In the end, the fingernails of the ten fingers of Elena's extremely pale hands actually grew longer at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the length of each nail was a full four to five centimeters!

And the fingernails were scarlet, just like her lips!

"You... you... are you magic?" Zheng Wan'er stared at her hands with wide eyes, and asked with difficulty. She didn't realize the danger at all, and only thought that the girl named Elena was showing her a magic trick, and it was a very magical magic trick.

"Oh, yes, this is magic, a very magical magic." Elena's voice has become harsh and ethereal, her eyes have also turned scarlet, and even when she opened her mouth, Zheng Wan'er saw clearly On her upper row of teeth are the two extremely sharp fangs on the left and right.

Therefore, Zheng Wan'er's eyes opened even wider, and she couldn't believe what she saw at all. It is not so strange for a person to have such teeth. These teeth are commonly known as tiger teeth. But the point is, the canine teeth are too long and too sharp.

And Zheng Wan'er clearly remembered that when she smiled before, her teeth were normal, and she had never seen such exaggerated canine teeth at all.

At this time, the girl in front of her seemed to have completely changed into another person, her face became pale, her eyes became scarlet, and her whole body exuded a cold breath of death. The teeth and sharp claws make people shudder at the first sight, and the word "vampire" even appeared in Zheng Wan'er's mind.

Yes, she felt that Elena's "dress" at this time was somewhat similar to the vampire in the movie she had seen, especially those two sharp teeth.

Zheng Wan'er was a little scared and a little unhappy. Of course she didn't think Elena was a vampire, but it was kind of scary after all.

In her opinion, this Elena is deliberately scaring her!

But even if she was unhappy, she didn't show it, but said: "Elena, I suddenly remembered that I left something in the store where I ate before, and I have to go back to pick it up, so, I'm leaving first, you go to the bar by yourself first, have fun..."

Before Zheng Wan'er could finish her sentence, Elena's hands with exaggeratedly long nails and strangely white color had already rested on her shoulders, causing Zheng Wan'er's body to tremble violently.

cold! A bone-piercing coldness instantly swept across Zheng Wan'er's whole body.

Elena's hands were like two pieces of ice, so cold that Zheng Wan'er felt as if her body was frozen, she couldn't move at all, and couldn't speak. It was full of horror, she already realized that the other party didn't seem to be trying to scare her deliberately, but, it seemed to be true, she seemed to have really met a vampire! But how is this possible?

"Oh, it's really delicious." Elena smiled even more weirdly, opened her mouth suddenly, completely exposed her fangs, and then fiercely showed her eyes towards her immobile eyes. Zheng Wan'er, who was extremely frightened, bit her neck.


On the sidewalk in front of the main road in front of Qingyun Building, Li Zedao's figure appeared in front of one of the green trees, took out a cigarette and a lighter, and lit one.

As if wanting to completely relieve the suffocation in his chest, he took a deep breath on the cigarette, and then slowly exhaled it bit by bit.

Li Zedao's hearing ability is amazing, and his perception ability is extremely powerful.

So he knew very clearly that there were two figures approaching him quietly at this moment.

"Young Master Li." When they came to him, the two figures nodded in greeting.

They are Snow and Hail. Fc has sent them to the island country to perform missions for a short period of time. The main mission is to investigate the specific situation of the skull organization in DJ's headquarters. Now they have two more missions. The first is that before Li Zedao arrives, Secretly watching the situation of Qingyun Building, the second is that after Li Zedao arrived, all actions followed Li Zedao's instructions.

"Didn't anyone suspicious appear around Qingyun Building during this time?" Li Zedao asked, looking back at Xue Hehai and nodding.

Hail shook his head very positively and said: "No." At least they really didn't notice that there was any capable person appearing around Qingyun Building. If they sneak into the Qingyun Building, they have nothing to do.

Li Zedao nodded and asked casually: "Is there any result in the investigation of Skull's secret base in DJ?"

Hail shook his head again: "Nothing has been discovered yet, and we haven't gotten any useful clues yet."

Li Zedao didn't ask any more questions, and he didn't feel that Hai was hiding something from him. After all, the base of the skull was found so easily in such a short period of time, so there was a problem.

What's more, FC now desperately hopes to use their own hands to pull out the skull tissue, so that they won't hide anything.

"The next thing you two have to do is to stay around the Qingyun Building for a moment, and kill any suspicious people who try to harm Qingyun." Li Zedao slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

Li Zedao's original plan was to take the fc people together to face such a huge enemy like the skull, but the fact that Xiao Qingfeng was tortured to death by Sumen told him, it is better to act alone, don't let People from fc participated, otherwise even if they didn't die in the hands of the skull, they would probably die in the hands of people from fc.

In addition, if you are lucky enough to get something from the hands of the skull, even if that thing is extremely important to the country, Li Zedao has no intention of giving it to fc so easily. At least, you have to pay a price for fc to get those things, right? ? For example, let the old man Sumen go to hell, and I will give you the things after he goes to hell!

Li Zedao knew that this would be tantamount to standing on the opposite side of fc, but so what? Their actions have completely chilled Li Zedao.

Therefore, now Li Zedao only let these two people guard around the Qingyun Building, and he and Bei went to face the Skull Organization. Even Li Zedao didn't want Bei to participate, and planned to let her accompany He Xiaoyue in the Qingyun Building , he can face it alone.

"Yes." Both of them nodded.

"Go." Li Zedao waved his hand, Xue Hehai nodded again, then turned and left, his figure quickly disappeared into the night.

After the snow and hail left, there was another slight sound of footsteps behind him.

"Sister Bei." Li Zedao looked back at Bei who appeared there, grinned, and then looked left and right for no one, so...

Bei came to him, took the cigarette from Li Zedao's hand, and took a puff in a smart way.

"Slap!" Li Zedao slapped Bei's buttocks hard, the elasticity and feel made Li Zedao's heart suddenly hot.

Before, Bei took the initiative to send his buttocks to Li Zedao to take pictures, but He Xiaoyue and those from Qingyun were there, Li Zedao was thin-skinned, but he was not as open as sister Bei, so he was not ashamed to take pictures, but now...

Being attacked all of a sudden, Bei felt his whole body go numb, and Li Zedao, who was so angry that he turned white with a smug expression, said with a glance, "Get out!"

"You still dare to provoke?" Li Zedao slapped him again, but this time he didn't use a slap, but directly pressed on Bei's buttocks, and then grabbed him directly.

"Get out!" Bei Ergen was a little hot, but he didn't slap his salty pig's hand off, allowing Li Zedao to scratch and touch, and leaned his head on his shoulder, watching the feasting and feasting not far away. The passing cars and pedestrians quietly smoked the remaining half of the cigarette.

Then with a flick of his slender fingers, the cigarette butt beautifully crossed a wide range, and it flicked accurately into the trash can not far away.

"This is the island country dj." Li Zedao said. He felt that he could just throw the cigarette butts on the ground like this. Anyway, pollution is the environment of the island country.

"It has nothing to do with whether this is an island dj or not, it has to do with one's own quality, morality and habits." Bei said.

"..." Li Zedao's face was hot, and he was extremely ashamed! Look at Sister Bei, how noble her character is, she is ashamed when she thinks about herself.

Therefore, Li Zedao's big hands grabbed even harder. He felt that this woman was getting more and more against the sky, and she really didn't know who was in charge of this family unless she was taught a lesson.

Beiqiao's face was slightly red, and her eyes were full of spring, and she gave Li Zedao a white look, and asked, "You plan to wait for the skull to make a move first?"

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "That's the only way to go. After all, they are keeping secrets and we are keeping open, so the only thing we can do is to see the tricks, and of course it won't be necessarily the case later."

"I know, no matter what you do in the future, you want me to stay in Qingyun Building with Sister Xiaoyue, right?" Bei asked, she knew this man too well, Bei could basically know his psychology just by looking at him thought.

Before Li Zedao could answer, Bei said again: "I will stay in Qingyun Building."

Li Zedao was stunned for a moment, looking at this woman with surprise in his eyes, it was hard to believe that she had taken the initiative to mention this matter and agreed to it, Li Zedao thought that he would have to go through some persuasion and threats to curry favor before he could force her to agree.

"Facing an organization like Skull, it's not that the more people the better, it's best to know their lair and sneak in secretly. Of course, this is basically impossible. So I don't think I can help Why do you want to do me any favors, and even, it may make you have some scruples to hold you back." Bei expressed his opinion, then grabbed Li Zedao's wrist with his small hand, and gave Li Zedao a hard look, this guy is too It's too much, it doesn't matter if you grab it through your pants, but you still plan to stick it in. There are still pedestrians around on the street, okay?

Li Zedao chuckled, instead of stretching it in, he pulled it out following Bei's strength, and then put his arms around her waist.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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