The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1780 Backtracking

The sun is shining and the sea breeze is blowing. Vertex Novel The fastest update

A beautiful figure stood on the beach, looking at the sea not far away, listening to the melodious sound of the waves, stretched with a slightly lazy expression.

The upper body of the woman is wearing a small black vest, the chest is so full that it is hard to move your eyes away when you see it, the lower body is a pair of denim shorts, simple flat sandals, the flat belly exposed to the air and the big white flowers The lethality brought by the long legs is also extremely amazing.

Adding a fashionable straw hat, sunglasses on the bridge of the nose, and the fashionable pouch on the back, this looks like a sexy and fashionable girl who came to Phoenix City for vacation.

At this time, on the beach, many eyes fell on her from time to time, and their eyes shone with amazing light.

Before, many men who thought they were very handsome came over and tried to strike up a conversation and asked for their phone numbers, but she rejected them one by one. The word "roll" burst out directly from her sexy little mouth, which really scared many men.

So there is no doubt that this is a rose, a rose with thorns that is not easy to pick.

"What kind of reason should I find to get close to that bastard?" The girl looked at the waves not far away, and muttered to herself, with impatience and helplessness in her eyes.

"Directly invite him to dinner to express my gratitude, thank him for the 'favor of not killing'? Or simply tell him, Hey, bastard, I'm chasing you, give me a chance... No, no, let's not talk about it That's too embarrassing, if he flatly rejects it, will you still be alive?"

"Or, a chance encounter? Oh, what a coincidence, you are also in Phoenix City, and I am also in Phoenix City...Yang Qinglian, Yang Qinglian, don't be so low-intelligent, okay? He is originally from Fenghuang City, okay? ?”

Besides, if you want to "encounter by chance", you must at least know his whereabouts first, you can't run to his house to meet him by chance, right? And if you want to know his whereabouts, you have to let someone follow him in that way, but with his ability, how could he not notice that someone is following him behind his ass?

"Ah..." Yang Qinglian was a little irritable, she firmly felt that there must be a big problem with her IQ, otherwise how could such a low-level idea pop up in her mind?

She bent down and grabbed a handful of fine sand, and threw it forward fiercely. The fine sand was blown by the wind, just like her messy heart.

Yang Qinglian never thought that it would be such a difficult thing to pursue someone.

Of course, she never took the initiative to pursue anyone. As a well-known beauty in Yanjing, she has always been chased, and those who chase her can go around the city of Yanjing... This is still Humble statement.

Actively pursuing the other party requires not only approaching with deliberation, but also preparing various lines in advance, and even having a stronger heart... At least after being rejected, you must not feel extremely ashamed, or even heartbroken. Run to jump into the sea now, shall we? And he has to work very hard to change himself and become the one he likes.

Since she decided to pursue Li Zedao some time ago, Yang Qinglian came to Fenghuang City, as a tourist, and she was silently looking for a way to get close to Li Zedao.

It's just that until now, several days have passed, and she basically spent every day in a slightly irritable mood, and she didn't find any way at all.

The only breakthrough is that through a small operation at home, she is now a criminal police officer in the Phoenix City Police Department.

Just haven't had time to report yet.

The reason why he wanted to become a criminal policeman was naturally to get acquainted with one of Li Zedao's women, namely Li Mengchen.

Yang Qinglian's thinking is that if it's really not possible, she should get to know Li Mengchen first, and try to build a good relationship with her. It's best to become a good sister who can talk about everything, and then through Li Mengchen, there will naturally be a lot of opportunities to meet and contact Li Zedao.

After getting in touch with her more, she can naturally catch him. After all, Yang Qinglian is quite confident about her own conditions. Even if she is placed among the women of Li Zedao, she will not be their foil, so she finally won that one. It's not too difficult to be a pervert.

Her father, Yang Jingguo, naturally objected to chasing after Li Zedao. It wasn't that Li Zedao was bad, but that he was so good that Yang Jingguo felt horrible, and they really couldn't afford it.

Besides, that Li Zedao already has many women, how could Yang Jingguo bear his such an outstanding and attractive daughter, committing himself to sharing a man with other women?

The most important point is that Yang Qinglian is of course a treasure in Yang Jingguo's heart, but Yang Jingguo has reason to believe that in Li Zedao's eyes, she is just a piece of grass.

Yang Jingguo knew that his daughter was planning to chase him, and it was no different from asking for humiliation. After all, Liang Zi had already tied the knot, so he basically would not accept Yang Qinglian.

So, after being scared to drive the car into the green belt that day, Yang Jingguo began to dissuade him earnestly, his mouth was dry, and Yang Qinglian didn't listen to a word.

This woman is very stubborn in her bones, accepts death, and is not very flexible. Basically, ten cows can't pull back the things she believes in. For example, if she said she would not apologize to Li Zedao, even if Yang Jingguo really slapped her face a few times, she would not compromise.

Afterwards, Yang Jingguo became impatient and began to force him, saying that if you dare to act recklessly, I will beat you to death.

Yang Qinglian simply raised her small face, indicating that you should hit me...not to mention that you are reluctant, if you really dare to hit me, I will ask grandpa to tell you that you hit me.

So Yang Jingguo was simply defeated. In the end, there was nothing he could do. He hurriedly contacted his father, intending to ask him to come forward to help persuade Yang Qinglian to stop making such jokes, stop playing with fire, and stop being mean. Bring shame on yourself.

After Director Yang received his son's call, the corners of his mouth twitched several times, unable to believe what he heard. He knew that the boy was handsome and charming, and he was poison to girls. But I didn't expect that he would be so charming that he would be so insane that he would attract his granddaughter who always looked at men as if she was an idiot. Judging from the situation, it was almost to the point where he had to marry, not just Curious to get close.

After being silent for a while, he told his son, "Let her go. It is her freedom to marry whoever she wants and fall in love with whomever she wants. Even if your kid is his father, he has no right to interfere."

"Ah? Dad, what are you..." Yang Jingguo was stunned, and he almost couldn't help but say that his father was an idiot. It was really hard for him to imagine that his father would say such a thing.

And what did he mean by saying "it's her freedom, you have no right to interfere"?

Yang Jingguo's expression was so wronged that his eyes were wet and he almost started to curse. He will never forget, more than 40 years ago, when he just entered junior high school, who forcibly separated himself from his first love? Even because of falling in love, he almost beat him to death with a belt!

Yang Jingguo still can't forget his deskmate, his first love, it was a beautiful but bitter first love, it was a love that was not favored or even accepted by others, he was a very handsome boy... …

Yang Jingguo felt aggrieved, his father was sexist!

Yang Jingguo knew very little about things, so naturally he didn't know the small calculations Director Yang had in mind.

For Director Yang, if his granddaughter can become Li Zedao's woman, then he will be that bastard's grandfather. This is tantamount to indirectly repairing the bad relationship between fc and Li Zedao. Naturally, I don't have the nerve to blackmail him to death.

However, this kind of thing also has certain risks. For example, this kid is too troublesome and has too many enemies. If he is not careful, his granddaughter will become a widow?

The most frightening thing is, one day in the future, will he do something that is sorry for the country and the people in a flash of his brain? After becoming a national sinner and a traitor, then... what should I do?

However, generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. At least Director Yang does not think that Li Zedao is a short-lived ghost, nor does he think that he will be that kind of person. After all, after he has suffered so much this time, he can completely live in the dark. It's a trick, but he didn't, but showed up easily.

Among them, of course, fc is using some means secretly, trying hard to lure him to show up, but if he doesn't want to show up, he can also solve those things in secret.

So now hearing that his granddaughter is going to chase after Li Zedao, Director Yang is still looking forward to it, and it can even be said to be secretly happy. When he thinks of her granddaughter's pursuit of success, the kid has to call out respectfully when he sees him Grandpa, he was quite happy.

As for her granddaughter's pursuit of failure, Director Yang never thought about it. It's not that he has confidence in his granddaughter, but that he has too much confidence in Li Zedao.

"Dad, this...isn't that good?" Yang Jingguo asked with difficulty.

"What's wrong? The whole of Yanjing... No, you can search the whole of Huaxia, can you find someone better than him?" Director Yang said angrily. How dare you say that my grandson-in-law is not good? Do you dare to say that he is not good at trying? Even if you are my son, I will beat you up!

"Indeed, he is excellent, but...he already has many women, doesn't he?" Yang Jingguo said with difficulty.

"What's wrong with so many women? If you don't have the ability, can there be so many women? Also, what right do you have to say about others? And don't think that I don't know. You are messing around outside secretly. Once, I castrated you!" Director Yang's voice was full of sternness!

He was really pissed off by his son, it's really embarrassing, why is he interested in men? Before, he was almost whipped to death with a belt, and his sexual orientation was always twisted back to the normal point. Unexpectedly, now that decades have passed, it has started to twist again.

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