The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1533 How Much Meat?

After Li Zedao gave Sun Lingfei acupuncture and massage several times in a row, Sun Lingfei was pleasantly surprised to find that the effect was better than she expected. The goose eggs are cooked, so she was both excited and shy to express that your performance made me very satisfied. I wanted you to eat it, but the aunt came, so I invite you to have a big meal to make up for it Bar.

Li Zedao felt wronged and resentful, so why not treat him to dinner?

Seeing Li Zedao like this, Sun Lingfei told him to die, but at the same time, she hugged Li Zedao's neck shyly and whispered in his ear that it's a big deal, now I can help you in other ways...

Li Zedao's eyes brightened: "What method?"

"Go to hell!"


The place to eat is in Zheju. Sun Lingfei said that she likes Zhejiang cuisine. The most important thing is that she doesn't need to pay for eating here. Li Zedao thinks this reason is awesome.

After ordering a private room and ordering the food, the waiter quickly brought the food, and Li Zedao was not polite, and started to gobble it up, and always maintained a smooth and fixed rhythm.

Sun Lingfei rested her chin on one hand, looked at Li Zedao with a smile, and inexplicably felt a certain respect for him in her heart, yes, it was not love, but respect.

Although the appearance of spitting and sipping is extremely bad, it gives people the feeling that he is very serious, and he is very serious about eating! A boy who is so serious about eating is naturally serious about other things, such as his women, no wonder women who are so good both in appearance and in heart are willing to silently guard him , waiting for him... such as myself.

"You always gobble it up when you eat?" Sun Lingfei found it more interesting the more he watched, and looked at Li Zedao with a smile, his red lips parted slightly, especially the dimple on his cheek, which was really intoxicating.

Li Zedao looked up, looked at her, swallowed the food in his mouth, shook his head and said, "It depends on the situation."

"Look at the situation? What do you mean? Who is the person who is eating with me?" Sun Lingfei asked, feeling inexplicably sweet, so he just regarded himself as one of his own so casually.

Li Zedao shook his head: "No, even if I'm eating with Chief No. 1, I still eat like this. The situation I'm talking about refers to the amount of meat."

"How much meat? What do you mean?" Sun Lingfei was a little confused.

Seeing that Sun Lingfei didn't quite understand what he meant,

Li Zedao added with a smile: "Let's put it this way, my family was very poor before, and it would be an exaggeration to say that I didn't have a meal, but eating meat once in a while is a luxury, so at that time, I wouldn't gobble it up. I will feel that I am trying to make myself feel full, so that I can leave more meat to my father, who does physical work and needs more nutrition..."

When the word "father" was mentioned, Li Zedao's heart trembled slightly.

It is undeniable that Li Dahai is really very kind to him, very good. He is both a father and a mother and is working hard to give him a complete family. After the score, he didn't have any scolding, but only trust. He believed that his son would be enlightened one day.

It's a pity that all of this is an illusion, a complete scam! He didn't believe that his son would get enlightened one day, but he was 100% sure that he would indeed!

Sun Lingfei was stunned, never thinking that Li Zedao would have such an explanation at all, and nodded lightly, not continuing this topic that obviously made Li Zedao have some bad memories, but a look of hope and coquetry Looking at Li Ze, he said, "How about going racing for a while? I still want to experience that speed."

Her red Ferrari has been repaired, and Sun Mingji was delivered to Sun Lingfei yesterday. They drove that car when they came to Zheju just now.

Li Zedao nodded and smiled, "Then go racing, but don't blame me if you vomit."

"It was an accident last time, okay? Who knew you were driving so perverted, like flying a plane." Sun Lingfei snorted, "I'm prepared this time, so I'm sure you won't vomit..."

After thinking about it, I still felt hairy, not sure if I really stopped vomiting, I thought to myself, I should secretly buy some motion sickness stickers or motion sickness medicine, of course I can't let this bastard know, or I will laugh at myself again.

After eating, the two walked out of Zheju and got into the red Ferrari parked there. This time, it was Li Zedao who drove the car. The car didn't go for a long time. Sun Lingfei asked Li Zedao to stop by the side of the road. She was going to buy something at the pharmacy. .

Then I was a little embarrassed and said you know what to buy.

Li Zedao smiled badly: "Condoms? You know my situation, I don't need that kind of thing."

"Go to hell! It's not a condom, it's a sanitary napkin..." Sun Lingfei was so shy, she punched Li Zedao's shoulder a few times with her fist, and then kissed Li Zedao with her red lips, then opened the door and got out of the car, heading not far away The brightly lit pharmacy walked past.

Li Zedao looked at Sun Lingfei's handsome back through the car window with ambiguous eyes, took out a cigarette and a lighter, and lit one.

Under the shroud of smoke, those eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


Three days after Wu pretended to be Chu Feng who had a crush on Li Mengyao and followed Wei Fengsheng into Wei's old house, did Director Yang receive a secret call from Wu?

At this time, Director Yang was standing in front of the window, looking up at the dark night sky hanging in the sky, his eyes were slightly narrowed, his expression was a little dignified, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Director, I haven't had the chance to get close to that Li Mengyao in the past three days, and I haven't found out any clues. However, I heard from Wei Fengsheng that Li Mengyao will leave Wei's old house in a while and go racing."

Director Yang frowned: "Drag racing?" According to the survey data, Li Mengyao, who is indifferent, really likes racing and is a member of a certain supercar club in Yanjing.

"Are you sure?" Director Yang asked.

"Yes, Director." Fog replied in the affirmative.

"If she leaves, find a reason and follow closely in the dark." Director Yang said, hung up the phone, and continued to stare at the dark night sky.

A few minutes later, the news came again from the fog. Li Mengyao, who had been staying in the Wei family's old house for a few days without taking a step out, had now walked out of the Wei family's old house, got into a blue Porsche, and drove away. Wei Fengsheng quietly followed behind in his car.

At the same time, those secret surveillance personnel lurking around the Wei family's old house also sent news to Director Yang, confirming Wu's statement.

At the moment, Director Yang asked Wu to follow closely, don't lose track, he will arrive later, after all, that Li Mengyao is suspected to be a genetic superman, who knows if he came out at this time to do something according to someone's order? Director Yang didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and went out in person!


In less than ten minutes, Sun Lingfei came back after shopping, looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile: "I will take you to another place for racing, that place is not that far away, and the road conditions are much better, and there, you can see a very beautiful night view. Just know."

Li Zedao smiled and nodded: "Okay."

The car quickly left the urban area and came to the suburbs. Then Li Zedao started to speed up the car. The red Ferrari roared like a ghost and overtook the cars in front one after another.

Several of these cars were supercars. Obviously, they were racing too fast, but Li Zedao's speed was too fast, and they disappeared in an instant.

At this time, because Sun Lingfei was prepared in his heart, and because he secretly bought motion sickness medicine when he entered the drugstore and took it, he didn't have the kind of amazement before, and the horror after the amazement, but excitement, abnormal excitement. She felt that the blood in her whole body was boiling, and she wanted to scream a few times at the top of her throat.

Then, she really shouted, she shouted with all her strength: "Li Zedao, I love you..."

Finally, the car arrived at the foot of a hill called Wolong Mountain in the suburbs.

"It's here, get out of the car." Sun Lingfei exhaled softly and said, that kind of speed is really exciting, even though the car has stopped now, she can still clearly feel her heartbeat. how fast.

Li Zedao smiled ambiguously: "It's a good place to fight in the wild."

"Go to hell!" Sun Lingfei's pretty face flushed slightly, and she gave Li Zedao a healthy eye, "I know you are a big pervert, and you don't think about good things all day long."

Li Zedao's expression became even more ambiguous: "You know I'm a pervert, but you still dare to bring me to this kind of place? Don't be afraid..."

"Go to hell! Beast!"

After getting out of the car, Sun Lingfei stretched her waist and let out a seductive hum, making Li Zedao furious again, then pointed to the front and said to Li Zedao: "Look, Li Zedao, what is that?"

Li Zedao looked in the direction she pointed, and couldn't help sighing: "It's so spectacular."

The terrain here is high, there is no obstruction, and the line of sight is excellent, so standing at this place and looking forward, you can see the general outline of the entire Yanjing very clearly. The entire Yanjing, under the decoration of neon lights, looks very majestic and dazzling.

"It's very spectacular. When I was in a bad mood before, I would drive here. After seeing the night view of Yanjing City in the distance, my mood would be much better." Sun Lingfei said.

Li Zedao smiled: "If you come here at night, you are not afraid of encountering bad guys? You have such a good-looking face and you drive a luxury car, so the bad guys won't let you go just because you have small breasts. "

"Go to hell!" Sun Lingfei walked over with a hygienic eye, kicked Li Zedao again, and then stopped to straighten her chest, "Miss Ben has grown bigger now, okay?"

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