In Director Yang's office, Li Zedao was sitting face to face with Director Yang, making tea. Naturally, Li Zedao was responsible for making tea. In Li Zedao's view, if Director Yang were to make tea, it would be a waste of every day of making tea. There are only a few pots of peerless good tea.

After several decent tea ceremony steps, two cups of tea soup with attractive aroma appeared in front of Li Zedao and Director Yang.

Director Yang picked it up and took a sip of the intoxicating tea fragrance. After a long while, he looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile: "It's strange to say, the same kind of tea, the same pot of water, the steps are similar, why? Is the tea you make more fragrant than mine?"

Li Zedao took a sip, looked at Director Yang and said casually: "You belittle yourself so much and then flatter me, why do I not feel happy at all but feel nervous instead?"

Director Yang laughed: "It's not flattery, it's just seeking truth from facts, and thanks to you, otherwise, there might be some big trouble."

"I am from Huaxia, and I love the five-star red flag." Li Zedao said.

"..." Director Yang's expression was a little weird. I don't know why, but such serious words completely changed from his mouth. He changed the subject immediately, "That little girlfriend who I have arranged for you to help you Check your body, I believe that the instrument hidden in her body will be taken out soon, don't worry."

Li Zedao nodded. Just as he was about to say something, there was a knock on the office door.

Director Yang glanced at the door and said with a smile: "I still don't believe that Jin Bucheng would eat that shit and drink that dog piss, so I'm afraid I won the bet this time, and you'll have to accept the bet by then." Repudiate, really join fc."

"You must be the one who loses." Li Zedao said with a smile, "When the time comes, I hope you will be willing to accept the bet and don't renege on your debt. Give me ten catties of this kind of tea."

"Of course I won't renege on my debt." Director Yang said with a big hand, he didn't think he would lose.

The thing is like this, an hour ago, Li Zedao really couldn't bear Jin Bucheng's flattery, so he escaped from the torture room, and then he asked secretly to find some fresh dog feces and dog urine, and then sent them to Jin Bucheng.

Li Zedao is a very "grateful" person. His motto in the past was that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. Now that Jin Bucheng invites him to drink urine, he naturally has to pay back. So, just add a bubble of dog shit Dog pee. After thinking about it, Li Zedao felt that he was still too stingy, and this kind of repayment was far from enough, so let's add two bubbles of dog shit and two bubbles of dog urine.

After listening to Li Zedao's order, An's face was so weird that it was extremely disgusting.

Meaning that this is to force him to swallow? I thought this kid was too ruthless, and I couldn't offend him in the future.

Li Zedao said with a mysterious smile on his face that he would eat it gratefully.

He secretly felt that Li Zedao was crazy, and Director Yang didn't believe it even more. After all, Jin Bucheng can be regarded as a master of the same level as himself. How could he be grateful for Dade's eating dog shit and drinking dog urine? Even if you put a knife on his neck, he won't eat it!

Therefore, Director Yang rolled his eyes and proposed a bet that if Jin Bucheng was not willing or even grateful to eat that shit and drink that dog urine, then Li Zedao would lose. The bet was that Li Zedao must join the fc organization and be a member of fc from now on ...In fact, Director Yang has the idea of ​​cultivating Li Zedao as his successor.

Apart from being lazy and lecherous, this kid is extremely in line with his requirements in other aspects, to the point where he can't even meet, and he can't be perfect.

Li Zedao thought about it, and made a bet with him. The bet he proposed was ten catties of that top-quality tea.

Director Yang was taken aback by Li Zedao's big mouth. You must know that the output of this kind of tea itself is appallingly low, and it is allocated to him every year, only a few taels, and most of the time, the tea in his hand Huang Wen, who is good at tea, will try his best to take away any stock, so now he adds up all of it, which is less than one tael. If he didn't drink tea rarely, it would have been gone long ago.

Not to mention that the two tea trees are dead now, so let alone ten catties, even one or two tea trees are hard to see.

But after thinking about it, he will be the one who will win this bet in the end, so Director Yang agreed after a moment of thought, and then asked An to prepare dog shit and dog urine and send them to Jin Bucheng.

There are a lot of big wolfhounds in this place, so it's not too difficult to get fresh dog urine and shit.

Before An An left, Li Zedao also told him to prepare more. Our distinguished guest was starving, which made An An feel so disgusted that he almost vomited.

Director Yang looked at the door and shouted, "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and he walked in secretly with a pale face, extremely weird and disgusting, even trembling in his body.

Li Zedao was drinking tea leisurely as if he was sitting on the Diaoyutai. He even began to calculate in his heart how much that ten catties of tea could sell for, which is enough to make a person super rich.

Seeing the dark expression, Director Yang's heart suddenly thumped, and an extremely bad feeling was already welling up, so he hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

"Eat, thank you for eating everything, and even licking off the leftovers..." An said with difficulty, his stomach twisted even more, as if seeing something disgusting.

In fact, the scene was disgusting, Jin Bucheng actually chewed it with relish...Anyway, he felt that his ability to bear it was extremely strong, and he just vomited, and now that he said it, he wanted to vomit again.

"Uh..." Director Yang's eyes widened all of a sudden, and he looked back at Li Zedao, and said in astonishment, "What... did you do to him?"

Li Zedao shook his head helplessly: "It's too good, there's nothing I can do. As soon as that stick saw me, I was completely conquered by my temperament. He cried and begged to be my dog, but I couldn't help it." gone."

"..." Both Director Yang and An An could clearly see the other's face that was so smothered.

"Tea, ten catties!" Li Zedao looked at Director Yang with a smile and said.

"Uh... that... did you remember it wrong, kid? Didn't we just talk about one or two? Why is it ten catties? Don't bully me because I have a bad memory..." Director Yang stared at him and acted like a fool.

Director Yang had no choice but to rely on the old and sell the old to be shameless, let alone ten catties, even one catty, he couldn't make it out, one or two is still possible.

"One or two? Oh, it seems that I remembered it wrong." Li Zedao said with an apologetic face, "Well, I don't have a good memory. What will happen to you in the future, I can't remember... Hey, Headaches, headaches... How can you have such a bad memory at such a young age? Hey, old man, who are you? Where is this place? Why am I here?"

"...You boy!" Director Yang was so depressed that his beard straightened, but his heart was full of helplessness.

In the last round of bargaining, ten catties of tea leaves were reduced to one catty of tea leaves. Even if you killed me, I wouldn’t be able to make it out. For this catty of tea leaves, Director Yang had to ask his grandpa to sue grandma for what he owed. How many favors can be obtained, after all, this kind of tea is life in the eyes of those big bosses who are addicted to tea.

In addition, the extra 90 million is considered to be worth the remaining nine catties of tea.

Director Yang also discussed, how about giving you 100 million directly, Li Zedao waved his hand, and said in a coquettish way, I don't lack that little money, which made Director Yang almost roll up his sleeves and beat someone up .

Li Zedao reluctantly accepted it as if he had been taken advantage of by you. He had no choice but to know that even if this shameless old man was really beaten to death, he would not be able to make ten catties of this kind of tea. .

How to deal with this gold failure? Really let him stay with you? "After the bargaining was over, Director Yang frowned and asked, he didn't think this was a good decision, it was the same as having a * * beside him.

Li Zedao's expression darkened slightly: "How is it possible? This kind of person who dares to be so cruel to me is very scary. Once he is given a chance, he will definitely retaliate wildly, so turn around and kill him." Him, just skin him off and find someone suitable to pretend to be him and work in the embassy."

Director Yang nodded, and then gave An a look, expressing that he would do what Li Zedao said, thinking that you are also very cruel to yourself, not everyone can just watch a bubble of urine pouring on themselves like this on the head.


After some subtle examination, the doctor quickly found a foreign object on Sun Lingfei's buttocks, which did not completely penetrate into the skin, but a tiny bit stayed outside. Of course, it was almost the size of a pore, so You can't really tell unless you look closely.

The doctor reported the situation to Director Yang and said that Li Zedao didn't want to let Sun Lingfei suffer a knife, and he didn't want these doctors to stare at his woman's ass... Even if they are doctors, that's okay. No, so he said that it would be fine for him to come.

Director Yang knew some of Li Zedao's methods, and knew that this kid was also very skilled in medical skills, so he dismissed those doctors and asked Li Zedao to be in charge of the surgery.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't need to be operated on, because his eyes had been integrated with pure blue safety buttons, so now he has extremely powerful mind control, allowing him to "see" the sky lock that locked the medicine jar very clearly, and let him When you want to drink water, you only need to look at the cup and send a signal in your brain, and the cup will obediently float in front of him...

But now, that thing didn't completely enter Sun Lingfei's body, it could be seen, so there was no need to use a scalpel at all.

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