Patriarch Meyer's face had gradually turned cold. He moved forward, looked at Patriarch Moss with strangely cold eyes, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, saying word by word: " Oh, Moss, you bloody old thing, I think you need to apologize to me and my kids."

The voice was full of cold swords, and the expression was so indifferent yet so serious and persistent, so he got angry!

Such a reaction from Meier undoubtedly made Moss slightly stunned. He never thought that Meier would dare to face him with such a face, and dare to call himself an old man...Of course he dared, but the key point is here It's Deakin Manor, it's the headquarters of his Luciano family, he puts on such a face here and says such presumptuous words that make people want to laugh out loud... He's not afraid of letting someone come in and drag him down and chop him up Broken feed the dog?

His father suddenly became so angry, and William was even more dumbfounded. Could it be that his father suddenly became stupid and forgot where this place is? He thought this was Lourdes Castle?

"Meyer, you bloody old bastard, I think, you need to know what you're talking about." Moss' eyes also turned cold, being provoked in his own territory, and this old bastard has some plans to use His idiot son humiliated his little angel and the Luciano family, so the mood of Patriarch Moss was as bad as it was right now.

"Oh, of course I know what I'm talking about." Patriarch Meyer said word by word, "Apologize, sincerely, otherwise, things will develop to an unimaginable level."

"Are you start a war?" Moss sneered, "Oh, I'll accompany you anytime! Now, I'll give you a minute to disappear from my sight and get out of my manor, otherwise, I don't mind Have someone throw you out."

"Father..." William was startled, looked at his father with a pale face, and signaled him to leave quickly, otherwise he would throw us out.

Patriarch Meier was too lazy to take a look at his timid and idiot son who had no courage. Instead, he laughed "haha...", as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

Moss was too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy who he thought was crazy, and shouted: "Rum, throw these two damn things out of me."

As soon as the voice fell, a figure entered the living room.

Moss' eyes widened slightly, because it wasn't Rum who came in who was in charge of his safety, but Mr. Pete, who was supposed to protect his little angel in Phoenix City at this time... How did he come back?

He returned to Las Vegas from Phoenix City in China, and returned to Deacon Manor. Of course, this is nothing, there is no problem at all, but the key is... Patriarch Moss knew everything about it. He didn't know about Mr. Pete's return.

Then, the extremely arrogant reaction of the old bastard Meier came to mind, so...

The face of Moss' patriarch changed slightly, and a very bad feeling was already welling up in his heart.

"Oh, dear Mr. Pete, you came at the right time. This damn old thing not only humiliated me and my son just now, but also wanted people to throw me out." Meier looked at Mr. Pete, with a smile on his face. Filled with inexplicable smiles, "You come to judge, do you think he did this right? In my manor, he actually planned to throw me out? Oh, this is simply the funniest joke in the world."

Teacher Pete didn't speak, but looked at Patriarch Moss with the same expression as before, with respect and the kindness of a father to his son.

Patriarch Moss' face was extremely ugly. If he still didn't understand what happened until now, then his IQ was really on the same level as that idiot son of Meyer.

Mr. Pete betrayed the Luciano family, betrayed himself!

"Mr. Pete, you..." Patriarch Moss' voice was full of disbelief and sadness,

There is resentment, and inexplicable emotions that he can't express.

His heart was twitching violently, as if a sharp knife was stabbing his heart fiercely.

Bats with three major combat powers may betray, sharks have betrayed, orangutans may betray, and other members of the family will also betray, but Patriarch Moss never thought that Mr. Pete would betray too! What an absurd thing this is, but the facts are right in front of him, and he can't help but believe it.

"What did you do to my little angel?" He growled in a low voice, with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Miss Mitty is fine." Teacher Pete said with a slight smile.

Patriarch Moss took a deep breath, he was still willing to believe Teacher Pete's words, if he said she was fine, she must be fine...Although, he has become a traitor.

Then, he calmed down quickly, because anger and impatience can't solve any problems, but will make you make mistakes.

As for Mr. Pete... From now on, everyone is strangers.

All the appreciation, all the feelings are all gone! Betrayal, this is the greatest damage that cannot be repaired at all.

He moved his eyes away from Mr. Pete, then picked up the coffee on the table, took a sip, then looked at Meier, who seemed so satisfied with an inexplicable smile on his face, and said lightly: "So, you think Mr. Pete betrayed Lu With the Xiano family, you have completely mastered the entire Luciano family?"

"Or do you think that my life and that of my little angel are in your hands, so you can use this as a threat to get the entire Luciano family?"

Patriarch Meyer shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Oh, of course I wouldn't be so stupid to think that I have the entire Luciano family in my own hands, but we can announce to the public together that my son William Your woman Mitty will hold an engagement ceremony in the near future... Oh, with Mr. Pete's status in the Luciano family, he can definitely announce it for you, so you don't need to show up."

Patriarch Moss narrowed his eyes slightly, what a vicious and powerful scheme! Everyone knows that all the resources of the entire Luciano family will belong to Mitty at that time. Whoever marries Mitty is equivalent to taking over this huge resource. The family is equivalent to falling into the hands of the Rothschild family.

The most important thing is that, as Meyer said, his announcement of this kind of thing is the same as Mr. Pete's announcement to the outside world, because, in many cases, what Mr. Pete means is to represent his meaning and represent the entire Luciano family the meaning of.

"I failed." Patriarch Moss nodded, and said in a hoarse voice. For a while, the whole person seemed to have experienced a lot of vicissitudes.

"Oh, no, my old friend, I don't think this is a failure. Your daughter's engagement to my son is equivalent to a strong alliance. How can this be called a failure?" Patriarch Meyer said with a smile.

William's expression on the side was a bit idiotic. He still hadn't realized what happened. Why was his father so arrogant, and Patriarch Moss seemed to be dead? Teacher Pete still didn't respond?

Patriarch Moss was too lazy to talk nonsense with this villainous old bastard, but turned his head to look at Mr. Pete, who had the same expression as before: "So, did you attack Zedao? He died?" The matter is now, I am afraid that the excellent The young people are also hard to escape bad luck, right?

Teacher Pete shook his head: "He's not dead." He had already received information that Li Zedao was indeed not dead, and his woman Nai was not dead either, they had already returned to Phoenix City.

And just as he expected, Li Zedao thought that the Luciano family had secretly reached an agreement with the Rothschild family, so he did not contact the Moss patriarch.

According to the report from the eyeliner, he is still in Phoenix City in China at this time.

At that time, as long as the news of the upcoming engagement of Miss Mitty of the Luciano family and Mr. William of the Rothschild family is announced, Mr. Pete believes that Li Zedao will definitely appear at the engagement scene, and it will be the date of his death .

So, is Li Zedao okay? Moss heaved a sigh of relief. The young man he was very optimistic about was fine, which meant that things were far from the point of depression and despair. With the young man's lust... oh, the degree of infatuation, he would definitely think way to save his daughter.

"However, soon." Patriarch Meyer echoed with a sinister sneer.

"So, the next thing I should do is stay in my study and read the Bible honestly?" Moss ignored Meyer and asked, looking at Teacher Pete.

"Oh, yes, Patriarch Meyer, I will ensure the safety of you and Miss Mitty, so please don't make it difficult for me." Teacher Pete said with a slight smile.

"Guarantee our safety? Oh, then thank you very much, dear Mr. Pete." The Moss patriarch nodded and said, his eyes flickered with teasing gloom.

In the afternoon of that day, a piece of explosive news swept through the entire Las Vegas in an instant, and then the entire United States, the entire Europe, and the entire world.

The Luciano family and the Rothschild family, who have always been mortal enemies, have actually married. A week later, William of the Rothschild family and Miss Mitty of the Luciano family will hold a simple engagement ceremony at Deakin Manor , As for the subsequent grand wedding, it will be scheduled for a month later at the Chateau de Lourdes, Rothschild's headquarters.

This news is undoubtedly equivalent to smashing a big rock hard on the extremely calm water and then making huge waves.

If Mr. Pete of the Luciano family and the patriarch of the Rothschild family, Mayer, had not jointly released this news, no one would have believed it would be true.

After all, this matter is really unbelievable, and I dare not even think about it. Let alone the fact that the two families have always been fighting openly and secretly. Besides, who doesn't know that William, the third son of Patriarch Meyer, is ugly and simple-minded. Stuff, but Miss Mitty is recognized as the most beautiful woman in the world... What the hell is the Luciano family doing?

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