In the bathroom of the coffee shop, the man originally came in to drain the water, but unexpectedly, he vaguely heard voices like "Oh oh oh..." and "Slow down..." coming from the cubicle, and he couldn't help but be attracted. coming. .

So, two men messing around inside?

For a moment, a smile that was both excited and evil appeared on the man's face.

Immediately afterwards, he heard something about two million to five million, and his heart was already full of envy, jealousy and hatred, so there is a local tyrant in there and a man? Five million at a time? Damn, the income of being a duck is so high these days? The man can't wait to replace the man inside.

He was originally a reporter for a tabloid office, and he was also an Internet expert. He usually secretly took pictures of others embarrassing themselves and put them on the Internet. There is such a good theme at the moment, of course you can't miss it.

So I quickly took out a mobile phone from my pocket, intending to quickly collect this material that will definitely shock everyone's attention. After all, who knows if someone will come in to release water later? There is no way to collect it when someone is there.

But the compartment door is too high to reach. The eyeballs rolled, looked around, and finally fixed on a large bucket that was usually used to mop the floor. So he went over quietly, took the bucket over, put it upside down on the floor, and stood on it carefully.

"Your sister, why is this cubicle so high-ranking?" The man couldn't help cursing secretly. Although he was already standing on the bucket, he still couldn't reach the edge because of his slightly short stature. If he couldn't reach the edge, he couldn't see the fierce battle inside.

Forget it, although there is no way to witness the scenery inside, but it can still be photographed, and this is enough.

So, the man quickly turned on the camera of his mobile phone, worried about "disturbing" the interest of the two people inside, so he raised his hand slightly, pointed the lens of the mobile phone at the inside of the compartment, and made a gesture to click the photo button on the screen.

At the same time, in the compartment, under the action of ice cubes, the maddening burning pain at the burn site was naturally relieved a lot. In addition, Han Yilong was exhausted physically and mentally, so he closed his eyes slightly, slightly Looking up, his expression gradually became more comfortable. Although it was still hot, compared with the previous burning pain that seemed to come from the depths of his soul, it was a heavenly treatment.

And for the sake of five million, the bodyguard was more careful to help deal with the burn, but from the top down, it is inevitable to make people fantasize, this is simply a man lying on another man's thigh trouble.

In the next second, the little reporter pressed the camera button on the screen with his hand, and for a moment, a dazzling light flickered.

The man's heart trembled,

I feel so regretful in my heart, why did you forget to turn off the flash? When the light flickers, can't the people inside notice it?

Forget it, hurry up and take a few more pictures, and then run away. After all, the people inside said something like 2 million to 5 million. It sounds like rich people. Rich people don’t make sense these days. If they get caught When it arrives, the materials will be snatched away, maybe they will be beaten to death!

So, the man frantically pressed the camera button on the screen, intending to take a burst of shots. For a while, the flash light on the phone kept flashing like lightning bolts.

"What's going on? The light in the bathroom is broken?" Han Yilong was stunned by the sudden glare of the light, and opened his slightly squinted eyes to take a look.

Han Yilong saw very clearly that a hand had appeared above the cubicle at some point, and that hand was still holding a mobile phone, and the flashing light of the mobile phone was blinking non-stop at this moment.

"So, this is someone taking a picture... taking a picture?" After such a terrifying thought suddenly appeared in the empty mind, Han Yilong's eyes suddenly stared at the garden, his brain roared, and a huge wave was already set off in his heart.

The flickering flashlight struck him like bolts of lightning, turning him into an idiot. He didn't know what to do... Mainly, he was inexperienced.

At the same time, the bodyguard squatting there naturally also noticed that the light above his head was flickering, but he thought it was whether the light in the bathroom was broken. Disgustingly, he continued to work on his own work.

From his point of view, the heat is quite serious. If you don't apply ice for a while longer, it will only make the injury worse, and maybe you will lose some functions by then.

He is a person with great professional ethics and a perfectionist. Now that he has received money, even if he goes up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, even if he is about to vomit because of nausea, he still has to give the task seriously. Perfectly done.

The bodyguard was really moved by his professionalism, so he wanted to ask, who else? If the country selects a so-called best professional conduct award, he must be the winner.

At the same time, after taking a few quick photos, the man outside the cubicle felt that he was almost done. On the other hand, he knew very clearly that if he didn't escape, he might not even know how he died.

So he quickly retracted his hand, then jumped off the bucket, and rushed out the door.

After Han Yilong's mind went blank for a few seconds, when he heard the movement outside, he suddenly reacted and shouted: "Don't run..."

The extreme panic and fear made Han Yilong simply forget the pain, and there was only one thought left in his mind at this time, that is, no matter what, he must catch the damn guy who took the sneak shot, and he must not let the other party take the sneak shot. leak out.

He knows very well that once such photos are leaked, his identity will definitely be revealed, and the Four Star Group will definitely know about it. Even if he explains clearly by then, even if the group is willing to believe what he said, But in the end he will definitely be expelled!

Not to mention the loss of such a superior job, he will not be able to meet people again after that, and even those people he offended will come to seek revenge on him when he is in despair...

The consequences were too serious, much more serious than a little nipple being scalded by hot coffee, so while Han Yilong shouted angrily with horror on his face, he suddenly got up and wanted to chase him out.

However, he forgot one thing, there was a bodyguard under his crotch very seriously helping him with ice packs.

And the bodyguard didn't think about it at all, Han Yilong suddenly yelled something that made him jump, but he even stood up...

So, unprepared, Han Yilong's younger brother simply brushed across the bodyguard's face, including his lips.

At that moment, the bodyguard only felt that his world had fallen into an extremely strange dead silence, his eyeballs were suddenly rounded, his expression was abnormally stiff, his mind went blank, and his heart was extremely chaotic, as if he had been surrounded by hundreds of people. Thousands of Cao Nima trampled like crazy.

That kind of feeling is like looking up at the gloomy sky very seriously, and then suddenly a thunderbolt struck down fiercely. Although he was not killed by the strike, he was simply stunned.

At the same time, Han Yilong, who was determined to catch the sneak photographer, didn't even think about how much damage his sudden standing up caused to the bodyguard. He even forgot to lift his pants. Just like that, he opened the compartment door and rushed out.

It's just because he was too anxious, and because he didn't lift his pants at all, so he stumbled, and because there was a bucket there, and he stepped on it without paying attention.

So, tragedy.

Hearing only an extremely dull sound of "bang!", Han Yilong fell straight on the ground. What's even more tragic is that because he was facing down, his burnt part naturally fell heavily on the ground. An intimate encounter.

"Aw..." The sound like killing a pig resounded throughout the bathroom, and even the tourists outside who came to the coffee shop for a cup of coffee could vaguely hear it.

As for the bodyguard, after being dazed for a few seconds, his face turned green, as if he had been poisoned by some kind of poison, and he couldn't help it in the next second, and vomited wildly while hugging the toilet.


A few minutes later, when Han Yilong despised the bodyguard for his unprofessional conduct, Li Zedao patted Su Mingqi on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Cousin, do you think we are brothers?"

"Yes... yes..." Su Mingqi's expression didn't look any different from crying. Why didn't those who call him brothers and sisters not flattered, but inexplicably feel humiliated to death?

"Since we are brothers, let me give you a chance to take this bag back, and then pretend that this incident never happened, how about it?" Li Zedao laughed.

"Really...really?" Happiness came so suddenly that Su Mingqi was stunned for a moment, and soon his expression was ecstatic, and he almost knelt down to lick Li Zedao's feet. He really didn't expect Li Zedao to let him go so easily, even though he was from the Su family, he was Susan's nominal cousin.

For a moment, mist appeared in Su Mingqi's eyes, and he was so moved that he was about to cry. At the same time, his heart was full of self-blame. He felt that he really didn't deserve it. Li Shao thought you were a brother with all his heart and soul. , but you actually feel insulted, it's really inhuman.

"Really, take it back." Li Zedao said again, "Just keep 80 million."

"..." Su Mingqi didn't react for a while.

"Since we are brothers, we have to settle accounts, right? Cousin, you don't think this bag is worth 80 million?" Li Zedao pointed to the bag* on the table and smiled.

The ecstasy on Han Yilong's face had completely frozen, and his body was trembling violently. He felt that he should have been robbed by heaven, otherwise why did he feel like a thunderbolt?

This bag is worth a hundred thousand dollars at most, okay? Do you think you can bully me casually because I look honest?

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