The water in the pool is extremely clear, it is emerald green under the sunlight, and you can clearly see a few unknown small fish swimming happily there.

"That's right here." Teacher Pete pointed to a small dirt bag in front of the pool where weeds and wild flowers had grown, and sighed softly, "This is where the corpse of the Hand of God is buried."

Li Zedao looked at the soil bag and nodded with a sad expression. There are beautiful mountains and rivers here, so Li Zedao didn't plan to take the master's body back.

He walked up to him, knelt down, and bowed three times.

Miss Mitty and Bei looked at each other, and they knelt down in front of Li Zedao, one left and one right, and bowed three times in the same way.

The three stood up, and Miss Mitty admired the natural scenery around her, and couldn't help admiring: "Oh, God, this place is so beautiful." Then, she picked up the digital camera hanging on her chest, "Crack! Crack! " took a few photos.

After the filming, she walked to the pool, stretched out her hand and waved the water surface, instantly scaring away several fish swimming there.

"Miss Mitty, be careful, don't fall, this pool seems to be very deep." Teacher Pete reminded with a concerned face.

"Oh, dear Mr. Pete, I will." Miss Mitty said with a smile. Of course, she is not afraid of falling into it. She is a good swimmer. She has swam in the Moon Lake in the manor since she was a child. From time to time, she even goes to cities with some beautiful beaches, and then dives into the bottom of the sea to see the wonderful underwater world. .

Besides, with Mr. Pete and my dear, Miss Mitty is not afraid of any danger.

While talking, Miss Mitty sat down by the lake, took off her shoes, and then threw a pair of clean feet to the edge of the lake. The lake water was cool, and Miss Mitty moaned in comfort. These feet have suffered a great crime, and it is embarrassing for a girl who does not wash her feet for a few days.

"Oh, God, it's so comfortable, my dear, Sister Nai, it's very comfortable for you to come too." She looked back at Bei and Li Zedao with a slight smile.

She didn't call out to Mr. Pete, because she knew very well that it was impossible for Mr. Pete to put her feet into the water with them. The most important thing is that although Miss Mitty treats Mrs. Pete as her own grandfather in her heart, in the end he is a servant of the Luciano family and her servant. How can a servant soak his feet with his master?

Miss Mitty didn't care, of course, but Mrs. Pete would have noticed it himself.

Bei looked at this foreign girl who was extremely enthusiastic about him and had already "treated each other honestly", nodded slightly, and then sat down in front of her.

She didn't sit next to Miss Mitty, after all, she had to reserve a seat for a certain beast, otherwise the beast would have a headache. Should it sit next to her or Miss Mitty? The best position, of course, is to sit between the two.

Bei quickly took off his shoes and socks, and imitated Miss Mitty, put his feet into the pool

That feeling was indeed extremely comfortable, as if the pores on her body had been erected one by one, making her want to make that kind of seductive groaning sound like Miss Mitty.

"Protect Miss Mitty, the pool is really deep, I'll walk around." Teacher Pete looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile.

Li Zedao knew that Mr. Pete's so-called walking around was probably to find a place to excrete. These days, when he wanted to pee, he always used the excuse of "I'm walking around".

He nodded and said, "I will."

Teacher Pete smiled slightly, turned around and walked slowly towards the bamboo forest that came before.

The sun shone on his silver hair, and Li Zedao looked at him inexplicably with a feeling of "the twilight of a hero".

With a soft sigh, Li Zedao sat down between Bei and Miss Mitty after feeling some inexplicable emotion in his heart.

He tore off his shoes and socks, put his feet into the pool in the same way, gently stirred the cold water, looked up at the clouds in the sky, and immediately calmed down. Taking them on a trip here for a period of time, using the sky as their bed and the ground as their bed, seems to be a very good choice.

Then Li Zedao remembered that he had a small island. Of course, he gave this small island to Li Mengchen who he felt very sorry for her.

After finishing this period of work, the whole family set off to see the well-built island. It cannot be said that we will settle in that kind of place in the future, which can be regarded as an early vacation.

Of course, Li Zedao still likes to stay in Huaxia and Phoenix City, and he knows that Li Mengchen and the others do the same.

It’s just that the villa I live in now is too small, and the rooms are almost not enough. It just so happens that another real estate of Baili Real Estate is under development, and Li Zedao asked Baili Changhe to help him build a larger building with more rooms. As for the villa, as for the money... they are all in the same family. Even the Baili Group will be handed over to Binger in the future, which is equivalent to handing over to me, so talking about money hurts feelings and is too redundant .

The hundred-mile-long river lets him roll, as far as he can... unless he brings back some of the tea leaves that were brought to me last time.

When Li Zedao was thinking about it, Miss Mitty stretched out her flawless white feet, put them in front of Li Zedao, and said with a charming smile: "Honey, give me a massage, I'm exhausted."

Li Zedao smiled ambiguously, held the pair of jade feet, placed them on his thighs, and then gently massaged the acupuncture points on the soles of her feet. Li Zedao has a lot of research on acupuncture points, so he naturally knows that the acupuncture points on the soles of the feet are the most abundant, and massage can relax the muscles and bones the most. Therefore, his technique is much better than that of ordinary masseurs, so after some massages, Miss Mitty almost fell asleep comfortably.

"Oh, dear, it's so comfortable...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Miss Mitty winked and giggled."

Li Zedao was a little dumbfounded. Miss Mitty's voice was too easy to be misunderstood, and Mr. Pete, who was booing in the bamboo forest, would not dare to come back after hearing it?

Looking back at Bei who was sitting on the other side of him, her indifferent little face was also slightly hot.

"What are you looking's my turn." Bei Weiwei was a little ashamed and angry, and immediately put her feet out of the water and placed them in front of Li Zedao. She suddenly discovered that the greatest happiness now seems to be someone Rub your feet.

"Hehe, Sister Nai is jealous, dear, if you don't help Sister Nai, she should be angry with me." Miss Mitty giggled.

Bei's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was unavoidably shy, and he said, "I won't be angry with you anymore."

"Really?" Miss Mitty blinked with a giggle, "Then my feet won't withdraw from my darling's arms, it's so comfortable to be held by her like this."

"...Do you dare?" Bei pretended to be fierce, but a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

"Giggle..." Miss Mitty let out an extremely pleasant laugh, retracted her feet, and put them back into the water.

Li Zedao looked at Bei, smiled flatteringly and said, "Sister Bei, I'll give you a massage..."

Then Li Zedao leaned his head over and whispered in her ear: "You can kiss me..."

"Get out! Beast!" Bei didn't like Li Zedao's blatant teasing, and his face turned red instantly.

Li Zedao chuckled, grabbed Bei's feet, and started massaging them gently.

Although there have been more intimate actions before, but at this time he is grabbing and massaging his feet like this, Bei's mood will inevitably fluctuate. It seems that the idea just now is right, and the greatest happiness now is that someone helps Rou Rou's feet .

Then, if it wasn't for her character, she would have wanted to be like Miss Mitty, and moaned out loud.

Li Zedao gently massaged Bei's acupoints, while looking at the clear water with a comfortable expression, the three of them were immersed in tranquility and comfort.

At this moment, light footsteps came from behind.

Li Zedao was naturally very familiar with the sound of these footsteps, so he didn't have to look back to know that it was Mr. Pete who came back after solving his physical problems.

Teacher Pete came back, and Bei didn't have the nerve to ask Li Zedao to continue massaging his feet, so he retracted his feet in time.

"Oh, dear Miss Mitty, I just contacted Patriarch Moss, and Patriarch Moss jokingly said, Miss Mitty, have you forgotten his father?" Teacher Pete looked back at his own Miss Mitty said with a faint smile on her face.

"Oh, father, if he thinks that way, I should be sad." Miss Mitty said with a chuckle. "I'll call him right away and tell him I think about him every day."

"Oh, yes, Miss Mitty, this pool of water is too cool, your body is not as good as Ze Dao and Miss Nai, so you should not soak for too long." Teacher Pete said with concern.

"Oh, I see, Mr. Pete." Miss Mitty stuck out her tongue and smiled as she watched Mr. Pete. She only felt warm in her heart for Mr. Pete's concern.

Looking back at Li Zedao and Bei, he said, "Honey, Sister Nai, you guys are having a soak for a while, I'll contact my father."

Li Zedao nodded with a slight smile, it was so comfortable and comfortable to soak in this way, he didn't even want to get up.

At that moment, Miss Mitty took her feet out of the water, took the paper towel that Mr. Pete took, wiped off the water stains on it, then put on her shoes, grabbed the big dry hand that Mr. Pete handed over, and stood up.

In the next second, Mr. Pete suddenly put his arms around Miss Mitty's waist, and his figure flashed back quickly, as fast as lightning.

At the same time, the corners of Li Zedao's eyes twitched suddenly, and the hairs on his back stood on end!


"Boom!" The deafening explosion sounded suddenly.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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