The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1580 The Deputy Leader of the Dark Group

Director Yang and Su Men looked weird, and confirmed their guess again. Another function of Shenwan is to thicken people's skin, which is so thick that it makes people desperate. The wall is still thick, and there is no way to blast it away with guns.

"Take it down, don't embarrass her, I'll go and interrogate in a while." Director Yang waved his hand and said, he was afraid that if this woman stayed here, she might be pissed to death by Li Zedao.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm a ghost hunter, and I won't let you go... Cooperating with traitors, helping others, you bastard..."

The female researcher was taken away from the research room, but her vicious and stern roar, which seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell, still echoed in the research room, lingering in Li Zedao's ears, so that he had to pinch himself with his fingers. This makes my ears feel more comfortable.

"Thanks to you, we were able to find the murderer so smoothly and avoid more serious consequences." Director Yang looked at Li Zedao and nodded, thinking again in his heart how correct it was to bring Li Zedao here.

"Just to express my gratitude in words?" Li Zedao had a half-smile expression on his face, "You saw it too, she looks like a crazy woman, she looks at me like she wants to tear me alive Yes, I have provoked a lunatic, my life has become so dangerous, and I have to be on guard against her assassination every day?"

Su Men was dumbfounded, thinking that an expert like you would worry about being missed by such a woman? Does your family know that you pretend to be a calf like this?

Director Yang's heartbeat quickened, and he said with a strange expression: "Cough...well, don't worry, we will keep an eye on her, and we will never let her have a chance to trouble you...Didn't you say there is something wrong with you, kid?" Are you busy? I'll see you off right now." He knew very well that if he let this shameless boy continue talking, he would definitely ask the lion to open his mouth again. If he offered to bring a catty of tea What, Director Yang felt that he might as well kill himself with a knife.

"Oh, I don't have anything too important." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Plus this place... well, the scenery is nice, so I want to stay for a while, Director Yang will welcome you? If not If so, I'll go."

He said this place has a nice view? Su Men's expression was strange. He had heard that this kid was very shameless, but seeing him now, he really lived up to his reputation. Even using the word "shameless" to describe him is simply a wronged word.

The muscles on Director Yang's face twitched. If he hadn't been 100% sure that he couldn't beat this kid, he would have rolled up his sleeves and beat him up a long time ago, but he couldn't help but smile and said, "You boy, how could you not beat him?" Welcome? I'll take someone to take you to Lao Su's office right now. Lao Su still has a couple of tea leaves in his hand. I'll ask him to take them out. You can make tea in his office and have a good rest. "

As Director Yang looked at Su Men, the latter's face was pained, his heart was bleeding, and he almost burst out cursing, you bastard, how could you do this?

"No, I'm not interested in tea." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

Director Yang wanted to yell at him. Doesn't your conscience hurt when you say such words? Su Men was so excited that he almost cried. At this moment, he felt that this kid was really cute.

"I want to go with you to meet that female researcher, and I'm quite interested in that Qian Yugang." Li Zedao smiled and looked at Director Yang with a look of extreme curiosity.

Before the researcher was taken away, there was viciousness and despair in his eyes,

Li Zedao was a little concerned about what he said about being a traitor and helping the tyrant.

If that female researcher really bears some kind of deep hatred, such as being cheated by fc, just like herself, and her move is for revenge, then although his blocking is reasonable, it may not be so reasonable, so Li Zedao wants to find out .

Besides, he didn't have any good feelings for the fc organization at all, so he was inclined to think that fc might do something sorry for other girls. Maybe Qian Yugang's death ten years ago had a very dark inside story.

Director Yang nodded helplessly: "That's fine, let the female researcher calm down first, and then interrogate, let's go to Lao Su's office first, and I will tell you about Qian Yugang."

Su Men frowned. Li Zedao's participation did not conform to the relevant confidentiality regulations. After all, this is an internal matter of fc, and it may involve some secrets. Even if he is a master of returning to basics, he has no right to participate.

But Director Yang agreed, so it's hard for him to object, otherwise he would be suspected of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge. After all, it was Li Zedao who found out the lurking murderer.

A few minutes later, the three of them came to Su Men's office. Director Yang said, Lao Su, take out the tea quickly, because Ze Dao likes to drink that tea the most. Su Men hates it, but he has no choice but to take out his treasured tea leaves.

If it was only him and Director Yang, then he would not say anything, but Li Zedao was here, and he also helped solve a big problem. If he didn't take out the good tea and treat him well, it wouldn't seem too much of himself. Are you too stingy to be human?

Of course, I was very upset in my heart, secretly scolding Yang Guomin for being an old bastard, why is he always thinking about his little tea?

"Come and make tea, Lao Su and I are half-baked at making tea." Director Yang said while looking at Li Zedao. This is not a compliment, but the fact that it is true. In Director Yang's opinion, the tea made by this kid is really more fragrant than his own. In addition, his set of movements is also smooth and smooth, which is quite ornamental, although it is not as good as Huang Wen's. Coherent and natural, but much stronger than himself.

Li Zedao really didn't know what it means to be polite, and he was anti-client, so he started making tea.

Looking helplessly at Li Zedao pouring tea into the teapot over there, Su Men's heart hurts, it has already started to bleed.

He is usually reluctant to drink this tea, even two days ago when Lao Yang asked him to ask for it, he even got anxious with him and he didn't give the tea to Lao Yang in a daze, saying if he wanted the tea or not, it's up to you!

It's all right now, it's cheaper for this kid, and it's even cheaper for Lao Yang, the old bastard.

Apart from the pain, I really want to beat Director Yang violently. Anyway, I have known him for decades. Is it necessary to trick me like this?

At the moment, Su Men looked at Li Zedao's movement like flowing water with pain, and then briefly introduced the basic situation of the female researcher.

Xiao Jieer, female, 28 years old, native of Yanjing, has shown great talent in programming since she was a child. In the third year of junior high school, because she participated in a programming competition and won the first place, she was rejected at a young age. The School of Information Science and Technology of Shuimu University made an exception for the admission. Six years ago, it was secretly recruited into the fc organization until now.

As for her family background, it is naturally in the hands of fc. Both parents are from Yanjing, both of whom are programmers. They are currently running an Internet company, and their main business is to help other companies design portals. There is no problem.

It can be said that based on this information alone, it is hard for you to imagine that this Xiao Jieer is actually the murderer of Dr. Zhao, and that she even has a terrifying hidden weapon that is hard to defend against. Qian Yugang, who had died before, had some kind of connection.

Of course, there is basically no such thing that Xiao Jieer is actually pretended by someone. After all, there is a smell detector installed in this place. The smell that only belonged to Xiao Jie'er emanated from the inside, I'm afraid it has been picked out long ago.

Of course, the reason why it basically does not exist is because there is another possibility, that is, on the eve of Xiao Jieer's entry into the fc organization six years ago, someone secretly replaced her into fc and joined the research and development team.

However, this possibility was quickly ruled out, because Xiao Jie'er didn't wear any human skin mask on her face, so she was undoubtedly Xiao Jie'er.

"Qian Yugang is actually my senior brother, the deputy leader of the secret team." After drinking a cup of tea, Director Yang looked at Li Zedao and slowly talked about this person.

"Your senior brother? The...deputy leader of the secret team?" Li Zedao's expression was moved. He guessed that Qian Yugang's background must be not small, but he did not expect that his background would be so big. the point.

Director Yang shook his head with regret and confusion, and said in a low voice: "As the deputy leader of the dark team, his most important duty is to coordinate the members secretly to ensure the safety of the heads, especially when the heads go out to visit. time. But..."

Director Yang shook his head again, his endless pity and incomprehension turned into a sigh.

Su Men swallowed the tea soup in his mouth fiercely, took Director Yang's words, and said through gritted teeth: "But he actually colluded with foreign forces and planned to assassinate Minister Sun who was working in a certain important department and was visiting a certain country at the time." .”

"What?" Li Zedao's eyes widened, his face was horrified, and he couldn't believe what he heard. After all, this thing is too unimaginable. The bodyguard responsible for the chief's safety turned into an assassin who assassinated the chief. I feel horrified. If this kind of thing really happens, the country's image will definitely be discredited, become a permanent stain, and become the laughing stock of the country.

"Fortunately, there was a loophole in his plan. We discovered his plot in time and failed to succeed. In the end, he was killed by me and several other members of the secret group. You were there at that time, Old Su." Director Yang glanced at Su Men and said.

Sumen continued to grit his teeth, his big hands clenched into fists, and said murderously: "That bastard, I feel ashamed when I mention him. I used to think of him as my idol, one of the people I respect the most." one."

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