The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1496 The High-spirited Zhao Ping'an

At that moment, Zhao Ping'an looked at his watch again, and then said with a smile: "It's just that I'm busy too, so... let's catch up on the old days at another time, I treat you, so let's go eat roast duck, I can order it The box over there... er... damn it!"

The fat on Zhao Ping'an's face twitched, because Li Zedao didn't wait for him to finish, turned and left.

Looking at Li Zedao's receding back, Zhao Pingan gave a savage mouthful: "Still a college student? A top student? I am! No quality at all, rubbish!" Then he raised his proud head, turned around and left vigorously.

Arriving at the gate of the airport, Zhao Ping'an changed his humble face and began to look around. Not long after, two Mercedes-Benz drove up one after the other, and finally stopped in front of him.

Zhao Ping'an's face was filled with a humble smile, and he was almost twisted into a ball. He nodded and bowed and hurried over to help the rear car door: "Mr. Huang..."

A middle-aged man got out of the car, didn't even bother to look at Zhao Ping'an, and stepped into the airport with great style. Four men who got out of the car followed closely behind.

Zhao Pingan always had a humble smile on his face, and followed behind a few people with his head slightly timid.

Following Zhao Pingan's group of people entering, another brand new white Maserati president slowly drove over, the car stopped, a man in black got out of the car, and then stood in front of the car like a straight javelin , as if waiting for distinguished guests to get on the bus.


Li Zedao walked into the coffee shop at the airport, took a few glances, and saw Miss Mitty sitting there, but Bei was not there, he must have gone to the bathroom.

The appearance of such a stunning foreign girl naturally attracted the attention of most people in the coffee shop, especially the pair of spiritual green eyes, which made people intoxicated at the first sight and couldn't extricate themselves.

Li Zedao had already noticed that most of the men in the coffee shop were secretly looking at Miss Mitty while swallowing, and the rest were swallowing their coffee non-stop.

"Oh, my dear, this way..." Miss Mitty's clear and ringing voice sounded in the coffee shop, and she saw Li Zedao walking in, and immediately showed a smile on her face that could make everything around her look pale , waving at Li Zedao.

In an instant, Li Zedao felt a lot of envious and jealous eyes falling on him at once, but he was used to the envy and hatred, so Li Zedao walked towards Miss Mitty who was waving to him with a faint smile on his face.

Li Zedao came to him,

Miss Mitty helped him open the chair very gently. This scene fell into the eyes of other people, and they immediately poked their chests out and scolded this kid as a beast. How could such a girl help him open the chair? ?

"Oh, honey, I ordered a cup of milk tea for you." Miss Mitty said softly, her big green eyes were full of love.

"Yeah." Li Zedao smiled, feeling warm in his heart. Since Antarctica left, the smell of coffee can hardly be smelled in the villa anymore. Even those who like coffee usually don't drink it anymore, at least when Li Zedao is around. Time is not to drink.

Li Zedao knew that they didn't want them to think about things and think about the woman they used to be.

It's just that how could he forget that woman when he was suffering from amorous disease?

Letting go and completely forgetting about that woman are two different things.

Some time ago, Li Zedao also contacted Yanhuang. Yanhuang said on the phone that Antarctica has calmed down, and now she will spend more time silently on the top of the mountain, and then read the Buddhist scriptures in her hand, sometimes sitting for a whole day. One day, Yanhuang said, Antarctica will go to a nunnery to become a monk someday in the future.

After Li Zedao got the news that Nanji was likely to become a nun, his mood was surprisingly calm and did not cause too many disturbances. He felt that Nanji's decision was very good. After all, becoming a monk means letting go of everything, including hatred. own hatred.


Zhao Pingan, who followed cautiously at the back, secretly looked up at Mr. Huang, who was walking in the front, with fanaticism and awe in his eyes.

Ever since his family worked hard to find all the relationships he needed, he was able to come to Yanjing and became a small follower beside Mr. Huang... The most important job in normal times is to bend down to help Mr. Huang. Always wipe off the dust that accidentally gets on the shoes.

Such a job filled his heart with a sense of pride and satisfaction, and he felt an inexplicable sense of high spirits when he walked.

You know, Mr. Huang's energy in Yanjing is enormous. It can be said that his background is as good as the sky. He can always follow him to help him polish his leather shoes. Zhao Ping'an feels that his ancestral grave must be smoking.

Zhao Pingan's dream now is to perform well by Mr. Huang's side and win his favor... It would be even better to win the favor of Mr. Huang's ugly, fat, pig-like and irritable daughter.

This is a goal Zhao Pingan set for himself!

When he was with Mr. Huang, Zhao Pingan was as fat as a ball. Later, he ran into Mr. Huang's daughter by accident. That ugly woman was beaten up by Zhao Pingan, and she was The reason for the beating is that the person that Mr. Huang's daughter hates the most is the fat man! See you later and fight again!

Zhao Pingan is very wronged like this, it seems that you are fatter than me, right? Why don't you beat yourself up?

Unless you stay away from Mr. Huang, you will have to see Mr. Huang's daughter once every three days. It is impossible to stay away from Mr. Huang, so in order not to be beaten to death in the end, Zhao Pingan started the journey of losing weight. The process is naturally painful, but compared with his own life, the pain is naturally nothing, so The weight really made Zhao Pingan lose weight.

Now that she meets Mr. Huang's daughter, she won't let people beat her up anymore. Even, Zhao Ping'an sometimes thinks that the ugly fat pig looks at her strangely. Does that mean she has a crush on her?

Of course, Zhao Pingan didn't dare to ask if he fell in love with him, but he really hoped it was true! Even though she fell in love with that kind of woman, no matter how you think about it, how disgusting it is, if you go to bed together, will you spit it out or even be crushed to death? But the payoff is dream-like.

Once he marries Mr. Huang's beloved daughter, he will become Mr. Huang's son-in-law. Then, he will formally enter the high society circle where Mr. Huang is. By that time, Zhao Ping'an will be considered No. 1 in Yanjing He became a character, not a dog of Mr. Huang. Even, because Mr. Huang only has such a daughter, so when Mr. Huang dies one day, Zhao Pingan can take Mr. Huang's position logically.

Every time he fantasizes that he can become a figure like Mr. Huang one day in the future, Zhao Ping'an trembles with excitement.

But now, Mr. Huang and his party came to the airport to welcome a big man who returned from abroad. As for how big that big man is, Zhao Ping'an couldn't imagine it. He only knew that he was very familiar with the expression on his face and the tone of his voice when Mr. Huang was talking on the phone with that big man, because he usually used that expression and tone when facing Mr. Huang. .

Mr. Huang, who was walking in the front, was thinking about something quietly, his eyes looked forward inadvertently, and then, his forward steps suddenly stopped, his whole body seemed to be frozen, his body was stiff He was firmly fixed there, and at the same time, he couldn't move his eyes away.

Mr. Huang, who has played with countless women, was amazed instantly when he saw the girl in front of him, his heart was beating so hard, he felt that he had found the feeling of first love.

Yes, what an absurd thing, at an age when he had already crossed his forties, he still found the feeling of first love.

At the same time, there appeared in his mind a poem that was very suitable to describe the woman in front of him: This woman should only exist in the sky, and we can see him a few times in the world.

"If you introduce such a woman to Wei Shao, Wei Shao will be very happy?" After being amazed, such an idea appeared in Mr. Huang's mind, and then he came up with a plan.

Seeing Mr. Huang stopped abruptly, the men behind him, including Zhao Pingan, also stopped, followed Mr. Huang's gaze, and they were instantly amazed. .

Especially Zhao Ping'an, he had the least knowledge and the worst concentration among these few people, so he already had a bewildered expression at this moment. But it's obvious that the girl is being targeted by Mr. Huang, so she can't take a second look, it's really not allowed!

So Zhao Pingan withdrew his eyes and lowered his head with great difficulty, and imagined the unevolved face of Mr. Huang's daughter, his body trembled, and his hair stood on end.

Mr. Huang withdrew his gaze with great difficulty, looked back at Vice President Yang of the company and said, "Old Yang, what do you think of that girl? Is she suitable for the role of "The Fate of the Sword" that we Chuanshi Entertainment is planning to start filming at this time?" The heroine Meng Qiangu?"

"Mr. Huang has good eyesight, and I think it's very suitable. If we let that girl play Meng Qiangu, the box office will definitely sell well." Vice President Yang said quickly after he realized it, but he was full of slander in his heart. Dream Qiangu? Who doesn't know that you, an old pervert, are planning to sneak in because of the good-looking girl... At this moment, Vice President Yang is very envious of President Huang, and can't wait to look forward to his position, and then sneak into this beauty.

"Then trouble Lao Yang, make sure you explain it clearly to the girl." Mr. Huang said with a slight smile.

"I'll go there right away. I think this girl will be very interested." Vice President Yang said with certainty, which girl doesn't want to become a big star that everyone is looking at these days? So Vice President Yang could imagine that after explaining her intentions, the girl would be so excited that she couldn't even speak.

When Bei was about to enter the coffee shop, a hurried voice came from behind: "The beauty in front, please wait a moment."

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