Li Zedao completely destroyed the video on the phone that was enough to threaten Pan Xiaoting with a decisive kick. ,:.

It's not that this kind of video cannot be shot, and there is no so-called three-view moral problem. You can shoot it with the consent of the girl... Of course, the party who needs to ask for consent may be the girl.

But after you finished filming and had fun, you tried to threaten the "girl" with a thing, this is your fault. It is precisely for this reason that Li Zedao simply kicked the thing under Wang Hui's crotch. In this way, he will not have the opportunity to use this kind of "girl" on any girl in Li Zedao's opinion. Indiscriminate methods.

Li Zedao felt that he had done a great good deed, he helped many girls get rid of troubles.

Li Zedao raised his head, and those onlookers who were already dumbfounded were startled and took several steps back in an instant. Some even left the scene quickly, losing the courage to continue watching the excitement.

They originally thought that the guy would run away violently after being slapped, and then the two of them would start rolling on the ground and wrestling, punching and kicking each other until the 'flesh', which really made people's blood boil. But I didn't expect that it was a unilateral rampage, and the method was so bloody and brutal! That thing is abolished as soon as it is said to be abolished, and the arms and feet are interrupted as soon as it is said to be interrupted, and they will not discuss it with you at all.

Therefore, he may be a neuropathy with well-developed limbs, and no one can guarantee whether he will attack passers-by in a while.

At the same time, in the box of the Xingyun clubhouse, Wei Lingyun stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with those people in his circle, watching the bloody scene happening at the door of the clubhouse, his eyelids twitched wildly. Crazy 'twitching', the expression is no different from seeing a ghost.

The violent man who dared to 'slap' Wang Hui's face from nowhere came out of nowhere. He was about to be shocked to let them down. After all, Wang Hui is also a fitness expert, with those muscles It's still very developed, but it's been 'pumped' like a grandson, and there is no room for resistance at all.

Now he dared to dispose of Wang Hui's thing, and broke his hands and feet, which simply made their eyeballs almost fall out.

This violent man, does he really know what he is doing? Even if they have a huge force behind them, they don't dare to destroy people in public.

I was even more curious in my heart, what is going on?

First, Wei Shao's attitude towards Wang Hui changed a hundred and eighty degrees, and then Wei Shao didn't know what to say to Wang Hui, and the latter was like a dead father. Afterwards, they returned to the box in the clubhouse,

They saw that Wang Hui and his 'girlfriend' had actually quarreled, and even started fighting.

Afterwards, that man appeared. He exchanged a few words with that Pan Xiaoting first, and then Pan Xiaoting pushed him away, covered her face and ran away. Then, Wang Hui was beaten without any ability to resist. Several slaps were slapped, followed by a slap that made their lower bodies feel cold, and then their hands and feet were cruelly broken.

The most important thing is that you can see that Wei Shao's face is very wrong, but it is different from them, it is not just as simple as shock, so Wei Shao must know something.

Therefore, they are really curious to death, what unknown things are hidden in the middle? What is happening has something to do with Wei Lingyun?

Wei Lingyun looked at the guy who didn't know where he came from, who dared to "smack" Wang Hui's face in public and interrupt Wang Hui's hands, feet and third "leg". He only felt that his face It's all so stiff that I can't feel it.

Who is he? What's the relationship with that Pan Xiaoting? Why did he dare to lay down such a heavy hand? Does he have a great background and no scruples, or is he just a desperate reckless man?

It seems that something is really wrong. It is obviously a very easy thing. I was entrusted by others to bully Wang Hui severely, so that he can completely embarrass you, but why do you involve such a violent maniac now? came in?

At this moment, Wei Lingyun's heart shrank suddenly, and the hairs on his body stood on end, because the violent man who came out of nowhere raised his head, and his eyes fell on him all at once. He stared at his own eyes, his eyes were so terrible, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Being stared at by such a pair of terrifying eyes, Wei Lingyun only felt that his breathing was not smooth all of a sudden, and an inexplicable sense of fear arose spontaneously.

Did Wang Hui end up so tragically because he did something to Pan Xiaoting? So, Pan Xiaoting has an extremely important position in the heart of this violent maniac who came out of nowhere?

He even knew that he was the one who caused the crime, so he planned to make trouble for himself next? Otherwise why would he look up and stare at him with such a horrible look?

For a moment, Wei Lingyun's thoughts surged, but soon, the panic gradually subsided.

It is undeniable that the other party's eyes are indeed terrifying, and his methods are also very cruel. Wei Lingyun felt that even if the five of them joined forces, they would probably be beaten by him. After all, fighting is not his strong point, and he relies on his IQ for his living.

But Wei Lingyun didn't think he had the ability to make himself like a dead dog like Wang Hui, just laying there, because the other party didn't have a chance to get close to him and do something to him, so he couldn't enter the Xingyun clubhouse. Well, if he intends to force his way in, he will be thrown out by the security guards guarding the door.

Not to mention that I was accompanied by two bodyguards with extraordinary skills. They were retired special forces soldiers, and it was no problem at all to deal with ten or eight big men with murder weapons with their bare hands.

Moreover, if there is such a commotion in the power center, the police will come soon, right?

Therefore, Wei Lingyun had already relaxed, and even looked back at him coldly and sharply, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Just now he was so timid after being swept away by the other party's eyes, it made him feel very humiliated, now he wants to get back his position, he wants to let the other party know that you caused trouble, you caused big trouble, you just wait to get out of prison , even, you just wait to die in prison.

Then, seeing that violent man lower his head, Wei Lingyun couldn't help but sneer in his heart. In his opinion, this guy got scared after seeing such fierce eyes from him.

At this time, Li Zedao did look away, looked down at the ground, then slightly bent down and stretched his hands down, as if something had fallen and was about to be picked up.

Then, he got up, and there was already an extra pavement brick laying on the ground in his hand.

"Hiss..." Everyone who saw this scene gasped a few times. Looking at Li Zedao was like watching a monster. This scene was completely beyond their cognition.

You must know that there is a small gap between one piece and the other. The gap can barely be 'inserted' in by a blade. The thickness of the sidewalk brick is about ten centimeters. Even with the help of tools, it will take a while It took a lot of effort to pry it up, but he was lucky, even if he stretched out his hand, he didn't see any unnecessary movements, so he grabbed the sidewalk brick in his hand, as if the brick hadn't been laid on the road, but It was thrown there randomly, and he just bent down to pick it up.

When Wei Lingyun and the others saw this scene, their eyes widened, their minds roared, and there was a huge wave in their hearts. They couldn't believe what they saw.

That's okay too? Or is that brick actually completely loose and anyone can pick it up?

While horrified, they all mourned in their hearts for three minutes of silence for Wang Hui who was lying there like a dead dog. In their view, this violent man picked up such a brick, besides asking Wang Hui to eat a brick, There seems to be no other purpose.

Li Zedao raised his head again, looked at Wei Lingyun standing in front of the huge French window on the second floor, the corners of his mouth curled up indifferently, and then he slammed the brick in his hand towards the window.

At the same time, when Wei Lingyun and the others saw such a brick flying towards them, their faces changed drastically while their bodies instinctively stepped back in an attempt to dodge.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the thickened and reinforced floor-to-ceiling glass shattered, and glass shards splashed everywhere. After the glass was smashed, the brick flew directly from the window into the box without losing momentum. It is not clear what will be hit.

However, another loud muffled sound could be clearly heard coming from the window. It was obvious that something was smashed by the brick, and then there was another scream coming from the smashed window. , It is estimated that someone was injured, of course, it is also possible that the sound was made by being frightened.

"Uh..." Everyone stared at this scene with wide eyes. At the same time, there was a huge wave in their hearts that was 10,000 times stronger than before. At the same time, their bodies continued to retreat instinctively. Some simply turned around and left. Dare to continue to watch the excitement.

This guy is too cruel, right? It's okay for the hero to save the beauty and beat people up, but now why are they smashing the glass of the clubhouse? Isn't he afraid that the brick will accidentally kill someone? And if he dared to smash the glass of the clubhouse, he also dared to smash passers-by. Therefore, those who watched the excitement all escaped far away, for fear that one unlucky one would be invited to eat bricks.

After throwing the brick, Li Zedao clapped his hands as if he was okay, and walked towards the gate of the Nebula Club.

Li Dao couldn't get in because two security guards quickly came out of the clubhouse and directly blocked his way.

The two security guards looked at him unsteadily while clenching the batons in their hands, ready to strike at any time. After all, they could clearly see the violent methods this guy used just now. In the end, he even took off a sidewalk brick with his bare hands, and simply threw it towards the huge floor-to-ceiling window glass of the box on the second floor, smashing it completely .

Now they have fat feet and splashes of broken glass. ) Book friends, pay attention!

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