The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1817 You Are an Agent

"Cough, cough, cough... What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and kill him..." The middle-aged man struggled and raised his head with great difficulty, looking at Li Zedao with vicious eyes, his voice was weak shouted. Looking at his face, it was already covered in blood and flesh, one could imagine how serious the impact had caused him just now.

The few people hiding in the dark reacted after hearing the sound, or took out their daggers, or clenched the sticks in their hands, and then rushed out from the dark.

Encore in the car saw four people rushing out, even with knives or sticks in their hands, he was so startled that his face turned pale. He frantically found his mobile phone from the small backpack and wanted to call the police. Although Zhou Yan looked very violent this week, his fists were no match for four hands, not to mention they had knives in their hands...

"Damn it, why is it turned off... What kind of broken phone? Why is it turned on so slowly?" Enkeke was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and couldn't hold the phone steady in her hand, so she dropped it all at once.

Outside the car, a guy pointed a dagger at Li Zedao, cursing with an unfriendly expression: "Damn it, how dare you hit someone after bumping into him? You even tried to crush him, it's so fucking loud..."

The man couldn't continue talking anymore, because his neck was tightly strangled.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and his face came into close contact with the wall, and then his body limply lay there, unable to get up.

In the car, the eyes of Ankeke, who was almost dying of anxiety, were rounded again, her mind roared, and there was a huge wave in her heart. This time, she didn't see how Li Zedao made the move at all, and then that person's face Hit the wall together.

The remaining three people also looked at Li Zedao with ghostly expressions on their faces, and were really frightened by his terrifying methods, but Li Zedao didn't intend to let them go, and rushed towards them in a flash. .

In ten seconds, maybe even less, the faces of the remaining three people greeted the wall again, and they all fell there as limp as noodles, unable to get up anymore.

"Garbage is garbage." Li Zedao pouted and said, then turned and returned to the car.

"You... how did you do it? You're not an orthopedic doctor, right? Who are you?" An Keke asked with a small face full of anxiety. One person beat four people, and the other party still had a murder weapon in his hand, but in less than a minute, he grabbed their heads and smashed them into the wall, and those people had no room to resist at all. Fang did not.

Enkeke naturally has bodyguards. Her bodyguards are already very powerful for her, but if she wants to deal with four gangsters with murder weapons alone,

Maybe he can beat him, but it's impossible to be like this guy, he's just crushing, as if he didn't beat four people, but trampled four ants to death.

Li Zedao was speechless, when did I say that I am an orthopedic doctor?

" can't be some kind of agent, right?" An Keke's curiosity was completely aroused, and she swallowed her saliva and asked again.

The agents in the movie are also capable of fighting in this way, and those agents have also received medical training. Treating a sprained foot is a piece of cake, and those agents are very rich, so it is normal to drive this kind of car.

Therefore, An Keke felt more and more that this bastard was an agent!

"You're overthinking." Li Zedao glanced back at the woman, stepped on the accelerator, and the car continued to move forward, leaving this small alley, "I can kill ten of the agents you imagined with one slap. "


"...Then who are you?"

"The super handsome guy who is invincible in the universe." Li Zedao said.

"I think you are an invincible super narcissist in the universe." An Keke almost choked to death at Li Zedao's words. Things like being handsome have nothing to do with you, okay? He glared at him very depressed, "If you don't say it, don't say it, I don't want to know yet."

After the car left the small alley, it walked less than a hundred meters, and finally turned into a residential area.

Before, Li Zedao helped Jin Suyan rent a house in this community. The house has not expired yet, but Jin Suyan is not in Yanjing now, so the house is vacant. Of course, most of the personal items inside have been removed.

This time when Li Zedao came to Yanjing, he planned to live in this house for two days, so two days ago, he asked someone to come over to tidy up the house and add some daily necessities.

The car slowly stopped at the parking space at the entrance of the unit. At this moment, the rain that had been raining all day finally had the meaning of taking a short break.

"This is it?" An Keke looked outside curiously.

"Yeah." Li Zedao looked back at Enkeke and nodded, "Can I walk?"

"This, it still... hurts." An Keke said, not ashamed to say you carry me. Inexplicably, she fell in love with the feeling of lying on his back, which made her feel flustered in Enkeke, wouldn't she like this bastard, right?

Impossible, impossible, how could my eyesight be so poor? An Keke comforted herself in her heart, that is...the legs really can't walk yet.

"Then I'll be a good man to the end, and I'll carry you up." Li Zedao didn't have such complicated thoughts, picked up Xuanyuan Xia Yujian on the co-pilot seat, pushed the door and got out of the car, then opened the rear door, turned Turning around, squatting slightly, "Come on."

An Keke looked at the back that seemed so generous now, her heartbeat speeded up inexplicably, and immediately wrapped her arms around Li Zedao's neck, lay on Li Zedao's generous back, and gently pressed her face on that shoulder At this moment, her heart is very peaceful, as warm as lying on her father's back when she was a child.

Then, she suddenly felt something was wrong, because less than ten minutes ago, this bastard got out of the car and taught those guys who tried to touch porcelain, and it was naturally raining, so why is his clothes dry now?

"Hey, how did your clothes dry?" Ankeke asked curiously, "How did you do it? Are you really a secret agent? The clothes are made of special materials so they dried all at once? Can’t the bullet penetrate? The one you’re grabbing isn’t a gun, is it?”

"You think too much." Li Zedao was extremely speechless. Has this girl watched too many movies? What does your family look like?

"What is that for?"

"You don't even understand."

"If you don't say it, don't say it, how stingy." An Keke puffed up her cheeks very depressed, and really wanted to bite him hard on the neck. But seeing the five scratches on his neck that were still clear, she felt an inexplicable pain in her heart, as if instinctively, she gently blew on the scars.

"What are you doing?" Li Zedao asked, being blown by her like this, Li Zedao only felt his neck go numb.

"I... Aren't you afraid that your wound will hurt? It hurts you so much." Enkeke's cheeks puffed up again, but she also found that her blowing was too ambiguous, and her face was hot at the moment.


Li Zedao smiled and said, "I thought you wanted to kiss me secretly."

"Ah? You... who wants to kiss you? I wouldn't kiss you even if I kissed a dog! You bastard!" An Keke cursed angrily.

Li Zedao pointed to a little stray dog ​​curled up at the door of the next-door unit not far away and said, "There just happens to be a puppy there, do you want to go over and kiss it?"

"Ah, you..." An Keke's nose was so angry that she almost bit him hard on the neck without holding back. I'm just figuring it out, you bastard, are you serious about it? Do you know that it's easy for people to get down when you're like this? An Keke thought about it, since he met this bastard until now, it took him more than an hour to die, and he seemed to have been unable to step down dozens of times.

Following what Li Zedao pointed out, looking at the wet and shivering little stray dog, An Keke's heart was inexplicably touched.

She felt that her experience tonight seemed to be similar to this stray dog, drenched in the rain pitifully. Of course, she was luckier than it, and she met a guy, although this guy was a jerk.

"Woooo..." Seeing someone looking at him, the stray dog ​​raised his head and groaned twice, then lowered his head weakly, probably because he was cold and hungry, so he couldn't even make a sound. I couldn't even send it out, and the eyes looked even more pitiful.

"Hey, bastard..."

"I have a name." Li Zedao was very helpless. Although the name I told you was fake and not very good, it was still better than a bastard.

"Zhou Yan, it looks so pitiful. Let's take it back too, shall we?" An Keke discussed in a low voice. After finishing speaking, he already realized that saying such words seemed to be very ambiguous, and it was easy for people to dream about it, as if he and this bastard were part of the same family. Then his little face became hot again.

"Not good." Li Zedao twitched his lips.

"Hey, why are you so sympathetic?" An Keke blamed.

If I had no sympathy, I would have thrown you by the side of the road long ago! Li Zedao muttered in his heart speechlessly, and responded: "You have to know, once I bring it back, I will be responsible for it, and I don't have time."

He's only staying here for two days, and he has a lot of things to do. How can he have time to take care of stray dogs? Besides, there are estimated to be tens of thousands of stray dogs in Yanjing, right? You can't manage it even if you want to.

"Then... can I just raise it in the future?" An Keke said, she usually likes puppies very much, but she never thought about it. He said that he even thought about adopting one.

"Hey, is that okay? If it doesn't matter, it might starve to death." An Keke didn't even realize that there was a hint of coquettishness in her words, just like she was saying coquettishly to her boyfriend Do yourself a little favor or something.

"Then take it away when you leave tomorrow." Li Zedao said, and then walked towards the stray dog.

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