The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1523 The Brain-Dead Author

"Sister Ling Fei, you're awake. The toiletries have been prepared for you. Let's wash your face, and then let's have breakfast." The beautiful girl said with a slight smile, then walked in and put down a pair of slippers, "Here, Wear slippers at home to be more comfortable."

"Sister Lingfei? Who are you? What's at home?" Sun Lingfei was slightly taken aback. Isn't this a family hotel? Or is the hotel service attitude so good now? Trying to make guests feel at home?

"Oh, my name is Kim So-yeon, you drank too much last night, brother Zedao brought you back." Kim So-yeon said with a slight smile.

"Uh...Brother Ze Dao? Is this where Li Ze Dao lives?" Jin Suyan's brain gradually regained her ability to think, so that guy who is not as good as a beast brought himself home instead of throwing him in some hotel? So, this beautiful girl in front of me is one of Li Zedao's women?

Of course, Sun Lingfei would not foolishly think that this beautiful little girl is Li Zedao's younger sister. When this little girl said the four words "Brother Zedao", she already had an extremely sweet face.

Kim So-yeon nodded with a chuckle: "Well, Brother Zedao is preparing breakfast in the kitchen right now."

Sun Lingfei nodded, and then found that her grievances and resentment had subsided a lot. That guy still had a conscience and knew to bring him home.

"You are Li Zedao's...girlfriend?" Sun Lingfei got out of bed and put on the slippers that Jin Suyan sent. She was a little bit bored, and she even looked at Jin Suyan's chest emphatically, although it was not too big, But at least she is older than herself... Sun Lingfei wailed in her heart, this little girl looks a few years younger than herself, why is she older than herself? God, why are you so unfair?

Sun Lingfei, who never knew what inferiority complex was, complained because of her small breasts.

Without waiting for Jin Soyan to answer, she asked again: "Um...does Li Zedao like big breasts? Can't you take a second look at those with small breasts?"

"..." Jin Suyan was slightly taken aback.

Sun Lingfei obviously doesn't need Jin Soyan's answer, because Li Zedao already gave him the answer yesterday, he said that he really likes big breasts, and the one with the resentful and aggrieved expression, the one with the downcast expression, I really feel pity for him: "Oh, sure enough That's right, otherwise why don't you like me?"

"My...isn't too big." The kind-hearted Jin Suyan comforted her, her face flushed a little, "so Brother Zedao doesn't have that kind of... hobbies."

Sun Lingfei's eyes fell on Jin Suyan's chest, with a bitter face: "Your ones are already good, reaching Li Zedao's standards, unlike me..."

"Uh..." It's true,

So Kim So-yeon, who is not very good at words, doesn't know how to comfort this beautiful sister who is not too subtle.

Then Jin Suyan wanted to say, I was actually not that old at first, but after I met Brother Zedao, I became a little older... A little blush appeared on my pretty face, I'm not ashamed to say this kind of thing.

Feeling that she didn't know what kind of mood she was in, Sun Lingfei followed Jin Suyan out of the room, and then her eyes were attracted by the two exaggeratedly beautiful girls sitting there.

If in front of Kim So-yeon, she thought that although her breasts were not as big as the other party's, her appearance and temperament were not inferior to the other party's, then in front of these two girls, her confidence in her appearance and temperament was directly blown into pieces. It's scum.

God, that foreign girl, how could her pair of emerald green eyes be so bright and fascinating? And that girl, why is the aura emanating from her body so pure and innocent, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world.

"Oh, dear Fei, good morning, I'm Mitty, and this cold beauty is Sister Bei." Miss Mitty warmly got up and grabbed the hand of Sun Lingfei, who was a little bewildered, and helped introduce her.

"Good morning." Bei nodded in response, trying not to look so repulsive.

"Hello..." Sun Lingfei responded quickly, and even felt inexplicably in her heart that the mistress had met her original partner.

"Come on, go wash up and eat." Li Zedao appeared there, wearing an apron, holding a pot of fragrant porridge in his hand, looking at Sun Lingfei with a peaceful smile on his face.

"Oh." Sun Lingfei looked at Li Zedao with complicated eyes, and his heart was even more confused. What does this bastard who is not as good as a beast mean? accept? Or let yourself quit?

The atmosphere of the meal was a bit weird, at least in Sun Lingfei's opinion.

Li Zedao was devouring, and he had no image at all when eating, but that beautiful foreign girl Mitty and Kim So-yeon looked at Li Zedao with nympho looks from time to time, and helped him order food from time to time, even the foreign girl ate half of it. Said my dear, the porridge you made was too fragrant, and then gave Li Zedao a sweet kiss.

As for the daughter named Bei, she always looked indifferent and ate her food bite by bite, as if someone owed her millions.

It wasn't until Li Zedao got a kiss from the foreign girl that he shamelessly put his face in front of her, that her cold face softened a bit, and Li Zedao's mouth was rolled away, but her lips were imprinted on his face.

After eating a few mouthfuls of porridge without taste, Sun Lingfei looked at Li Zedao with complicated eyes, took a deep breath and said, "That Li Zedao, last night... Thank you, then, I'll go first."

The nose began to feel a little sour for no reason, and the grievance in my heart was like a torrent of river water, endless.

He glanced at the three women again, and nodded slightly: "Excuse me, thank you for your hospitality."

The three girls looked at each other, and then their eyes fell on Li Zedao. They probably knew what kind of emotions this Sun Lingfei was having.

In fact, Li Zedao had already accepted her, and so did they, but the authorities were obsessed with it.

Li Zedao looked at this aggrieved woman, nodded and said, "Wait for me to get off, I'll see you off."

I wanted to stubbornly say no, but for no reason, Sun Lingfei nodded anyway, and she felt dazed.

Before, what she disdained the most was the kind of male pig's feet in the novel that met a female pig's feet for the first time, and the female pig's feet fell in love with the male pig's feet instantly, knowing that the other party didn't like her, but she couldn't help it I just want to get closer, even for a second longer.

For example, I accidentally saw the movie... Oh, "The Ultimate Student in the City", the author is simply a fool in Sun Lingfei's opinion, there are a lot of women, post each one, so she is still very boring I found that idiot author's QQ and added him, and then it was the kind of spray that made the idiot author cry...

Now, Sun Lingfei found out very sadly that such a bloody thing was really happening to her right now.

She felt sorry for the stupid author who died...

When they went downstairs, Sun Lingfei was in front and Li Zedao was behind. One was upset and wronged, the other put his hands in his pockets, raised his head and squinted his eyes to look at the sky, and said with emotion: "It's a good weather today."

Hearing this, Sun Lingfei almost turned around to beat someone up, but slowed down, and finally, walking side by side with Li Zedao, the two walked out of the community and continued to press on the main road, as if they both forgot to stop a taxi or something .

"Last night...thank you, there is also a nightclub about Wei Fengsheng's incident." Sun Lingfei had nothing to say, and then began to feel wronged again, explaining, "The incident in the bar is all your fault, if you didn't show up all of a sudden , I won't... I won't talk to him, let alone drink his wine..."

"I know." Li Zedao said with a smile. He really has to bear some responsibility for this matter. After all, when Sun Lingfei got angry and drank the wine in the other party's hand, he could actually stop it, but Li Zedao didn't do that.

Thinking about it now, it seems that I am a little narrow-minded, and I am also angry.

So, it's a lie not to like this dimpled beauty with a straightforward personality, at least I care about it, damn amorous.

"So... mine..." Sun Lingfei bit her lip, and looked at Li Zedao with strength and courage, "If I had breast enlargement, would you like me?"

Sun Lingfei, who has always been carefree but fearless, said this, her complexion became hot all of a sudden, she lowered her head, her eyes did not dare to meet Li Zedao.

Naturally, she was conflicted in her heart. Of course, she hoped that Li Zedao could like herself now, not after breast enlargement, but if he said that he didn't like breast enlargement, then...

Li Zedao looked at this girl who was lost in his fantasy, and he wanted to laugh inexplicably and said: "Actually, I think it's better for you to be smaller, just to overthrow a sentence."

Sun Lingfei: "Which sentence?"

"Big boobs and no brains."

"...Go to hell!" Sun Lingfei stomped her feet angrily, turned around and strode away, not wanting to talk to this bastard anymore.

At this moment, she suddenly found that a strong hand grabbed her little hand at once.

Sun Lingfei was startled, and her body trembled violently. Her heart had never been beating so violently before. Her face became extremely red, and her breathing also became rapid.

He actually grabbed his hand? He actually took the initiative to grab his hand? So, he actually likes himself?

Don't dare to meet Li Zedao's eyes. She lowered her head and let Li Zedao hold her hand, and then she couldn't help but follow her steps.

She didn't withdraw her hand, she liked the feeling of being held hands very much, it was a dizzy feeling, as for the grievance, it disappeared directly the moment her little hand was touched disappeared without a trace.

"I don't like those with small breasts, besides, I like long legs." Li Zedao said again.

"Ah... oh..." Sun Lingfei nodded lightly, she did have long legs! So, he likes himself. At this time, she felt as if she was stepping on the clouds, every step was light and light, and it seemed that because the clouds were closer to the sun, she only felt that her face was getting hotter and hotter, as if It could burn at any time.

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