The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1644 The Vampire Queen

Akai who was on the side watched this scene, and was shocked to find that he still had such a thing as "compassion". He felt that that guy was really unlucky and pitiful.

At the moment Li Zedao put He Xiaoyang's body into the trunk, and put the backpack he was carrying into it, he felt a sense of sadness in his heart, and even felt guilt and guilt. After all, it was because of himself that He Xiaoyang was missed by the skull Go up, fall into the current situation.

After closing the trunk, Li Zedao got into the driver's seat. At this time, Chi Jing got into the car very consciously. Of course, he didn't dare to sit in the co-pilot's seat. It was almost instinctive. He felt that the farther away from this devil, the more is safe.

"You have about an hour to rest. After an hour, I need you to help me take out the so-called maggot system in one of my friends." Li Zedao said lightly after kicking the accelerator, "Can you Can you do it? If you can't do it, you can get out of the car now."

"It's no problem." Seeing the other party's murderous eyes sweeping over, Akai hurriedly said with a shiver. I already had a guess in my heart. This devil was brought back after being subdued by that vampire Elena. Originally, he should have fallen into a severe coma, but now he is living better than anyone else. Before adding him, he said However, his friend had a maggot system installed in his body about twenty days ago...

You know, not everyone is eligible to have the maggot system installed, and in Akai’s impression, the only person who had the maggot system installed in his body twenty days ago seems to be the vampire queen... So, the vampire queen Elena actually followed The devil cooperated? Akai really wanted to cry.

Of course, don’t say it’s him, even General Skull, after getting the news, will want to cry after being shocked. A Li Zedao has already given them a headache, and now adding a vampire queen, it will not only It's as simple as a headache.

What's even more ironic is that they spent a lot of thought and energy to wake up the vampire queen successfully.


"Mr. Wade, I would like to offer you a toast." General Moore said with a smile as he picked up the goblet and looked at Wade.

"General Moore, please." Wade smiled.

Then the two glasses slammed together and they were downed in one gulp.

"Oh, God, this is so blissful," said General Moore, as he stretched out his muscular body, leaning his head against the wall of the pool, and at the same time, a breast The semi-exposed island woman is gently massaging his shoulders.

"Oh, that's true." Wade's expression was also extremely comfortable. Similarly, a foreign girl with half-exposed breasts was helping him massage his shoulders.

Compared with island women, Wade still likes blonde girls. He likes their wild and unrestrained personality, and his plump physique, and the more exaggerated the better. Of course, the waist must be thin, otherwise it is not Plump but fat.

"General Moore, what do you think Mr. Akai is doing now?" Wade smiled with interest. Not long after he was sent to the island country, he didn't know much about the situation here. Unlike General Moore, he had already been to the island country, and he had known Akai for a long time.

For that old man, Wade was somewhat interested.

General Moore smiled: "What else can I do besides studying human corpses? That crazy old guy can't look at him with normal thinking. What we think is disgusting and absurd is normal in his eyes." , the old man brought corpses back to his room many times before,

When he was sleepy, he fell asleep using the dead body as a pillow. "

"..." Wade's mouth twitched, it was too disgusting.

"Even before, he said that he wanted to try the taste of human flesh, and then he and the lunatics in the laboratory killed a hapless ghost alive like a pig, and finally cut it into pieces, or fried it, and It's decoction, they say it's a human feast... oh god, stop talking, it's disgusting and crazy."

General Moore's expression was a little disgusted, which was the biggest reason why he didn't want to go to that laboratory. The dead are not scary, but the scary thing is that there are a group of lunatics trying to torment the dead over there.

Wade's pupils dilated slightly, and his expression was a little stunned. He had heard that all the scientific researchers in the organization were crazy, but he didn't expect to be crazy to this extent. This is really scary.

The more he thought about it, the more disgusting he felt, and he quickly changed the subject: "Leave that old man alone, I'm curious, what is our dear Miss Elena doing at this time? General Moore, do you think she is entertaining herself?" Le? Oh, you know, that kid didn't satisfy her at all."

General Moore glanced at Wade with a slightly playful expression: "Oh, don't you know if you listen to her movements?" Of course he knew that this guy had fantasies about the vampire queen in his heart.

Wade smiled, picked up an earphone next to the wine glass and stuffed it into his ear, then turned on his mobile phone. The earphone was very quiet, and there was no sound coming from it for a while.

At that moment, Wade picked up the mobile phone that was there again, turned it on, and after some operations, he frowned and said, "Oh, our dear Miss Elena is not in the room 909 we arranged for her in the Famous House Hotel. inside."

"Then where is she?" General Moore asked. Of course, where is she now and what is she doing? In this family hotel on the line.

Of course, regarding the secrecy of this place and their level of secrecy, coupled with the fact that they are in control of the woman's every move, General Moore really doesn't think that the woman knows that they are soaking in the hot spring here.

"From the point of view of location, she is in a private clinic not far from the hotel." Wade said, looking at the phone screen, somewhat wondering what the woman was doing in that clinic.

"Private clinic? What does she go there for?" General Moore asked curiously.

Wade shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "I don't know about that. Maybe she's hungry and went over there to find the blood she's interested in. Who knows?"

"Oh, it turns out." General Moore nodded, not caring. He was aware of the fact that that woman had to suck the blood of a living person every few days. Even some time ago, when the vampire queen opened her eyes, In an instant, the fangs were immediately exposed, and then the blood of a scientific researcher was sucked dry.

He also heard that that woman has a very good taste, and she doesn't like people with type O blood. What interests her the most is people with Rh negative blood type, that is, the famous panda blood.

Of course, in the whole world, there are very few people with this blood type, but General Moore knew that there was a guy with this blood type system in front of him, and the old man Akai had this rare blood type, so he It is conceivable that once Akai is seen by that woman, that woman will probably suck his blood without saying a word, right?

At the moment, the two continued to enjoy the fine wine and the massage from the beautiful woman, and simply forgot about the vampire queen.


After driving for more than an hour, the car finally stopped slowly in front of a small private clinic with dim lights inside.

At this time, the time has come to the early hours of the morning, but the streets and alleys are still full of noisy voices, the flashing neon lights, the noisy crowd, the lively late-night cafeteria... There is no doubt that the night dj is better than the daytime dj More attractive, more lively.

DJs during the day seem to be filled with all kinds of pressure, while DJs at night are all kinds of pressure release.

It is a major event in this city. Whether it is in the middle of the road or in the alley, there will always be people in strange clothes shuttling through the crowd. When Li Zedao got out of the car with Chi Jing, three young men, two men and one woman, happened to pass by them. All three of them were dressed in strange clothes. The strangest one had a green head, as if grass had grown. Yes, there are three guns on his waist.

Li Zedao recognized that outfit, the three swordsman Zoro in One Piece.

Of course, this kind of dress has been seen a lot these days, so Li Zedao is no stranger to it.

"My friend is inside, so you know what to do in a while?" Looking back from the three men and women in strange clothes, Li Zedao looked at the old man standing tremblingly in front of him, and said coldly .

"Don't worry, I know." Akai quickly nodded to show that he understood.

He is absolutely familiar with the maggot system, he naturally knows that after entering, it is not allowed to make unnecessary movements, especially when picking it up, otherwise if the skull finds out that someone is trying to remove the maggot system, when the time comes Detonate it at the control terminal, and the gods are hard to save.

"As long as you know." Li Zedao said coldly.

Li Zedao took Chi Jing a few steps forward, walked to the closed door of this small clinic, felt the breath inside, stretched out his hand, knocked on the door three times, and paused for three seconds After that, there were three more light knocks, and then, the lights in the room suddenly turned on, and then the closed door was gently opened from the inside, and a pretty figure with only a scarf around his body to barely block the light appeared over there.

This is a woman with a hot figure, a good face, and golden hair. Moreover, her eyeballs are red, as if inlaid with two precious rubies.

Even though Akai was prepared in his heart, when he saw the woman's face clearly, his scalp suddenly became numb. Sure enough, it was their organization that spent a lot of time, money and energy to successfully remove her. The Awakened Vampire Queen Elena.

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