The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1440 Director Yang Wants to See You

When the group walked out of the crematorium, Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly. He had already seen the man who tried to attack Bei two days ago in the waiting room of the hospital and was finally punched by himself and broke several teeth. In front of a black car SUV.

Seeing Li Zedao and his group coming out, the man grinned at Li Zedao, looking a bit hostile... At least that's how it felt to Li Zedao. It's done.

"Laughing at your sister, what's so funny? Believe it or not, I'll smash your teeth again in a while?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart very unhappy.

Of course, the appearance of the man was within Li Zedao's expectations. After all, he showed strength no less than that of Huang Wen last time. It is impossible for fc not to pay attention to it, and it is impossible not to change another attitude to face him.

As for FC's doubts about what happened in the Devil's Cave Forest, and even doubted whether Huang Wen was killed by him... Then doubt it, Li Zedao doesn't care that much.

To put it mildly, he has a clear conscience; to put it a little arrogantly, what can you do to me? Besides, you have no evidence to say that Huang Wen was killed by me.

At that moment, Li Zedao looked back at Bei and the others and said, "Go back first."

Bei glanced at the man indifferently, nodded slightly, and didn't say much, she knew that Li Zedao would not be in any danger, fc would not attack Li Zedao, they could not, and they dared not.

Even with such a huge organization, they dare not easily push a master with Huang Ye's skills into a hurry, because not everyone can afford the consequences, not to mention that Li Zedao is still clumsy. Text is not a problem.

They sent people to pick up Li Zedao because they wanted to take such a talent for their own use. It is shameful to waste such a talent these days, especially a waste of talent.

After watching Bei and the others get into the car and leave, Li Zedao walked towards the man waiting there.

"Hello, I'm An. Director Yang asked me to pick you up." The man politely extended his hand to Li Zedao, with a trace of awe in his eyes.

As a member of the FC organization, of course he has heard of Li Zedao, and he has heard of this Li Zedao who was transformed by Huang Wen with the Shenwan that was successfully refined for nearly twenty years, but he didn't know that at all. Just take it to heart.

But now, he had to look up.

Looking at the whole of China, and even, looking at the whole world, there are people who can rival Huang Wen in skill, but they can be counted in one slap, but now this kid's skill is enough to match Huang Wen, so the organization can't help but not attach great importance to it.

"Hi, I'm Li Zedao." Li Zedao reached out and shook his hand.

An helpless, I really want to say that of course I know you are Li Zedao, I want to say that I will recognize you even if you are burned to ashes... An is a stingy person, so he clearly remembers how this guy punched you On that face of his.

"Who is Director Yang?" Li Zedao asked.

"The person I met in your courtyard that day was Director Yang." He secretly said.

"Oh, I don't know you." Li Zedao said, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. That old man's "businesslike" attitude that day made Li Zedao somewhat uncomfortable. After all, he is not a member of the fc organization controlled by fx at all. Why do you act like a superior is asking a subordinate? of?

If it weren't for my kind heart, you wouldn't even be able to find their bodies, okay? If it weren't for my kind heart, you wouldn't even think about getting that yellow stone again, okay?

Of course, Li Zedao didn't think too much about it at the time, and reported it in a "businesslike" way... Thinking about it now, Li Zedao felt that he was really a little bit cheap at that time.

Now, Li Zedao really does not want to have any contact with organizations like fc or even the fx behind it. The previous contact was basically forced, or it can be said to be passive cooperation. Li Zedao now does not allow such passive things to happen again Happened to myself.

As for whether fc will continue to refine ghost pills, study genetic humans and so on, Li Zedao can't care so much, even the higher-ups turn a blind eye, and even support them secretly. What storms can the common people make?

The muscles on Dark's face twitched, wanting to get angry. But thinking of his skills, remembering how many teeth he had been knocked out by someone punching him before, and remembering that Director Yang asked him to have a better attitude before he left...Of course, An An also felt that his attitude should be better, Otherwise, if you use the other party's shameless nature and beat yourself up, who will you cry to?

Therefore, he had no choice but to suppress all the anger in his heart, and said, "When you see him, you will know him."

"I don't want to know him." Li Zedao said with a big wave of his hand.

"..." An almost couldn't hold back his knife and killed him. You know, even Huang Wen was polite when he saw Director Yang, but what kind of attitude is this kid? Do you really think that you can be arrogant and domineering with Huang Wen's skills? Do you really think no one can stand you?


Secretly and unceremoniously put this label on Li Zedao heavily, and then, he found out very sadly that he still had to bear it, he couldn't help it!

"Director Yang wants to talk to you." He took a deep breath and said.

Li Zedao looked at this guy with a frown and asked, "Do you think it's a great honor for me that Director Yang wants to talk to me?"

The man wanted to say, isn't that a great honor? Who do you think Director Yang is? Can anyone meet him? But he still said: "I didn't think so, I was just completing the task assigned to me by Director Yang and sent you to see him."

"It seems that you will not be able to complete this task." Li Zedao looked at the dark, shrugged his shoulders, and said with some regret.

"What do you mean?" Dark's eyes were slightly fascinated, and his heart was filled with anger. He thought that Li Zedao told his people to leave first and walked towards him. He was going to follow him. Looking at it now, it seems that it was not the same time. thing.

"It's not interesting." Li Zedao said lightly, "He asked you to pick me up to meet him, so I have to go with you? Why? Because he is my leader, he can give me a raise? Because of him Control my life and death? Or, are you going to use the people around me to continue threatening me to do something I don't want to do like Huang Wen did? He wants to see me, so you ask him to come and find me in person!"


Li Zedao raised his head slightly, and under the sunlight at noon, his face seemed to be covered with a sacred coat, and he said in a sonorous voice: "Otherwise, don't go... oh, it's almost noon, I I'm hungry, I forgot to bring my wallet today, how about you treat me to a meal?"


He secretly drove away, and the black off-road vehicle he was driving almost hit the tree trunks and protective belts on the side of the road several times.

Li Zedao sighed softly, he is really a stingy guy, why don't he just let you treat him to a meal, is it like running for his life?

Thinking of the pervert, the mood is inevitably heavy again. Although I helped him avenge, the pervert will not be able to survive after all and continue to be mean to himself.

Walking to the main road, he hailed a taxi, and Li Zedao came to the stylish restaurant he had visited twice before, intending to have lunch.

The first time I came here by myself, and the second time I brought Jin Suyan over. Both of them met the extremely snobbish woman who ate blind dates as a meal, and the second time they also met Qing Xuzi.

It was also because of meeting Qing Xuzi that Li Zedao was able to understand the things that happened thousands of years ago, understand Duanmu Weizhuang's ambitions, and finally succeeded in smashing Duanmuweizhuang's plan, giving his soul to him with a sword. Split up, to prevent him from messing up the whole China again.

Moreover, it is precisely because of Qingxuzi that he was able to become a master of returning to basics.

What made Li Zedao a little speechless was that he actually saw that woman in this restaurant again. Did this really treat the blind date as a meal? However, this time, he was too lazy to listen to what the woman sitting not far from him was saying to the extremely strong-looking man who was on a blind date with her. Instead, he buried his head and munched on the steak brought by the waiter.


"You said you opened a gym?" The woman looked at the man sitting in front of him with bright eyes. Appearance, satisfaction, figure, satisfaction, money... The one who runs the gym should be quite rich.

The man smiled and nodded, "Well, Wanmin Fitness Club... I don't know if you've heard of it."

The woman's eyes brightened, and she nodded busyly: "I've heard of it, why haven't I heard of it? I'm still a member of that gym, and I go there every weekend."

The size of that gym is clear to the woman, so this is a rich man... No, no, it should be a successful man!

"Really? That's such a coincidence." The man said.

"Yeah, what a coincidence, I didn't expect you to be the owner of that gym." The woman's eyes not only lit up, but also became hot.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" The man's expression became gentle and affectionate, and he looked at the woman and said, "I believe, so when I saw you, I felt that you were the woman I was looking for...Is it too much for me to say that? Obtrusive? Will it embarrass you?"

The woman shook her head shyly and said, "I believe it too. When I see you, I also have a very special feeling."

"Would you like to be the proprietress of my gym?" the man asked.

"I...willing..." The woman's voice was like a mosquito, her expression was unusually shy.


When Li Zedao was munching on his steak, he suddenly noticed someone stopped in front of him. He looked up, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. Isn't this the blind date girl who met in the same place for eight lifetimes? Oh, she's holding that strong man's hand, so... the blind date was successful this time?

Li Zedao looked into the man's eyes, he wanted to see if he was blind.

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