The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1746 Arrogant Mixed Race

The fat woman who was originally aggressive like an old hen that just gave birth was even more frightened. The expression and eyes of the other party seemed to tear her alive, which made her feel chills , opened her mouth, after all, she didn't have the courage to repeat what she just said.

"Now, I'll give you two choices. Kneel down and slap yourself, or I'll help you." Li Zedao twisted his wrist slightly. He has reason to believe that this person who likes to find love on her A fat woman who saves face will not kneel down and slap herself.

Kneeling down and slapping herself, she would not do such a humiliating thing. The more important reason is that she did not believe that she was about to be severely beaten. She thought that the other party just said a few cruel words, I dare not do it.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't want to do anything if she didn't have too much pumping. When he saw the cracked foundation on her face, Li Zedao felt sick for a while. Putting shit doesn't seem to make a difference.

Hearing the other party's words, the fat on the woman's face twitched wildly, and the thick layer of foundation smeared on her face cracked directly, and then fell to the ground, making her face look even more scary up.

Li Zedao wanted to cover his face, aunt, it's not your fault that you are ugly and draw such an exaggerated outfit, wearing such eye-catching high heels, after all, everyone has a desire for beauty, right? But it's your fault to come out scary.

After hearing Li Zedao's words, those spectators also had strange expressions on their faces. Although they were somewhat frightened by the aura emanating from him, they also felt that his words were too arrogant, excessive, and bullying. Too much to draw.

Some even thought of coming over to help because they couldn't see it. Do you think that you are a "hybrid" hybrid with island blood and feel that you are noble? Do you think that you are an islander, and you are a distinguished foreign guest when you come to China?

Damn, try it yourself, don't you believe we punched out all your green shit?

Well, being misled by the fat aunt, they all simply thought that Li Zedao was a half-breed from Huadao.

"You still have ten seconds to think about it." Li Zedao said again, and then casually grabbed a solid wooden dining chair beside him. Just now I thought about it, it seems that it is not a crime to get my hands dirty, so let's smash it with a chair.

"Uh..." The fat woman saw that this bastard was really planning to do something instead of just playing tricks. She was so scared and angry at the same time that her body trembled even more. At the same time, she subconsciously took a step back, but Because the high heels on her feet were too high, she simply sprained her feet and sat down heavily on the ground, causing her to scream again in pain.

"You... do you know who I am? Do you know who my brother-in-law is? If you dare to mess around, I guarantee you will die a terrible death." The woman screamed, with vicious eyes in her eyes A trace of panic screamed.

"I only know that you will probably spend a long time in the hospital." Li Zedao shook his head and raised the chair.

Who is your brother-in-law to do with me? It's okay to fight for father, but still fight for brother-in-law? Of course, Li Zedao still wants to believe that the relationship between this fat aunt and her brother-in-law is very simple.

"Hit someone, help me...the islanders beat someone..." the fat woman screamed, the voice was so piercing, as if it was going to knock down the ceiling of the hotel.

"What the hell? Hitting a woman?"

"that is,

If you have the guts to try it out, I guarantee you won't be able to get out of this hotel. "

"Get out, little devil..."

"Come, come, little devil, let's find a place to practice, I will beat you to death with Tai Chi."


Many bloody people around couldn't stand it any longer, they all stood up and stared at Li Zedao with threatening and displeased eyes, and scolded. After all, this islander has a "murder weapon" in his hand, and if he gets hit, he won't be guilty... He has to go to work in the afternoon.

More importantly, they lacked an early bird. If someone took the lead, they would definitely get a lot of people's enthusiastic response. What everyone likes to do most is this kind of icing on the cake.

It's a pity that this restaurant is quite high-end, and the people who dine here are basically the elites of the bosses and shopping malls, not the ordinary food stalls and barbecue towns. They are really not good at it, so after weighing your own combat effectiveness in your heart, it's better not to be the first bird.

"Xiao Su, it's him, it's really him, only he can be so handsome when beating someone..." Sun Lingfei clenched her fists tightly, her tear-filled eyes were already full of nympho, then The tear-stained face was already covered with a bright smile, and the body was trembling slightly because of excitement.

If he didn't want to see his handsome and heroic posture when he hit someone, or if he didn't suddenly relax so that his body was light, and he didn't have any strength for a while, Sun Lingfei wanted to rush towards him now, and threw himself heavily into his arms , and then took a few bites.

Not only because I miss him so much, but also because I started to accumulate depressed emotions in my heart. Now that I am back, why don't you let me know? asshole!

"Uh... so handsome, so handsome." Su Meng felt very sad. During this time, she worked so hard to coax her, telling all kinds of jokes, doing all kinds of funny moves, she didn't even once Laugh, now that he appears, she is brilliant, a typical heavy-colored forgetful friend.

However, it is indeed handsome. So Su Meng also became nympho, not wanting to be his woman does not hinder her admiration for him.

Li Zedao directly ignored the threats of those around him who seemed to be the mother whores, the fat women who stared at the ground with cold eyes without any human emotion, and said word by word: "Ten seconds are up."

Then, the chair in Li Zedao's hand was about to hit the fat woman hard.

"Ah... I've hit someone..." Before the chair fell down, the fat woman let out a scream that shook the world, as if she had been kicked by hundreds of big men who picked their feet.

The fat woman cursed viciously in her heart to those bastards around who could only groan, but didn't dare to step forward to stop this atrocity.

Still not a man? Still not Chinese? Is there any bloodiness? Is there any national dignity? The islanders are so arrogant and domineering to beat the Chinese in China, but none of you dare to go up, you are ashamed of your ancestors, you are ashamed of the nation, you are not worthy of being Chinese, and you are not worthy of calling yourself descendants of Yan and Huang! You all go eat shit, bastard...

At this moment, a cold voice came from behind: "Stop!"

The fat woman almost cried when she heard this familiar voice, it was simply the sound of nature.

Following the sound of the cold stopping sound, a woman and two men who could be identified as bodyguards walked over quickly.

This is an extremely capable woman about twenty-seven or eighteen years old. The woman has a good appearance and an air of pride and domineering. At this time, her beautiful eyes stared sharply at Li Zedao who was holding onto the chair, but the cold light kept flickering, obviously she was not a character to be messed with, at least her background was not too small.

Li Zedao naturally heard this cold and threatening voice, but he didn't stop, he didn't even turn his head, he stopped when others threatened casually, how shameless he was?

Many times, Li Zedao is a very face-saving person, so Li Zedao directly smashed it!


The chair slammed firmly on the fat woman's arm, instantly breaking the fat woman's hand, and the crisp sound of bone breaking made everyone who heard the sound feel numb all over their heads, and their hearts shuddered. I shivered a few times, this islander is really too ruthless, too arrogant, too unscrupulous.

While these people gasped, they were all secretly thankful that they hadn't been the first bird just now, otherwise they might be the ones who lost their hands, right?

"Ah..." The fat woman uttered a shrill scream, rolling on the ground in pain, her fat face was completely twisted into a ball, sweating profusely.

She didn't say anything and thought that this damned islander not only dared to attack her, but did it with a deadly hand.

"Well, were you talking to me just now?" Li Zedao raised his head, his eyes fell on the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman's small face simply froze. Obviously, she didn't even think about saying that when she stopped her, the man became more ruthless and directly interrupted her cousin's hand.

Then, her little face became completely cold, looking at Li Zedao as if she was looking at a dead person.

"Qinglian... You are about to be beaten to death. If you don't kill him, my cousin will be beaten to death by this damned islander..." As if she had found her backbone, the fat woman cried out in pain. Yu cried, looking at Li Zedao with vicious and ferocious eyes.

"Break his two hands for me." Yang Qinglian didn't even look at the wailing cousin on the ground, her eyes were still fixed on Li Zedao.

Like her cousin, her face was hot and she felt extremely ashamed.

Of course, she also wanted to kill this damn bastard, but obviously, that was impossible, but it was okay to break his two hands first.

As soon as she finished speaking, the two black-clothed men standing behind her rushed towards Li Zedao neatly, with a fierce and unstoppable aura.

In the next second, a scene that made everyone's scalps tingle and their minds roared appeared.

Because the two aggressive men in black who rushed over fell directly in front of the island man, and they didn't even see clearly whether the island man made a move.

Yes, they didn't see it.

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