Li Zedao, who was standing behind Elena, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard Elena's words, and felt that this woman was really terrifying, so he stimulated that majestic guy with a few words Yes, the current psychology is full of gloating.

"So...Mr. Akai came to see me so late, just to ask me, are you handsome in such a suit?" Wade's mouth was twitching violently, and he felt so unhappy, he really said "Baga "I don't know whether to scold or not, even, I already have an urge to beat someone up!"

Even if this damned old man is an extremely important scientific researcher in the organization, Wade knows that even if he beats him up, he won't get any punishment. After all, it was this old man who provoked first... In Wade's view, This old man entered his room without his consent, and put on such eye-catching clothes like a lunatic, and said such insulting words to his ears, and more importantly, he also put his own I was so frightened that I completely lost face, so what is this not a naked provocation?

"Yes, Mr. Wade, don't you think this question is very important?" Elena asked seriously.

"Oh, Falk!"

Akai's face darkened, and he uttered a swear word, then he stood up suddenly, the towel covering his crotch fell off, and faced the old man naked, staring at him with gloomy eyes, roaring angrily, "Oh, Damn, damn! Mr. Akai, you must apologize to me, sincerely! Otherwise, even if you are an important scientific researcher in the organization, even if you are mentally ill, I will not be polite to you!"

Elena moved her eyes downward, glanced at the thing under Wade's crotch, shook her head and said, "Oh, dear Mr. Wade, you seem to have a dysplasia there, do you need me to operate on it for you? Where did you get bigger?"

Li Zedao listened, his complexion became even weirder, mainly because he wanted to laugh but couldn't, so he was really uncomfortable. Of course, he doesn't think there's anything wrong with Elena's words. Compared with his own, his bastard can indeed be said to be underdeveloped... Anyway, Li Zedao firmly believes that this woman must be comparing that guy's with his own. Yes, that's how I came to this conclusion.

"..." The corners of Wade's mouth twitched even more violently, and his eyes turned even redder, revealing anger and monstrous hatred. Undoubtedly, Wade's nerves were severely stimulated by the other party's words that were so inconsistent with the reality. This time he didn't want to teach the old man a lesson, he directly wanted to kill him.

He also wanted to take off his old man's pants, let him take a good look at what he looks like, and make him ashamed to death!

"Mary, smash this damn guy's mouth first!" Wade stared at Akai with scarlet eyes, and growled in a low voice. After all, this old man is too important to the organization, so he can only think about his life, but smashing his mouth and knocking out his teeth one by one, this kind of thing Wade I still dare to do it.

As soon as the words fell, the big ocean horse that was sitting there suddenly jumped violently. Its figure was like a ghost, and it had already appeared in front of Elena. Those long-sleeved hands were as fast as lightning, and a slap was enough. He slammed towards Akai's old face fiercely.

It's hard to imagine that such a dissolute woman can be a first-class master!

It's just that although her speed is extremely fast, there are still people who are faster than her! In a blink of an eye, a hand suddenly appeared there, clasped the white wrist, and then squeezed hard.

In the next second, "Crack!" There was a scalp-numbing bone breaking sound, accompanied by a painful muffled sound, followed by another muffled "Bang!", and the woman flew backwards at a faster speed. He went back, and finally fell heavily back on the sofa.

Looking at her right wrist, it was twisted at a weird angle. It was obvious that the bone had been broken. At this time, the face that was originally dissolute was slowly showing panic and pain, and the corners of the mouth were even more permeable. There was a trace of blood.

After the woman received Wade's order and rushed towards Akai, to the woman's hand being broken and kicked back, all of this happened in the blink of an eye, and even a master like Wade hadn't reacted yet. The main reason is that he never expected such a result!

At that moment, his face became even more gloomy, and he stared coldly at the security guard standing in front of Akai. He was the one who made the shot just now, and the shot was ruthless!

"You... want to die?" Wade said gloomily, if Chi Jing and the damned security personnel were allowed to leave the room like this, then his face would undoubtedly be completely humiliated!

Especially that damned security guard, Wade directly sentenced him to death.

"I don't want to die, dear Mr. Wade." Li Zedao said playfully, and then took off his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, completely exposing his entire face in front of Wade.

"You... Li... Li Zedao?" Wade's eyeballs suddenly became round, and his face changed wildly, with shock and disbelief in his eyes! After all, Li Zedao had already fallen into a coma after being bitten severely by Elena. Even before he and General Moore brought him back, he checked carefully, and there was nothing wrong with it!

So now, shouldn't he be lying in the laboratory for transformation? Why is he here? The weirdest thing is, how could he be with Akai? So Akai betrayed the organization?

Li Zedao smiled inexplicably, stopped talking nonsense, and with a flash of figure, he rushed towards the opponent directly.

Wade is a master after all, so despite being terrified, he still maintained a very high fighting quality, so he quickly realized that he was about to roll on the spot, escaped here first and sent out a distress signal.

However, after all, he still thinks highly of himself, or in other words, he underestimates Li Zedao's speed too much. Before he can move, the other party's powerful hand has already pinched his neck, and then Li Zedao snapped his fingers sharply.

"Crack!" Wade's neck simply went limp to the side, and he was already too dead, but in his eyes, there was unprecedented shock and fear.

He was originally a hunter, and Li Zedao was the prey. Even the prey had already entered the trap, and was deprived of the qualification to struggle to the death. But now the prey not only escaped the trap, but even bit the hunter to death!

Li Zedao loosened his hands, and Wade's body simply limp and fell there, like noodles.

Seeing that Wade's neck was twisted all of a sudden, the big ocean horse's expression was already full of horror, and his mind was roaring, unbelievable. The person who was about to make a loud distress call suddenly trembled, his eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost, and his heart was filled with extreme panic.

I saw a terrifying and strange face suddenly appeared in front of her. The skin on the face was strangely white, and the blood in the eyes was terrible. What made people's scalp tingle was that there were two gnats in her big open mouth. Horrible fangs.

In the next second, a pair of hands that were also pale and strangely cold grabbed her neck and lifted her up. Then, the sound of sharp objects piercing into the skin was heard.

"Oh, my dear, I think today must be my lucky day, because this woman is also a rare Rh blood type." Elena licked her lips after a full meal, and said to Li Zedao with a look that was still unfinished.

Looking at the woman, she had already turned into a shriveled and ugly corpse, and her flesh and blood were sucked clean by Elena.

Li Zedao looked at the natural scalp numbness, and said cautiously: "That Elena, can I discuss something with you?"

Elena already had a shy expression on her face, she nodded softly and said: "Oh, dear, there is no need to discuss, I promise you."

" you know what I want to discuss with you?" Li Zedao was taken aback.

"Oh, isn't that what men think about when they are with girls? Not to mention that they were stimulated just now, I understand." Elena directly winked at Li Zedao and said shyly .

"Uh, no, that..." Seeing that the woman seemed to have misunderstood something, Li Zedao hurriedly tried to explain.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. The body structure of our vampires is exactly the same as that of your human women. You will know after you feel it... Actually, the vampires are a branch of the human race, and they are special human beings. " Elena's voice was like a mosquito, and she was even more shy.

"I feel your sister!" Li Zedao was dumbfounded, and then his expression was about to cry. I didn't mean that at all, okay?

Of course, Li Zedao also knew that this woman was talking about that on purpose.

Seeing Li Zedao's expression, Elena giggled and said, "Okay, my dear, I know what you want to discuss with me, it's nothing more than that even if you meet someone with rh blood type, don't rush immediately In the past, I sucked up other people’s blood, at least I have to tell you, right? I promise you, who made me like you? So your request is very rude to me, but I still can’t bear to refuse you , Oh, this is probably what you humans often say, if you like someone, you can't help but think about the other person, right?"

Li Zedao smiled wryly, nodded, but he was also a little relieved. After all, this woman sucks human blood at every turn, especially when she sees a person with rh blood type, she jumps at it like a cat seeing a salted fish. It's appalling. Now it's a society ruled by law. If you casually bite someone's neck and suck their flesh and blood on the street, it will cause an uproar.

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