The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1679 Lost Contact

The night when the earthquake broke out, for the DJ people, it was naturally a sleepless night, and it was also a night of life and death. For many people who were concerned about the latest situation of DJ, and worried about their relatives and friends who were in DJ , also a sleepless night.

Huaxia Phoenix City is located in a luxurious villa in the seaside resort. A gorgeous and noble woman stands in front of the window. That noble face is full of panic at this time, and she has completely lost her previous calmness and composure.

"You... What are you talking about? A big earthquake happened to the DJ in the island country? It might even cause a big tsunami?" Xiao Qiangwei's voice trembled with horror on her graceful face.

If only the DJ had an earthquake, and it might trigger a tsunami... Let it happen, her heart won't cause too many waves, but the point is, her son and three daughters-in-law are now at the DJ!

"Yes, ma'am." Meng Jing said with a pale face, "He is now in the island country, and Miss Xiaoyue and Miss Bei are also in the island country... After I got the news, I tried to contact them immediately, but failed. It may be because of the earthquake that the communication was destroyed, but I believe that with the strength of him and Miss Bei, nothing will happen."

Of course, when she said such words, Meng Jing was actually not that confident. After all, in the face of natural disasters, human beings are so fragile and insignificant. survive.

In the face of natural disasters, it is more dependent on fate. Although this is metaphysics or even nonsense, it is often the case.

Strong self-rescue ability does not mean that you can avoid the disaster 100%. Maybe a tree that is not lucky for you suddenly falls down and crushes you to death, or a brick suddenly falls and hits your head. You were crushed to are destined to die, and the ability to save yourself is useless even if you are strong.

But if you belong to the kind with great fortune and great destiny, even if you are buried under the ruins, and the time even exceeds the most precious seventy-two hours, you may not necessarily die.

There was once a pig that was buried in the rubble for several days during an earthquake, but in the end it survived and was called a strong pig... What is life?

In the face of natural disasters, human life is often more fragile than a pig!

Meng Jing thought for a while, that whore-thief who had harmed so many women didn't look like a short-lived guy... So, the confidence in her heart became inexplicably stronger.

In fact, Meng Jing still has a good impression of him. After all, he is indeed a very charming and excellent boy, but there are already so many women, so he should stay far away.

"Hurry up, find a way to contact them, and let Mr. Huang of the island country branch keep an eye on the latest situation of the DJ and report it. If it doesn't work, go to the DJ. I want to make sure that they are fine!" Xiao Qiangwei said urgently. .

"Yes, ma'am." Meng Jing nodded. Of course, she knew better than anyone else that going to a DJ is obviously impossible now, and it can even be said that it will be impossible in the next few days, because according to reports, there will be constant aftershocks in the next few days. Even a large vortex has formed on the sea surface, and it is very likely that a large tsunami will erupt.

In this case, all she needs to do is desperately contact Li Zedao in various ways, and try her best to prevent Xiao Qiangwei from going to the island country, at least not for the next few days.

At the same time, in the lobby of another villa, more than a dozen beautiful girls gathered together, all of them turned pale,

Full of sadness.

"Oh, I don't think anything will happen to my dear Miss Bei. After all, they are very powerful." Alice said aloud, with a worried look on her face, "We can't get in touch. They must be because the communication equipment is broken, I think he will find a way to call back soon."

"That's right, nothing will happen to the big idiot and Sister Bei? Even if the waves are coming, he can break them up with one punch." Shadow said, trying very hard to make his expression look natural A little bit, but it's extremely stiff. She was originally chewing gum, but she didn't know when the gum in her mouth had been swallowed into her stomach.

"I will give him one night. If he doesn't call back tomorrow, I will go to DJ. Even if he is sold, I will dig him out!" Nintendo said coldly. .

"I'll go too!" He Xiaoyu bit her lip and said.

"The prostitute will be fine, if he dares to have an accident, I will kill him!" Li Mengchen's eyes were red.

Baili Bing didn't say a word, but the expression on his face was terribly cold. He lowered his head and stared fixedly at the mobile phone he was holding in his hand. The little hand holding the mobile phone was even more bruised. You know how much strength she used.

At this time, she was looking for all the news about DJ in the island country, and also inquired about the latest news about flights to cities around DJ that were not affected by the disaster.

She wanted to go to DJ, even if something happened to him and he was buried by the ruins, she would dig it out with her own hands.

This boy took her first time when she was unconscious, how could he just leave her alone?

impossible! She depends on him for the rest of her life!

Her nose was sore, and a tear slipped from her scarlet eyes and dripped onto the phone screen.

Less than an hour after the strong earthquake, a tsunami with a wave height of ten meters broke out again, so the terrible natural disaster once again severely damaged the metropolis of dj.

After the news came back, neither Xiao Qiangwei nor the women in the villa could sit still anymore, and their hearts were completely tightened.

You must know that the island country is an earthquake-prone country after all, and it is already common for several earthquakes a month. In addition, the housing structure of the island country is basically earthquake-proof, so even if a major earthquake breaks out, as long as it is not too unlucky Yes, the chances of survival are still very high.

However, a large-scale tsunami happened to erupt again! Compared with the earthquake, the destructive power brought by the tsunami is undoubtedly greater. This is equivalent to a place on fire, but fortunately the fire is still within the control range, but at this time, the sky began to pour oil, so the whole place Naturally, it was completely engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

Another night passed, and Li Zedao still didn't call back, nor did Bei, nor did He Xiaoyue! These women in the villa tried all kinds of methods, used all kinds of methods, and used all kinds of relationships, but they still couldn't contact these three people.

An extremely restless and restless mood soon enveloped the entire villa.

They all knew Li Zedao well, and after encountering such a big change, he would try his best to contact them quickly so as not to worry them.

But now, a whole night has passed, and he still hasn't sent any news back, so...they really don't have the courage to continue thinking about it.

The girls simply packed their luggage and then set off for the island country. Of course, with the current situation of DJ, it is impossible to reach DJ directly, so they plan to fly to any unaffected place close to DJ first, and then try to find a way Head to the dj.

As for visas and so on, with their energy, it's just a matter of a phone call.

However, before they had time to set off, Xiao Qiangwei had already appeared in the villa and stopped these women whose gloomy complexions were bloodshot and seemed to have lost their minds.

From Xiao Qiangwei's point of view, these women were just adding to the chaos in the past, and what would they do if they encountered any danger when they saw the island country again?

Besides, with the current situation of the island nation's dj, how easy is it to reach the dj?

Therefore, the best thing to do is to stay here honestly and wait for news. Even if you want to go, you have to wait until the situation has stabilized.

Of course, although these women were persuaded and forced to give up the idea of ​​going to the DJ, Xiao Qiangwei herself could not wait to appear in the DJ immediately, but after Meng Jing's earnest dissuasion, she also had to force I dispelled this idea, her words in the past undoubtedly added to the chaos, and she had no ability to change everything.

Another day passed after the extremely tormented waiting, and the depressive mood shrouded in this villa became even more intense. It has been two days and two nights, and no one has closed their eyes. They are all staring at the mobile phone in their hands, praying in their hearts for a call as soon as possible Come in.

At this time, the faces of these women were haggard, their eyes were red and swollen, and their hearts were filled with all kinds of extremely disturbing emotions.

At this moment, He Xiaoyu's cell phone was dialed suddenly.

"It's the number of the island country, and the island country is calling." He Xiaoyu stared at the phone screen with bloodshot eyes, and suddenly got up, her body was trembling slightly, her voice trembled even more, and she said in a crying voice .

They had been waiting for such a call for two full days and two nights. These two days and two nights were undoubtedly extremely tormenting for them, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that seconds felt like years.

"Wow..." All of a sudden, all the women, including Xiao Qiangwei, who were sitting around surrounded her all of a sudden, and they all stared at the mobile phone in He Xiaoyu's hand with wide eyes.

At the same time, the hearts of a few women were inexplicably sour, because Li Zedao was not in contact with them, but He Xiaoyu, so although they were all his women, what he cared most about was the first one with him. He Xiaoyu who has an affair?

He Xiaoyu took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down, then picked up the phone, and in order to let other women hear, she also turned on the speakerphone, and then said softly in a crying voice full of various emotions: "Hello……"

"Xiao Yu, did Ze Dao contact you?"

It wasn't Li Zedao's voice, but He Xiaoyue's extremely hoarse voice, and it was full of horror and trembling.

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