The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1668 Excessive demands

"May I know your name and contact information?" Haneda Michiko insisted, "Don't worry, I won't disturb you, I just want my Yoko and myself to remember the name of the savior."

"Forget it." Li Zedao waved his hand, a little impatient.

"Please tell Michiko." Haneda Michiko bowed slightly, bit her lips lightly, her eyes were full of persistence, she looked a little pitiful, as if she had suffered a lot of grievances.

Li Zedao glanced at this woman for a few times, and was completely defeated by the little grievances in her eyes. It seemed that the soft-hearted problem had occurred again, but he couldn't see others being bad, especially that she was a petite and lovely woman.

"Do you have a pen and paper? Write it down for me if you have any." Li Zedao sighed secretly, and then stretched out his hand.

"Ah, yes." With a happy smile on her face, Michiko Haneda quickly opened her bag and took out a pen and a small exquisite book, opened one of the pages, and handed it to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao took it, wrote down his name in a hurry, and left a line of phone number, then handed the notebook and pen back to the woman, and said, "I think I can probably guess what you're thinking. "

"Ah? What?" Michiko Haneda, who was looking at the text on the notebook, was taken aback.

She couldn't understand the three Chinese characters above, but she tried hard to remember them in her mind, and she wanted to remember the other string of numbers firmly.

Looking up and looking at Li Zedao's eyes with some surprise, these eyes are like stars in the sky, shining with dazzling light, and even seem to be able to see through people's hearts, which makes Katsuta Michiko feel a little nervous inexplicably up.

"The reason why you insist on my contact information is because of your daughter?" Li Zedao said.

Michiko Haneda's eyes widened, this man actually knew his true intentions.

"I think you must take your daughter to the hospital for an examination immediately after leaving the beach, right? The examination results and treatment plan given by the doctor should be that your daughter is still too young and too weak, so she is not suitable for surgery at present. So we can only carry out conservative treatment first, and the sudden fainting situation similar to what happened that afternoon will happen again, and if the rescue is not timely, maybe even life will be lost, right?"

Michiko Haneda's eyes turned red, and she nodded. The doctor did say that, and her daughter's situation is indeed not ideal.

Due to her young age and weak constitution, the failure rate of forced surgery is extremely high, and there is a great possibility that she will die directly on the operating table.

But if there is no operation, it will be like having a deadly drug in her body. You never know when this drug will explode, maybe it won't explode for a long time, but maybe it will explode in the next second!

The safest way is to let her daughter stay in the hospital all the time, so that even if something happens, she can be rescued in time, but it is undoubtedly extremely cruel to keep her in the hospital every day for such a small child a practice.

Of course, there is the last way, which is to find the Chinese doctor who rescued Yoko. His magical acupuncture technique can control Yoko's condition... This is another suggestion from the island doctor, the island doctor I agree with Huaxia's magical acupuncture, which is undoubtedly the most exciting suggestion for Michiko Haneda.

Of course, it's difficult. After all, where can I find that Chinese man?


As if everything was preordained, Michiko Haneda unexpectedly saw this Chinese person at the same place again, so Michiko Haneda decided to get acquainted with each other.

"So, you insist on asking for my contact information because you think I can save your daughter's life?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes, dear sir." Michiko Haneda nodded slightly, her reddish eyes filled with hope, "I know, you must be able to save my Yoko, right? As long as you save my Yoko , money is not a problem, even... Michiko is willing to do anything for you, sir."

When he said the following words, his voice was a little low and embarrassed, as if he mustered up a lot of courage, and at the same time, a blush appeared on his cheeks.

Of course, this is the true thought in the deepest part of her heart. If this Huaxia boy can save her own Yoko's life, Michiko Haneda doesn't mind giving everything she has, including money, body, and even life.

Yoko is her life, and if something happens to Yoko, Michiko Haneda thinks she must be crazy.

Eiko on the side sighed softly when she heard Michiko Haneda's words. Michiko Haneda's words naturally included her body. Her face and body are naturally very attractive to men.

Although her husband passed away and she took a little girl with her alone, she never lacked suitors around her. It was just that her personality was reserved and conservative, so she didn't show any good looks to those men who pursued her.

So, it took a lot of courage to say such a thing.

Although all of this is to save Yoko, Eiko also knows that Michiko Haneda still has a good impression of this boy from China, otherwise it would be impossible to say such a thing.

At that moment, Yingzi glanced at Li Zedao, wondering how the Xia boy would react.

Will the eyes light up and then take advantage of it?

Of course, Yingzi felt that this possibility was very small, because the man saw him as if he saw a Chinese cabbage, and he didn't mean to take a second look.

Yingzi has always been extremely confident about her own allure, not to mention, she has made her debut in several such movies, so there is no doubt that she is the deadliest poison to men , How many people dream of sleeping with her once.

But this Chinese man is fine, he doesn't even want to look at her more, Yingzi can't believe that this little guy hasn't seen the movies she starred in.

Sure enough, as she expected, the reaction of this kid from China was so flat, his eyes didn't light up at all, he shook his head slightly and said: "Miss Haneda, you think highly of me, I don't Find a way to heal your daughter."

"No, my dear sir, I know, you must have a way, Michiko, please." Haneda Michiko begged softly, looking pitiful, but I really feel pity, "Also, just call me Michiko , that's what my friends and family call me."

"..." Li Zedao thought to himself, I am not your friend, let alone your family! Although I can't create a human being, I don't want to see a cute child and want to be her father.

"Or, can you... stay by Yoko's side all the time?" Knowing how excessive this kind of request she made, Michiko Haneda's expression was more bewildered and embarrassed, and her voice was almost at a loss.

Michiko Haneda was a witness to the miraculous acupuncture that this man showed that day. If he could always be by Yoko's side, Yoko wouldn't need to stay in the hospital. She could live a normal life without worrying about illness attack. Not to mention that the doctors in the hospital also said that the miraculous acupuncture did have a very good effect.

Li Zedao's eyeballs widened slightly. This woman is really going too far. They say that islanders, both men and women, have super thick skins. Li Zedao was originally skeptical about this, but now, he completely believes it. , Whoever dares to say that the islanders have no thick skin, he will be in a hurry with anyone!

"I'm really sorry, Michiko knows that this request is too difficult, but..." Seeing the other party's weird expression, Haneda Michiko bit her lip, she looked so helpless, flustered and embarrassed, she also felt that she was too much How can you make such a request?

And... would this kind of request be too easy for people to imagine? Always being by Yoko's side is not the same as always being by her side. In this way, the relationship between the two... Michiko Haneda's face turned hot.

"Give me your pen and paper." Li Zedao shook his head lightly.

"Ah?" Michiko Haneda realized, and quickly handed over her pen and paper again.

Li Zedao took it, wrote down the names of several kinds of Chinese medicinal materials, and then handed it back and said, "What you are seeing now is a prescription, which is good for the human heart and can also strengthen the human body." It is suitable for your daughter to take it. I don’t know if there are any Chinese medicine shops in the island country. If not, go to Huaxia to buy it. The decoction method is mentioned above. If you keep taking it for a period of time, your daughter’s physique will improve a lot, of course. , if you don’t believe me, there’s nothing you can do.”

"As for being by your daughter's's too difficult for a human being." Li Zedao doesn't even have time to spend with those women now, so how could he be by that little girl's side?

"I'm really sorry." Michiko Haneda was embarrassed, and felt that she had made such a request too much. Immediately, he picked up the small book as if he had found a treasure, and then bowed very solemnly and said, "Of course I believe in you, I will find a way to buy it right now, thank you very much."

Li Zedao nodded and said nothing, turned around and left.

Michiko Haneda looked at his back and opened her mouth. After all, she didn't say anything, but there was a lot of gratitude in her eyes. Although she didn't get the result she wanted most, it was already very good to get such a precious prescription.

"Oh, what an impolite and arrogant little guy." Yingzi curled her lips, a little annoyed, and then smiled wryly. This guy does have arrogant capital. He shot and wounded Fujii in the Toyotomi Casino, but in the end he swaggered Leaving with a check for one billion... This kind of miraculous thing happened to him, and now, Fujii didn't know why he offended him again, so he asked her to send another check for one billion up.

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