The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1754 Become an idiot

So now if anyone dares to bully him for no reason, then I'm sorry, even if you don't kill you, you will lose half of your life! Let you know, I am very angry, it makes me anxious, I can do anything.


Li Zedao stared at Yang Qinglian with blood-red eyes: "What are you? If I were a soft persimmon and told you, Miss Yang, that you were going too far, how could you want to break my hand indiscriminately? How will you, Miss Yang, react? You will probably make a face full of ridicule and then hit harder? So, shut up, you are not qualified to say such things to me. "

"..." Being stared at by such a pair of such terrifying eyes, and feeling the fierce murderous aura suddenly erupting from him, Yang Qinglian's heart shrank suddenly, her little face turned pale with fright, and she said a rebuttal I can't even say it.

Yang Jingguo felt the sharp aura that suddenly erupted from his body, his heart trembled, and his face was full of unsteadiness. This guy is really scary, just the aura on his body is enough to make it difficult to breathe.

"There are still four minutes." Li Zedao ignored Yang Qinglian, his eyes fell on Yang Jingguo and smiled, and the murderous aura on his body was completely subdued.

Only then did Yang Jingguo feel that his breathing was a little easier, and just now he felt that he was about to suffocate. At the moment, he just felt that he was at a fork in the road, and there were three roads in front of him. What made him want to scold his mother was that these three roads basically didn't work.

The first one, how could he come up with 200 million? At least in this short few minutes, it will definitely not be taken out.

The second thing is to find someone who can hold this bastard down and intercede, who should I turn to? Who can hold him down? If you can't find it, let's not talk about it. The critical time is only five minutes, which is not enough time to contact. Those big people don't carry their mobile phones with them and hang up QQ and WeChat. If you have anything to ask him, just call him and send them to WeChat.

As for the third point, it is a dead end. Once this video is spread, it will cause an uproar. He may be able to escape, but Yang Guangyi and the others will be the lightest punishment if they sweep it out.

At this point, maybe he can only ask his father for help, but can his father hold him down? To be honest, Yang Jingguo didn't know what to do. Although his father is high and powerful, it seems that he can't control this bastard's head. This bastard can completely save him face.

"By the way, Chief of Staff Yang has nothing to do with Yanjing Yanjing Yang's family, right?" Li Zedao suddenly thought of something, and looked at Yang Jingguo who had an unusually ugly face and asked aloud.

Li Zedao suddenly thought, if he is someone from the Yang family behind Xueer, then for the sake of Xueer and the Yang family,

This matter naturally ends here, there is no need to continue entanglement, if not, then I am sorry.

"This... has a pretty good relationship with the Yang family's children." Yang Jingguo thought about it, and said carefully, he naturally knew which Yang family Li Zedao was talking about.

At the moment, he felt aggrieved and wanted to spurt blood. He never thought that there would be such a day that he would desperately want to tear off the tiger skin of the Yang family. relationship relationship.

In fact, Yang Jingguo has always looked down upon the Yang family who also has a pivotal position in the military. He thinks that if his father is willing, they are the real Yanjing Yang family and the real rich family.

Li Zedao nodded with a smile, and said without showing any face: "Oh, it doesn't matter, then I can rest assured."

"..." Yang Jingguo almost couldn't help yelling, but felt that several slaps appeared invisibly, and then they slapped his old face one by one in turn.

"Then... I don't know if Chief of Staff Yang knows an old man named Yang Guomin?" Li Zedao asked after pondering for a while, and he suddenly felt that this Yang Jingguo seemed to have some acquaintance with Director Yang when he was depressed.

"Yang Guomin?" Yang Jingguo was obviously stunned, as if a drowning man had grabbed a life-saving straw, and said quickly, "My father's name is Yang Guomin...but I don't know if it is what Li Shao said. bit."

"Uh, your father's name is Yang Guomin?" Li Zedao twitched his lips, so he is Director Yang's son? That arrogant woman is Director Yang's granddaughter? It is true?

Isn't this the heroic son of Lao Tzu, the bear is not as good as the previous generation? After all, although Director Yang's skill is nothing in his eyes, but after deducting his out-of-normal and terrifying genetic superman, and the vampire queen Elena, Director Yang's skill is one of the best. , even the master and Huang Wen dare not say that he can be suppressed.

But his son is really too weak, those people from fc, fog and rain, any one of them can blow him up.

As for the arrogant girl, she was even weaker. Li Zedao felt that a taekwondo master like Sun Lingfei who was about to enter the black belt could beat her to the ground.

However, this seems to be understandable. After all, not everyone can cultivate internal strength, which requires physical fitness. In addition, those people in fc were selected from a young age and began to be carefully cultivated, carrying out cruel exercises Training, and having the best resources, is also performing a completely different kind of mission, so the strength is naturally far superior to those elite special forces.

"Well... Chief of Staff Yang, please call your father to make sure." Li Zedao looked at Yang Jingguo with a kind smile on his face, and he was completely different from the previous arrogant and domineering mockery. .

I don't know why, seeing such a smile, Yang Jingguo's heart felt inexplicably agitated. He always felt that this bastard seemed to be planning some conspiracy.

Immediately, he forced himself to show a stiff smile, looked at Li Zedao and nodded, quickly took out his phone, walked aside, found his father's contact information, and dialed.

Yang Qinglian was already staring at Li Zedao, her eyes had changed. It never occurred to her that this bastard seemed to know Grandpa, and he called him by his first name without any respect at all. So, is his background really that big? On the same level as grandpa?

In fact, for her grandfather, Yang Qinglian only knows that his grandfather controls an elite, and the members of this elite are the personal bodyguards of the chiefs.

After a long time, his father picked up the phone, and before Yang Jingguo could say anything, a burst of extremely suppressed growls came over, making Yang Jingguo's ears buzzing, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"What are you doing? Don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

Yang Jingguo swallowed, his father didn't seem to know why he was angry now. Ever since he was a child, he was most afraid of his father. Even now, when he is about to have a grandson, he is still very afraid of his father. His father's face sank, and he is like a mouse seeing a cat. , I had an urge to turn around and run away.

Of course, due to the nature of his father's work, father and son rarely saw each other. Yang Jingguo did the math, he hadn't seen his father for about a month.

The last time they met, the father and son were sitting face to face drinking. At that time, his father mentioned Li Zedao inexplicably, with infinite sigh in his tone.

Yang Jingguo said cautiously: "Dad, that..."

"I'm very busy, let's play fast." An extremely impatient voice came over.

"Yes, yes, I just want to ask you, you know Li Zedao and Li Shao, right?" Yang Jingguo said hurriedly with a twitch. Seeing Li Zedao sitting there with such a kind smile on his face, his heart was even more frightened.

"What did you say? Li Zedao? That bastard..." The shocking roar came over, making Yang Jingguo's ears buzzing, making him extremely uncomfortable. Yang Jingguo clearly felt that there was a surge of anger in that roar, so one can imagine how much this name touched him.

So, this Li Zedao also had conflicts with his father?

After a short and intense gasp, the father's voice that seemed so urgent came over: "Why did you mention him all of a sudden? Don't tell me that you offended him!"

Yang Jingguo's scalp went numb, and he glanced at Li Zedao who was not far away from the corner of his eye, and said cautiously: "It's not me, it's that child Qinglian..."

Sure enough, as I expected, my father really had a conflict with that Li Zedao, and he didn't get any advantage at all, which can be seen from his scolding and the hasty fear in his voice.

Yang Jingguo knew that his father had always loved his granddaughter, so he simply asked Yang Qinglian to take the blame. If he had to take the blame, his father would probably take the skin off him, right?

At the moment, Yang Jingguo briefly explained what happened and Li Zedao's request, either to give 200 million, or find someone to intercede.

"Dad, that's the way it is, you see..."

"Give him the phone." After a long time, a deep voice came into Yang Jingguo's ears, "I'll tell him."

"Okay, Dad." Yang Jingguo said quickly, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Listening to his father's tone, it seems that he has the ability to suppress him and let him stop, that's good.

At that moment, Yang Jingguo strode up to Li Zedao, handed over the mobile phone in his hand and said, "Young Master Li, my father wants to say a few words to you."

Li Zedao smiled, reached out to take the phone, put it next to his ear, and asked aloud, "Is it... Director Yang?"

The sound of such a rapid and rough breathing reached Li Zedao's ears. It is conceivable that Director Yang on the other end of the phone was trying to suppress his anger.

In this way, Li Zedao wanted to laugh inexplicably, and his heart was full of gloating, asking you to pretend to be *? Be silly now!


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