The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1646 Sucking Flesh

Suddenly felt that the temperature in the room had dropped several degrees, Li Zedao looked up, and saw Elena showing such a strange and terrifying scene, her blood-red eyes were still fixed on sitting there resting Akai showed extreme greed and longing, and his scalp became troubled in an instant. So, is this woman planning to suck the old man's blood?

Do you want to stop her? After all, it is still useful for the old man to keep it, and he also promised the other party that he would not kill him, but now...

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Li Zedao felt that Elena, who was still standing there, disappeared in place, and then almost instantly, she appeared in the defenseless Akii approached her, and the hand with long red nails grabbed Akai's neck tightly and lifted it up. Almost at the same time, her mouth was completely opened, and her mouth was completely opened. Two fangs were exposed, and then bit hard on Akai's neck.

Looking at Akai, his face was terribly pale, his staring eyeballs contained horror and pain that made people feel chills in the heart, his mouth was wide open, trying to shout something, but in the end no sound came out.

At first, his legs thrashed a few times, but within a few seconds, those two legs showed no signs of moving, and his body began to become stiff.

Immediately afterwards, a more terrifying scene appeared. Akai's face turned pale first, and then that pale face began to turn black little by little. At the same time, the flesh on his body seemed to be dried. It was the same, but it shriveled down, and in the end, only a dark skin covered with bones remained.

It wasn't until this time that Elena let go of her teeth biting the opponent's neck. At the same time, she loosened her hand and threw the skin-and-bones corpse back on the chair, then closed her eyes slightly , licking his bloody mouth lightly, with an extremely enjoyable expression.

She even burped lightly, as if enjoying a big meal beautifully.

Li Zedao, who witnessed this scene, was already short of breath, and his eyes showed unprecedented horror and shock. Is this the legendary vampire who sucks human blood?

Even, what she did was not as simple as simply sucking up people's blood, it seemed that all the essence in the flesh and blood had been sucked away, otherwise the unlucky old man would not have become like the one he is now. dead mummy.

Feeling a hot gaze on him, Li Zedao's scalp went numb, and he looked at the woman who was licking his lips vigilantly. He was already ready to do something. He didn't want to imagine that the old man Same, the flesh and blood were all sucked into such an ugly mummy.

Seeing the other party like this, Elena smiled, opened her red lips lightly, did not make any sound, but made a mouth shape, and said: "Oh, don't be afraid, I'm full, I don't need to eat in ten days. You have sucked human blood, and besides, mine is not interested in your blood."

She said she... was full? She said she wasn't interested in her own blood? Li Zedao didn't know what to respond to, he couldn't say thank you for your dislike, could he? Of course, the vigilance in my heart is still undiminished. Who said that you can't enjoy some desserts after eating?

"It's time for us to start the second project, what do you think?" Elena said with her lips again, her eyes full of inexplicable smiles.

Li Zedao nodded, indicating that there was no problem, and then pointed to the worm system that was the size of a fire box that Akai spent two hours taking out without any risk.

look at that thing,

Li Zedao felt inexplicably that this Akai was really pitiful. He thought that after successfully taking out this thing, he would not have to die, but he didn't expect to die faster.

Looking at that thing, Elena's eyes turned scarlet again, and there was a palpitating coldness in her eyes, then she stretched out her hand and gently picked it up.

For this kind of high-tech product, even if she is the vampire queen, she is extremely afraid.

At that moment, the two left the small clinic one after the other. Of course, Li Zedao had to suppress his nausea and take the mummy away as well, leaving him here to scare the innocent doctors in the clinic, which is not good after all.

When Elena came over, there was actually a doctor in the clinic. Elena didn't drain his blood, but knocked him out and threw him under the bed.

After coming out, after making sure that no one was coming, Li Zedao quickly opened the trunk and threw it in.

As for Elena, she took the worm system back to the Famous House Hotel by herself, and left the worm system in the room, so that she could confuse the people of the Skull Organization and make them believe that she had been staying there all along. In the hotel, did not leave.

When Elena came back, Li Zedao pondered for a while, took out the phone, dialed a number and went out.


Late at night, Qingyun Building.

Bei opened the door, looked at the woman standing in front of her with an expression full of apology, self-blame and remorse, red and swollen eyes, and even scars on her face, and said lightly, "What's the matter?"

"I'm sorry." He Xiaoyue said softly.

"You didn't apologize to me." Bei responded lightly, moving away, "Come in."

He Xiaoyue nodded and walked into the room.

"Sit down, I'll get some medicine to help you wipe off the scars on your face." Bei said lightly, the scars on the other party's face were left by her previous shot, although she controlled her strength well, she still let her go The woman's pink and tender face turned red and swollen.

"Otherwise, if he sees him later, he will be very distressed and anxious to me." After Bei gave such an explanation, he went back to get the medicine without waiting for He Xiaoyue's response. I'm sorry, after all, it's only natural for this woman to react like that.

After all, Li Zedao did not do well enough to take care of her emotions.

He Xiaoyue looked at her back, and her heart felt inexplicably warm. She knew that this extremely difficult girl still cared about herself.

Then, gently sat down on the chair.

Bei quickly found the ointment, and gently applied the ointment on He Xiaoyue's red and swollen face with a cotton swab, and then said lightly, "Go back and have a good sleep, it will be fine the next day."

"Can't sleep." He Xiaoyue shook her head, facing those beautiful big eyes, and asked in a discussing tone, "You can't sleep either, can you? So can I stay here?" She didn't want to spend it alone In this long night, with this indifferent sister, her restless heart will be more at ease.

Bei frowned, then nodded and said, "Then stay."

She really couldn't sleep. When Li Zedao was by her side, she could fall asleep peacefully. When Li Zedao was not by her side and hugged other women to sleep, her sleeping condition was a little bit better than before, let alone Li Zedao Maybe something dangerous is going through right now, so tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

"Thank you." He Xiaoyue said softly, "Do you have any cigarettes?"

Bei nodded, and took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter for her.

Then there was a long period of silence, Bei stood in front of the window, watching outside silently smoking a cigarette, while He Xiaoyue sat there, also silently smoking a cigarette, making the whole room smoky.

"You will choose to stay instead of going back to Huaxia, right?" Bei looked back at He Xiaoyue and asked.

He Xiaoyue's expression was obviously stunned, and then her expression became bitter. She nodded slightly, and said with a little self-deprecation: "I'm old, he doesn't care, but I will feel very embarrassed."

He Xiaoyue knew that Bei, who was also a woman, could understand her thoughts.

"He's an asshole." Bei thought for a while and said.

He Xiaoyue smiled involuntarily: "He is indeed a bastard, an irresponsible bastard. He has a small heart, but he always says that he has a heart of fraternity. When a materialistic woman has emptiness in her heart, she can also He needs a man's reassurance, which he does very badly."

"Of course, he can't be blamed. There are too many women, and he has too many things to do, so he can't manage it at all." He Xiaoyue excused Li Zedao.

Bei nodded, the greater the ability of a person, the greater the responsibility, so he really doesn't have time to spend all day in the crowd of women, unless he is willing to let go of everything in China and stay away from China, otherwise as long as he is still in China for a day, then Surely someone will miss him.

"So, let's leave, it's good for him, and it's also good for me." He Xiaoyue looked at the indifferent woman and asked, "What about you? Will you leave one day?"

Bei glanced at the woman, and said calmly: "I only know that if he dies, I will have no meaning to live. He is my everything and my life."

He Xiaoyue listened, her expression slightly moved. She didn't feel that this woman said such words on purpose, but that she really thought so in her heart and planned to do so.

And among so many women in Li Zedao, perhaps, only this woman has such an extreme idea.

"So, I won't leave. Even if he forces me to leave, I won't leave. Even if he ignores me and hates me extremely, I will stay silently." Bei said.

He Xiaoyue smiled wryly, how could he ignore you and hate you?

"Of course, if he dares to ignore me, I'll beat him up." After thinking for a while, Bei added.

He Xiaoyue pursed her lips and smiled, inexplicably envious of this woman, her youthful beauty, her terrifying skill, and her ability to age slowly with Li Zedao, unlike herself. Yes, he is still young.

At this moment, Bei's mobile phone rang softly. The familiar ringtone made Bei's face change slightly, and he came to him in a flash. He picked up the mobile phone and looked at it. My heart has relaxed a little.

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