The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1656 Skeleton General

Then, General Moore's figure flashed and slashed at the security guard fiercely with a knife. He believed that if the knife went down, what lay in front of him would be a pile of corpses.

He closed his eyes in enjoyment, he liked the feeling of the blade cutting through flesh and bone, of course, to him, this was the sound he hadn't heard for a long time.

This sound is so pleasing to the ear, it is really pleasing to the eye.

However, that pleasant voice did not appear! General Moore didn't hear the sound of the blade cutting flesh and bones, there was no sound at all, but the knife couldn't cut it no matter what, and stopped there abruptly.

Then, his figure also stopped there abruptly, and in the next second, he opened his eyes suddenly. After that, his face was already full of horror, and a monstrous wave was already set off in his heart. Huge waves, even breathing stagnated.

The reason why the precious knife in his hand couldn't continue to chop was because two fingers simply caught the sharp blade.

The security guard clamped the blade with his index finger and middle finger, making the knife feel as if it had taken root, and he couldn't cut it down or pull it back!

"How did you do it? You are not the security personnel here, who are you?" General Moore's mind roared violently, unable to accept the facts in front of him at all.

If the security guard dodges in a panic, then he can barely accept it. Although those security guards are not as good as him, they are not weak after all. However, you just clamped it with two fingers, what is that? ? Doesn't your conscience ache when you pretend like this?

The security personnel here have the ability to do such a horrible thing? impossible! So, he is not a security guard here! Who is he then?

The security guard grinned and said sullenly, "General Moore forgot me so quickly? A few hours ago, you still grabbed my head and dragged me away."

Then, with his other hand, he took off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Li... Li Zedao? How is this possible?" General Moore exclaimed, his expression was so horrified that he remembered, and his mind had set off a thunderous wave that was 10,000 times stronger than before.

"What's impossible?" Li Zedao smiled sinisterly, his tone became more and more cold, "It's really cool for you to grab my head and drag it away, and it's cool for you to sneak into Qingyun Building and catch people... "

The first thing, Li Zedao can forgive it, after all, the game before was about intrigue, who is better at forbearance, Li Zedao can even endure such things as being directly peed on the head, let alone being dragged like garbage and left.

But the second thing, Li Zedao will never let this damn guy go.

The blood debt has to be repaid in blood, so Li Zedao has accepted the fate of this high-level executive from the Skull Organization!

Sensing the cold murderous aura emanating from the other party, General Moore was horrified to the extreme, and cold sweat broke out on his face, because he knew very well how terrifying this young guy was, and he really wanted to kill him. What he said was like killing a chicken.

At the same time, he believed what Akai said just now, Wade might really have died in the hands of this terrifying guy.

"You... If you kill me, the Skull Organization will definitely not let you go." General Moore said dryly, cold sweat slipped from his face little by little and fell to the ground.

"It seems that even if I let you go,

Your skull organization won't let me go, will you? "Li Zedao said gloomyly.

"Your family will not be spared." General Moore gritted his teeth and threatened again.

Li Zedao's expression became even colder, and an extremely fierce murderous aura emerged from his whole body. General Moore's words undoubtedly seriously stimulated his nerves.

"You can try it!" Li Zedao said word by word.

As soon as the words fell, Li Zedao shot suddenly. Before General Moore could react at all, he already realized that a fist containing a terrifying aura appeared in front of him.

But in the end, there were still a few tricks, so while my heart was extremely shocked, my hand quickly let go of the * that was still tightly held before, and my body was about to back quickly in a blink of an eye.

However, he still valued his own speed too much, or in other words, he underestimated the speed of Li Zedao's terrifying punch too much.

At the moment when his figure flashed backwards, Li Zedao's fist, which contained terror, hit his face directly, and then, the scalp-numbing sound of his trousers cracking rang out.

General Moore's body flew out, and at the same time, blood spurted out from his collapsed mouth, with a few teeth in it!

Immediately afterwards there was another muffled sound of "bang!", General Moore's body slammed heavily on the wall, and then rolled to the ground, his mouth was opened, and a big mouthful of blood kept flowing from the corner of his mouth. He vomited out of the torn mouth, and even his eyes began to lose consciousness. It is conceivable that although Li Zedao's punch did not kill him, at least it took half of his life.

However, Li Zedao didn't even look at General Moore, but stretched out his hand, grabbed the handle of the *knife, and glanced a few times.

Although he pretended to clamp the blade with two fingers, but this knife is too sharp, so Li Zedao's index finger and middle finger were also simply cut two small slits. For ordinary people holding the blade like this, their fingers might have been chopped off by the knife.

Li Zedao didn't know much about knives, and he didn't like it very much. After all, his patriotic feelings were there, so he didn't have much interest in the little devil's things, but he also saw the extraordinary nature of this knife.

If the Xuanyuan Xiayu sword in his hand is simple and heavy, with no sharp edge in the epee, then this pistol belongs to the Qianqiao exquisite hair-cutting type.

Of course, there is no comparison between this gun and Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword, just like there is no comparison between mortals and immortals.

With his face close to the blade, Li Zedao felt as if there was a sharp aura rushing towards his face invisibly, as if he would be cut by that aura if he was not careful.

Well, if this is sold, it should be enough to buy a few houses in a metropolis like Yanjing, right? Therefore, Li Zedao accepted it unceremoniously, just as a little interest.

At the moment, Li Zedao's eyes fell on General Moore who was paralyzed there like a dead dog, and then he walked towards him step by step with a knife in his hand. He didn't mind letting this damn guy to help him test this * * How sharp.

At this moment, a "呵呵..." sound resembling the sound of electric current sounded in this room, and then, the TV screen hanging on the wall turned on.

Li Zedao frowned, and looked back at the screen.

I saw a black shadow appearing on the lit screen, but his head was in the dark, so Li Zedao couldn't see his face clearly, but he could vaguely see that he was wearing a green military uniform, with his left chest The front is covered with various medals, and a skull pattern is embroidered on the right.

"Oh, young man, don't be so angry." A slightly old but majestic voice sounded.

Li Zedao frowned: "You are... General Skull?"

A few hours ago, Li Zedao heard Akai mention this skull-headed general, saying that he likes to wear a military uniform with a medal on his chest, and the old man who appears on the screen now is the same.

In addition, although the maggot system is not installed in General Moore's body, there are things like bugging cameras in this room, and it is a very high-tech kind that can be controlled remotely, so every move he makes is monitored. Then the Skull General in the Skull Castle on Skull Island saw it, so he showed up, is he going to stop it?

Although he was facing the old man through the screen, Li Zedao seemed to be able to feel the terrifying aura on the other party, that is to say, this old man naturally existed at a very terrifying level.

At that moment, Li Zedao glanced at Elena, who nodded, confirming his guess.

"Oh, yes, I am General Skull." General Skull smiled slightly, and said with some self-mockery: "It seems that we still underestimate you."

"You think too much of yourself." Li Zedao responded with a cold smile.

General Skull couldn't deny his smile, nodded and said: "This statement is also correct, we are too proud, we think that everything is in our hands, including your life, everything about you, including Egypt. Miss Linna, but we have to admit that we were wrong, I didn't expect your charm to be more terrifying than I imagined... Oh, after seeing you and Mr. Akai in this room, I made some guesses , of course, maybe my guess is wrong."

Although he said so, General Skull's voice was full of confidence. In other words, he didn't think his guess was wrong at all.

"Miss Elena fell in love with you during the process of getting in touch with you... Oh, God, it's unbelievable that the majestic vampire queen would fall in love with a young man from the human race. It's crazy." For this point, the Skull General is naturally extremely incomprehensible. It is undeniable that this kid is extremely good and terrifying, and he is also quite handsome, but even so, it is not enough to capture Elena's heart, isn't it? ? That is the vampire queen with eyes above the top and absolute pride!

Not to mention, the vampires have always looked down on the human race the most. In their eyes, the only value of the human race is that their flesh and blood are delicious. Even, these terrible guys have very picky tastes. Their appetite they don't even bother to smoke.

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