The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1832 Participate in the dinner party

ろろ⺗裞蛧Modern salary is the best→ωωω.iiiiiiχs.てoм』﹃ The online novel reading network worth collecting

"Thank you." Li Zedao took it over with his hands. Looking at this 100-yuan bill, I feel inexplicably emotional. It is really not easy to make money these years. I think I have stood outside for more than four hours, and my mouth is almost dry, and I have suffered a lot of ignorance and even supercilious looks He was also taken advantage of by several ugly women at the aunt level, and in the end he only made a hundred yuan.

And now that prices are rising wildly, one hundred yuan is really not a waste at all.

"Can I use the bathroom?" Li Zedao asked as he put the money in his pocket. His hands were wiped with oil several times, and he slapped that idiot, Li Zedao wanted to wash his hands well and make his hands innocent.

"Of course, just go inside." Lily said.

"Thank you." Li Zedao nodded, and walked into the bathroom in the direction the woman pointed.

As soon as Li Zedao walked into the bathroom, the women started chattering with his back feet.

"After the appraisal, the handsome guy really came to experience life. The watch is not fake, it costs hundreds of thousands. Although the brand of the outfit cannot be seen, the style and workmanship are not cheap. It costs several thousand. ? And his calmness and demeanor... This is simply a handsome and rich long-legged Oppa." A girl said with bright eyes.

"Lily, didn't you say you wanted to pick him up? If I had known that you were so cowardly that you didn't even dare to ask for your contact information, I wouldn't have let you go, and I would have done it directly." A girl said to Lily, a little resentful.

"It's totally unworthy of him." Lili felt sorry for herself, without any confidence at all. The handsomeness and temperament of this handsome guy put too much pressure on her.

"It's true that I don't deserve it. I think I'm pretty, but standing next to him, I feel inferior."

"Besides, how can such a handsome person not have a girlfriend?"

"Hush, the handsome guy came out..."

So these gossiping women quickly shut up, and even involuntarily showed the smiles they thought were the prettiest on their faces.

"I'll go first." Li Zedao nodded at these women and wanted to leave. He doesn't have much sense of security in this place, who knows if these women will do some beastly things to him? There were so many of them, and each of them possessed special skills, Li Zedao thought he was no match for them.

"Wait... we're going to have dinner together a few nights,

are you coming? Lily asked. Looking at Li Zedao, there was a trace of expectation. The other girls also looked at Li Zedao eagerly. Although they are very self-aware that they are not worthy, they are 100% sure that he has a girlfriend, but look a little more. Eyes are also good, besides, who knows if he is ever blind?

"Thank you, but I have something to do tonight, sorry." Li Zedao said.

"Then...will you come tomorrow? There are still leaflets." Lily asked again.

"Tomorrow? No, you can find someone else." Li Zedao said after a while. The reason why the leaflets were distributed was to try their luck, to see if they would run into the old thief, but looking at it now, I'm afraid it would be difficult.

Besides, there is no time for tomorrow, there are many things waiting for him to do.

"That's it." Lily's eyes were obviously sad.

After leaving the beauty salon, Li Zedao found a restaurant nearby and ordered some food at random. Before he could take a few bites, the mobile phone in his pocket rang. When he took it out, it turned out to be an unfamiliar phone number.

Without thinking too much, Li Zedao picked it up, and then a polite and even awed voice came over: "Young Master Li, I'm Zhang Jikun, it's time for us to prepare to go to LaCrosse Villa to attend the charity auction dinner, you Where is it, I will pick you up."

Li Zedao told Zhang Jikun where to eat, and said one more sentence: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Young Master Li, you are welcome. This is what I should do. I will be there in about fifteen minutes." Zhang Jikun said quickly, already feeling flattered.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao put his phone in his pocket, then lowered his head and began to destroy the food. In less than ten minutes, the elimination was completed, and after paying the bill, he walked out of the restaurant and saw a Mercedes-Benz car waiting there. At the same time, Zhang Jikun, who had covered his face tightly, stood in front of the RV. When he saw Li Zedao coming out, he quickly greeted him and nodded politely: "Young Master Li."

"It seems that you are very famous." Li Zedao smiled.

Zhang Jikun smiled awkwardly. He is indeed quite famous. It can be said that he can meet his own fans wherever he goes, which can cause a lot of female fans to scream at the top of their throats, and even faint from excitement. In the past, let alone on such a busy street.

Once someone finds out that he is here, he must be surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside.

But now he is here to pick up Young Master Li, not to show his face to the fans. Naturally, he has to pack it tightly, otherwise he will be recognized by the fans and surrounded, and he probably won't be able to leave even if he wants to.

Immediately, he quickly helped Li Zedao open the door of the RV. After Li Zedao got into the car, Zhang Jikun got into the car, took off the sunglasses and mask, and said to the driver, "Uncle Li, you can go."

The driver, Lao Li, already knew from Zhang Jikun that this young man had a great background, and ten Zhang Jikun would not be able to provoke him, so he didn't dare to look at Li Zedao, and just concentrate on driving his car.

After instructing the driver to drive, Zhang Jikun looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile: "After arriving at the villa in a while, I will wrong you, Young Master Li, and act as my assistant for a while. According to the regulations of the venue, we can bring our own brokers and assistants. Admission."

Li Zedao nodded with a smile and said, "I'm your assistant now, need to change your clothes, right?"

Even the driver was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, let alone Zhang Jikun. His hairstyle was naturally well-groomed, and I don't know how much hairspray was used. It is estimated that the flies would have to split their legs after flying up. Add a tailored white suit and look like a prince charming.

As Zhang Jikun's assistant, he had to accompany him into the venue, so it was not advisable to dress too casually.

Zhang Jikun smiled embarrassingly again, thinking that Li Zedao is quite understanding, and he was still worried about how to speak. After all, he attended such an important dinner, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Guanghui Entertainment, the initiator of this charity dinner, and the entertainment circle The super crocodile Dong Jun is a person who pays attention to etiquette. Li Zedao is indeed too casual in this dress. Even, it is very likely that the staff at the door will not let him in after seeing him.

This kind of thing has not happened before.

The assistant of a well-known celebrity was simply blocked from the door when he attended a reception held by Dong Jun because of his casual clothes. The celebrity defended his assistant, and then the celebrity was also rejected. Rejected, even, finally blocked.

"The clothes have been prepared for Li Shao, can I trouble Li Shao to change in the car? Or should I take Li Shao back to the hotel where I stayed?" Zhang Jikun took out a bag, which was naturally for Li Zedao ready clothes.

The size of the clothes was naturally purchased according to Li Zedao's figure, because they were not tailor-made, so it was inevitable that there might be some differences, but the difference would not be too great.

Of course, I was worried that Li Zedao would be dissatisfied, so there were two more similar bags. In other words, Zhang Jikun helped Li Zedao prepare three sets of clothes in total.

If you are not satisfied, you can only park on the side of the road, and then go to those brand stores to choose a new purchase.

"It's fine to change in the car, but get out of the car first, I'm not in the habit of taking off my clothes in front of men." Li Zedao took the bag and said with a smile.

Without Zhang Jikun's order, the driver, Lao Li, had already slowed down, and the car stopped quickly on the side of the road, and then Zhang Jikun and Lao Li got out of the car quickly... Actually, they didn't have the habit of watching men take off their clothes.

Five minutes later, the car continued to drive forward.

At this time, Li Zedao had already changed into the expensive and well-fitting casual suit prepared by Zhang Jikun's help.

Sure enough, real people rely on clothes and saddles, even though Li Zedao is naturally beautiful, he still needs clothes to highlight his handsomeness and temperament.

As soon as the suit was put on, Li Zedao's demeanor changed. He was a slightly lazy person, but now he suddenly became heroic.

Before Zhang Jikun and the driver Lao Li got into the car, Li Zedao had already taken out his mobile phone to take a picture of himself, and he was decisively impressed by himself, so he was very satisfied with the suit Zhang Jikun prepared for him.

After seeing Li Zedao, a handsome guy like Zhang Jikun felt ashamed decisively. He always thought he was a super handsome guy, but compared with Li Shaoyi, he seemed to be almost tofu.

Maybe he is on par in terms of appearance, but the indescribable temperament in him is something that I don't have.

I thought it would be a great loss for the entertainment industry if Li Shao didn't enter the entertainment industry. With his good looks and temperament, how could he become popular all over the world and become the dream lover of tens of millions of women?

He wanted to flatter a few times, but he was not that kind of person, besides, Sun Jundong also said that when he was with Li Shao, Li Shao could answer whatever he said, and as for other nonsense, he would not say anything.

"After you enter the hotel, you can go about your business and leave me alone. After the charity dinner is over, you can leave on your own." Li Zedao looked at Zhang Jikun and said, "Of course, something will happen, what should you do? It’s fine if you don’t even know, of course, it won’t hurt you, don’t worry.”

"I know Young Master Li, I'm not worried." Zhang Jikun nodded and said. Of course he understood that Li Zedao used him to enter the Junyue Villa in a low-key manner. After all, with his strength, it was a breeze to enter the villa.

After entering, I have nothing to do with myself, but I can't help being curious about what Li Shao said happened.

Of course, he didn't dare to ask more, he could only keep his curiosity in his heart, anyway, he would know when the time came.

(м.③③χs.cóм = old iron, please remember for a second ③③尛裞网)

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