The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1681 A small island

Director Yang's brows were furrowed, and his face became a little ugly. He knew that Su Men's words were definitely not scaremongering. If the kid really found out, something big might happen.

Although that kid is usually easy to knead like a soft persimmon, the reason why he is easy to knead is because he is willing to let you knead. If he is not willing, you will have to pay a very painful price if you want to knead him of.

"So, I think you should give An to them an order. Once you find that the kid is still alive, you can take the opportunity to..." Su Men's voice became cold all of a sudden, his expression was ferocious and terrifying, and he even raised his hand. Made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Director Yang frowned and glanced at Su Men, without saying anything, stretched out his hand to pick up the cup of tea in front of him, took a sip, and then said: "I think something happened to that kid, otherwise he wouldn't have Until now, there is still no news...Of course, An and the others must pay more attention, and they must not be careless at all."


The dj and the area around the dj, which were devastated by the strong earthquake and the subsequent tsunami, are now in ruins, looking like a hell on earth.

Shocking big cracks appeared one after another on the asphalt road, the house was either collapsed or rickety, and there were even dead bodies that had not been transported away everywhere, and some people sat in front of the dead bodies wiping tears, and even hissed. There was a child covered in ashes and blood all over there crying, showing panic and helplessness in his eyes, asking where was his mother... This scene undoubtedly seriously stimulated people's nerves.

At the same time, the search and rescue work was proceeding in an orderly and intense manner, and various materials were also urgently sent to this place.

In front of a sloping building, He Xiaoyue sat there paralyzed, her whole body seemed to have aged several years overnight, her expression was dull and pale, her lips were chapped, her eyes were dull, her pair of originally fair and slender eyes At this moment, his hand was covered with plaster, and there were bloodstains that had dried or not dried on it.

At the same time, several Qingyun bosses surrounded her. These people looked extremely embarrassed and exhausted, and had long since lost their previous prestige and ruthlessness.

He Xiaoyang's death was undoubtedly a great blow to He Xiaoyue, but before she could get over the grief, Li Zedao, another extremely important man in her life, had completely disappeared.

When the search and rescue personnel were searching and rescuing the ruins of the hotel, He Xiaoyue also dug desperately on the ruins with both hands like crazy, and along with the survivors were rescued one by one, the dead Being carried out one by one, He Xiaoyue's heart became more and more desperate.

There are no Li Zedao and Bei among the living people, and there are no dead people either. They seem to have evaporated and completely lost contact. Therefore, the only explanation is that they may have been given up by the roaring waves. washed away.

In addition, Qingyun Building was completely destroyed, Qingyun also died and many gang members were missing.

The combination of all kinds of things made He Xiaoyue's emotions on the verge of collapse.

While terrified and restless, He Xiaoyue's heart was full of regret, why did she leave him that day? If you don't leave him, they must be in Qingyun Building, and he must be under her nose. He will stay in this building that has strengthened earthquake resistance measures when it was built, instead of going back to the building that is not earthquake proof at all. As for the hotel that has now become a pile of ruins.

"Sister..." A familiar soft call sounded beside her ear.

He Xiaoyue raised her head slowly,

The dull eyes finally fell on the familiar face that appeared in front of her, and then the eyes slowly showed spirits and emotions.

The one who appeared in front of her was He Xiaoyu, who had a pale and ugly face, and behind He Xiaoyu, there were several women, naturally Xiao Qiangwei and the others.

Under the arrangement of the fc organization, they followed the search and rescue personnel sent by that country to the island country, and finally successfully entered this place.

Witnessing this kind of tragedy with their own eyes, they deeply realized the words... Only when they are gone, do they know what it means to be gone.

After arriving, they immediately came to the location of Qingyun Building, and immediately saw He Xiaoyue sitting slumped on the ruins.

"Xiao...Xiaoyu..." He Xiaoyue cried, weeping in grief, "Xiaoyang is dead...he is gone..."

Shadow's big eyes stared blankly at the slanted building in front of him, and big tears rolled down uncontrollably, muttering to himself: "So, the big idiot and sister Bei are both missing? What about him? He died too?"


Time passed day by day, and the ten women headed by Xiao Qiangwei had been at the DJ for almost a month, and ten days ago, after the DJ's situation stabilized, the other women in the villa also rushed over.

During this nearly one month, they have witnessed too many deaths. The horrible corpses were pulled away by trucks. Of course, they also witnessed the tenacity of life and various touching scenes.

Of course, he also faced many dangers. After all, although the strong earthquake was gone, there were many aftershocks during this period. These aftershocks caused several buildings that were originally tilted to collapse directly.

But the two people they most wanted to see never appeared at all, without any news, as if they really didn't want to think about it in their hearts, their bodies had been washed by the sweeping sea water for a long time. Where has he gone, maybe he has sunk to the bottom of the sea, just like the tens of thousands of people who have lost their traces all day long and can't be found at all.

In the tent, Xiao Qiangwei, who was much older and had lost the dignity of the past, glanced at these women one by one with numb eyes, and then said in a hoarse voice full of despair: "Let's go back Bar."

She didn't cry, because she had cried all her tears dry.

The other women didn't cry either, and they, too, had already dried up their tears.


"It seems that the boy is really dead." Director Yang shook his head. It has been almost a month, and under the vigorous search of fc and many forces, there is still no news at all. It is conceivable that the boy is not dead. Probably still alive.

Otherwise, with his temperament, it is absolutely impossible to watch his mother and his women cry all tears and collapse emotionally.

Unexpectedly, this master who can be said to be rare in a thousand years will fall into such a fate. It can be said that there is no bones left, which makes people feel sad.

Su Men took a look at the old guy, curled his lips, and thought, isn't this nonsense? If that kid was still alive, he would have seen a ghost.

Then he said casually: "What should I do with that woman? Kill her?"

"Old Su, I warn you, don't mess around with me, if she loses a hair, I will turn against you!" Director Yang's expression suddenly became nasty, and he glared at Sumen angrily. growled in a low voice.

Su Men smiled and said, "What? You want her to be your daughter-in-law? No, you, Lao Yang, don't have a son... Or... Lao Yang, don't you think about spring? Your thing is still working?"

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Director Yang slapped the coffee table heavily, cracking the coffee table instantly.

He stared at Su Men with an extremely ugly face, and said in a serious tone: "Su Men, don't force me to do anything to you."

"Okay, just kidding?" Seeing that the old guy was really angry, Su Men didn't dare to make any more jokes, "Don't worry, not only will I not touch her, but I will make her treat her as her ancestor offer."

Only then did Director Yang's expression soften a little, and he said in a slightly low tone: "In the end, we are the ones who are sorry for him, we made him cry and bleed, and now he is even dead."

"Anyway, I have a clear conscience!" Su Men responded lightly.

Director Yang shook his head with an ugly face, with a clear conscience? Do you really have a clear conscience? He felt more and more that he seemed to have done a very stupid thing.


Blue sky, white clouds, sea!

Here is a small island.

The small island is not big, and it has been developed into a tourist attraction. Especially in summer, many tourists will come to this small island for vacation. Of course, there are also some residents living on the small island. They use tourism or go fishing for a living.

On a fishing boat docked in front of the small port on the north side of the island, a man sat quietly on the bow of the boat, his face slightly raised, looking at the sky.

What kind of face is this?

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to describe it with thousands of holes, the whole face didn't have any complete flesh at all, and some parts didn't have flesh at all, only a dark bone that looked almost disgusting.

He has no hair and a piece of his scalp is singed off. Crumpled like kraft paper, it looked as if it had been scalded or roasted.

There are no eyebrows, and the eyelids are loose and surrounded by wrinkles.

His naked upper body didn't have a piece of complete flesh, it was densely packed with all kinds of unhealed wounds, and of course new flesh had begun to grow in some places.

On his left arm, it was broken from the wrist, without a palm, and on the right palm, a few fingers were missing, leaving only a solitary thumb.

His left leg was severed straight from the knee, and the sole of his right leg was missing.

It is conceivable that this person was not only devastated by the fire, but was also crushed by heavy objects, so that his hands and feet were broken.

As for the truth of the matter, I am afraid that only he himself knows.

In short, this is a poor guy who is so crippled that he can't be crippled any more. It is a miracle that he survived such severe trauma.

He couldn't carry things, he couldn't stand up and walk, and even now he could sit and bask in the sun, but someone helped lift him up and move him over.

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