However, this method of revenge is really...unheard and unseen, quite unique, Li Zedao felt that even if he was retaliated a few more times...are you kidding? Do you really think my face is a chair or even a toilet?

Having nothing to do, Li Zedao came to the beach and studied the "Tianji Tujuan" facing the sea. As a result, his eyelids sank, and he just lay down on the beach and fell asleep. Vertex Novel The fastest update

In his sleep, he felt a strong wind blowing towards his face, but he didn't feel any murderous intent, instead a faint fragrance wafted into his nostrils. Therefore, Li Zedao didn't care that much, and didn't make a sharp counterattack.

However, he still opened his eyes, and then, he found that his face was heavily pressed down by an elastic thing.

Then, the elastic thing left his face quickly, and then, he saw a girl standing there with her back facing him, her body was shaking slightly, her little hands clenched into fists, There was a fierce murderous aura emanating from his body.

Looking at her buttocks wrapped in hot pants... Li Zedao understood in an instant, so his face was used as a chair by this woman.

Right now, Li Zedao was feeling so depressed, do you think you can sit on other people's faces just because you are in good shape? What do you think my face is? Chair or...toilet?

After the word toilet appeared in his mind, while Li Zedao's body trembled, he firmly believed that he was too outrageous, how could he slander this girl like this? She is simply using her face as a chair, what's going on in the toilet?

It's even possible that the girl didn't notice that there was someone behind her and just sat down by accident.

However, when seeing this woman leave as if nothing had happened, Li Zedao stopped her decisively, apologized sincerely, and if she didn't compensate for mental damage, this matter would never end, even if she was a back killer, Li Zedao didn't mind kicking her into the sea and letting her wash her face.

However, what Li Zedao never expected was that this woman would be Yang Qinglian, the granddaughter of Director Yang whom he met at the Qinhuai restaurant in Yanjing.

Seeing this guy looking at her with a speechless and even disgusted face, Yang Qinglian's mouth twitched, and she felt a little upset. Of course, it was more of a grievance and helplessness.

This guy seems to really hate himself.

At the moment Li Zedao didn't say anything else, he stood up, patted the sand on his body casually, turned around and was about to leave.

As for the face being used as a chair by this woman... Forget it, just treat it as being bitten by a dog, and just go back and wash your face a few more times.

As for making this apology, it is simply impossible. Li Zedao can still clearly remember how stubborn this woman was in the restaurant in Yanjing. Besides, she is Director Yang's granddaughter after all, Li Zedao really can't do anything to her, so he can only admit that he is unlucky.

Seeing his back turning and leaving, Yang Qinglian felt even more depressed and wronged, and even her nose started to feel sore. She never knew that being ignored would feel so uncomfortable and wronged.

She suddenly thought again, whether the mood of those people whom she simply ignored was the same as her own now... Never mind them, it's none of my business.

Maybe it's the pride in her bones, maybe it's Yang Qinglian's deep love for Li Zedao that played a role, or maybe it's because she feels that if he slips away like this today, maybe she won't have such opportunities and courage in the future ,

It's also possible... She let Li Zedao see her changes, and more importantly, let him see her intentions and let him understand her thoughts.

Therefore, Bai Chi bit her lip, and Yang Qinglian stared at Li Zedao's back with aggrieved eyes, as if she was angry with her boyfriend.

Then, with determination in her eyes, she followed quickly, and intentionally or unintentionally, her foot stepped on Li Zedao's footprint on the sand.

"Hmph, bastard, wherever you go, I'll follow you. When you go home, I'll go home with you. If you don't let me in, I'll set up a tent at your door. No one is afraid of anyone... Yes, that's it! "

Good men are afraid of pestering women, bad men are afraid of female hooligans! Yes, stalk him to death!

Yang Qinglian clenched her hands into fists, silently cheering herself up, her eyes full of unwavering faith!

Hearing the sound of feet stepping on the sand behind him, Li Zedao twitched his lips, stopped and turned around.

Yang Qinglian saw that Li Zedao had turned his head back, and the eyes that were originally on him began to look around indiscriminately. She was somewhat guilty, and her eyes did not dare to meet Li Zedao's eyes.

"I said, what are you doing with me?" Li Zedao said angrily.

"Chasing you." Yang Qinglian blurted out subconsciously. If I didn't want to chase you, why should I wrong myself so much? Immediately, he felt that his words were too unreserved, and his little face blushed and quickly changed his words, "I mean, I... I'm hungry."

What she originally wanted to say was that whoever followed you, the bastard followed you. But how could she call herself a bastard? No, so she changed her words. Of course, it is true that she is really hungry.

"Hungry?" Li Zedao's mouth twitched violently, and he said angrily: "You are hungry, go eat, what are you doing with me? Want to eat my meat, drink my blood, and gnaw my bones?"

"I...I don't eat human flesh." Yang Qinglian stuttered, and her mind was a little confused.

"Uh..." The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched. He really didn't expect that domineering and arrogant woman to be so...cute.

Anyway, looking at her expression now, and hearing her say such words, such a word appeared in Li Zedao's mind... Meng!

Immediately, he realized that his answer seemed a little thoughtless, his little face turned even redder, and he quickly added: "I...I mean, I don't have any money with me, so I can only follow you."

Then she regretted it. She forgot to bring her wallet when she came out in the morning, and then she went back to get it. If she knew it, she wouldn't have taken it. If he saw his wallet and knew that he had lied, wouldn't he be ashamed to death?

"Okay, it doesn't matter to me whether you really didn't bring any money or you didn't bring any money. And if you want someone to invite you to dinner, there are so many men on the beach, you can just find one, act coquettishly, Even beat the other party severely and order the other party to treat you to dinner, I guess many of them are quite happy to do this." Li Zedao said very speechlessly.

How could it be possible that Li Zedao didn't know the thoughts of this woman that had already been written on her face? After a short contact, Li Zedao probably knew that this woman would not hide at all, she always did things simply and rudely, all emotions were written directly on her face, and she couldn't hide it even if she wanted to.

No wonder Director Yang suddenly asked him what he thought of his granddaughter when he was on the phone with Director Yang that night. This old man really intends to use a beauty trick, but didn't he remind you? Anyway, you can change to a higher quality one, do you think your granddaughter can lure me? You look down on my taste too much, don't you?

However, this woman agreed to cooperate with her grandfather to stage such a beauty trick. Naturally, it was because of such thoughts, which surprised Li Zedao to some extent, and then became worried.

"If a person's attraction is too strong, it's not a good thing. Like me, you have attracted a woman again." Li Zedao felt happy and worried, thinking that he was too good, what should he do if this continues? It won't be like what Sister Bei said, although so many women choose to leave, the rooms in the villa will not be enough soon, right?

Li Zedao's body trembled, and he felt that his thoughts were too dangerous, so dangerous that he would be eunuched by Sister Bei.

"I don't know them, but I know you." Yang Qinglian was pissed off by Li Zedao's words. He thought he was a casual woman? What are you kidding? I usually don't even look at those men more, okay?

"Talk for a few words, leave a phone call, and we'll get to know each other." Li Zedao said with a curled lip.

"But, they are not as handsome or rich as you!" Li Zedao's attitude made Yang Qinglian so depressed, so this woman started to be stubborn again, she stared at Li Zedao with stubborn eyes and said bluntly.

"Uh..." This is an iron-clad fact, so Li Zedao really doesn't know how to refute it. At the moment, I feel that there are still advantages in this woman, for example, she is honest and not hypocritical, and she has one thing to say and another to say another thing.

Unable to refute, he simply stopped refuting, turned around and left.

Li Zedao, ah, Li Zedao, one of the important things you need to learn now is how to reject those pretty girls who are chasing you.

Li Zedao had a headache. He felt that this kind of thing was really too difficult for him.

Yang Qinglian watched his back follow, her little hands clenched into fists, her little face showed a hint of complacency, sure enough, it was right to cling to him.

Moreover, Yang Qinglian also discovered one thing, this guy is more narcissistic than he imagined, of course, he just has the capital of narcissism.

After that, one put his hands in his pockets and walked unsteadily in front of him, while the other followed behind him, and deliberately stepped on the footprints left by Li Zedao. This kind of couple is like a couple. The ambiguous behavior of the bitch in the middle made Yang Qinglian's face inexplicably shy and hot.

Looking at the back that was less than three meters away, Yang Qinglian couldn't help but go crazy. Although she is a bastard, she is still quite handsome. With that temperament, that aura, that identity and methods, it is no wonder that there are so many girls like him.

In the end, the two entered the Emerald restaurant by the sea one after the other, but Li Zedao entered unimpeded, and even when entering, the beautiful waiter standing at the door nodded politely and respectfully as a welcome sign. With every movement, the beautiful eyes revealed a glimmer of obsession.

But Yang Qinglian who was following behind him was stopped by the waiter.

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