The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1489 Skull Organization

Patriarch Meyer's chest felt sweet, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and then cursed regardless of his image, I guess? I guess your sister's sister!

But after all, he is an all-powerful figure, so he already knew what Li Zedao wanted from him in an instant.

"Gene Superman?" He asked Li Zedao with slightly squinted eyes. After instigating Mr. Pete before, Mr. Pete mentioned to him that Li Zedao asked him to help activate the Luciano family's hidden nails inside the Rothschild family. Pay attention to the fact that the family secretly funds a certain organization in the United States to study the genetic superman.

Patriarch Meyer knew that the damn guy in front of him had connections with Huaxia officials and was a member of a certain mysterious department in Huaxia, so naturally, he was going to help Huaxia officials thoroughly figure out the matter about Gene Superman.

"Oh, Patriarch Meier is really smart." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

"..." Meier had a feeling of being insulted to death.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you." Patriarch Meyer said coldly, "I only know the superficial things about the genetic supermen, and I'm not so clear about their core things."

"Oh, is it so?"

"There's nothing you can do if you don't believe me."

"Then trouble Patriarch Maier, tell me the superficial things you know." Li Zedao is still easy to speak.

"I don't know if you have heard of the organization of the skull." Patriarch Meyer said.

"Skull?" Li Zedao frowned and shook his head. He had never heard of the skull organization, but he had seen a real skull.

"This is an organization secretly formed by the U.S. government. This organization is mainly responsible for the research of powerful weapons and genetic medicines, including the genetic superman you want to know. The Rothschild family is indeed with this organization. There is cooperation, but this kind of cooperation is not so intimate, more similar to buying and selling."

"The genetic superman Walker who was with me was actually bought by me from the Skull Organization, and its purpose was to deal with you and Mr. Pete." Meier said, "Of course, it is an imperfect genetic superman, so it can be said It's a failure, otherwise, it's that old bastard Moss and you who are unlucky now, not me."

Li Zedao strongly agrees with this statement. Li Zedao thinks that the perfect genetic superman can at least dodge and fight back intelligently if someone wants to chop off his head without any order from the master, instead of wanting to act like a piece of wood. You cut it, and his combat power is still far from what Director Yang described,

Although the body is tough, his head can be easily chopped off with a single knife.

Now slightly said: "You are right, but if you can't control yourself, your situation will be much better than now."

Patriarch Meyer snorted coldly, didn't say anything, but felt remorse in his heart. As Li Zedao said, if he hadn't been completely blinded by beauty, he was determined to sleep with Miss Mitty. It will not attack Mr. Pete. Mr. Pete is fine, so it means that the whole manor will be in motion. With Walker and the bodyguards he brought, when the time comes, even if the hand of God comes over in person, it will The one who was minced into meat, let alone this kid.

"What else do you know?" Li Zedao asked.

"I've been to one of Skull's strongholds," Chief Meyer said.

"What? Where is it?" Li Zedao hurriedly asked, this guy finally said something more reliable.

"Island Country, DJ, but I don't know exactly where DJ is located. When I passed by, my eyes were blinded, and the car went around several times before arriving." Meier said. He didn't think it was the headquarters of the powerful and mysterious organization Skull. How could the American side set up a DJ headquartered in the island country? Even though the role played by the island country has always been a lackey of the United States, as soon as the United States makes any moves internationally, this dog will start to bark a few times.

Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly, the island country's dj? It is really a city full of memories.

"You didn't lie to me?" Li Zedao looked at Patriarch Maier and asked.

Patriarch Meier looked at him coldly and said nothing, as if you would believe it or not.

Li Zedao smiled, and did not continue to entangle in this matter, but stood up and stretched slightly and said: "Then you have a good rest, I will not bother... Oh, yes, wait for your son to talk to you." After your woman 'Shuang' dies, someone will come over and report to you immediately, and at that time, I hope Patriarch Maier's condolences will change, don't be too sad."

Patriarch Meyer looked at his leaving back, his eyes were extremely gloomy.

"Oh, I swear in the name of God, one day I will kill you, and I will make all your women kneel in front of me and lick my..."

The thing is gone, and it is impossible to grow it again, so Patriarch Meyer's heart is already full of sadness and anger. His hands and feet are gone, and he can be used as a prosthesis, but the thing is gone, pretend to be a fake ?

"Oh god damn it, oh..."

His trembling hands were tightly clenched into fists, his veins protruding.


The evening before the much-anticipated engagement banquet, a piece of explosive news swept across the entire Las Vegas in an instant, and then the entire United States, the entire Europe, and the entire world.

Patriarch Meyer of Rothschild even unilaterally announced the cancellation of tomorrow's engagement ceremony, and even said sorry to the Luciano family on behalf of the entire Rothschild family, but did not say the reason for the cancellation of the engagement ceremony.

Regarding this matter, the Luciano family remained silent and did not issue any statement to make any response.

As for the inside of Rothschild, the pot was completely exploded. Those members who had arrived in Las Vegas to attend the engagement banquet tomorrow found the person who left the Deacon Manor and returned to the Guinness Hotel under the escort of the God of War. Patriarch Meyer, asking him what the hell he was doing.

You know, a week ago, when they knew that the Rothschild family was going to marry the Luciano family, they were naturally extremely excited. You know, the conclusion of such a marriage is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the Luciano family. , even if the marriage is successful, then the resources of the Luciano family will be swallowed up by the Rothschild family bit by bit.

Were the old bastards Moss and Mr. Pete got their heads caught in the door or kicked by the donkey? Otherwise, how could you agree to this marriage? It can't be that William's suave and suave completely make Miss Mitty intoxicated and unable to extricate herself, unless he doesn't marry... How is this possible? Or, what kind of huge turmoil happened to the Luciano family that required their Rothschild family to help them tide over the difficulties?

But no matter what, they were very excited in their hearts, and they all felt that their patriarch was too wise and mighty.

But what is the situation now?

Just when Patriarch Meier had to endure the pain caused by the severe injury to his lower body as if he had nothing to do to deal with those bastards who came to question him, Li Zedao also appeared in the Guinness Hotel. Of course, at this time he had already After putting on that mask, Miss Mitty followed him, and naturally she also wore a simulation mask on her face.

The two went upstairs to the guest room where they stayed, and Li Zedao knocked on the door.

The door was quickly opened, and Bei's indifferent little face appeared in front of them.

"Oh, Sister Nai, good evening, it's a good thing you and my dear are fine, otherwise I would die of pain." Miss Mitty grabbed Bei's hands and said with lingering fear.

"I'm fine." Bei nodded and said looking at the beautiful eyes that she couldn't bear to leave.

"Is everything settled?" Bei looked at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao tore off the imitation mask he was wearing on his face, stretched his waist and said with a smile: "Not only did it solve it, but also got a good thing?"

"Which woman did you hook up with again in a beastly way?"

"..." Li Zedao was speechless, is he that kind of person? He's always been hooked up, okay?

"Oh, no, Sister Nai's, my dear has basically stayed in bed all day and hasn't hooked up with other women." Miss Mitty said quickly, "Oh, I told my dear, if you It’s fine if you’re here, my dear won’t make me so miserable, my dear said that you’re not his opponent either.”

"..." Bei's ears felt a little hot, and his eyes looked at Li Zedao unkindly.

"Not necessarily," she said.

"Oh, dear sister Nai, I think the same way. I told my dear sister that you have such good physical strength, the two of us will definitely be able to defeat him." Miss Mitty seemed to have found a bosom friend. Very excited.

"..." Bei's ears became hotter, and the eyes he looked at Li Zedao became even more unfriendly.

Li Zedao is helpless, why is it that the more you talk about it, the more inappropriate it is for children? Immediately, he quickly took out the needle tube from his pocket, looked at Bei and said, "Do you know what this is? Just inject the liquid inside into the tongue, and it is said that people can become genetically superhuman."

"What?" Bei's eyeballs widened slightly, and then quickly took the needle tube with a little green liquid in Li Zedao's hand, and began to look at it.

Li Zedao briefly explained the situation of the genetic superman he met in Deacon Manor.

Bei frowned tightly: "It's scary."

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "It's really scary." Although such a genetic superman is motionless without any orders from the master, you can chop off his head, but when he moves, he can beat Mr. Pete. Such a master, the most important thing is that, according to Meier, it is just a failure with immature technology!

Even failed products can defeat a master like Mr. Pete, so when the final thorough research is successful, how terrifying will the skill of the genetic superman be? It is not an exaggeration to say that it is enough to rival the masters of returning to basics.

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