The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1688 Stand behind me

When he was in the experimental base, Li Zedao was first affected by the explosion of the maggot system at close range, and then a violent explosion occurred in the laboratory, and he was suddenly caught in a sea of ​​flames.

No matter how fast Li Zedao reacted and his movements were agile, he was immediately sucked in by the terrifying explosion power. His two legs were blown off on the spot, and his body was also on fire.

Immediately afterwards, the thousand-ton ceiling was slammed down. Fortunately, Li Zedao was not smashed into a pulp, and his body was thrown into the corner by the power of the explosion. So, when the ceiling fell, he dodged a part, but he was simply caught in the small gap, unable to move.

Just when he felt that he was about to die, the ground began to shake, and then his head was hit hard by a stone, and he lost consciousness directly.

After that, when he woke up again, he was already on this small island.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't know what happened after he passed out, but what can be guessed is that because of a major earthquake, he was simply squeezed out of the big hole, and then the seawater poured back, and he was washed away by the seawater. Then, as if God didn't want to see him die like this, he was sent to this small island by the sea.

He was rescued by these kind-hearted residents on the island. He also met Dr. Qian, who was grumpy but undoubtedly took good care of him, and met this lovely girl, Keiko.

After waking up and learning that the DJ had a major earthquake, Li Zedao was stunned, and immediately became very anxious. He was very worried about He Xiaoyue's safety.

Afterwards, his eyes fell on the TV screen inadvertently, and what was shown on the TV was some situations in the disaster area. Then, he unexpectedly saw He Xiaoyue's pale face that seemed to have aged a lot overnight. The Qingyun Building that was already tilted behind her saw his mother, Xiao Qiangwei, and sister Ren, Bing'er and the others... saw their haggard and painful little faces.

Seeing that although He Xiaoyue was haggard, tired and old, nothing serious had happened, Li Zedao was relieved, but he didn't contact them immediately, but was on this small island, in Dr. Qian's cabin, silently taking care of them. hurt.

Li Zedao wanted to understand some things, so he knew very clearly that now is not the time to contact them. Once contacted, there may be some troubles, so he can only be cruel and let them bear that pain.

But now, these three scumbags survived the earthquake, which made Li Zedao very dissatisfied. Shouldn't such scumbags die in the earthquake? I have to say, God is really short-sighted sometimes.

Seeing this trash say such words, Honda Goro, Nobita and Sonoko's expressions froze instantly, and they were almost choked to death by this guy's words.

Keiko Hojo, who was standing in the hands of Li Zedao, was also stunned. It turned out that Brother Zedao was so powerful when he hurt people.

"Your name is Yuanzi, right? How dare you show your chest like a calf like a carrot? Are you worried that people will mistake you for a woman if they don't know you are a man? Don't worry, others will never think that You are a woman... At least the first time I saw you, I really didn't think you were a woman." Li Zedao stared at the woman coldly and mocked.

Yuanzi's eyes widened even more, and he couldn't believe what he heard. This poor, crippled fellow humiliated him like this? Said she has small breasts? Said that her legs are radish legs, and said that others would think she was a boy instead of a girl when they saw her?

Baga, does this bastard know what he's talking about? Does he even want to sit in a wheelchair?

Honda Goro and Nobita were dumbfounded again. The reason why they dared to humiliate Hojo Keiko so unscrupulously was because there was such a waste that they didn't care about at all next to Hojo Keiko, but now, that waste He actually spoke, even... He actually told the truth?

this is too much,

It's too much!

Hojo Keiko was stunned again, and then became even more anxious. What if these three people were angered and they became angry and acted?

"Baga, bitch, what are you looking at? I'm wrong? Don't tell me you're not a man!" Li Zedao said coldly, "Even if you take off your pants and let me check, I won't be firm. I really think that you must go for sex reassignment surgery, you pervert!"

"Baga..." The muscles on Yuanzi's face twitched wildly, and he felt that his body had simply turned into a crater, and something was about to erupt at any moment.

"And you, as thin as a telegraph pole, dressed like a fake girl, don't tell me you are a man, even if you take off your pants and I check, I will firmly believe that you are sure Going to undergo sex reassignment surgery to become a man, you pervert!"

Li Zedao then pointed his gun at Honda Goro and Nobita, and shot directly: "And you, I really wonder if your father fucked a sow or your mother was fucked by a boar, otherwise how could you be born? Such a disgusting thing full of greasy stuff! You look like this and still want to pursue our Keiko? Calling you a toad is an insult to a toad! If I had your father shoot you directly on the wall, lest Come out now and be ashamed of yourself!"

Our family Keiko... Hojo Keiko listened, her little face blushed inexplicably, and she was slightly annoyed in her heart, what is Brother Zedao talking nonsense? However, he is an older brother, so it seems correct to say that.

Honda Goro and Nobita's bodies also trembled, it was too much, it was too much, they had never met a guy who was more than this trash.

Because of family reasons, they have always received all kinds of flattery and flattery, but now this guy dares to humiliate their appearance... What is even more insulting is that the person who humiliated them was still sitting in a wheelchair than they were. Shameful waste!

That kind of feeling is like, being scolded by a piece of shit, you are a piece of shit! This is unbearable!

"However, the three of you are quite a match. Two perverts and a pig are a perfect match. Well, I wish you happiness." Li Zedao said again.

"..." The three of them just felt that they had been severely insulted again. The three of them often play together because of family reasons, but in fact they dislike each other very much. With those radish legs, what made them unbearable was her kind of narcissism. She was obviously ugly but always thought how good-looking she was, and thought she was the school belle.

So, now that Li Dao said this, they really felt like they were being insulted to death. This was an insult to their personality, and even more so, an insult to their taste!

Keiko Hojo on the side also looked at this "mummy" dumbfounded. She really didn't expect that brother Zedao's speech could be so sharp, and he was merciless in hurting people.

After being dumbfounded, she became even more anxious. Based on her understanding of these three people, Brother Zedao disgusted them so much, and it was impossible for them to let him go.

"Baga, it seems that you really don't want to sit in a wheelchair anymore, and you don't even want to talk in the future." Honda Goro growled in a gloomy tone, took off the drawing board on his back, and then slightly He twisted his neck, with a fierce expression on his face.

Daxiong clenched his chubby hands into fists. Similarly, his face was full of ruthlessness, looking at Li Zedao as if he were looking at a dead person.

As for Yuanzi, his face was ugly, but he didn't take any action. After all, it's not up to a delicate lady like her to do such a thing. Of course, after a while he was beaten into a dead dog, she didn't mind. He stomped hard on his nasty mouth.

"What do you want to do? I... called for help..." Hojo Keiko hurriedly stopped Li Dao behind her again when she saw this, and looked at Goro Honda and Nobita who were about to attack with a flustered but vigilant expression.

"Tsk tsk, our Miss Keiko protects this trash so much, doesn't it mean that she likes this trash? Miss Keiko's taste is really different." Sonoko said with a sneer.

As a result, Honda Goro and Nobita's faces became gloomy again. If it was as Sonoko said, then Keiko Hojo's actions would be an insult to them.

In the eyes of this bitch, they are actually not as good as this trash who has lost half of his life and can't take care of himself. Isn't this an insult to death?

"Don't talk nonsense, he is my good friend and my brother." Hojo Keiko said with a blushing face, "If you have anything to do, come to me, please don't hurt my brother."

"Keiko, get out of here, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you." Honda Goro said coldly. Of course, he had wanted to be rude to this lovely girl a long time ago, but he never found a good opportunity.

"Keiko, it's okay, stand behind me." Before Keiko Hojo said anything, Li Zedao's gentle and unquestionable voice came from behind him.

"Brother Zedao..." Keiko Hojo froze for a moment, then turned her head, her flustered, aggrieved and helpless eyes met the other's eyes with a faint smile.

"Stand behind me, be obedient." Li Zedao said again, seeing this girl stop him behind her like this, he was a little moved, and besides, she saved his life, such a great kindness is really not a personal promise It can't be reported... Li Zedao quickly cut off such a stupid idea of ​​his own.

Immediately, his eyes were full of disdain, as if he was not facing two vicious men, but two thin chicks... At least, this is what he made Keiko Hojo feel.

"When fighting, girls should hide behind boys." Li Zedao said again.

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