The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1756 You Can Eat Meat

Li Zedao sighed softly, his heart was full of emotion, this old man is really not a good person, what he said was like farting, just now he clearly said that he would give tea, but in a blink of an eye he turned his face and refused.

At the same time, Yang Jingguo and Yang Qinglian, the father and daughter, stared at Li Zedao with astonished and weird eyes. Seeing that Li Zedao raised his head after making the phone call, and glanced at them, they quickly looked away.

"Chief of Staff Yang, your mobile phone." Li Zedao handed over the mobile phone, and the latter quickly reached out to take it, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

He usually doesn't move his hands but doesn't speak, even if he does, he basically opens his mouth to scold his mother, so now he really doesn't know what to say.

Of course, there is no doubt that Yang Jingguo has many doubts in his heart. For example, what is the relationship between him and his father, superior and inferior? For example, last night, what happened to my father? For example, how is the discussion going? Is this the end of the matter, can they leave?

"Has Chief of Staff Yang eaten? Do you want to sit down and eat together?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"Uh... I've eaten, I've eaten... Then, Young Master Li, take it easy, we're leaving now." Yang Jingguo hurriedly said, but he let out a heavy breath in his heart. This matter is considered to be over. .

At that moment, Yang Jingguo hurriedly took Yang Qinglian, Zhu Changle and the fat woman who was the culprit out of the restaurant. The fat woman's legs were trembling so badly that she couldn't even walk steadily, and Yang Jingguo forcibly dragged her away.

Many people also hurriedly left with trembling legs, especially those who had yelled at Li Zedao before. Their courage was about to be frightened, for fear that their faces would be remembered and they would be retaliated against. .

Of course, they were thinking too much, Li Zedao didn't even bother to look at them, so how could he remember their faces and take revenge on them?

Following the departure of Yang Jingguo and his group, Li Zedao, Sun Lingfei and Haneda Michiko also finished their meal soon. At that moment, Sun Lingfei took out a black card and handed it to the waiter who seemed a little nervous and unable to calm down, asking her to pay the bill.

When the waiter sees this black card,

His eyes widened suddenly, and the way he looked at Sun Lingfei suddenly changed. You know, this black card is the restaurant's super supreme card. With this black card, you can dine in any restaurant under the restaurant group to which the restaurant belongs. No matter what you eat, you can eat it for free.

Of course the waiter didn't know that Sun Lingfei was the daughter of the owner of the restaurant group to which this restaurant belonged, and this restaurant was opened by their family.

Walking out of the restaurant and back in the car, Bei was sitting in the back seat, and Yoko was sleeping soundly in her arms.

"Sister Bei..." After seeing Bei, Sun Lingfei became agitated. They all thought that Bei's situation was the same as Li Zedao's. Seeing that she was safe and sound now, Sun Lingfei's nose was unavoidable.

Bei nodded lightly, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised. Although she always hoped that the women around Li Zedao would leave Li Zedao quickly, she was still very happy to see Sun Lingfei and other women again. In fact, that day After being shot twice in that hotel room at night, Bei felt that he was going to die, and bid farewell to Li Zedao in his heart.

And when she saw Yoko in Bei's arms, Sun Lingfei's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and she sighed, "What a cute little girl, is she Yoko?"

While eating in the restaurant as if no one was around, Li Zedao also told Sun Lingfei about Michiko Haneda and Yoko, so Sun Lingfei now knows that she is already the mother of a little girl... Of course, she is a stepmother.

If it wasn't for seeing Yoko sleeping soundly, Sun Lingfei would have stretched out her hand to pinch her cheek. It was the first time she had seen such a cute little girl, and this cute little girl would have to call her "Mom" afterwards , which undoubtedly made Sun Lingfei feel very fresh and excited, and also happy for Li Zedao.

After all, she is aware of Li Zedao's physical defects, and the appearance of this little girl can undoubtedly make up for that gap.

"She is Yoko." Li Zedao looked at Yoko's cute little face with a soft and doting smile, "Cute, isn't it?"

"Super cute, it's almost as good as when I was a child." Sun Lingfei nodded heavily.


"Sister Bei, you and Michiko will take Yoko back to the hotel to rest for a while, Feifei and I will go back later, and then we will go to the airport to pick up Mom and the others." Li Zedao looked at Bei and smiled.

Bei glanced at Sun Lingfei with a slightly ambiguous look, and naturally understood why they were going back later, so he nodded and didn't say much. She didn't say much, and Michiko Haneda didn't say much, so she drove, and she returned to the hotel with Kita and Yoko to rest.

"Okay, let's go racing, take the taxi back to get the car first?" Watching the car go away, Li Zedao smiled and looked at Sun Lingfei who was holding his arm tightly with his head on his shoulders.

"This kind of feeling is good." Sun Lingfei's face is full of sweetness, and she has found it again. She doesn't want to let go of Li Zedao's hand at all, and cherishes every minute and every second with Li Zedao. She just wants to hold on tight Stick with him.

"Actually... it's okay if you don't go racing." Sun Lingfei whispered, a seductive blush already appeared on her pretty face. Just now, Sister Bei's ambiguous eyes made her a little embarrassed. In fact, she originally wanted to go racing, but now that she thinks about it, such a good opportunity and such a good time are used for racing. It seems really wasteful. It's just a sin.

"Where are you going?" Li Zedao looked down, Xiao Nizi's face was full of spring, and her eyes were like water.

"Bastard, don't you know where to go? They will come in the afternoon, and maybe they won't even be able to drink soup by then, but now..." Sun Lingfei raised her head and looked at Li Zedao, grinning as she ate. The face is evil, but the voice is charming and hoarse, "You can eat meat."


Then, Sun Lingfei bit Li Zedao's neck.

"Ah! Pain..." Li Zedao exclaimed, baring his teeth, "You belong to a dog."

Sun Lingfei loosened her teeth very much, and then stretched out her clove tongue to gently lick the wound on Li Zedao's neck.

"Look, you can really eat meat." Sun Lingfei snorted charmingly, very proud, "Besides, I really belong to a dog. Come on, I'm taking a bite."



"So, that Li Zedao?" In the car, Yang Qinglian was stunned, and couldn't believe what she heard.

At this time, Yang Jingguo was driving the car, and she was sitting in the passenger seat. As for her cousin, Yang Jingguo asked her to go to the hospital by herself, and said mercilessly not to appear in front of Lao Tzu in the future, otherwise don't blame her. Lao Tzu turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.

As for Zhu Changle also left on his own, he wanted to drink very much, and he had to drink this wine with Deputy Mayor Yu. He was in a depressed mood, so naturally he couldn't make Deputy Mayor Yu too comfortable.

For Yang Qinglian, not only had she heard the name "Li Zedao", but it was also very popular. Although he didn't mix in Yanjing circles, his name was well-known in Yanjing circles, and it could be said to be taboo. The taboo here does not mean that it cannot be mentioned or discussed, but that it must never be offended.

"It's better to offend the living Yan Luo than to offend Li Zedao!" This is a saying circulated in some circles in Yanjing.

He has many jaw-dropping and unimaginable deeds. For example, at the engagement banquet between Su Xuan from the Su family and Gao Shenghan from the Gao family, he ostentatiously took Su Xuan away... Maybe it's nothing to take away, the key is to take away After that, he was alive and well.

For example, he sent Wei Xiaobao, a well-known mad dog in that circle, to the hospital, and even... killed him! At the same time, Gao Shenghan of the Gao family also died in his hands.

Although both the Gao family and the Wei family said that Gao Shenghan and Wei Xiaobao, who have completely disappeared, have gone abroad, but many people know that they are actually dead, and it is said that they died extremely tragically. A female star who was once a smash hit and also has a strong background.

Who is so at odds with them and has the ability to kill them? Didn't leave any clues after that?

It can only be Li Zedao, and only Li Zedao! Either way, it was him.

But even if the Wei family and the Gao family had doubts, they didn't dare to take any action without any evidence, because they chose to swallow their mouth full of bloody teeth, because they really couldn't afford to provoke each other.

Afterwards, the Wei family took advantage of Li Zedao repeatedly, and even compensated Li Zedao with the hundred-year-old tea house in the imperial city. In addition, they were squeezed out and suppressed by other families, which made the Wei family even more serious. It is declining more and more, and now it has barely become a second-rate force, and it has no such glory as before.

Of course, the most enviable and enviable thing is that he has many women, and he almost took all the noble and graceful girls in Yanjing into his harem.

But now, Su Qinglian thinks that he can basically be regarded as a legend, because, when everyone believed that he was dead and there was no possibility of living, he unexpectedly appeared again alive and kicking, and compared with the past, his means It seems to be more fierce, and the face is even more shameless.

In fact, Su Qinglian had wanted to meet this Li Zedao for a long time, but she unexpectedly met him in such a way now.

"He is that Li Zedao, so, do you know why I made you subdue just now? If he wants to slap you in the face with his means, no one can stop him, and it's useless if he slaps you. When your grandpa comes, there is no way to help you find your way back."

Su Qinglian bit her lips, she had to think that her father was right, he really dared to slap her own face, even though she was such a good-looking woman.

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