After slandering this kid in his heart, Director Yang had no choice but to say vaguely: "I will bring this matter up to the higher-ups."

"I know, let me mention it, and more." Li Zedao said with a smile, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

When Huang Wen was still there, Li Zedao hated fc extremely. Now that Xiao Qingfeng was tortured to death by Su Men, Director Yang's acquiescing attitude made Li Zedao hate this organization to the extreme.

In Li Zedao's view, the studies of fc are not fundamentally different from the Skull Organization. It can be said that in order to satisfy some desires of their own, some guys started to carry out all kinds of cruelty under the banner of so-called lagging behind and being beaten. human studies.

"Cough..." Director Yang's old face blushed flatly. If possible, he would want to beat someone up. This kid is so annoying, what is the truth? Doesn't he know that the last thing he can't tell these days is the truth?

"So, are you going to match up with the Skull Organization?" This topic cannot be continued, so Director Yang quickly changed it.

Li Zedao curled his lips. He knew very clearly that this was the only purpose of this old man's call. He couldn't wait to know if he got anything from the Skull Organization. If he had something, he would hand it over to the organization.

For that kind of genetic superman, fc has an attitude of both fear and desire.

"I'm afraid Director Yang will be disappointed." Li Zedao said bluntly, "I didn't find the laboratory they secretly established in the island country DJ, and I didn't hand in hand with fc."

Director Yang froze for a moment, then immediately asked: "Then He Xiaoyang..."

"The research on the skull organization failed, and I threw its body in the wilderness, and I found it." Li Zedao took a deep breath, his voice was extremely low, and he even gritted his teeth, looking extremely angry now.

Regarding the secret laboratory established by the skull, Li Zedao planned to conceal it.

On the one hand, he has already reached a deal with General Skull. If he tells Director Yang about the place at this time, Director Yang will definitely send someone there again secretly. What waves have been caused, and even the skull will attack Qingyun in the future.

Moreover, the various materials and medicines brought out from the laboratory related to the study of genetic superhumans were taken back by the Skull Organization, so it is obviously meaningless to mention this matter, and it is simply as if nothing happened.

"That's right." Director Yang said without asking further questions.

Of course Li Zedao knew that the old man didn't believe what he said, but it didn't matter. Instead, he asked: "By the way, how is the investigation about Xiao Qingfeng going? Has there been any results? Now you should believe that Xiao Qingfeng is Innocent, right? The director's death had nothing to do with her, it was a misunderstanding."

"This... is still under investigation. Of course, you can rest assured that she is fine and we have not made things difficult for her." Director Yang said with a smile.

"The efficiency of your fc is really not good. It's been several days and you haven't found anything?" Li Zedao sneered, the cold breath in his eyes was already revealed.

"...The one who was killed was a scientific researcher who was extremely important to the country, and the higher-ups also attached great importance to it, so we have to be more cautious." Director Yang smiled wryly.

"By the way, a friendly reminder, I got a piece of news that the Skeleton Organization should have researched two near-perfect genetic supermen.

Even if the strength of this genetic superman is not as good as mine, it is estimated that the difference will not be too much. I don't know if they will be sent secretly to Huaxia to do some tricks. "Li Zedao said.

"What did you say?" Director Yang took a deep breath, his expression was full of seriousness, the imperfect genetic superman has already given them enough headaches, and now there is even a gene that is approaching perfection Superman, that kind of gene superman's skill is about to catch up with that kid...

"Oh, I said that if you still can't find anything out of the investigation, why don't you ask Director Yang to go through the back door and release Xiao Qingfeng? It's useless for you to lock her up, isn't it?" Li Zedao said a little embarrassedly, "Well, I actually fell in love with her at first sight..."

On the other end of the phone, the muscles on Director Yang's face twitched violently.

"Of course, Director Yang, please rest assured about the small actions of the Skull Organization in the future. I will definitely try my best to pay attention to their every move. If they dare to appear in Huaxia, even if I fight, I will definitely let them go. I will return." Li Zedao's voice was full of enthusiasm that he was willing to sacrifice his life for the country and the people, and even sacrificed his own life.

The muscles on Director Yang's face twitched even more, so, is he threatening? Threatening that if you don't let Xiao Qingfeng go, when the genetic superman appears, I might get sick or catch a cold?

"You boy, don't try to be lazy. As for Xiao Qingfeng's matter, I will do my best." Director Yang scolded with a smile, and there was already a tinge of fear in his slightly squinted eyes.

"Then thank you Director Yang." Li Zedao smiled, and there was also a terrifying breath in his eyes.


After hanging up the phone, Director Yang glanced at Su Men, who was drinking tea leisurely, with extremely unkind eyes. His heart was blocked, and he couldn't help but lift his foot up, and kicked hard on the coffee table.

"Wow..." The coffee table was simply torn apart, the tea set on it fell to the ground, brittle and cracked, and the hot tea splashed all over the floor.

If it wasn't for the sake of a decades-old friend, Director Yang would have wanted to kill someone. If it wasn't for this damn old guy, why would he be so passive?

Isn't it just a few words from a little girl? As for such vicious hands? You old bastard is not afraid of going to hell if you are so ruthless? You old bastard, where do you tell me to find Xiao Qingfeng to return it to that kid?

"It's hot, I suggest you drink more green tea." Su Men took a sip of the only cup of fragrant tea that survived the disaster, looked at the distraught Su Men, and said with a slight smile.

"Old Su..." Director Yang roared, raising his fist to punch someone.

Su Men picked out his ears, said with a cold smile: "Although I am not young, my eyes and ears are still clear, so I don't need to speak so loudly, I can hear you. Don't tell me, then The little bastard is telling the truth."

Just now, when Director Yang called Li Zedao, Su Men naturally heard it clearly from the sidelines. He knew it with his knees.

You know, according to reports from Xue Hehai and the secret agents they secretly sent to the island country, Li Zedao went out early and returned late for several days before, and finally confirmed that he was tired of being with a woman during the day. According to the investigation, that woman Her name is Zheng Wan'er, and she is a flight attendant. She is an ordinary working class, nothing special.

But this incident is undoubtedly very weird, not to say that it is very weird that the licentious guy hooked up with a woman again, it is normal for this kind of thing to happen to that kid.

It's because the timing of the boy's affair with the stewardess was completely wrong.

The only purpose of Li Zedao's trip to the island country is to rescue He Xiaoyang. Moreover, he has to ensure that other than He Xiaoyang, Qingyun's other people will not be taken away, such as He Xiaoyue. Therefore, he should hurry to investigate He Xiaoyang's whereabouts and pay attention. Just follow the wind and grass around Qingyun Building.

But he didn't, he actually got tired of being with that Zheng Wan'er all day long, shopping and eating with her, it seemed so sweet, even this kind of sweet date was on the premise that He Xiaoyue had already complained occurring.

Therefore, the only possibility is that Zheng Wan'er looks ordinary, but in fact there is a problem, even if she is a member of the Skull Organization, Li Zedao intends to use her as a breakthrough?

Afterwards, Xue and Hai also noticed an extremely important thing, that is, Li Zedao was injured!

They can't understand how terrifying Li Zedao's skills are. Such a master with such terrifying skills is injured, so it is not difficult to guess that a huge conflict has broken out between him and the skull, and even told him That kind of near-perfect genetic superman has fought against, and the wounds on his body are left by that genetic superman!

Another thing happened afterwards, that is, after Li Zedao was injured, that Zheng Wan'er also disappeared. People from fc tried to find her, but they couldn't find her.

"Of course he's lying!" Director Yang snatched the cup of tea from Sumen's hand and poured it directly into his own mouth. I tell you very clearly that I am lying, what can you do to me."

"Then why did he lie? There is no need to hide the conflict with the Skull organization, right?" Sumen's old face was a little cold, "Unless, he has reached some agreement with that organization in private."

Director Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had to agree with this damn old guy's guess. If not, why did Li Zedao open his eyes and talk nonsense?

"It seems that the kind of annihilation we most want to see did not happen, but the result we least want to see." Sumen continued with a sneer.

Glancing at the messy ground, he shook his head slightly. It's a pity that there was a pot of good tea, which was the top Yuqian Longjing.

"It's too early for you to make such a definition now." Director Yang glanced at the old man and said. The biggest problem with this old man is that he always thinks bad about people.

"Really?" A nervous smile appeared on Sumen's face, "Then you can pray, pray that my guess is wrong, otherwise..."

Su Men didn't continue talking, but Director Yang's face changed slightly.

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