone number..."

With that said, he picked up the phone.

An indifferent voice came over: "The matter is over, she took a lot of sleeping pills in her car and 'suicide', the body will be found sooner or later."

"After the body is found, I will send you the final payment." Yu Fandong said in a weak voice. After being severely injured in his lower body, his body is now extremely weak, and he is out of breath even after walking a few more steps. As for killing all directions among women like before... Yu Fandong knows that this life is for naught. They are actually the only one with the eunuch now. The only difference is that there is no need to squat to pee.

"Call first, I'm leaving, I want to withdraw the money immediately, this number will not be used after I call you." A cold voice came over.

"This is different from what was agreed before." Yu Fandong said.

"so what?"

"You..." Yu Fandong thought for a while, and decided that it's better not to compete with such professional killers. They can do anything. If they angered him, he would give him a dollar to kill himself instead. Then fuck off.

Immediately responded coldly: "Understood, I will send you the money right away."

"I'll send my other account to your phone right now." The other party said, and then hung up the phone directly.

After hanging up the phone, Yu Fandong looked at Zhu Canghai and said, "That killer is done, but he wants money now."

"Give it to him, it's not short of this moment, and it's not short of the two and a half million." Zhu Canghai nodded.

As soon as the voice finished speaking, Yu Fandong's cell phone beeped, and a text message came in. The content of the text message was a series of numbers, and it was an account.

At that moment, after Yu Fandong transferred 2.5 million to this account with his mobile phone, he looked at Zhu Canghai with a sinister smile and said, "This is a small victory."

"Indeed, we should celebrate." Zhu Canghai replied with a smirk. He likes this brother Yu Fandong very much, not only because they have been very close since childhood, and it is common to go whoring together, but also because the two of them had exactly the same experience, which made Zhu Canghai feel no loneliness, no inferiority complex, No least when facing him, no!

Of course, he also knew that Yu Fandong must have thought so in his heart.

"It's time to celebrate. Besides, this matter is never over. It will never stop. In the end, that bitch will die." Yu Fandong's expression became fierce.

The smile on Zhu Canghai's face became even hotter: "Before she dies, if she can stuff chili peppers into her body, it would be even more perfect... It's also possible to stuff nails."

"That's a good idea." Yu Fandong agreed. After speaking, Yu Fandong got up and wanted to go to the wine cabinet to get a bottle of red wine to celebrate with Zhu Canghai.

At this moment, a voice full of regrets came over: "I have already let you go, why would you do such a thing? You are like this... It doesn't seem that I thought you could still be saved. So the thought of not wanting to pursue it is really stupid?"

There were only two people in the huge room, and another person's voice suddenly sounded. Even if it was not dark, it was scary enough.

So Yu Fandong and Zhu Canghai were decisively startled and looked up one after another. Then, the two of them seemed to be struck by lightning in an instant, with dull expressions on their faces.

Li Zedao! Li Zedao unexpectedly walked down the beautiful spiral staircase leading to the second floor!

"" Yu Fandong tried very hard to say something, but found that the corners of his mouth were trembling so badly that he couldn't articulate a word.

Zhu Canghai was even more unbearable. More than once, he fantasized about taking revenge on this bastard who had caused extremely serious trauma to his body and mind, but now that he appeared in front of him, the resentment in Zhu Canghai's heart It simply disappeared without a trace, replaced by fear, boundless fear.

He really wants to give himself a slap now, can't he heal his wounds? Why... revenge? It was my own retribution for such an encounter, it was God's punishment for me, why should I take revenge?

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