The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1510 Entering the Demon Cave

Sun Lingfei stared blankly at his back that seemed so generous, so secure, free and easy, and even more domineering than anyone else in the world, and suddenly felt that his eyes seemed a little nympho, and his face became hot. Seeing that he was about to go far away, he trotted a few steps to chase after him, and said aloud, "Zhou Yan..."

Li Zedao stopped and turned around.

"Then... I haven't told you which box you are in yet, and I don't have your contact information." Sun Lingfei said.

Li Zedao nodded: "Which box?"

"Uh... Yunge." Sun Lingfei actually wanted the other party's contact information, but the other party didn't seem to want to give it to him, so Sun Lingfei wanted to hit someone inexplicably.

Li Zedao smiled: "Understood, I will be there on time in the Zheju cloud box at seven o'clock tonight."

Then he waved his hand again, turned and left.

Watching Zhou Yan get into one of the cars with a dazed expression, Sun Lingfei didn't wake up until the car was out of her sight, then rubbed her slightly hot face, and patted herself again Little head: "As a boy, you should take the initiative to give the contact information, take the initiative to ask for the contact information, I won't be as stingy as you, don't give it..."

"Forget it, he is a swordsman who promises everything. He said he will arrive at night." Sun Lingfei muttered, "Well, so you can ask for it at night."

"Also, what should I wear at night? Ah... I didn't sleep yesterday, and now I'm a yellow-faced woman..." Sun Lingfei scratched her messy hair, "No, no, let's go to Xiao Su's to get my hair done first. I'm doing a facial spa, and then I'm shopping for clothes..."

Originally forced to have dinner with Wei Fengsheng, that nasty person, Sun Lingfei didn't think about dressing up at all. If she couldn't bear the nausea, she would even want to smear shit on her body to make her body rotten.

But now... She suddenly wanted to dress up a lot, and she turned around and trotted briskly towards the Ferrari that she had parked there before it could be repaired, humming a song, with a look on her face smirk.


In the off-road vehicle, Li Zedao thought for a while, took out his phone, and carefully sent a message to Bei, telling her that he had just met that girl again, and said with a guilty conscience that he would go to help her at night...Of course , Li Ze emphasized that the reason why he helped was not because that girl was good-looking, and she was far behind you, Sister Bei.

The main reason is that the one who tried to bully was Wei Fengsheng from the Wei family,

And now the Wei family is very likely to be related to the genetic superman, and there is even a genetic superman in the Wei family's old house, so he wants to see if he can get some news through Wei Fengsheng, so he will go home later.

In addition, Li Zedao also emphasized that the girl secretly wanted his contact information, but he didn't give it to her!

After Li Zedao sent this message, Bei quickly replied.

Li Zedao quickly opened the message and took a look, he was already a little dumbfounded.

This message has only one word: "Get out!"

"Do you want me to go home or go help that girl?" Li Zedao murmured in his heart, thinking that Sister Bei was too bad, and he didn't explain it clearly. If he got the wrong way, wouldn't he be crying?

Just when Li Zedao was struggling to death, another message was sent.

Li Zedao opened it and was dumbfounded again.

This time the message only has two words: "Beast!"

Immediately afterwards, another text message came over, and this text message made Li Zedao's crotch cold: "Dare to provoke, Geji Geji...Miss Mitty and Sister Suyan also agree with my approach."

Li Zedao wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and quickly edited a message. The content of the message was so swearing, and he swore all kinds of poisonous oaths. He swore that he would never dare to provoke, even if the girl threatened her with death, she would definitely wave her hand. , without taking away a trace of aroma.

Then, Bei returned the message again, with the same words: "Get lost!"

After putting away his mobile phone, Li Zedao raised his head and looked at the man in black who was driving. He was familiar with this man in black. It was the man who was reluctant to sell the Maserati that he helped deliver two days ago.

After Li Zedao got into the car, the man introduced himself and said that it was enough to call him Feng.

Li Zedao knew earlier that the eight confidantes around Huang Wen were from southeast to north, up, down, left, right, and director Yang also had such subordinates with strange names. One is Huang. Of course, these are not their real names, but a code name.

This time, Wushuang, Xuehai and Huang were the five people who entered the magic cave forest with Li Zedao, not including Feng. According to Feng, he came here to be Li Zedao's driver and to take care of him in case something happened.

As for Wushuang, Xuehai and Huang, they were in another car together. To reflect Li Zedao's detached status or for other reasons, they did not sit with Li Zedao.

Seeing Li Zedao's eyes fell on him, Feng turned his head to look at this shameless guy, tried his best to squeeze out a smile, and then turned his head immediately, with an expression of "I'm serious about driving and don't disturb me."

Feng is a petty person, so he can't forget how Li Zedao "insulted" himself at the airport two days ago.

Li Zedao just wanted to disturb him, and asked a little out of words: "Did you fight for the quota to enter the Devil's Nest, or did Director Yang decide it directly?"

"The director made the decision directly." Feng did not hide this point.

"The five weakest people who follow him?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"Uh...we are all about the same." Feng responded. He probably knew why Li Zedao asked such a question. In fact, Li Zedao's guess was correct. Among them, this person who will follow Li Zedao into the magic cave forest Five people are the weakest five.

The main reason is that Director Yang is more or less worried about the dangers of the Devil's Nest, and he may not be so relieved about Li Zedao. If there is any danger, the loss will not be so great if the five weakest people are sent to die.

Li Zedao smiled, thinking that you would definitely envy the five who followed me to death. He didn't say anything at the moment, but took out the "Tianji Picture Volume" that Qing Xuzi gave him from his arms, and started to read it. In fact, with his perverted memory, he naturally read all the contents of this ancient book. I remembered them all, but that could only be regarded as memorization by rote, Li Zedao didn't understand what was being said here at all.

But the master said to learn the new by reviewing the past, so Li Zedao reviewed it over and over again, hoping to realize something.

As before, gradually, the eyelids began to get heavier, and I was so sleepy that I yawned, stuffed "Tianji Tujuan" back into my arms, then tilted my head, and fell asleep soundly.

Feng turned his head and glanced at Li Zedao who was sleeping soundly, and felt a sense of relief inexplicably, it's okay to fall asleep, and he doesn't need to answer any questions when he falls asleep.

One of the things Feng hates the most is talking, and what he hates even more is talking to people he doesn't like. Li Zedao is the person he doesn't like.

This sleep lasted until the off-road vehicle arrived in front of the magic cave forest shrouded in thick fog, and as the vehicle stopped steadily, Li Zedao slowly opened his eyes, yawned, stretched, and looked He said in the wind: "The driving skills are good, the ones that drive steadily and fast are just a little worse than me."

"..." Feng didn't know what to say.

Li Zedao opened the car door and jumped out of the car. At this time, Wushuang Xuehai and Huang had already got out of the car and waited there. Their eyes all fell on the thick fog not far away, and there was unsteadiness in their eyes.

Although their tongues have been fused with yellow stones, so it can be said that they are invulnerable to all poisons, although Director Yang said that there should be no danger with Li Zedao on this trip...

The word "should" made their hearts twitch.

The main reason is that the name of the Devil's Grotto Forest is too loud and mysterious, and the mist is too poisonous, it's like talking about it, and before Huang Wen led people in, almost all the troops were wiped out, and there was a shadow in his heart.

Moreover, I heard that there is a Puguizhen female devil who does not know how long she lived inside. It is said that the female devil is still very beautiful. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that masters like Huang Wen are instantly killed after entering. , what are they?

Li Zedao stretched again, and said with certainty: "Don't worry, through the information left by Huang Longfeng, I have thoroughly understood this thick fog, and I have also figured out the back-to-basics expert inside." The working and resting time...she will practice in seclusion every once in a while, and today she just happened to be practicing...well, it should be like that..."

After uttering such nonsense that even he didn't believe, Li Zedao was so guilty.

It should be... So, these people are not at ease.

In addition, they also stared at Li Zedao with puzzled eyes. They really wanted to ask how you knew so clearly, but before leaving, Director Yang specifically explained that Li Zedao said what he said, and he was not allowed to refute or have any doubts. That's it.

Wu Duozui muttered, "What if he tells us to die?"

Director Yang was silent for a while and finally gave this answer: "If he really wants to kill you, then you should work together to kill him!"

Therefore, Director Yang's order to them is, on the premise that Li Zedao didn't want you to die, he can do whatever he says!

"In short, as long as we avoid the small area where she was cultivating, there will be no danger." Li Zedao cleared his throat and continued. Then he felt guilty again, feeling that his character was worthless Ah, you can feel guilty and blame yourself even for telling a white lie. Alas, there are really not many people as good as yourself... God should be reluctant to die by himself, right?

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