The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1849 The truth hurts more

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"Oh, yes, we are sisters." Mia was so happy when she heard this, she wished she could show her heart and soul to Ankeke on the spot, and cast a wink at Li Zedao.

When the three sat down to eat breakfast, the door of the house was knocked lightly again.

Li Zedao got up and went to open the door.

"Li Shao, this is the imitation mask you asked for... By the way, Director Yang said, when you finish using the mask, Li Shao, remember to return it. After all, this thing is too special." The man standing at the door held his hand A small bag in the bag was handed to Li Zedao, and said cautiously.

Li Zedao smiled and did not make things difficult for him, and said, "Don't worry, it will be returned immediately after you don't use it. Haven't you had breakfast yet? Would you like to come in and have something together?"

"Uh...Young Master Li, you are busy, then I will go first." The man smiled dryly, turned around and fled. In his opinion, this bastard is trying to treat him severely again.

Li Zedao looked at his figure that disappeared in the stairwell in an instant, and once again felt that he was so handsome. You see, this elite from fc is so restless every time he sees him, that is simply an expression of shame.

The bag was of course a simulation mask, which Li Zedao asked Director Yang for last night.

The mask was prepared for Encore. After wearing this imitation mask, she doesn't need sunglasses and a mask to wrap her face tightly when she goes out. She can go outside without any psychological pressure. Playing, eating and laughing when you want to eat, no matter how ugly you are, no matter how ugly you eat, no one will look at you more... At most, you will think that you have escaped from some mental hospital.

After breakfast, Mia began to teach An Keke how to wear this imitation mask. As for Li Zedao, after chatting with the second daughter for a few words, he drove away from the Victory Garden community and came to the Huangcheng Tea House.

Imperial City Teahouse, the most famous teahouse in Yanjing, bar none! The teahouse has a history of a hundred years, and it is a symbol of status to enter and drink a cup of tea.

This teahouse has witnessed the glory of the Wei family, and it can be regarded as the symbol of the Wei family...Of course, these are all things that happened before.

Now the behind-the-scenes owner of this teahouse is Li Zedao.

When Li Zedao was almost killed and the island country disappeared for more than a hundred days, the Wei family began to make some secret moves. Among them was the move to take back the teahouse. After that, Li Zedao came back safe and sound, and those secret plans naturally died. up.

Dong Jun called Li Zedao early in the morning,

He expressed his sincere apology, and the place they agreed upon was the Imperial City Tea House.

Although Li Zedao is the boss here, he has not revealed his identity and rarely comes here, so apart from the few senior managers, the other staff of the teahouse do not know, such as this beautiful woman in a classic cheongsam. As a staff member, she only regarded Li Zedao as a handsome guest.

According to what the handsome guest said, she brought him to the box that Dong Jun had reserved. At this time, Dong Jun was already waiting in the box.

"Sir, this is the Xiangyun box." The beautiful waiter smiled sweetly at Li Zedao and said softly, "Your friend is already waiting inside."

"Thank you." Li Zedao smiled.

"You're welcome." The beautiful waiter nodded slightly, turned around and left gracefully.

Li Zedao looked away from her amorous back and landed on the door of the box, the corners of his mouth slightly raised inexplicably, and at the same time he reached out and knocked a few times.

The door of the box was opened quickly, the bruise on his face had disappeared a little, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and Dong Jun, who looked exhausted, appeared there. After seeing Li Zedao, he hurriedly bowed slightly He squeezed out an ugly and miserly smile on his face and said, "Young Master Li, are you here? Please."

His eyes glanced at a file bag Li Zedao was holding in his eyes, his eyelids jumped violently a few times, and an extremely terrifying aura was already revealed from the depths of his eyes.

Sure enough, as he expected, the safe was broken into by someone.

Li Zedao smiled and walked into the box.

Dong Jun took a small step behind and accompanied him like his follower. After Li Zedao sat down, he sat down on the seat opposite him cautiously and asked, "Oh, I don't know. What kind of tea does Li Shao like specifically, so I asked the waiter to bring five types of tea, including green tea, black tea, yellow tea, Pu'er tea and oolong tea, among which the green tea has the top-grade Yuqian Longjing..."

"No need, I'm not thirsty." Li Zedao interrupted Dong Jun. He came to settle accounts, not to have tea and chat with this villain who has committed many crimes and shot him ten times.

"..." Dong Jun had the urge to curse, who the hell came to this place to drink tea because he was thirsty? He felt that he had met a rogue, a rogue even more than he was.

Since this bastard is not thirsty, Dong Jun naturally has no plans to make tea. He worked hard and said with a smile on his face: "Last night, I was blind and didn't recognize Li Shao. Please forgive me, Young Master Li."

"It's not your fault. After all, I deliberately made you unrecognizable. If you recognize it, you won't speak rudely. If you don't speak rudely, I won't have the nerve to ask my wife to take off her shoes and hit you." Face... the fault lies with me, the fault lies with me." Li Zedao waved his hand and admitted his mistake very simply.

"The spicy one next door! This bastard!" Dong Jun's body trembled slightly, his whole face was in hot pain, and he almost couldn't help but picked up the expensive purple sand tea set on the table and threw it at this bastard. Dan Dan on the head, and even poured the boiled pot of boiling water on his annoying face, and poured it into his vicious mouth, how could there be such an annoying person? ?

The thing Dong Jun has always disliked the most is when people lie to him, but now he knows that sometimes honesty hurts more than deception.

At the moment, he tried his best to clean up his emotions and said humbly and sincerely: "Young Master Li, I probably figured out what happened last night. It's all my fault. I blame my incompetence in teaching my son. I indulged my bastard son too much! Yesterday After you and Miss An left at night, my bastard son actually tried to kidnap you and Miss An, who wanted to kidnap the wrong person, and kidnapped your two...friends..."

When he said the word "friend", Dong Jun's body paused, and a terrifying cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Just those two ordinary policemen, the female policeman has a horrible pockmarked face, how could such a person fall into Li Zedao's eyes and become his...friend? So how stupid Dong Jun is, he also knows that his idiot son fell into the pit dug by Li Zedao.

This bastard deliberately stimulated his idiot son almost to lose his mind at the charity dinner, and he expected that his idiot son would be kidnapped immediately, so he asked the two policemen to replace him and Ann in advance. Coco's clothes are over there waiting to be tied.

Afterwards, Dong Shaoqing had two criminal policemen who were secretly performing official duties kidnapped, and even tried to rape one of the female policemen, and the crime was established logically.

If before that, Dong Shaoqing would have killed the female policewoman, let alone attempted adultery, and raped and then killed, with his Dong Jun's energy, he wanted to fish her out and turn the matter into a major event It is not too difficult to turn trivial things into nothing. After all, the right and the rich can indeed do whatever they want. Most of the time, the law is simply used to restrain ordinary people.

But now, this is simply a pit, a pit dug by Li Zedao himself.

Therefore, in this case, not only no one dared to intervene to intercede for Dong Shaoqing, even the Wei family remained silent, as if they didn’t know anything. He even received a call last night. The person on the phone said, now At first, your life and death had nothing to do with the Wei family.

Dong Jun knew that he had been completely abandoned by the Wei family, and the only thing he could rely on now was himself.

Dong Shaoqing kidnapped the criminal policeman and even tried to rape-the viciousness of this case will only be magnified, so Dong Jun knows very well that his son may end up staying there for a few years, and even in prison. He might be beaten to death alive, and it's just a dream for him to fish it out!

What makes Dong Jun even more powerless is that this bastard actually let someone sneak into his villa and pry his safe, and now he is still putting the things in the safe openly. In front of him, this undoubtedly greatly stimulated his nerves.

"Fortunately, your two friends are fine, otherwise, even if he has been arrested by the police, I will go there and beat that bastard to death with my own hands!" Dong Jun said righteously.

"That is to say, all of this was done by your rebellious son. You don't know anything about it, and it has nothing to do with you?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

"It's true that I didn't know, but it's all my fault!" Dong Jun said regretfully, "Young Master Li, what you said last night was very right. It's my fault for being unfilial to your father. Busy with his career, lack of discipline for him, pampering him too much, that's why he developed the stinky habit of being the number one in the world, and he is so bold to harass Miss An Keke..."

Then, Dong Jun had an expression of self-blame and guilt, and said in a low voice: "Of course, I am sorry for Miss An Keke, and I am also sorry for his father, An Xiaodong, and her family... When I found out about An Keke Ms. Ke Ke is very talented in music, and she immediately felt a strong love for talents. Unfortunately, Ms. An Keke did not plan to sign a contract with Guanghui to enter the entertainment circle... I was confused for a while, and used some means to make An Xiaodong owe her money. He paid me a large sum of money to force Miss Ankeke to sign with Guanghui Entertainment to officially debut..."

м.③③χs.cóм, please remember for a second

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