The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1741 Still too little

In the wilderness of the barren hills, the surroundings were extremely quiet, almost pitch black. At this moment, a car was quietly parked on the side of the road, and two black shadows were lying on the roof of the car.

At this moment, Bei's heart was throbbing slightly, the pain was so severe that her eyes were already red, and then she rolled over, her body was pressed against Li Zedao's body, her small head was tightly leaning against his chest.

It never occurred to her to say that what happened to Li Zedao was more dangerous than she imagined. If he hadn't taken Shenwan, he would have died long ago.

"Distressed?" Li Zedao patted Sister Bei's back lightly and grinned.

"Yeah." Bei snorted softly, pushing his head even harder into Li Zedao's arms.

"My heart hurts too." Li Zedao said, hugging this delicate body tightly with both hands. When he saw the two shocking eyes left on Bei's body, his eyes turned blood red, and he felt that his method was too soft, so he should have left two bullet holes on Director Yang's body to say .

"How did you drive Director Yang crazy?" After another burst of tenderness, Bei asked curiously, and immediately thought of something, and then said, "Cigarette? Did you tamper with the cigarette you gave him?"

"My wife is smart." Li Zedao said with a smile. Before leaving, Qian Yugang gave him three bottles of medicine that he personally concocted, among which the effect of the red pill is ten times stronger than that of the so-called I love a piece of firewood, and after that, there is no trace of any residue in your body .

Li Zedao first crushed a red pill into powder and put it into a cigarette. When Director Yang smoked, he naturally inhaled the medicine into his stomach, so without exception, he became a Beast.

After listening to Li Zedao's explanation, Bei couldn't laugh or cry but felt very relieved. At the same time, he was also shocked by Li Zedao's thoughtfulness, that is to say, the development of the whole thing was actually under his expectation and control Within, according to his prediction, Su Men will definitely attack him, and Director Yang will definitely attack Su Men himself, and Director Yang will definitely not refuse his cigarettes after that.

Of course, Li Zedao also grasped the scale of this matter very well. He made fc lose face, but he didn't completely make things worse. After the sneak attack, he even sent out a "surrender" signal, but the premise is that you fc have to show some proper attitude, so as to force Director Yang to abolish Sumen himself.

Finally, when Director Yang was about to carry out his "violence", Li Zedao stopped it in time.

When fc couldn't find any evidence that Director Yang's turning into a beast was related to Li Zedao, they fc had to owe Li Zedao a huge favor instead.

Will Li Zedao let them find evidence? Won't!

Therefore, this incident undoubtedly had a very good result. It not only slapped fc in the face fiercely, but also let out a bad breath. In turn, fc owed him favors.

"Where's that man?" Bei asked again, "The insider who was bribed by you?"

"Do you still remember that someone secretly sent me the recording and pictures about Xiao Qingfeng being tortured to death by Su Men?" Li Zedao said, "It was he who sent it."

"It turns out." Bei frowned, and he understood.

"Before I returned from the island country, I tried to contact him, and finally I got in touch, and from him, I confirmed that you were detained in that experimental base." Li Zedao said,

"And in the end, I cheated Director Yang, not only to make the old man suffer, to disgust him to death, but also to slap fc a few more times. On the other hand, I also wanted to take advantage of the chaos to help him leave the base better. , he has been targeted by Director Yang and the others."

Bei nodded, what Li Zedao said was almost the same as what she had guessed in her heart.

"What about at home? What's the situation now?" Bei asked again.

Li Zedao smiled wryly, and then briefly talked about the situation at home. On the one hand, his mother Xiao Qiangwei didn't want to delay them, and didn't want to see them live in pain. On the other hand, she saw the struggle in their hearts. Instead of this, it is better to let them make a choice earlier.

Li Zedao had intended to do this before, but now Xiao Qiangwei helped to do it, and he did it after confirming that he was dead. This would undoubtedly make it easier for those women to make a choice.

In the end, more than half of the women chose to leave the villa. Of course, the departure of these people was within Li Zedao's expectation. It can be said that he knew them better than these women, so he naturally understood what they were thinking, but Li Zedao didn't It's just that he is willing to touch these issues in depth, but most of the time, he chooses to escape.

"So, a total of fourteen women have left?" Bei asked, she silently counted twice, it should be the right number, of course, it's not so sure, who stipulated that if you leave, you can't come back?

Of course, she also believed that it was impossible for the women who stayed in the villa to accept them anymore.

Then she remembered another number, twelve! There were twelve other women, including her.

Beibei bit his teeth slightly, this beast has harmed so many girls, so he is not afraid of being struck by lightning?

Li Zedao smiled wryly and nodded: "To be precise, there are thirteen."

Li Zedao has already learned from his mother Xiao Qiangwei that there was a girl who left the villa not for the sake of leaving, she just wanted to go to the DJ, and after that she stayed in the DJ for almost two months, almost visited the entire DJ, and recognized countless people. The corpse, just to find him.

And now, she has returned from the island country, and she is also in Yanjing.

Li Zedao asked Xiao Qiangwei and the others not to tell her that he had returned safely, because he thought that appearing in front of her suddenly would be a big surprise for her.

His heart inevitably twitched. For every girl, he actually treats them sincerely and has feelings for them. But now, more than half of them have left him, which makes his heart empty. I'm somewhat relieved, and I wish them all happiness.

"It's still too little." Bei's sexy little mouth pouted slightly, very dissatisfied, why didn't they all leave? Those girls who stayed were so silly.

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and he had the urge to continue to slap Sister Bei's ass hard. This woman is really disgusting, even if you really think so in your heart, you can't Speak up, shouldn't you comfort my already scarred heart at this time?

Seeing that Li Zedao was so depressed, there was a faint smile on his pretty face, which was as white as jade, which was extremely touching. The little mouth continued to pouted slightly and said: "Even if you are angry, I will still say that, and now I still have to say that." There are thirteen women, it’s still too many, I hope they all go, and I’m the only one left in the end.”

Meimou glanced at the depressed Li Zedao, with a smile that was not a smile: "Why? Are you still not satisfied with me?"

"Uh... that... I'm just worried about your body, Sister Bei, you know, you are not my opponent." Li Ze said that I was thinking about finding a helper for you.

"Get lost!" Bei gave the bastard an angry look. A lewd-thief is a lewd-thief, a lecherous is a lecherous, why are you looking for so many excuses?

"Uh... that sister Bei, did you count yourself into the thirteen you mentioned?" Li Zedao suddenly thought of something, and then asked cautiously.

Bei raised his brows slightly, and the surrounding atmosphere became chilled all of a sudden: "What do you mean?"

"That means, if you don't count yourself, there are indeed thirteen..." Li Zedao was even more cautious, he could already feel that the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became chilling.

"So, fourteen? So during the period of healing in the island country, you hooked up with another one...Is that so?" Bei asked, his voice was very flat, and you couldn't tell from the voice at all. Decide if she is angry or angry.

Of course, she was just angry, she hated the number "fourteen"! The number "thirteen" is quite good, why "fourteen"?

Why do you like Fourteen so much? Now that there are fourteen, will there be fifteen, sixteen and seventeen soon, and then return to before liberation all of a sudden? Aren't you forcing me to beat you up?

Bei was very angry. With a slight exertion of her body, she jumped up from Li Zedao's body. She looked down at Li Zedao, her little face was full of anger, her little hands were clenched into fists, and her bones were crackling.

"Well, Sister Bei, listen to my explanation..." Li Zedao's scalp went numb.

"I don't think there is anything to explain." Bei said, raising his long legs and kicking Li Zedao.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Li Zedao's body was like a kite with a broken string, and he flew off the roof of the car very simply, plunged into the weeds beside the road, and instantly frightened countless small insects.

What is there to explain? Isn't it just that you can't control your own bottom? Bei was upset about this, and in a flash, he rushed towards the grass, and appeared in front of Li Zedao, who was lying there in a dazed state. Then the two beautiful legs separated, sitting on Li Zedao's lap, condescendingly looking down at Li Zedao's face, his little hands clenched into fists again.

"Sister Bei, can you stop slapping your face?" Li Zedao begged with a mournful face, "You know, I rely on my face for a living."

"Since you are shameless yourself, why should I want your face?" Bei said.

"..." Li Zedao felt that Sister Bei's words were so reasonable that he didn't know how to refute them.

"Then be gentle, hit harder, I'm afraid you'll feel bad... ah ah..." The wailing resounded through the sky, completely breaking the silence around.

A few minutes later, Bei Da was tired, and his small face was lightly pressed against Li Zedao's chest, listening to his strong heartbeat, which was something she liked to do very much.

Looking at Li Zedao's face, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but he was smiling like an idiot.

"Sister Bei, I'm really happy to be beaten up by you." He said.

"Idiot! Slut!" Bei said, smiling like a flower.

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