The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1525 Squeeze and there will be

"I didn't say that." Li Zedao denied, "It's just that after entering the Demon Cave Forest, he secretly sprinkled luminous powder on the ground... And you didn't order this kind of thing, and the other four people didn't know about it, so This matter becomes very interesting, he must have some ulterior purpose, right? Otherwise, he would not have done such a thing without telling you."

"In addition, the car I drove away was secretly bugged, even the Maserati before! You asked me to install it? Of course, I can't guarantee that the bug was secretly installed by Fog. , the wind is also possible, after all, the off-road vehicle is his, and the Maserati is also sent by him."

The powder Li Zedao mentioned is a powder that can emit bright light with a flashlight, and it is all the way from entering the dense fog to the grave.

At first, Li Zedao didn't realize that someone behind him was secretly sprinkling the powder, but when they entered the tomb and the five people turned on the lights on the military watches on their wrists, Li Zedao accidentally saw the fog in the trouser pocket. There is a powder that will glow when the light is on. I didn't think much about it at that time, but I still kept my eyes open. Later, when I went out, I discovered some small movements of the mist.

On the way, Li Zedao left them there for a while. On the one hand, he wanted to scare the five guys out of mischief. On the other hand, he wanted to verify something. That glowy powder.

If it is said that Wu is keeping an eye out and is afraid that he will not be able to get out, that's why he has such a small trick, but why doesn't Director Yang know about it? Afterwards, Li Zedao quietly told Director Yang about it, and Director Yang asked Huang, whom he absolutely trusted, and Huang also didn't know about it.

So here comes the question, why did Wu do such a thing without telling Director Yang and his partners?

But this time, for the task of pretending to be Chu Feng who was so obsessed with Li Mengyao at first sight, and then sneaked into the Wei family's old house to find a chance to get close to Li Mengyao, Wu took the initiative to ask Ying.

So Li Zedao simply doubted whether he really had a problem, or why he was so active?

" can still be trusted." Director Yang said after a moment of pondering, "Except for being secretly with the emperor, he has been with me the longest. I still know him very well. He is not the kind of person who would treason."

"Anyway, be careful, at least you can't trust it 100%." ​​Li Zedao said.

Director Yang smiled wryly: "Of course I know." I didn't expect Wu to make a small move in the dark. Something big is about to happen.

Then his tone became murderous,

"If they really have problems, I will kill them myself!"

"Don't worry, no one will take this kind of thing from you." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Director Yang was almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words, and the chilling mood disappeared without a trace, and he said immediately: "If there is a problem with the fog, let the fog go, then it doesn't mean that nothing can be investigated? "

"Wu will definitely report the situation, and then pay more attention, or simply listen to it in reverse." Li Zedao put forward his own ideas.

"That's the only way to go first." Director Yang agreed with Li Zedao's idea.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao saw Sun Lingfei staring at him with wide eyes.

"Although I know I'm handsome, I'd be embarrassed if you looked at me like that." Li Zedao lowered his head slightly, with a shy expression on his face.

"Go to hell." Sun Lingfei felt that this guy was really shameless, and then said, "I don't know."


"I don't know what you're talking about, but I think it's amazing." Sun Lingfei laughed, the dimples gave Li Zedao an urge to jump in and get drunk in it.

She probably knows that Li Zedao's identity is not just as simple as what she sees now, he must have some other hidden identities, otherwise that kind of magical driving skills will disappear there in an instant and wait to see him again At that time, he had already pinched Wei Fengsheng's neck to lift him up, so he couldn't explain it.

In addition, there is the license plate on that off-road vehicle, which is not something that can be hung on any car.

"Li Zedao, do you know how scary you are?" Sun Lingfei's beautiful eyes radiated an inexplicable gloomy light. In terms of identity, his mother is Xiao Qiangwei, who is famous. Such an identity is enough to make him a big dude. Of course, a dude is not terrible, but a dude with ability is terrible, and a dude with ambition after ability, then It's even more terrifying.

From Sun Lingfei's point of view, Li Zedao is such a terrible big dude.

Li Zedao smiled embarrassedly: "Actually, you haven't seen the scarier side of me yet."

Sun Lingfei was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what Li Zedao meant, her pretty face blushed slightly and she threw a sanitary ball to Li Zedao: "Go to hell, I knew you were a big pervert...why didn't you eat me last night? "

Speaking of this matter, Sun Lingfei's resentment, that embarrassment, she almost exhausted her courage, and even relied on the strength of alcohol, but in the end, she was like a log, without any reaction, too bullying, too hurt People have self-esteem, if it weren't for Sun Lingfei who was dizzy at that time, he would have wanted to jump off the car.

"Actually, I really want to eat it." Stared at by Sun Lingfei's angry eyes, Li Zedao was embarrassed but affectionate, "But I have to be responsible to you."

Sun Lingfei was overwhelmed with emotion.

"If you don't believe me, you're coming here once, this time I'll show you what to eat." Li Zedao acted as if whoever didn't eat would be his grandson.

"Go to hell!" Sun Lingfei smiled and threw another hygienic eye over, "I said it all, you don't eat it yourself, from now on... hmph, let's see how you behave!"

Then the phone that was set aside rang.

Picking it up and looking at it, Sun Lingfei pursed her lips, but still reluctantly picked it up, said a few words lukewarmly and hung up the phone.

"What's the matter, have you been bullied?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

"Except for you, who can bully this lady? Even Wei Fengsheng, if I hadn't considered my father, I would have beaten him all over the place." Sun Lingfei waved her pink fist and said, "I'm a Taekwondo I am a master of red and black belts, and I believe that it will not be long before I can become a real master of black belts."

"It's amazing!" Li Zedao looked terrified.

"That is, dare to bully me, be careful that Miss Ben beats you!" Knowing that Li Zedao was pretending to be a calf over there, Sun Lingfei raised her eyebrows proudly, took a sip of lemon juice and continued, "It was Jiang Xue who called me just now , Another student of the teacher who taught me taekwondo, is she considered a senior sister? Usually she doesn’t like each other, mainly because she has a crush on a senior brother, but that senior brother is interested in me, so, you understand. Just called me, Mr. Park In the afternoon, I will go to the Zhengtu Taekwondo Hall to let the past get together."

Li Zedao nodded and smiled, "Your teacher's surname is Pu? He's from country H?"

Sun Lingfei nodded: "Park Changxing, a native of H country, a legendary ninth-degree black belt, is also a member of the World Taekwondo Association Organization Council. Now Yanjing's largest Zhengtu Taekwondo gym is founded by him. The senior Jiang Xue has a crush on is called Park Xulong. Teacher Park's grandson."

"You can go there with me in the afternoon, and let that Jiang Xue know that I already have a boyfriend, so I don't care about that senior brother Park Xulong she has a crush on." Sun Lingfei smiled with one hand on her chin, looked at Li Zedao with a smile and said, " Before that, you have to go home with me to change your clothes, you haven’t worn high heels for a long time, and your feet hurt like hell.”

Li Zedao nodded, and then looked straight at the spring light on Sun Lingfei's chest: "Looking at it this way, it won't be too small."

"Go to hell, pervert." Sun Lingfei was embarrassed, hugging her chest with both heads, she couldn't say that this ditch was squeezed out by Miss Ben, right?

After dinner, Li Zedao accompanied Sun Lingfei to her residence, which was a luxurious small apartment, and Sun Lingfei lived here alone. Some time ago, Sun Lingfei had a conflict with his father because of Wei Fengsheng's matter, and moved out depressed by himself.

Of course, Sun Lingfei also called her father at this time, saying that the Ferrari was at the entrance of the Charming Nightclub, and the front of the car was damaged, so he asked someone to take it to repair it.

When Sun Mingji heard that the car had crashed, he was really shocked. He believed in his daughter's skill and driving skills, and he felt guilty, so he let her go racing and didn't care too much. When the car crashed, I broke out in a cold sweat from fright, and immediately asked you if you were injured.

Sun Lingfei said angrily: "I'm hurt, I'm almost dying of pain!"

Sun Mingji was even more frightened: "Where did you get hurt? Which hospital is it in? Dad will go there right away."

"My heart is hurt, and I'm angry with you." Sun Lingfei was still angry with her heartless father who no longer loved her.


After confirming again and again that her daughter was fine, Sun Mingji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, by the way, I'm in a relationship." Sun Lingfei said, "Tell Li Ze, then I'll hang up."

Sun Lingfei obviously felt that her father's breathing became rough all of a sudden, and he looked extremely excited, but he didn't say anything, but hung up the phone directly.

Afterwards, Sun Lingfei changed into a simple white sportswear. Li Zedao glanced at her chest a few times, with an inexplicable smile on her face, it really was squeezed out, and it was the kind that was squeezed very hard, maybe even Also put a sponge on it.

It seems that the words are very reasonable, the cleavage is like time, and there will be a squeeze.

"Go to hell, I'm looking at digging out your eyeballs." Sun Lingfei naturally knew what this guy was laughing at, and was embarrassed again at the moment, hitting Li Zedao's chest with his fist a few times.

Li Zedao laughed and hugged Sun Lingfei in his arms.

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