Li Zedao looked at the dark crowd in front of him and shook his head slightly, feeling a little emotional, chasing stars, chasing stars, what exactly are they chasing, maybe even these fans themselves don't know?

The ticket in Li Zedao's hand was for the VIP box, so naturally there was another ticket gate, and he didn't need to wait in line with most people to get in. .

After checking the tickets and entering the gymnasium, the staff immediately took Li Zedao to the separate boxes on the second floor very politely.

This kind of box is specially prepared for those dignitaries who are unwilling to show their faces and be seen by the outside world. Naturally, the ticket price is also extremely expensive.

Of course, for the rich, the price of such a concert ticket is nothing more than the price of their most common meal.

The two sides of this box are separated by wall panels, and the outer layer is a wooden door. Only the side facing the stage is empty. You can sit on the soft chair to watch the concert, or you can stand up and lie on the railing Enjoy online, even, if you are prepared in advance and are brave enough, it is not impossible to have an in-depth online communication with the horses you brought along with the explosive music.

There are naturally boxes on both sides of the box, but the king does not see the king, so no one needs to say hello to anyone.

After Li Zedao walked into the box, he took a brief look and found that it was a small box for two people. He suddenly remembered that he had a whim. Of course, he didn't want to feel disgusted by the boyfriend who kicked him. The idea of ​​a gold digger, he gave one of the tickets to the waitress in the coffee shop.

With Sun Jundong's approach, he will naturally leave two tickets for the same box, so, will he meet her to watch this concert together later?

Li Zedao smiled wryly, hoping she wouldn't think about misunderstanding anything, after all, he didn't have any thoughts about her.

Well, Li Zedao actually dislikes girls who are not very least not up to his standards.

There was still a little time before the concert, and the seats under the stage were already full, and the voices such as "Encoco We Love You" resounded like a mountain roar and a tsunami, which made Li Zedao even more excited. Once I realized that the reason why I felt that this encore was not very famous was because I was too ignorant.

Of course, whether this woman is famous or not has nothing to do with Li Zedao. After all, Li Zedao did not come into this gymnasium to listen to her sing. Songs, that's good too.

When Li Zedao sat bored for a while,

The door of the box was pushed open, and a beautiful girl walked in.

Li Zedao was slightly taken aback, because this was a strange girl, not the waitress in the coffee shop he thought.

"Two tickets for different boxes left by Sun Jundong?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart, and immediately denied his seemingly idiotic idea.

That is how the matter? Did the girl give the ticket to someone else?

If she didn't get the answer, Li Zedao stopped thinking about it. Whether she gave away the ticket or sold it, it has nothing to do with him, doesn't it?

"Hello." The girl nodded to Li Zedao with a shy smile, somewhat embarrassed, after all, the lonely man and the widow lived together in such a small box, which was unavoidably embarrassing.

"Hello." Li Zedao nodded in response.

The girl smiled shyly, didn't say anything, walked over, sat down on the seat in front of Li Zedao, her eyes fell in front of her, and occasionally she secretly looked at Li Zedao from the corner of her eyes, quietly Quietly waiting for the concert to start.

Li Zedao closed his eyes and got up. He even planned to sleep for a while. After all, this is an Encore concert. From time to time, Zhou Xiaolu will come to be a guest singer at Zhou Xiaolu's concert, which means that she will be there in the middle or near the end. Show up and sing two songs, interact with the fans a few words, and then nothing will happen to her.

Maybe even, she hasn't even arrived at the gymnasium yet.

The extremely deep and incomprehensible content of "Tianji Tujuan" soon appeared in his mind, and then Li Zedao's eyelids began to become heavy without any accident, and then his breathing quickly became even.

Not long after Li Zedao fell asleep, the concert officially started.

The lights in the auditorium suddenly went out, as did the lights on the stage. Everyone knew that the idol was about to appear, and immediately there was a roar like a tsunami. The whole stadium was deafening, and the roof was almost toppled over.

Encore fans are mostly young people, and young people are basically full of energy, so they are all venting their excitement and joy at this time.


In the box, the girl also looked excited, stood up and shouted a few words, while shouting, she forgot to look back at Li Zedao from the corner of her eye, and saw that his eyes were still closed, and even his breathing became even. , So, this handsome guy is... asleep?

The girl's eyes widened all of a sudden, how speechless and speechless that expression was, and she had never heard of someone falling asleep when she came to a concert, of course, the kind that no one even gave free tickets Except for the so-called concerts.

But Enkeke is not those third-rate singers with little reputation. She is recognized as the Asian rb queen. No matter where she holds a concert, the venue is always full, and the scene is extremely hot.

But now, at her concert, since someone fell asleep? It can't be pretending, right? Because there was a beautiful woman there, he was embarrassed and shy and pretended to be asleep... He didn't look like the kind of person who would be shy.

For a moment, the girl was speechless and at the same time curious, what kind of freak is this?

At this moment, a spotlight illuminated the center of the stage, and the girl ignored Li Zedao and focused her attention on the stage.

Then the exciting music suddenly sounded, and then Encore, who was dressed in hip-hop with full of personality, was sent out from under the stage by the lifting platform.

As soon as she appeared on the stage, she danced to the beat of the music and danced to the beat of the music.

"Aww..." The atmosphere in the audience was ignited again, as if a barrel of oil had been splashed on the fire again.

In the box, while the girl screamed towards the stage, she turned her head to look at the boy, only to find that his eyes were still closed and his breathing was steady, so she felt extremely speechless again. Where did the freaks come from? They really came to sleep. If the Encore fans knew that he had fallen asleep at the concert, they would drown him with a mouthful of saliva?

In the next two or so hours, Enkeke changed into a suit of clothes and sang a song. There were rhythmic songs and dances, as well as love songs that made people cry, so the whole concert basically All are carried out in a very high atmosphere. In the hearts of these fans, Encore is their queen.

"I know that some of my friends here didn't come to the gymnasium because of me." When the concert was coming to an end, An Keke raised her proud head, glanced at the audience and said with a smile .

So, now there are roars bursting out again and again, and they are all expressing how much they love Encoco.

"I know, someone is here for my guest singer." An Keke said with a smile, "So, now I invite my good friend, Zhou Xiaolu, Goddess Zhou!"

"Goddess, Goddess..." Shrieks and applause swept the entire stadium, and then the elevator in the middle of the stage slowly rose, Zhou Xiaolu appeared in a white dress with two white angel wings on her back There.

In the private room, the girl lying on the railing was very excited when she saw Zhou Xiaolu appear. She likes Encore very much, but she likes Zhou Xiaolu even more, so Zhou Xiaolu's appearance at this time undoubtedly caused her blood pressure to soar, and her little face simply flushed red, as if she had drunk too much.

"Zhou Xiaolu, Zhou Xiaolu...I love you so much..." The girl was sobbing, as if she was going epileptic, wishing to give Zhou Xiaolu her heart and lungs.

While screaming, the girl suddenly found that there was another person beside her. When she looked up, she saw that freak who had started to sleep before the concert started, and then slept almost the entire time, had woken up.

The girl also noticed that this freak looked at Zhou Xiaolu who appeared on the stage with such soft eyes... So, he actually came for Zhou Xiaolu?

"I lost weight..."

Vaguely, the girl seemed to hear these words coming out of the freak's mouth.

On the stage, Zhou Xiaolu walked slowly to Enkeke who was welcoming her, with a faint smile on her face, she looked extraordinarily quiet and pure, like a high and holy angel.

"Zhou Xiaolu...Zhou Xiaolu...Zhou Xiaolu..." The audience at the scene fell into a kind of madness again.

"Hello friends at the scene, I'm Zhou Xiaolu, I'm very glad to meet you." Zhou Xiaolu waved her hands around and said with a smile, "It's a great pleasure to come to the concert of my good friend Queen Encore and sing a few songs with her. This song is for everyone, I hope you like it, and I hope you can continue to support our queen in the future..."

"It's good for you." Li Zedao looked at the thin figure on the stage, with inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

The girl on the side shifted part of her attention from the stage to Li Zedao's face, and saw his strange eyes, like reluctance, relief, and extremely strong love. So I became even more curious about this freak in my heart.

The woman's sixth sense and the behavior of the boy who fell asleep from the moment he came in and didn't wake up until Zhou Xiaolu appeared, and the look in his eyes at this time told her that the boy seemed to know Zhou Xiaolu, Of course, not the one where I know you but you don't know me.

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