The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1773 Playing Dead

"I don't know what the skull organization is doing." Li Zedao yawned, stood up, stretched and said, "However, if you use your knees, you know that flies don't bite eggs without gaps, so there must be no gaps in the devil's cave forest. Something piqued their interest."

"Of course, don't ask me what it is, I don't know."

"Really?" Director Yang expressed disbelief.

"Fake." Li Zedao said with a smile, "I probably know, but I haven't investigated the specifics, so I'm not so clear."


"However, just pretend you don't know, because this matter has nothing to do with your fc... Oh, don't tell me that as long as things happen in China, it has something to do with your fc, otherwise if the genetic superman appears again If you are in Yanjing, you can handle it yourself." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"..." So Director Yang swallowed what he was about to say abruptly, and was so depressed that he wanted to scold his mother. This kid really became more and more arrogant, and even dared to threaten. He really thought fc wouldn't dare to move. he?

Director Yang had a terrible headache. It's not that fc didn't dare to move him, but he couldn't. Once he did, no one would be able to afford the consequences.

"Besides, it's useless to tell you, even if your subordinates can enter the magic cave forest because of the yellow stones in their tongues, but I can guarantee that once they enter, the only end will be to die in it alive " Li Zedao said, "So, I will find out about this matter...Of course, people still need to closely monitor the movements around the Demon Cave Forest."

Although Li Zedao didn't know what the hell General Skull was doing, he got some information about the Nameless Cave from there, and he wanted to enter the Nameless Cave for some reason. It couldn't be because General Skull knew about it. It is an extremely powerful formation eye. Through this formation eye, you will be transported to an unknown place for trials. In that unknown place, no one will know what kind of danger you will encounter, but as long as you pass the trial Practice, you will break through the shackles that ordinary people can achieve when practicing Qi...

He wants to break through that shackles and become a real god?

Li Zedao frowned slightly. If this is the case, then this skull-headed general is really scary, and his real identity is also questionable. After all, how could a foreigner know that this kind of general has been lost for a long time? This seemingly mysterious power from China for thousands of years?

Li Zedao was basically sure that General Skull would do everything. He might even come to Huaxia in person.

"You can do whatever you want." Director Yang said very depressed. He finally understood that Li Zedao called him in the middle of the night, not to report to him, but to disgust him, and let him collect the body by the way.

Sure enough, Li Zedao said: "Director Yang just needs someone to come over and clean up the corpse."

"Give me an address, I'll send someone over here." Director Yang said angrily, does this kid really think that FC is a funeral parlor responsible for collecting corpses? What frustrates him the most is that he really has to collect the corpse. After all, this kid will definitely throw the corpse there and then pat his ass and leave. If it causes panic or something, then it's none of his business.

At that moment, Li Zedao told Director Yang the address of the hotel.

"Oh, by the way, let me ask you a question." Director Yang suddenly thought of something.

Li Zedao said with a very stylish smile: "What's the matter,

Talk to my agent. "

"...Get out!" Director Yang scolded with a smile, "You kid really think you're using yourself as a dish?"

"I'm not bragging. If I want to develop in the entertainment industry, I don't have to worry about those little fresh meat. If I act in a movie, the box office will be 5 billion." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Director Yang ignored Li Zedao's bragging over there, and simply interrupted Li Zedao's words: "What do you think, Qinglian? It can't be worse than your women, right?"

"Qinglian? Who is it?" Li Zedao looked blank.

"Yang Qinglian, my granddaughter... what do you think of her?" Director Yang was pissed off by Li Zedao, he had reason to believe that this bastard did it on purpose, he must have done it on purpose, if he didn't do it on purpose, he wasn't insulting people ?

"What do you want?" Li Zedao looked vigilant, "You don't want to use beauty tricks to tie me with you and fc? It's not impossible, have to change someone, to be honest, you That granddaughter is ugly and has a bad temper, and her conduct is low..."

"Bastard, I'll kill you!" Director Yang growled.

Li Zedao hung up the phone quickly, and then plucked his buzzing ears, feeling somewhat aggrieved, what he said was the truth, his granddaughter was indeed ugly and had a bad temper.

The old man actually said that his granddaughter would be no worse than his own woman... Sure enough, in Ruhua's eyes, if Ruhua was born in ancient times, she would not be one of the four beauties, but the five beauties.

"Boss, I packed it." Mia pushed two suitcases and walked over. At this time, she had already taken a shower and changed into another set of casual clothes, her hair had been dried, and she looked more refreshed.

Li Zedao nodded and said, "Disguising yourself as a corpse is an easy thing for you, isn't it?"

"Corpse?" Mia didn't know what Li Zedao wanted to do, so she nodded.

"In that case, take off your clothes." Li Zedao said.

"..." Mia's eyes widened, and she looked at Li Zedao with strange eyes. Didn't you say that seeing my body is an insult to your eyes?

Men, as expected, are animals that use their lower body to think about problems!

However, it's not unacceptable to have sex with this handsome guy once. Judging from the fact that he has so many women, this devil's fighting power must be extraordinary, otherwise he would have been drained long ago.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Li Zedao twitched his mouth, and looked at this woman as if he was looking at an idiot. "I want to make a video call with General Skull and say hello to him."

Mia froze for a moment, and immediately understood Li Zedao's meaning. She was letting herself play dead in front of General Skull, making him mistakenly think that she was the same as Frank.

Frank is naked, if she is wearing clothes, it will inevitably be a flaw.

As a result, his face was very hot and his heart was extremely angry. The devil's look in his eyes was more extreme than making such a request, and he simply didn't regard her as a beautiful woman.

At that moment, Mia found Frank's mobile phone, opened a page, and said to Li Zedao: "Boss, as long as you open this software, you can make a video call with General Skull."

Li Zedao took the phone, waved his hand and said, "You can take off your clothes now."

Anyway, she has basically been seen before, and this woman also has a very indifferent view of this aspect, and she enjoys it when she should enjoy it, so there is nothing to tweak, she simply put all her clothes in front of Li Zedao After taking off, soon, a body full of temptation appeared in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao's eyes didn't dodge, he was watching unscrupulously, but his eyes seemed to be staring at a Chinese cabbage, which naturally made Mia feel so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, and seriously doubted whether this devil was gay. Woman, that's his way of hiding that he's gay.

Yes, he is gay, she will kill anyone who dares to say that he is not gay!

Thinking of this, Mia felt decisively more comfortable.

"You can pretend to be dead." Seeing that the woman was motionless, Li Zedao didn't know what she was thinking, so he urged angrily, this is too inappropriate for him to be a man, right? It's very hard to endure like this, okay?

No matter how Li Zedao looked down on this woman, he had to admit that this body was really attractive. If it weren't for his self-control ability and his strength, he would have erected a tent under his crotch already.

Mia, who was in a much better mood after discovering the new news, quickly lay down in front of Frank. Of course, after lying down, she didn't forget to use Frank's blood to disguise herself, and then held her breath. The whole person looked like the same It looked like a corpse with its throat cut.

After seeing her disguise, Li Zedao turned his eyes back and landed on the phone screen, and then opened the software as Mia said.

Soon, the prompt "Video is waiting to be accepted" appeared on it.

In about twenty seconds, General Skull's tall body hidden in the dark appeared on the screen as before, in front of Li Zedao.

Then, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Li Zedao's mouth.

On the other end of the video, General Skull saw that it was not Frank who appeared in front of him, but Li Zedao. It is because his mind is far stronger than ordinary people, and it is because Mia reported the situation to him in the morning, so now he is somewhat prepared. Now, at this moment, the whole person was stunned, the eyeballs widened as if they were about to roll down at any moment.

"Oh, it's you, it's really you...Oh, God, is this possible?" His voice was cold, moving, amazing and incredible, with a hint of extremely strong murderous intent.

"Why is this impossible?" Li Zedao smiled, took out another cigarette and lit it, and then slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

He liked the expression of General Skull Head so much, it made him feel better all of a sudden.

"How did you do it?" General Skull said after a long time. At this time, he had completely calmed down, and then he took out a cigar and began to puff out the clouds.

"If you want to do it, you can do it." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, I like your answer, but next time, I'm afraid you won't be lucky." General Skull said.

"Even if there is a next time, it will probably be in the Skull Castle on Skull Island, so you can install more guns in your castle now." Li Zedao smiled strangely, and his tone became even more sinister.

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