The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1796 No signal on the mobile phone

Just because the old nun looked no different from having passed away, Li Zedao only felt that his weak heart was pounding, and he was about to have a heart attack from fright.

If these nuns insisted that they exhausted their master to death, wouldn't they be crying?

"Amitabha, Master has entered samadhi." Wang Yan said while holding back his anger, and almost hit someone with his hands. It's true that your hair is short and your insight is short, so you passed away!

"Then... how long does it usually take for the teacher to be in samadhi?" Li Zedao secretly took a deep breath to calm himself down. The old nun was only halfway through talking, and more importantly, Li Zedao wanted to know where the nameless cave was from her.

"The shortest time is ten days, the longest time is as long as one month." Wang Chen said.

"..." Li Zedao couldn't help but sighed in his heart, he really deserves to be a nun, the meditation can last for such a long time, it seems that it is impossible to wait here for her to wake up.

Even if they want to stay, these nuns probably won't let them, right? Even if... Li Zedao thought about it, it was too dangerous, wouldn't that mean sending a fat sheep to the tiger's mouth?

"Then, can you force the teacher to be too calm?" Li Zedao asked cautiously.

"Amitabha, this is possible, but Master will be very angry." Wang Chen looked at Li Zedao with the same eyes as he looked at animals, and his attitude became unfriendly again.

"Uh... I was just joking." Li Zedao smiled with cold sweat on his forehead.

"Amitabha, benefactor, please go back. As for Junior Sister Wangchen, Master has already told us, and we will take good care of her." Wang Chen simply issued an order to evict her. For this person who dared to say that Master passed away, he planned to force Master to come out. A certain bastard, plus, he is still a flower picker, so even though he is a master of returning to basics and a disciple of Tianji, he doesn't have the slightest favor.

"It's too much trouble for the teacher." Li Zedao said politely, "Well...can I make a presumptuous request."

"Amitabha, since it's presumptuous, don't you need to talk about it?" Wang Chen looked at Li Zedao with vigilance.

"...I mean, can I know the teacher's wife or your contact information? After the teacher's wife is out of meditation, I have important questions to ask her." Li Zedao was stunned by this nun. It would be a lie to say that he was not embarrassed, but fortunately he has a thick skin.

"Amitabha, monks don't use mobile phones." Wang Chen said.

"..." Li Zedao almost spat out a mouthful of old blood,

I thought to myself that it’s not that I don’t need a mobile phone, but that the incense in this nunnery is too low, so I don’t have money to buy a mobile phone, right?

Look at those monks and nuns in other temples, which one is not a senior white-collar worker holding a state salary? Not to mention using a mobile phone, the car to go out is still a Rolls Royce.

"Well, I'll leave my mobile phone with you, Senior Sister." Li Zedao said.

"Amitabha, monks don't use mobile phones." Wang Chen emphasized once again that he looked at Li Zedao as if he was looking at an idiot.

"Besides, there is no signal here, not even electricity." When Wang Chen said this, his tone was somewhat depressed.


Li Zedao took out his mobile phone and looked at it, almost crying. Sure enough, the mobile phone has no signal at all!

"In that case, let's take my leave." Li Zedao said helplessly. Of course, before leaving, he didn't forget to take away the golden box of bitter sweet tea on the table.


Li Zedao really had no way to disobey the wishes of an old man.

As for Wang Chen's extremely depressed eyes, he simply ignored it.


In Xixi's airport, two people in extraordinary clothes, a man and a woman, are particularly eye-catching.

The male is sunny and handsome, while the female has a hot personality. What is even more interesting is that the female is a foreign woman with blonde hair and blue eyes.

So no matter how you look at it, this is a sweet couple whose love has crossed national boundaries.

Sure enough, that sentence is true, love has no borders, no age, no gender...

"Oh, dear boss, what are we going to Yanjing for?" Mia's beautiful eyes fell on the boss who had been following him for almost a month, and she asked with a charming smile. It's like seducing someone to commit a crime.

As she said that, she stretched out her hand and hugged Li Zedao's arm.

After getting along for nearly a month, Mia has a deeper understanding of this boss. On the surface, this is a young, handsome and sunny boy, occasionally very shy, like a little virgin in love.

But if you stare at his eyes seriously, you will soon catch that kind of depth, that kind of precipitation that your peers don't have, that kind of dim light that seems to see everything around you, and occasionally there will be The electric light is flickering, which will make you feel like you have been electrocuted. For girls, such eyes are undoubtedly a kind of poison, and it is a fatal kind.

At least, Mia felt poisoned.

Of course, compared with General Skull, this new boss is undoubtedly easier to get along with. General Skull will smile at you eeriely and force you to do some very dangerous things. harsh means to punish you.

And this new boss, he doesn't have any dangerous things for you to do, he won't put a straight face on you, he won't speak loudly at you, and he won't restrict your freedom... Although he has already controlled you with drugs body.

Most importantly, is he handsome?

Men like to stay with beautiful women, and women are no exception, they like to be with handsome guys.

In addition to staying in the dark for a long time, Mia now undoubtedly likes the sun and the noisy city life, so Mia is quite satisfied with her current life.

The reason why it is not bad is because there is a little regret. If the new boss is willing to help her solve her physical problems, then this kind of life will be considered perfect.

She is a very normal woman, so, she is needy.

A few nights ago, Mia, who had been unable to get what she needed for more than ten days, approached Li Zedao, shyly put forward her own request, and wanted to borrow the boss's body for use.

Without further ado, the boss took her directly to the place where she usually works... the kitchen.

Mia thought that the new boss liked this kind of tune, but the next second made her almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. What made her feel that the boss was worse than a beast was that Li Zedao actually opened the refrigerator, and found two cucumbers and one Eggplant, if it is not enough, there is still in the refrigerator, oh, if it is not enough, I will help you buy durian tomorrow.

After that, Li Zedao fled under the gaze of Miya's murderous eyes, and he didn't forget to close the kitchen door when he fled.


The next day, Mia fried a cucumber and made an eggplant sauce, but no one touched chopsticks for the last two dishes, and the women in the boss looked at her so weirdly, which undoubtedly made Mia feel even worse. I want to vomit blood, and have a feeling of being insulted to death.

who is she? She is one of the twelve holy knights of the Skull Organization. She doesn't blink her eyes when she kills. She is also a sexy and fashionable beauty. How could she be so miserable that she would satisfy her desires with cucumbers and eggplants? the point?

If you really need a man, you just need to come out and tickle your fingers, those bitch men can't hurry up and kneel and lick their feet?

It's just that Mia is a woman with a high vision and is extremely picky. She doesn't like those sluts. The only one who can fall into her eyes is the boss. Unfortunately, the boss is too stingy. Not even willing to help.

This undoubtedly made Mia quite resentful.

Early this morning, when Mia was preparing breakfast in the kitchen, Li Zedao suddenly appeared behind her, and simply said that after breakfast, he would pack up his things. I want to go out, and you will come with me.

So after breakfast, Mia simply packed her luggage and took a taxi with the boss to the airport.

None of the women in the boss gave them a look, and they were busy with whatever they should be busy with, so from this Mia infers that the boss should go out this time to do a very easy thing, and there is no danger, otherwise his Those women will not be so indifferent, as if the boss will go back in two or three days.

Of course, Mia also understood why the boss brought him, he was worried about him.

Mia didn't care too much about the fact that the boss didn't trust him, after all, he had already done more extreme things than not trusting him.

"I'm really sorry for ruining your travel plan last time, and you've worked hard during this period, so as the boss, I decided to take you out for a trip. Don't be too moved." Carrying a small bag on his body, pushing Li Zedao, who was in a suitcase, responded with a faint smile.

He is really not a casual man, so he tried slightly to break free from the woman's hand, but instead he was hugged even tighter by her, so he simply followed her.

Oh, damn it, can you even come up with such a poor excuse? While Mia secretly despised Li Zedao, she already had a shy and expectant smile on her face. She lowered her head slightly, her eyes filled with water, and said in a low voice: "Oh, so, just me and the boss Two people?"

"Then who else do you think? Just the two of us." Li Zedao's eyes became a little wary. This woman is always thinking about her body, which makes Li Zedao feel that she is too dangerous. Well, we must beware of this woman looking for opportunities to He got drunk and even drugged himself or something.

"So, no proprietress followed, right? So you booked a room, right?" Mia smiled very charmingly.

"Uh... The room hasn't been decided yet, but I think it's enough to book a suite. I'll sleep in the master bedroom and you in the second bedroom. If something happens like this, I can take care of you right away." Li Zedao said seriously. Thinking about this question, he said, "I can't guarantee that I have already deceived that skull general." (The ultimate student is in the city..6464318)--(The ultimate student is in the city)

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