The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1708 Do you want some wine

Now Li Zedao probably knows that this *sister is not only excellent in that area, but also a master of taekwondo. She doesn't even blink her eyes when she shoots a gun. Couples, but they often have sex together, and this woman controls part of the financial power of the Sumiyoshi Association, and is deeply trusted by the president of the Sumiyoshi Association.

As for why she made that kind of movie...there is a huge demand for pure excitement and fun, and the film company is still under the umbrella of Sumiyoshikai. In this way, Yingzi can also help Sumiyoshikai earn a lot of money... I said in my heart that we really don't understand the awesome ideas of the islanders.

So after the earthquake, Eiko stayed with Michiko Haneda from time to time to protect her safety. During this period, she also taught the two gangsters who tried to take advantage of the chaos.

"Michiko, is it convenient for him to stay here?" Yingzi looked at Michiko and teased.

"...It's convenient, Michiko will clean up for you if there is a room available." Haneda Michiko lowered her head slightly and said softly, her cheeks were blushing.

"Uh...that's troublesome." Li Zedao said politely. If he refused, he would appear to be impure in his heart. People say that there are vacant rooms, so don't think about it.

Yingzi left quickly, and only Li Zedao, Haneda Michiko and her daughter Yoko were left in this huge space. Of course, the little girl who was obviously obsessed in comic books could be ignored, so only Li Zedao was left And Michiko Haneda.

Li Zedao was a little uncomfortable, but Michiko Haneda was embarrassed and ambiguous, her heartbeat began to speed up, and she couldn't calm down at all in this atmosphere of being alone.

"Sit down and have a rest, Michiko will help you clean up the room, and then prepare dinner... Is curry rice okay? Michiko doesn't know how to cook Chinese cuisine." When it comes to saying that she doesn't know how to cook Chinese cuisine, Michiko is a little embarrassed, "But Michiko I will work hard to learn."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere seemed to be even more awkward.

"Uh, the curry rice is very good, I like it very much." In fact, Li Zedao didn't remember when he had curry rice at all, and he had never even seen it.

"Then help Michiko look after Yoko." Haneda Michiko looked at the boy who seemed to be less calm than herself, and smiled with her lips pursed, only feeling that her nervousness seemed to be less.

"It can be seen that Yoko likes you very much." After thinking about it, he added this sentence.

"I also like Yoko very much." Li Zedao nodded, his eyes fell on the little girl carved in pink and jade, and his eyes softened all of a sudden.

Michiko Haneda smiled slightly, nodded, then turned around and went up to the second floor to help Li Zedao clean up the room.

Li Zedao was a little bored looking around, wanted to smoke, but thought it would be bad for this little girl to smoke second-hand smoke, right? Finally, his eyes fell on the little girl carved in pink and jade, his eyes softened again, he looked at it, and even felt a little crazy.

It's not that Li Zedao never imagined that one day in the future, he would just quietly watch his son or a woman laughing at him over there, calling him daddy in a milky voice, stroking his beard with chubby little hands , let me hug him, let me tell him a story... This is undoubtedly a very warm and happy picture.

It's a pity that such a warm and happy picture may only exist in fantasy forever.

Although the little girl is reading the comic book very seriously, she will look at the mother with curious eyes from time to time and say that Yoko is very important, even an uncle who is as important as her mother, so she is very happy. He quickly noticed that the uncle was looking at him with a very strange but familiar look.

In Yoko’s memory, a long time ago, the blurred father also looked at Yoko with the same eyes. After that, his father disappeared, and his mother hugged her and cried, saying that his father had gone to a place far, far away.

The little girl's heart seemed to be touched by this gaze all of a sudden. She put the comic book aside, stood up, and trotted to Li Zedao's side.

"What's wrong?" Li Zedao looked at the little girl who walked up to him and looked at him with big elf-like eyes, and asked in what he thought was the softest voice. Then my heart trembled suddenly, and a strange emotion filled my whole heart, because the little girl stretched out her hand and gently grabbed her big hand.

For a moment, Li Zedao's body stiffened, and he didn't dare to move, as if any beautiful thing would be destroyed if he moved.

"Uncle hug Yoko and tell Yoko a story, okay?" The little girl looked at Li Zedao with big Shuiling eyes, looking so innocent and romantic, her voice was tender and sweet, like the most beautiful movement in the world.

Li Zedao was stunned, as if a string in his heart had been plucked all of a sudden, his nose was already a little sore, and he said softly, "Of course."

He stretched out his hand, gently picked up the little girl, and placed it on his lap.

"Yeah, uncle is the best." The little girl jumped up, "Yoko wants to hear the story of Doraemon."

"Uncle, let Yoko tell the story of Doraemon."

Twenty minutes later, Michiko Haneda, who had carefully tidied up the room, went downstairs, and was stunned when she saw Li Zedao holding Yoko on his lap and helping her with the story in the comic book with a gentle expression.

What a familiar scene this is!

Then her nose suddenly became sore, she covered her mouth with her hands, turned around, her shoulders kept shaking, and tears kept falling down.


"Yoko, it's time to wash your hands and eat. Mom made your favorite curry rice." Michiko Haneda came to the two who were telling the story, looked at her daughter and said softly, and then showed gratitude to Li Zedao With a strong and ambiguous soft smile, the strange emotion in his eyes is no longer concealed in the slightest.

Her eye sockets were reddish, naturally it was from crying just now.

Li Zedao's eyes met with such a pair of eyes, and his heart trembled slightly, as if his gentle wife was telling him that it was time to eat. And at a certain moment before, he even felt that he had become a father, holding his daughter in his arms to help her tell stories, trying to make her happy.

"Okay, let's eat." Li Zedao said softly.

"But, mom, Yoko still wants his uncle to tell Yoko stories." Yoko said, looking at his mother innocently with big eyes.

"Then we have to finish the meal first, uncle is hungry, Yoko doesn't want to see uncle hungry?" Michiko Haneda coaxed with a soft smile.

"Okay, then uncle and Yoko will cook the delicious curry rice first, and then uncle will continue to tell stories to Yoko, okay?" The little girl turned her head and looked at Li Zedao with big eyes to discuss.

"Of course." Li Zedao smiled softly, and gently stroked the head of this cute little girl with his big hand.

"Uncle is so kind. Uncle hugs Yoko to wash his hands." The little girl hugged Li Zedao's neck, and then suddenly kissed Li Zedao lightly on the face.

Li Zedao suddenly felt his heart melted all at once.

And Michiko Haneda looked at this scene, and also felt that her heart had melted, and fog appeared in her eyes again.

Michiko Haneda's craftsmanship is excellent, and the curry rice made by Li Zedao, who has never eaten it, is full of praise.

Michiko Haneda looked at Li Zedao who was devouring it, her eyes became softer and more ambiguous. In the past, when her husband ate the curry rice she made, he also devoured it like this.

It is undeniable that she sees a shadow of her husband who has passed away from this boy, but Michiko Haneda does not think that she is attracted to him because he has some shadows of her husband, but because of him. charming place.

After eating, Michiko Haneda cleared the table, and Yoko pestered Li Zedao to continue telling her the story of Doraemon, and then asked Li Zedao to help her take a bath, squeeze toothpaste and brush her teeth, and then told her bedtime stories .

Li Zedao patiently and carefully fulfilled the little girl's request one after another. As for Haneda Michiko, she silently followed behind the two with a happy smile on her face. She hadn't seen Yoko so happy for a long, long time. It's been a long, long time since she's been this warm, and she hasn't been this relaxed for a long, long time.

The little girl was finally tired and fell asleep in Li Zedao's arms. The two lightly put Yoko on the small bed in the bedroom, and then looked at each other. With soft and ambiguous smiles on their faces, the two quietly left the room.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and when Li Zedao was about to ask Michiko Haneda where his room was and planned to go back to wash and sleep, Michiko Haneda bit her lower lip and said, "Do you want... a drink?"

"It's not sake from an island country, it's red wine." Michiko said this again, as it was superfluous, and then her breathing became a little short, and her eyes didn't dare to meet Li Zedao.

"Then drink some." Li Zedao nodded, he couldn't refuse this woman, or he didn't want to. He could clearly feel the love and gratitude this woman had for him, as well as the expectation... expecting something to happen.

Perhaps island women express their emotions more directly and simply, so her inner activities are basically written on her face, which is so obvious that you can't ignore it.

Besides, this is a very good-looking girl... This is undoubtedly very important. If she looked like a flower, Li Zedao would have slapped her unconscious and slapped her buttocks to go to sleep.

In addition, Li Zedao really likes that little girl so much, if he can hear that little girl call him "Daddy", that kind of feeling seems to be very good, maybe this is caused by the desire to have everything that he lacks?

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