The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1790 Handsome little nun

Li Zedao smiled, too lazy to bother with this grumbling old man, and asked, "Also, how is your subordinate Wu Wu, who was bribed by Wei Fengsheng before? Did you kill him?"

"Hmm." Director Yang snorted briefly. He was undoubtedly extremely distressed by that subordinate's betrayal. Later, in accordance with fc's regulations, and in order to serve as a deterrent, he became a typical example and was dealt with.

"Where's the yellow stone that melted into his tongue?" Li Zedao asked.

"In my hand, do you want it?"

"I want to take my people into the magic cave forest." Li Zedao said simply.

"Understood, when you arrive in Yanjing, I'll send someone to take it there for you." Director Yang said.


Ganlu Temple is a small-scale nunnery located in the northwest suburb of Fenghuang City. Because the reputation of the temple is not obvious, and it is not a historic site, the incense is not so strong at ordinary times, except for a few faithful believers who will go to the Buddha's birthday. Except for burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha a few days ago, almost no one has nothing to do most of the year.

Because of the lack of incense in Ganlu Temple, there are naturally not many nuns here. In addition, there are only nine young masters named Wangchen, so each nun here has his own individual nun. A room, or even a room and a half per person if you prefer.

The size of each room is small, and the layout is basically the same. It is simple but dignified. The Guanyin is enshrined inside. The room is full of smoke and smells of incense.

Like every morning, Mrs. Wangchen returned to her room after finishing her morning class with her master and senior sisters in Guanyin Hall, only to find that there was an extra person in the room she lived in, and it was a A man I'm afraid I won't see once for many years!

For the nunnery, men are definitely a rarity. Even though there are believers who come to burn incense and worship the Buddha on the day of the Buddha's birthday, those believers are basically all old ladies.

At that moment, Mrs. Wangchen's eyes widened suddenly, and her heart, which was already as still as still water, also rippled, as if someone had thrown a big stone hard into the water.

The man turned his back to Mrs. Wangchen, knelt on her futon where she chanted scriptures and prayed every day, and knelt down to worship Guanyin in front of her.

His body is straight, his waist and back are particularly strong and slender, and he looks very tasteful, so even if his face cannot be seen, people can clearly feel that this should be a handsome and sunny man.

He was holding a copy of the "Heart Sutra" that was originally placed on the table in his hand, and he was chanting words, his voice was extremely fast but vague, at least Mrs. Wangchen couldn't tell what he was chanting at all Son, based on her understanding of the "Heart Sutra", what he recited should not be the content of the "Heart Sutra".

But he looked so serious, as if he didn't realize that there was a little nun behind him.

Seeing this familiar figure from the back, little master Wangchen felt his heart agitated, his body was extremely stiff, his complexion became sharp all of a sudden, and there was a trace of extremely strong murderous aura in his eyes, and there was a trace of murderous aura in this murderous aura. shares extremely complex emotions.

Her slender hands were already clenched into fists, but she remained motionless after all. She didn't hit the back of the man's head with a single punch. Although she really wanted to do this, she held back.

His skill is too terrifying, she is far from his opponent! Besides, little master Wangchen didn't think he came here to let her kill him.

He is not so merciful.

The man's indistinct chanting...Of course, the voice of nonsense may also stop abruptly, and then he put the "Heart Sutra" in his hand back on the table, stood up slowly, and looked at the man in front of him. The benevolent Guanyin said in a gentle voice with a slightly hoarse magnetism: "Miss me?"

"..." Little Master Wangchen's expression was too stiff, and his body trembled violently. This damned guy, he came to the nunnery to... soak himself up? Isn't he afraid of the Buddha's crime?

"Think! Think every day! Think every minute!" Mrs. Wangchen said, but her voice was not that affectionate, gentle and shy, but cold without any warmth, and her eyes were like Look like a dead person.

The man smiled bitterly: "You want to kill me?"

"Yes!" The little nun didn't hide anything.

"Hey, women are really unreasonable, even though she is already a handsome little nun." The man sighed and turned around, looking at the man in robes standing in front of him, even though he was murderous, he was still extremely handsome. The little nun looked at it, and the corners of her mouth curled up in an inexplicable way.

His eyes are so complicated, joyful, nostalgic, sad, and confused, as if his soul has entered another plane, returning to the long-lost or beautiful or painful memories.

Looking at this face that was too familiar, the eyes of Mrs. Wangchen became even colder, as cold as a knife, making people feel cold.

"Do you think you have committed a serious crime, so you came here to ask me to kill you?" If she had hidden a dagger on her body as before, she must have pulled it out now and threw it at him viciously.

Antarctica once thought that time is the best medicine, it can erase everything. So I can quickly forget about everything in the past, forget about his beloved man, forget about the child in her belly who died before he had time to take a look at this bustling world, and even forget about the one she killed him ninety-nine eighty-one An enemy who probably failed to vent her anger this time...but she failed.

That kind of miss, that kind of hatred didn't become dull with the passage of time, and even became more intense with the passage of time.

Even though she has shaved her hair and become a nun now, even though her Dharma name is Wangchen, even though she chant scriptures every morning and evening to seek a state of mind, she still failed.

Antarctic doesn't know either. The old director of the nunnery, Miejue Shitai, clearly knows that his six roots are not clean, that his heart is full of violence, and that he wants to kill people, so why is he willing to shave himself and accept him as a disciple.

After thinking about it, it was probably because I was good-looking, so I could use it for publicity and bring some pilgrims to this nunnery, right? At least those men knew that there was a very handsome little nun in Ganlu Nunnery, so they probably would still come here to burn incense and worship Buddha, right?

"No, I just came to see you and see if you have let go of everything in the past after you chose to become a monk. It seems that you haven't let go of anything. You chose to become a monk because you didn't want to change your hairstyle, right? Hairstyle... To be honest, it doesn't suit you that much." Li Zedao commented.

Li Zedao clearly felt the strong murderous intent released from Nanji, which undoubtedly made him feel very uncomfortable, extremely wronged, it seems that you have been lying to me from the beginning to the end, okay?

"..." Little Master Wangchen wanted to kill people too much. Who became a monk because he wanted to change his hairstyle? Even if a monk is merciful, it is not allowed to kill recklessly, but my Buddha Tathagata will inevitably be a lion's roar, not to mention that she is a mortal with impure six sense organs.

"I came here today to take a look at you...Of course, I came here with a mentality, that is, you have let go of everything you let go, and from now on, you will be accompanied by the green lantern, chant Buddhist scriptures, and wholeheartedly take refuge in my Buddha. "Li Zedao said with a soft sigh, "Now it seems that I was wrong... Since you can't let go, why did you become a monk? Isn't this polluting the holy land of Buddhism?"

It is undeniable that this is a very handsome little nun, but in Li Zedao's heart, she is still the beautiful Nanji who was dressed in leather clothes and pants, with long hair draped over her shoulders, with a cold expression, and several daggers hidden all over her body.

Such a big bald head... too fashionable, too avant-garde, I'm sorry Li Zedao can't accept it.

"I want to save their father and son personally." Nanji gave such an answer, looking at Li Zedao as if he was looking at a dead person, his voice was hoarse and cold, as if he came from the Nine Nether Hell, even if it was early in the morning , It also makes people feel chilly, "I also want to pray to the Bodhisattva, let her quickly send you to hell."

"..." Li Zedao felt that his heart had been stabbed several times, and he felt that he was so fucking cheap. It would be nice to stay at home with Sister Bei and the others when they had nothing to do. Why did he come here to take care of himself? Which is better?

Nanji's eyes fell on the kind-faced Guanyin: "Unfortunately, the Buddha doesn't seem to have heard my prayer."

"...The Buddha is merciful, how could he agree to your request?" Li Zedao said helplessly, "Okay, go and lie down on the bed, let's hurry up and get things done, after all, we are all busy, aren't we?"


So, molested? And she was molested in front of the Guanyin master in the nunnery! He even plans to do more excessive things? If this beast dares to be so disrespectful to the Buddha, isn't he afraid of thunder?

"I'll kill you!" Nanji Murderously said sternly.

As soon as the words fell, her figure flashed, and she appeared in front of Li Zedao in an instant. Her long legs wearing cloth shoes suddenly lifted up, and kicked Li Zedao's stomach fiercely.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Li Zedao, who didn't want to dodge at all, was kicked heavily in the stomach, but his body only trembled slightly, and he didn't fly away from the kick.

On the contrary, Nanji took a few steps back, and clearly felt that her calf was numb, as if her kick was not on the flesh and blood, but on the wall, and , the wall is still made of iron.

At that moment, the way he looked at Li Zedao had changed. It seems that I haven't seen him for a while, and his strength has become even more terrifying. The Buddha really doesn't have eyes. This kind of lustful demon with blood on his hands should let him go to hell right away, right?

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