The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1731 The Horrified Director Yang

Li Zedao's voice was full of remorse: "Aren't I provocative? Am I slapping fc in the face? Even if Xiao Qingfeng didn't kill that shitty doctor, if you think it's there, then it's fine." Is it? Why did I pretend to be a calf and try to save her? It caused her to be tortured to death by Director Su..."

"..." Director Yang's face froze for an instant, and his expression was a little shocked, so he knew that Xiao Qingfeng had been tortured to death by Sumen?

"I hurt her. I can still think of her horrible face when I close my eyes. I think of her ears being cut off, her eyeballs being gouged out, and her teeth being pulled out one by one... Su The director is really good, you don't do this kind of thing too often?"

When Director Yang listened, his expression was even more horrified. He really knew, and he knew the details clearly, but how did he know? There are his people in the base?

"I sincerely apologize to you." Li Zedao said this again, "When you called me to express your condolences to He Xiaoyang's death more than three months ago, I shouldn't have ridiculed you all the time. It's hypocrisy, and I shouldn't lie, lie to you, old man, that He Xiaoyang's body was found in the wilderness, and lie to you, old man, that I didn't fight against the Skull Organization..."

"I confess now that I not only fought against them at that time, I even broke into their experimental base and brought out He Xiaoyang's body and all the research materials related to the genetic superman, but the last one accidentally , Those materials were snatched back by them again... I was wrong, shouldn't I be more cautious? After all, those research materials are so important to our country, even if I die, I should snatch them back again. "

Director Yang was silent, as if he had stopped breathing, and an extremely strong apology was already welling up in his heart.

Li Zedao's attitude was extremely sincere, and his tone was full of remorse: "I was wrong, I shouldn't have lied, I should have confessed, and frankly said that I made a deal with the Skull Organization...I promised them to tell them about the experiment Don’t tell me anything about the base, they promised me that they would not trouble Qingyun... I should tell you about this, as for whether the person who told Qingyun will be secretly killed by the Skull Organization, It's none of my business, right? Compared with national affairs, their lives are shit, right?"

Director Yang only felt that he was having difficulty breathing, and his face was hot and ugly. Li Zedao's so-called "apology" was just sarcasm. On his old face.

They suspected that Li Zedao had colluded with the Skull Organization before, so they decided to kill him. They didn't expect such a "collusion"!

"If I confessed, wouldn't you all be suspicious of me? Wouldn't my woman... be almost killed by you? Wouldn't I also almost die in the skeleton organization's stronghold? I Mom won't be distraught, and my woman won't be distraught, she won't think I'm dead and leave me." Li Zedao's voice was full of regret, "It's all my fault, my fault. wrong!"

Director Yang's throat was wriggling. He really wanted to say something, but he couldn't utter a single word. In the end, he could only let out an extremely bitter sigh. He had nothing to say, and he had nothing to refute.

Of course he knew that Li Zedao was not apologizing, not confessing, not blaming himself, he was venting, and venting in a reasonable way.

In this world, only the strong have the capital to reason with others, and he already has the strength to own the strong,

But now, he has initially possessed the mentality of a strong man.

What is the mentality of the strong? Kill, kill decisively! Only in this way can the enemy feel palpitations and dare not act rashly.

Their fc is now Li Zedao's enemy!

Director Yang felt a bit of jealousy now, and there was no doubt that what happened in the island country this time completely changed Li Zedao's whole mentality. He knew that if he tried to continue to suppress Li Zedao with the previous methods, then he would dare to make FC pay a painful price.

Li Zedao was indeed venting! It is also sending a signal!

He had been selected as an experimental subject since he was still in his mother's womb, and was forced to come out of his mother's womb early, so he was forcibly taken away from his mother. idiot.

Afterwards, he was forced to take Shenwan again. He was transformed successfully. He possessed great power... This power was imposed on him by them. Erase him.

Li Zedao didn't want to kill or see blood, but he didn't want to be killed, let alone bleed, and he didn't want to be a cold killing machine in the hands of others.

Li Zedao didn't want to be labeled as a "treason", he was even willing to shed blood for this country, but if someone dared to force him to stay in China, he would be embarrassed... He would definitely kill The opponent's!

He has always been passive, always threatened to do something, bloodshed and tears, so, Li Zedao is tired, Li Zedao is bored, Li Zedao is really angry!

At that moment, he raised his head, his scarlet eyes looked at the man in black, and he grinned, revealing a row of eerie teeth.

Then I will send you some interest first.

The latter's heart trembled, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He never thought that a person could be so terrifying when he laughed alone.

In the next second, the hairs on his body stood on end, and he had already caught the danger.

At the same time, Li Zedao raised his hand abruptly, and slapped the man in black casually.

While the latter looked shocked, he tried to escape.

However, he valued the speed of his dodging too much, or in other words, he underestimated the speed and power of Li Zedao's slap too much.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, Li Zedao's hand undoubtedly slammed onto the face of the man in black, and the terrifying force directly slammed him out, and finally his body fell heavily into the ground. Among the flowers on the side, the mouth was opened, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and there were two teeth in it.

"Did you hear the sound? I slapped your people away. It's just interest, and the rest of the account has to be settled." Li Zedao's voice was full of invisibility, his eyes were scarlet, and his face was red. A nervous smile emerges.

This is not reasoning with you, this is a debt collection aboveboard, and it is also threatening you! Bare-naked threats!

Director Yang was silent, but his expression was extremely terrifying, and his hands were even more bruised. One could imagine how angry and helpless this old man was at the moment.

Of course he can fight to the death with the other party and use the most severe means to obliterate him, but no one can afford the consequences.

"Stop forcing me, and don't threaten me with the people around me, otherwise, I won't be so easy to talk, I really won't, I will really kill people! Kill people at all costs! Even if you think that I will bring huge losses and damage to Huaxia, and then choose to crush the jade gossip and find the legendary "four elephants" to deal with me... Of course I am not their opponent, but they want to kill me It’s not that easy either.”

Director Yang listened, his extremely gloomy face was already full of emotion, and the muscles on his face twitched violently a few times.

Not only because of Li Zedao's threat, but also because he knows Sixiang and Nayu gossip. You know, this is an extremely secret matter, and no more than a handful of people know about it.

Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, these are the titles of four people, and these four people are collectively called Sixiang.

No one knows the real names and backgrounds of these four people, or even how long these four people have lived. All they know is that these four people are extremely masters who have entered the realm of returning to nature, and even they seem not only It's as simple as returning to the basics and masters. They already belong to the category of gods, and now most of the fc and dark group members practice internal strength methods, which are also left by them!

The last time they appeared was in the war when the island nation invaded China decades ago. As soon as they made a move, they killed a team composed of about twenty top island nation ninja warriors in an instant!

And the opponent, which was composed of the most powerful top masters from many island countries, tried to attack and kill Mao Taizu at that time.

Later, Mao Taizu sincerely invited them to stay and drive out the foreign invaders together. They agreed, but they didn't show up. Instead, they followed Mao Taizu secretly to protect the safety of their group.

When Mao Taizu's safety was not threatened, they never took action.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, these four people also left immediately, and have never been seen since. Before they left, they left Mao Taizu a volume of methods for cultivating internal strength, and also left him a piece of jade gossip, and said that someday Huaxia would encounter a crisis that could not be solved. , Just need to smash the piece of jade gossip, they will sense it, and then they will come by themselves.

Of course, the premise is that they didn't have any accidents when they smashed the jade gossip.

It's unbelievable, but no one thinks it's fake. After all, China has a history of tens of thousands of years, and there are too many unimaginable things that have finally disappeared forever in the long river of history due to various reasons.

After that, the piece of gossip has been kept secret, and only a few people know about Sixiang. This is a hole card, a hole card that is not known to be useful. But there is no guarantee that if the piece of jade gossip is smashed, these four top masters will appear.

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