The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1715 The Cruel Chef

At the same time, the electrician's attention was naturally also on this islander named Kato Nanka, but there was nothing unnatural in his eyes, changes in facial expressions, and behavior. It's normal, so the preliminary judgment is that there is nothing wrong with this islander, at least he didn't find any problems.

At that moment, the waitress led the electrician into the room, and the electrician walked up to the wire box on the wall with ease, opened it, and after a professional repair and replacement of parts, he closed the wire box and turned back. Looking at the waitress, she said with a simple and honest expression: "It has been repaired."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. Go and do your work." The waitress nodded and said.

The electrician nodded slightly, turned and left the room without saying anything.

The waitress looked at Li Zedao, nodded slightly, and said in fluent island Mandarin: "Sir, I am sorry to disturb you again, please have a good rest, please feel free to contact our front desk if you need any services, we will serve you wholeheartedly of."

"Thank you." Li Zedao nodded slightly, showing a somewhat dull smile, and said politely. But he couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart, it really deserves to be fc, it's really arrogant enough to dare to directly install the camera so blatantly.

At the same time, the electrician who walked into the elevator took out a mobile phone, lit up the screen of the mobile phone and operated it, and soon, such a screen appeared on the mobile phone.

After the islander changed his shoes after sending the waiter away, he gently helped his wife take off her shoes, hugged his wife and kissed her, and then began to play with his daughter.

No matter how you look at it, this is a happy and harmonious family of three, and there is nothing special about it. Judging from his accent and some subtle habits, this is an extremely authentic islander, and there is nothing suspicious about it. Therefore, the electrician feels that the above is a little too cautious?

How could he be Li Zedao? No matter what the electrician said, he couldn't connect this dull but wretched islander with that handsome and sunny master.

The elevator stopped with a "ding..." and the door was slowly opened.

The electrician shook his head slightly, turned off the phone and put it in his pocket, then strode out of the elevator.


In the room, Li Zedao, who was holding Yoko, glanced at the wire box that had been tampered with from the corner of his eye. There was a sneer in his eyes, and at the same time he pushed one of the suitcases forward, and finally put the suitcase unintentionally. Push the box to the wire box,

In this way, the only picture that the camera can capture is the suitcase.

While pushing the box, he would look back at Michiko who was looking at him with ambiguous and soft eyes, and said softly: "Michiko, let's take a rest first, and then let's eat the famous Yanjing roast duck."

While speaking, he pushed another suitcase beside that suitcase.

In this way, fc will not think that he has discovered the existence of the camera and blocked it on purpose, but will only think that he just put the two suitcases in this position.

Li Zedao dared to be 100% sure that after he left the room, someone would definitely visit this room.

Michiko Haneda smiled softly and nodded: "Michiko listens to you."

This woman is so happy and sweet now that she just feels as if she is stepping on a cloud, so soft and comfortable.

After resting for half an hour, Li Zedao took Haneda Michiko and Yoko out of the room, came to the hotel lobby and asked where to eat the most authentic roast duck.

And just as Li Zedao expected, not long after the three of them left the room, the door of the room was quietly pushed open, and a figure appeared there. When he saw the two suitcases blocking the wiring box, he also Nothing is suspected. Walking up to the suitcase, he simply put one of them down, quickly cracked the combination lock on the suitcase, and then opened the suitcase, squinting his eyes slightly to inspect the contents of the suitcase.

A few minutes later, he closed the box and put it back in its original position. Then he cracked the combination lock on the other box, and then opened it to continue checking.


The place recommended by the hotel to eat the most authentic roast duck is undoubtedly Quanjude, and the address of the store is provided in detail.

At the same time, the navigation system on the car rented by Li Zedao has also been replaced by the hotel staff with the island language version. In this way, no matter where the three international friends from the island country dj want to go to in Yanjing , all easily accessible via navigation.

After opening the car door and getting in the car, Li Zedao found helplessly that the car had been secretly installed with a tracker.

The purpose of fc installing cameras and trackers is, on the one hand, because they want to have 100% control over all the actions of the island man they are targeting.

On the other hand, if the man from the island country can find the camera and tracker in time, they will undoubtedly pay more attention to it.

Of course Li Zedao understood this, so he naturally ignored the tracker as if he didn't know anything.

On the way to Quanjude by car, Michiko sat in her arms and looked out of the window curiously at this metropolis that was completely different from DJs. At the same time, Li Zedao also briefly introduced Yanjing to Michiko Haneda Roast Duck.

This roast duck has now become a representative of Yanjing cuisine. It is known as "the delicacy of the world" for its red color, tender meat, mellow taste, fat but not greasy.

Michiko Haneda likes to eat all kinds of delicacies. After listening to it, she is naturally very interested. She said that she must taste it when she arrives.

Li Zedao also smiled and said that he would put on a show, and Michiko Haneda looked at Li Zedao softly and nodded.

Of course, this woman knew that there were dangers lurking around, and even after being reminded by Li Zedao, she also knew that the electrician didn't come in to repair any network at all, but to install the invisible camera in the wire box. But she wasn't worried at all, just because she knew very clearly that the man she fell in love with would definitely handle it well and protect their mother and daughter. She just needed to be a happy little girl with peace of mind. Women are fine.

The address of the roast duck restaurant provided by the waiter is Quanjude’s old store in Qianmen, one of the three flagship stores in Yanjing. It’s dinner time at this time. The antique villa’s attic is brightly lit, and famous cars gather at the door. It’s almost time to hold a car show , you can imagine how hot its business is.

When Li Zedao looked at all these Yoko curiously with his big eyes in one hand, and walked in holding Michiko Haneda's hand with the other hand, he immediately greeted him in a woman's dress with bubbles. I exchanged a few words in the crappy island language... The waiters here can basically say some simple greetings from other countries. After all, friends who come here to eat roast duck include friends from all over the world.

After a few words of greeting, the waiter probably couldn't hold back any Mandarin, so he hurriedly took Li Zedao and the others up the antique stairs to the second floor, and finally arranged a seat near the stairs, and the waiter immediately sent them to him. Here comes the recipe.

Li Zedao pretended not to understand, and asked the waiter to introduce it, saying that it would be enough for the three of them, and finally ordered a set meal for three people, and ordered two bottles of juice.

At this time, the little woman Michiko Haneda and the little girl Yoko looked around excitedly and curiously. Everything around them was undoubtedly very new to them.

Li Zendao remembered that he was Kato Nanjia now, an islander who came to this kind of place for the first time, so he also looked around "curiously".

They didn't wait too long, and various snacks, side dishes and drinks were served first, and then a young chef appeared in front of them pushing a dining car, and there was a roast duck on the dining car.

At that moment, the young chef began to cut slices of thin slices of duck meat from the roast duck, which made Yoko's small mouth burst into tears, and she quickly hugged Li Zedao's neck, with big eyes filled with He panicked and said, "Dad, save that little duck. That uncle is so bad that he cut off the flesh of the cute little duck."


Seeing Yoko, Li Zedao cried in fright, and was so distressed that he couldn't do it anymore. He quickly waved his hand to signal the chef to stop and stop showing such "cruelty!" in front of the children.

After being translated by a waiter who understands the island language, the young chef, who was a little dazed, understood what was going on. His expression was a little embarrassed, and his heart was so depressed that he wanted to spit out old blood. This is the first time he has encountered such a thing After all, who would come to eat roast duck and wouldn't want to see their performance?

But the customers have asked for this, so naturally they have to agree. The young chef can only stop what he is doing, push the cart and leave, and after cutting it in other places while cursing inwardly, he finally cuts a plate. The duck meat is delivered to the table.

At the same time, another waiter came forward and introduced how to taste the roast duck for the two international friends who obviously didn't know how to eat it.

To put it simply, there are three kinds of meals for this roast duck. One is dipped in sugar; Leaf cakes are rolled and eaten.

Both Michiko Haneda and Li Zedao were stunned. Michiko Haneda thought that after the duck was served, she rolled up her sleeves, picked it up and began to eat it, but she didn't expect the way of eating to be so particular.

Of course, one is really stunned and the other is stupid.

So, seeing Li Zedao's pretentious, curious and clumsy look, Michiko Haneda inexplicably wanted to laugh, she thought Li Zedao was really cute like this.

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