The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1825 Are you a friend?

Except for encoco, of course.

An Keke never waited to see Dong Shaoqing, she hid when she could, and perfunctory if she couldn't, she almost scolded her.

Of course, Sister Yun knew that although Enkeke didn't scold her, she must have scolded her in her heart.

Regarding Enkeke's indifferent and perfunctory attitude, Dong Shaoqing still had a gentle smile on his face, and asked about his relatives, without the slightest concern.

But as a bystander, Sister Yun couldn't stand it any longer. She felt that Ankeke was too self-willed and too much. How could she... bully Young Master Dong like this?

Once, Sister Yun secretly asked An Keke why she didn't want to see Young Master Dong so much. He is also your fiance after all, not to mention he is the only son of the big boss. He is also handsome and elegant. husband.

An Keke's answer was because he was too ugly.

Sister Yun was almost choked to death by this answer. If Dong Shaoqing was still called ugly like this, then those little freshmen in the entertainment industry would be shameful.

At that moment, Dong Shaoqing looked at Sister Yun with a gentle smile and said, "I've already rested, but you, Sister Yun, didn't sleep almost all night last night, and your eyes were red. Why don't you stay and rest, and I'll go pick up Coco."

"Well, I'm not tired...Then please wait a moment, Young Master Dong. I'll wash my face first, and then we'll go." Sister Yun accompanied her with a smiling face, but the smile was a little stiff.

Dong Shaoqing smiled gently. Although she felt that Sister Yun's expression seemed a little weird, she didn't think too much about it and said, "I'll let them get the car ready first."

"Please, Mr. Dong." Sister Yun nodded with a smile, and walked quickly into the bathroom.

As soon as the bathroom door was closed, the smile on Sister Yun's face froze, and she was already a little flustered.

Turning on the faucet and washing her face with water, Sister Yun made some calculations in her heart, and she already had an idea.

At that moment, Sister Yun wiped her hands on her trousers, quickly took out her mobile phone and quickly edited a text message to Enkeke, reminding her that Dong Shaoqing would follow, at least let her get rid of the message that came out of nowhere. Don't let Dong Shaoqing bump into the "adulterate" away, otherwise even if he didn't go to bed, it wouldn't be clear.

In addition, it was said that the apartment was rented by Miss Zhou, and she would borrow it for a while.

Sister Yun probably knows that Zhou Xiaolu's background is extremely tough,

It was so tough that even Dong Jun, their big boss, greeted him very politely after meeting him, so it was said that the apartment belonged to Ms. Zhou, so Dong Shaoqing would not foolishly go to ask Ms. Zhou, right?

"This girl, what are you tossing about? Isn't this a typical case of being in the midst of blessings and not being blessed? If the news that she is Dong Shaoqing's fiancée gets out, does she know how many women she will die with envy?" After sending the text message, Sister Yun rubbed her temples with a headache. Then he took out a tissue and wiped his face indiscriminately, and hurriedly left the bathroom. After all, the old man outside couldn't be kept waiting for too long, right?


An Keke, who was eating breakfast, glanced at the content of the text message sent by Sister Yun, curled her mouth, and didn't pay much attention to it. Just come, what can I do? Let's not say that nothing happened between me and this bastard, it's so innocent, it's just sex, and it has nothing to do with you, Dong Shaoqing, right?

Not to mention, Enkeke is eager for the surname Dong to misunderstand quickly.

As for whether it will bring trouble to Li Zedao... An Keke looked up at the bastard, and decisively denied this idea. Although he didn't know the real origin of this bastard, An Keke didn't think Dong Shaoqing had an arm wrestling with him. capital.

I have to say that women's intuition has always been quite scary.

"My manager, Sister Yun, will come to pick me up later." An Keke looked at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao nodded and pointed to the little husky rolling around on the sofa: "Remember to take the greedy cat away too. If you want to raise one, you have to count it."

Li Zedao really didn't have time to take care of the puppy, and he had his own arrangements these days. Today he planned to go to Wangfujing to try his luck, to see if he could catch the old thief.

If he can be caught, he may be able to solve many doubts for himself.

In addition, Li Zedao also asked Yanhuang to go to Ganlu Temple to worship Guanyin Bodhisattva if he had nothing to do. It would be better to become a monk there, Yanhuang told him to go away.

Li Zedao's real purpose is naturally to let the Yanhuang Gang keep an eye on him, and once he sees that Juejue Shi is too determined, he should call himself immediately.

"Don't worry!" An Keke swallowed the food in her mouth very depressed. If the eggs he fried were not so delicious, she would have wanted to spray him all over the face.

This bastard, why is any fried egg so delicious? What else can't he? Oh, he doesn't seem to know how to pick up girls... An Keke found out very sadly that he didn't need to pick up girls at all, and the girl wanted to pick up on him on her own initiative, didn't she just want to pick up on him?

Immediately, he gave Li Zedao a hard look: "I'm not like you, a cold-blooded animal!"

Li Zedao smiled, said nothing, and continued to stare at the screen with his head down. When he was bored, Li Zedao occasionally read novels. For example, the novel he was reading now was called "The Ultimate Student in the City". I also tipped a dollar...

"Hey, are you... a friend?" After a moment of hesitation, An Keke looked at Li Zedao with complicated eyes, and spoke.

Seeing that the bastard didn't respond, An Keke was very depressed, and kicked the long legs under the table.

The calf was kicked, Li Zedao raised his head, looked at the woman with an inexplicable emotion in her eyes, knew that she was asking this question very seriously, nodded with a smile and said with certainty: "Well, certainly."

Li Zedao still likes to make friends, especially with beautiful girls, as for girls who are not pretty... Li Zedao will very well turn himself into a male god, a very cold male god, and then waved his hand , which means to stay where it is cool. Afterwards, he simply turned around and left, leaving only a cool, handsome and charming back view of the other party.

Yes, that's how you judge people by their appearance!

Of course, if the girl is very beautiful, but some behaviors and styles are very annoying, Li Zedao simply doesn't even bother to take a second look, and doesn't even mind a slap.

Yes, that's it...personality!

After getting such a positive answer from the bastard, An Keke narrowed his eyes and laughed. This bastard finally spoke a human language.

Li Zedao's eyes were a little wary: "Although we are friends, you don't want to borrow money from me, do you? I am poor, but I have no money to lend you... Oh, I spent a total of 6,000 yuan to buy clothes for you yesterday. Remember it later."

"..." The smile on An Keke's face froze, and he had an urge to run away. If this guy can afford that kind of car, will he have no money? Also, do you think I'm the kind of person who needs money? Do you know how much money I made from that concert yesterday? Say it and scare you to death!

An Keke is very sad. Although it is hard to imagine, she does not have much money. She has debuted for several years, but her current deposit is only more than two million yuan. If it is not for the basic necessities of life, food, housing and transportation are provided by the company, especially clothes and cosmetics , and it was provided by the sponsor, I am afraid that she will have to drink the northwest wind long ago.

An Keke's foot that was placed under the table went over again, kicked Li Zedao's calf, and said angrily, "If you are a friend, please do me a favor."

She feels that she is a drowning person now, and Li Zedao is the log that can save her. Although she may not be able to catch it, she wants to try her best to catch it.

Moreover, Zhou Xiaolu also said that it is not difficult to take down this bastard. First, it has to be a beautiful woman, of course, the kind of beauty with good conduct; second, it is to stalk him.

An Keke knew very well that she fully complied with the first rule, and next, she planned to beat her up.

"Isn't it a loan?"

Li Zedao was kicked again.

"No!" An Keke was very depressed. Doesn't this bastard know that talking about money is a very emotional thing these days?

"Let's hear it, as long as it's not borrowing money." Li Zedao felt relieved a little.

"Although I don't know your specific background, but I know you must have a great background, right?" An Ke saw a wry smile on Li Zedao's face, and added, "Hey, don't pretend to be pitiful and cowardly, even if you deny it, I will won't believe it."

Although I don't know his specific background, but I have already learned a little bit from Zhou Xiaolu. It is not easy for a man to be evaluated like a goddess, let alone everything he has shown since he met him. , all prove that he is strong and unique.

As for how many women he has... Such a man can't help but want to get close to him, how could there not be many women?

Li Zedao continued to smile wryly, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't want to deny it, I just felt... well, helpless, very helpless. I'm obviously very low-key, but you can see it so easily. It seems that I It is indeed the only firefly that can glow in the dark night, it looks so dazzling, it is hard not to be seen."

An Keke's cheeks bulged, and one of them couldn't help but burst out laughing, glared at Li Zedao with a smile and said, "You are more shameless than I imagined."

Li Zedao smiled and did not deny it. Besides, the cruel reality is that face is usually given by others, not by oneself, and oneself is usually shameless.

"Since Zhou Xiaolu used to be your girlfriend, you must know something about the entertainment industry, right?" An Keke rested his chin on one hand, staring at Li Ze with smiling eyes.

This bastard is really handsome, no matter how you look at it from any angle, whether it is the eyes, nose or mouth, he is very handsome, his teeth are also very white, and he doesn't have that disgusting smell of sweat on his body.

Li Zedao shook his head: "I don't know much about it. I'm not interested in your circle, and I never ask Xiaolu about that circle. I only promise that she will happily sing and film, and that she will not be caught by anyone. People harass me, I don't care about other things."

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