The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1804 Hot Coffee

"Crack!" There was another bone-crushing sound that made the scalp tingle, and his other foot was simply broken by Li Zedao again. .

This time, Captain Guan didn't scream like a pig being slaughtered. He rolled his eyes and passed out from the pain.

As for the other police officers, although they couldn't move their bodies, they could clearly see with their eyes that the boy who was just a little boy in their eyes actually trampled off Captain Guan's two legs by cruel means. At the moment, all the brains were roaring abnormally, and there was a huge wave in my heart. I really couldn't believe my eyes.

Li Zedao exhaled lightly, the murderous aura gradually dissipated, and the blood red in his eyes also disappeared bit by bit.

Smiling bitterly in my heart, my murderous nature seems to be getting more and more serious, especially when the other party threatens the people around me, he immediately explodes, which is not a good thing.

He exhaled a few breaths lightly, came back to his senses, and his eyes fell on one of the police officers. The latter's face turned pale to the extreme, and extreme panic was revealed in his eyes.

At this time, the police officer was still holding the thin coat that Li Zedao took off just now.

Li Zedao walked a few steps forward, came to the police officer, looked at the police officer with a harmless smile, then reached out to pick up the thin coat in his hand, turned it over, I can already see that a small package has been glued to the inner lining, and it contains white powder.

Li Zedao knew exactly what this white powder was in Xiaobai.

"So, the so-called contraband is...*?" Li Zedao looked away from the bag of powder and grinned at the police officer.

The police officers had already begun to sweat coldly on their foreheads, looking at Li Zedao was like looking at a devil.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Li Zedao said again.

You must know that Chinese law expressly stipulates that selling more than 50 grams of drugs can be punished with death, regardless of whether the person who sells drugs takes drugs or not. Illegal drug possession should also be sentenced to a fixed term, and if the amount is too large, it will be sentenced to no term. Drug addicts generally do not possess so many drugs, and drug addicts can be easily detected by checking urine and blood tests.

Li Zedao naturally does not take drugs, so he will naturally be regarded as a drug dealer, and the bag of * on his clothes that was secretly stuck there by the police is more than 50 grams...

Isn't this wanting his life?

at the moment

Li Zedao stretched out his hand and tore off the bag* and put it in his pocket casually, then turned his head to look at Mia and said, "Let's go."

"Oh, yes, boss." Mia stood up and said.

Afterwards, the two walked out of the interrogation room one after the other as if nothing had happened. Of course, Li Zedao closed the door very carefully after walking out.

"Boss, why are those people motionless?" Mia asked somewhat incomprehensibly.

Except for the leader who had both legs broken by the boss and then passed out, the others were motionless. Mia could already see that they were not too scared to move, but they couldn't move at all.

"Because I sealed their acupuncture points." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, it's Huaxia's magical acupuncture technique?" Mia's eyes brightened, "Dear boss, can I learn it?"

"You can, but you can't learn it." Li Zedao said with a smile. It is really not an easy task to memorize and deeply understand each acupuncture point of the human body. If it is not done well, it will not let the other party's body freeze, but send them to see God directly.

With my own memory and ability to accept, I have studied it for a long time, so Li Zedao really doesn't think this woman can learn it.

"..." Mia was very depressed. In the eyes of the boss, she turned out to be such a stupid person.

"Boss, go find that damn guy next?" Mia looked at Li Zedao and asked.

Li Zedao took out the bag of * from his pocket, said with a sinister smile, "Mia, how much do you think this bag of * can sell for?"

"Oh, the market price is about 1,000 yuan per gram, and the bag* weighs about 80 grams, so that small bag is worth about 800,000." Mia thought for a while and said, but she was also curious, boss Here's what to do.

But looking at his sinister smile, I also know that Han Yilong who is probably still drinking coffee leisurely in the coffee shop is going to be in bad luck.

"Eight hundred thousand? It's too little, so I have to sell it for eighty million." Li Zedao said.

"..." The kind-hearted Mia suddenly felt that Han Yilong was really pitiful.


In the coffee shop, Han Yilong picked up a steaming cup of coffee, put it next to his mouth, and took a sip gracefully. While feeling the bitterness of the coffee lingering in his mouth, he looked at the middle-aged man sitting in front of him. He smiled and said, "Boss Su, that's a good idea."

He thought that Boss Su asked people to stop the damn bastards, and then took them to a place where no one was around, and randomly found an excuse to teach them a hard lesson.

But what I didn't expect was that Boss Su's methods were so vicious that he planned to turn him into a drug dealer. In this way, even if that kid had a good background, he would still be able to drink a pot.

The middle-aged man smiled: "In my territory, I can't let my good friend suffer any grievances, can I? Wait, I think there will be a result soon. At that time, it will be life or death, Mr. Han It counts.

"That kid...he'll die if he dies, but it's a pity for that woman to die." Han Yilong said with an inexplicable glint in his eyes.

Everyone likes challenging things, the more you can't get something, the more you want to get it.

Han Yilong has such a mentality now, so he can't wait to press that woman severely under his body in the next second.

"Haha, I've said it all, their life and death are all in your hands, Mr. Han. If you let them die, Mr. Han, they will die. If you let them live, even Lord Hades can't kill them. You let that The woman knelt down in front of you obediently, I think, she dare not refuse." The middle-aged man laughed.

Han Yilong smiled and took another sip of his coffee.

At this moment, he suddenly felt numb in his hands, and then the steaming cup of coffee in his hand slipped from his fingers and hit his crotch directly.

"Ah..." Immediately, a shrill scream resounded throughout the coffee shop.

It hurts, it's so fucking painful, it hurts so much that Han Yilong's facial features are simply twisted into a ball, it hurts so much that Han Yilong doubts his life, it hurts so much that Han Yilong jumps up like a monkey with his butt on fire, and his mouth makes an extremely stern moan. With a scream, that handsome face was seriously distorted.

If it was burned elsewhere, such as his chest, Han Yilong would have taken off his own clothes by now, but the cup of coffee was poured under his crotch...he couldn't take off his pants.


The eyes of the people in the coffee shop were attracted to Han Yilong all of a sudden, and they were all wondering what happened, how could he be bouncing around in such pain?

For a moment, no one thought that this guest could not even hold a cup of coffee firmly, and then simply spilled the whole cup on his own crotch. What's more, the coffee was still hot.

"Mr. Han, are you okay?" After being dumbfounded for a few seconds, Mr. Su hurriedly asked.

"It's's hot to the thigh..." Han Yilong's eyes and eyebrows were tightly knit together, and he gasped.

At the same time, Mia, who appeared at the entrance of the coffee shop, looked at Han Yilong who was jumping and screaming, with an inexplicable smile on her face. Her charming eyes swept Li Zedao's crotch unscrupulously, and said with a smile : "Dear boss, do you like me punishing him like this?"

In fact, Mia didn't do anything, she just used her finger to catapult a small button secretly when Han Yilong picked up the coffee, and that button directly numb Han Yilong's hand.

This woman's hands are extremely dexterous, and she is good at concealed weapons. In addition, if she wants, she can become a master at stealing incense and jade.

That's why on the plane, she secretly pulled down the zipper of Han Yilong's pants, and even flattened the zipper so that she couldn't pull it up again, but Han Yilong didn't feel it at all.

The muscles on Li Zedao's face tugged, and he only felt that his crotch was chilly, as if a cold wind was blowing there. While feeling that Han Yilong was really pitiful at the moment, he said with difficulty: "Great job, I like it so much... Can you stop staring at me?"

"Oh, why?" Mia blinked her big eyes, and her eyes became more unscrupulous.

"...pervert." Li Zedao quickly turned around. Women are so hooligans, how can men live like this.

A few minutes later, in a cubicle in the men's restroom of the airport cafe, Han Yilong was sitting on the toilet with his legs spread. At this time, his trousers had been completely taken off, revealing the lower body that had been scalded by the steaming coffee, even though a young man was holding a bag full of ice cubes to help him apply ice. .

Looking at Han Yilong's face, it was distorted abnormally, cold sweat broke out, his face was painful and dark, and even his eyes showed despair.

He didn't know what happened. In less than three hours, he had experienced so many first times in his life.

The first time he failed to strike up a conversation, the first time his crotch was somehow not pulled properly and even the pants chain was broken, the first time he was slapped hard... the one who slapped him was a woman, the first time he was slapped Despised all the way as that kind of obscene pervert, his younger brother drank coffee for the first time, and it was still hot.

Now, he had to take off his pants in front of a man, asking him to help him comfort his younger brother... This was also the first time.

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