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"Have you finished?" Li Zedao looked at Sister Yun and smiled. No matter how good-tempered Li Zedao was, he was a little upset by this woman's dumb words and stupid words. If he didn't know that she took good care of An Keke, Li Zedao would have argued with her a long time ago, and even beat her up. She has a meal.

"You...what do you want to do?" Sister Yun felt a little nervous when she was stared at by this smiling man. Only then did she remember that this was a crazy guy, but he was a super tough guy who dared to provoke even Dong Shaoqing, and even he was already determined to die.

If you give yourself a slap in the face, I'm afraid it will be in vain, right?

"After talking, drink some champagne, eat some pastries, and take a rest. I want to spend a little time with my wife and have a few sweet words." Li Zedao said with a faint smile, stretched out his hand, and hugged her Encore waist.

The latter leaned on him like a little bird, his eyes were a little blurred, he looked at Sister Yun with a smile and said, "Sister Yun, go and rest, don't worry about us... um..."

She couldn't speak anymore, because Li Zedao's mouth had already moved closer, directly blocking her small mouth.

Li Zedao felt that An Keke's kissing level was too unfamiliar, so naturally he had to teach her well, so as not to hurt his lips...Anyway, he was idle now.

"You... Keke... I... I don't care..." Sister Yun's eyes almost rolled down, and she really felt hundreds of strange poisons in her body, her body was trembling, and she was about to fall down at any time .

"It's over!" Only these two big golden characters remained in her mind, which had basically lost the ability to think.

As for the people around who kept their eyes on this corner from time to time, their minds roared, their eyeballs almost rolled down, and there was a huge wave in their hearts that was 10,000 times stronger than before. Focus on Dong Shaoqing, who was speaking impassionedly on stage.

A super hunk who came out of nowhere kissed Encore in front of Dong Shaoqing at the charity dinner held by Brilliant Entertainment, the Asian r\u0026b queen that Dong Shaoqing was trying to pursue. If such news was revealed, how explosive would it be? Any entertainment news will be overshadowed by this comparison, right?

An Keke kissed a strange man in public, if it got out, how embarrassing would Dong Shaoqing be?

Zhang Jikun's mouth almost became O-shaped, and he almost knelt down to worship. Li Shao is really a god! Didn't God dare to do such a thing to Encore on such an occasion?

As for Yuya,

While the eyeballs almost rolled down, he felt that Zhang Jikun was still a little close, so he quickly moved away.

Seeing this scene, Dong Shaoqing's mind went blank for a moment, as if the tape had been completely jammed, and the originally impassioned voice was suddenly stuck, causing the resplendent banquet hall to fall into an extremely strange situation. dead silence.

"Finally, I announce that the charity auction dinner has officially started." After being stuck for about 20 seconds, Dong Shaoqing's voice sounded again, and he said the last few words in an extremely cold tone, and hurriedly ended his singing , His speech is not over yet, but he has to end, because he has forgotten all the content behind.

His eyes fell on the pair of dogs and men who were kissing endlessly, his expression was extremely gloomy, and the two fists kept clenching, loosening, clenching, and loosening, as if this could slightly dispel some of the feelings in his heart. The kind of monstrous anger.

In the past, when these words were spoken, there would be overwhelming applause, but now, everyone's minds were completely attracted by Li Zedao and Ankeke, so no one noticed that Dong Shaoqing had finished his speech , so no one stretched out his cute little hand, and applauded quickly.

This was undoubtedly quite embarrassing, and it almost made Dong Shaoqing go berserk.

Several of Dong Shaoqing's attendants couldn't stand it any longer, so they quickly stretched out their hands and clapped vigorously, which attracted everyone's attention, and hurriedly applauded, so overwhelming applause resounded through the entire banquet hall.

And just as the applause sounded, Li Zedao and An Keke also ended the kiss that shocked others' eyes and knocked their jaws off.

"This feeling is good." An Keke's beautiful eyes stared at Li Zedao without blinking, her pretty face was flushed, full of embarrassment.

She didn't expect to say anything that she would be so crazy, to have such a passionate kiss with the boy she liked in front of so many people.

Although the biggest purpose of this move is naturally to stimulate Dong Shaoqing's nerves, but there is no doubt that she has liked this feeling.

"After tonight, I will no longer be that little r\u0026b queen Enkeke, I will be your woman Enkeke." Ankeke's eyes looking at Li Zedao shone like the most precious crystal in the world.

"Of course." Li Zedao could clearly feel the scorching heat from her eyes, and said with a smile, "Remember to sing Conquer to me after you leave here for a while."


After giving Li Zedao an angry look, An Keke's eyes were already a little red, and he bit his lip and said, "Thank you."

"Slap!" With a crisp sound, Li Zedao slapped An Keke's buttocks flatly, and said angrily, "This is what I should do, so I don't like my woman saying this to me." Two words, if you say it, you will be spanked."

"Understood, I hate it." Feeling the unprecedented numbness and stimulation on her buttocks, An Keke gave Li Zedao another look and said shyly.

The scene of Li Zedao slapping Enkeke's buttocks undoubtedly caught everyone's attention again, especially Dong Shaoqing. He only felt that his face was extremely hot, as if Li Zedao's slap was not on Enkeke. Buttocks, but on his face.

"Bastard..." His face was slightly distorted, and he really wanted to chop off that bastard's hand and feed it to the dogs!

At the moment, everyone is trying very hard not to focus on that brilliance and Enkeke. If they continue to watch, they are afraid that they will really offend Dong Shaoqing to death.

As a result, everyone's applause was even more enthusiastic.

Dong Shaoqing stepped off the stage with a blank face, and a kind-hearted old man came up to the stage immediately after, and began to read the manuscript. But everyone could see that the old man's expression and tone were obviously not right, and naturally, his emotions were also affected.

The old man is not a celebrity, he is Zhao Changming, the vice president of the China Charity Federation. If Guanghui Entertainment wants to hold such a charity dinner, it is natural to invite such important people. Besides, Zhao Changming and Dong Jun have a very personal relationship. is good.

It's just that what Zhao Changming never expected was that a good charity dinner was turned into a mess by two young people, which really made him very angry, and he wanted to point at that couple and scold them Yes, you are invited here to write a check, not to embarrass yourself! Leave the check, and you can fuck off!

Of course, even if his mood was affected, Zhao Changming had seen strong winds and waves after all, so he quickly cleared up his mood and his mood rose.

"It's a similar line that doesn't have much nutrition." An Keke muttered in pain. In the past few years, she has participated in many similar charity dinners. Without exception, the lines and procedures are the same, and what they need to do is to try their best to show their love for charity, and even occasionally squeeze out a few A drop of tears means that this is too miserable and so pitiful.

Most importantly, don't forget to have your check ready.

Li Zedao smiled: "It is undeniable that although these celebrities did come to show their love, it is more accurate to say that they came to compete for beauty."

"I didn't come here to compete for beauty." An Keke said with some dissatisfaction that Li Zedao glanced at him, "Although I don't have much money in my hand, I'm still willing to take a photo of something. Of course, don't be too expensive, too expensive I can't afford to take pictures."

"You like doing charity very much?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"Of course, I like to help others, okay? For example, yesterday I saw such a pitiful cat curled up and almost starved to death, so my heart ached. It's not like you, a cold-blooded animal!" En Keke gave Li Zedao another look. , but his head was happily leaning on the shoulder of a cold-blooded animal.

Li Zedao smiled: "After tonight, you will be unemployed, and you will no longer be that much-anticipated star. Would you like to introduce you to a new job?"

"What job?" An Keke raised his head and looked at Li Zedao curiously. After leaving the entertainment industry, Ankeke plans to write novels hard. Her writing skills are still very good, otherwise she would not have written so many popular songs. But now he has been attracted by Li Zedao's so-called work.

"Do you know about the Tiandao Foundation?" Li Zedao asked.

Tiandao Foundation? An Keke's beautiful eyes widened slightly, how could she not know about the Tiandao Foundation? Even, because the love image ambassador of Tiandao Foundation is her good friend Zhou Xiaolu, it is natural to know more about it.

"So, you want to introduce me to work for the Tiandao Foundation?" An Keke suddenly thought of something, "Wait, Zhou Xiaolu can become the image ambassador of the Tiandao Foundation, you can't help introduce me? Now that Zhou Xiaolu has left you, So you want the Tiandao Foundation to change its spokesperson? Your approach... is too stingy, isn't it? Besides, I'm about to leave this circle, so naturally I can't speak for anything. "

Li Zedao looked at this girl who was starting to dream again, and said helplessly: "Where did you think? Zhou Xiaolu signed a contract with the Tiandao Foundation for ten years, which means that within these ten years, she has always been Tiandao. Naturally, it is impossible to change the spokesperson of the foundation, I mean, from now on, the entire Tiandao Foundation will be handed over to you."

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