The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1585 Anxious Woman

Li Zedao's heart has been trampled crazily by a large group of grass and mud horses, and he can't calm down at all, so, is it really... a slap in the face?

A note with the words "Qian Yugang" was found from Dr. Zhao's body. These three words were blood red, and the handwriting was so heavy that it almost tore the paper.

So they easily deduced that the other party was Qian Yugang's accomplice, and they were planning to continue doing something that would be detrimental to the organization.

It was precisely because of this inference that Li Zedao deliberately pretended to make that phone call, deliberately humiliating Qian Yugang with such words and tone, and after that, he discovered Xiao Jieer's abnormality.

But unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a result. Xiao Jie'er shot Dr. Zhao to death because she couldn't stand the sexual harassment and threats. In addition, her boyfriend is also named Qian Yugang, and this Qian Yugang has nothing to do with the Qian Yugang who died ten years ago except for the same name!

So, after Xiao Jie'er killed Dr. Zhao, someone sneaked into the office, and after discovering that Dr. Zhao was dead, left that note in his pocket?

If so, is he the real one lurking in the dark?

"You just said that someone left a note on Dr. Zhao's body with the words 'Qian Yugang' written on it?" Xiao Jie'er looked puzzled.

Li Zedao nodded solemnly: "We did find such a note on his body. You really didn't put it on it?"

Xiao Jieer frowned and shook her head: "I really didn't put any note, and I can't write this name on the note... Could it be that someone knew that I killed Dr. Zhao, so I deliberately wrote my son on the note?" Friend's name and put it in Dr. Zhao's pocket?"

"But, it's not right. People here probably don't know that there was a person I liked very much called Qian Yugang. Besides, if they really knew that I was a murderer, wouldn't it be good to just write my name? Or, just write Just go and tell Director Su if it’s okay? Why bother?” Even Xiao Jie’er felt that her IQ was not low, and she couldn’t figure out what the other party was trying to do.

"The Qian Yugang on the note is not referring to your boyfriend, but the Qian Yugang who died ten years ago and used to be in fc and was not under Director Yang, because he tried to do something that endangered the country. , so it was obliterated by fc." Li Zedao frowned and explained simply that he didn't think this woman was lying, at least he couldn't see it.

"Ah?" Xiao Jie'er looked stunned, how could it be such a coincidence? In other words, it seems a bit unjust for me to be caught out like this.

"You just lied to Director Yang and the others by saying that you have an accomplice?" Li Zedao asked. I thought that if Director Yang and the others were told such a result, they would definitely not believe anything, right? No wonder this woman regards herself as a life-saving straw. She knows very well that Director Yang and Su Men will not believe her rhetoric. They will only elevate the matter to the highest level and link it with national security. Only think that this woman is a spy.

How could they believe that Dr. Zhao, a scientific researcher who is extremely important to the country, is actually a pervert who likes to sexually harass female subordinates? Even, some female subordinates were treated as spies because they didn't want to be harassed by him?

"Of course I lied to them, how can I have any accomplices?" Xiao Jieer said, somewhat embarrassed, she lied to them that she had accomplices, her purpose was nothing more than to see if she could use their hands to viciously Let me teach this bastard a lesson. If he succeeds, he will be dead.

That's admitted, if he doesn't succeed, it means that this bastard has a lot of background, you can gamble on him, it can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

Looking at the situation now, it seems that I made the right bet. Of course, I was not so sure in my heart, so I asked, "Should you believe what I said?"

"Why should I believe it?" Li Zedao asked back.

"You..." The muscles on Xiao Jie'er's face twitched, and she wanted to stare at this bastard with death-like eyes, and then cursed loudly.

"Besides, even if I believe what you said, I believe that you killed Dr. Zhao because you couldn't stand the threats and harassment from Dr. Zhao, but your killing is true, and what you killed was a scientific researcher who is extremely important to the country. , brought huge losses to the country, so, do you think I can save you?" Li Zedao said again.

Xiao Jie'er's small face twitched even more, and she said angrily, "You don't want to save me?" She didn't believe that this bastard, who made Director Zhao helpless and could only give in, would not be able to take herself out of this place. Besides, isn't there an accident now? Someone secretly put such a note into Dr. Zhao's clothes, no matter what his purpose is, as long as the murder charge is pushed to that person, won't it be enough?

"Do you think that just because he is an important scientific researcher, I should take off my clothes and spread my legs to please him and satisfy his animal nature, which is to contribute to the country? Bastard! "

Li Zedao smiled wryly, thinking that it is the same for fc, you should take the initiative to take off your clothes and spread your legs to satisfy Dr. Zhao's desire, otherwise you are not patriotic!

"I don't think so." Li Zedao shook his head.

"That's what you think. Working in collusion is not a good person!" Xiao Jie'er looked angrily, her eyes turned scarlet.

"I'm very curious, your skill is not bad, especially this song of blood fusion needle, even a master like Director Yang would be extremely embarrassed when he suddenly encountered the attack of blood fusion needle." Li Zedao changed the subject.

Through a short period of contact, I can roughly understand the character of this woman. She is calm and irritable, decisive in killing, smart but self-righteous, overly arrogant, and the common problem that women basically have, that is, unreasonable.

For example, now, she should be begging herself to save her, and she should lower her posture, but she is blindly blaming her.

In my heart, I was thinking about how to help her get rid of the crime. It doesn't mean that it's impossible to take them away by force, but in that case, the conflict with fc will increase sharply, and it will also leave an extremely arrogant impression on the superiors.

"Bastard, why should I tell you?" Xiao Qingfeng gritted his teeth, "You kill me! I curse you for choking to death while eating and drinking, and getting hit by a car when you go out..."

It's this set again! Li Zedao felt so upset, you are such a crooked ghost who wants to help you! Immediately got up and said coldly: "I'm going to eat and drink water now, to verify whether your curse will work or not!"


"Kill you? Don't be kidding, your life has to be saved for Dr. Zhao's, or if you really don't want to live for a second, you can bite your tongue and kill yourself." Li Zedao turned and left.

Seeing that this bastard was really going to die, Xiao Qingfeng became anxious again, and hurriedly shouted: "I'm sorry, I... I was wrong..."

Li Zedao turned back and said coldly: "Your sorry is too cheap, and you are too self-righteous. I can indeed save you, but why should I save you? Because you think there is a gap between me and fc, which can even be said to be hatred , I was pitted very badly by fc, so I should save you, a woman who was seriously hurt by fc in your opinion? Do you think things are too simple and easy? Why should I? save you?"

"If it weren't for the kindness that grows naturally in my bones, I would have made you look good long ago when you cursed me." Li Zedao snorted coldly.

Xiao Jie'er stared at Li Zedao dumbfounded. What she said earlier made her somewhat ashamed. Why should he save herself? Although Director Yang is backing down, it is not an easy task to take her murderer away from this place.

But at the end he boasted about it... Xiao Jieer couldn't help but want to curse again, this guy must have a disease that would kill him if he didn't boast.

"It was my mistake. I sincerely want your apology." Xiao Jie'er took a deep breath, bit her lips, her eyes were a little afraid to meet Li Zedao, "As long as you take me out of here, I can do anything for you things."

If a woman tells you that she can do anything for you, it will inevitably make people imagine, not to mention that this woman is not too ugly, and her figure is quite good.

However, Li Zedao looked at this woman who was trying so hard to show a shyness on her face like an idiot, this woman who was playing tricks, said lightly: "I don't think there is anything I need you to do for me , protect me? Do you have that kind of ability? Help me wash and cook? Come on, I guess you are not clean either? Go to bed with me? Sister, don’t you value your own charm too much?”

It is undeniable that this woman looks good, but compared with those women like Li Zedao, she looks so bleak.

"You..." Xiao Jie'er's chest rose and fell violently, and the whirring sound came out of her mouth, and the corners of her mouth were already oozing blood from the other party's words. This is no longer ordinary hatred, this is simply the enemy of life and death.

"So, do you understand? If you want me to save you, then put away your ridiculous little thoughts and answer my questions seriously. Don't try to hide anything. Otherwise, you can only confess to Director Yang and the others. They His temper is not as good as mine." Li Zedao said again.

Xiao Jie'er's chest was heaving violently, and she still said in a hoarse voice: "When I was young, the next door lived was a man who claimed to be a Taoist priest. He taught me my skills and this blood-melting needle hidden weapon." Yes, he also gave me the blood-melting needles, just a few, and I usually use embroidery needles for my practice."

She didn't look at Li Zedao, because she knew very clearly that her eyes were full of murderous intent at this moment, and it would be bad for this cold-blooded and ruthless bastard to see.

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