The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1851 Asset Transfer

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An Keke walked to the door, and she looked outside through the peephole first, only to see two men with unfriendly faces standing there.

"Who is it?" she called. My mother said that you can't open the door to strangers casually, so Enkeke won't open the door stupidly, and you have to understand it first.

Besides, after offending Dong Jun and his son just now, who knows if the two people standing outside are Dong Jun and his son who came here for revenge?

"Oh, we belong to the property of this community. The residents downstairs complained that some water pipe in the kitchen of your house may be leaking, causing water to drip from the roof of their house, so let's come and check it." One of the men said.

"Water leak?" An Keke thought for a while, that bastard is so powerful, if there is a water pipe leaking in the real kitchen, he will definitely know it at once and solve it immediately.

Therefore, these two vicious-looking men are definitely not good people, and it is most likely that Dong Jun sent them here.

Mia came to the front, looked at Enkeke, blinked and whispered: "Oh, dear sister Keke, open the door, it's all right."

An Keke looked at Mia and smiled, yes, even if Dong Jun and his son really did not know what to do and sent someone over, with Sister Mia here, they would naturally be unable to eat and walk around.

At that moment, An Keke stretched out his hand and opened the door, looked at the two men, before he could say anything, his body stiffened suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly, and the expression on his face simply froze.

Because, she clearly saw something hard and cold on her forehead, it was a gun!

"Miss An Keke, we didn't come here to kill you, we just wanted you to come with us. Of course, if you yell or anything, I can't guarantee that the gun will go off." The man with the gun was full He smiled ferociously.

"Dong Jun asked you to come?" An Keke took a deep breath, and the whole person had calmed down, and even the corners of his mouth were slightly raised in a playful way.

An Keke's expression made the man very surprised. In his opinion, this much-anticipated star should be so frightened that his legs simply went limp.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, or don't blame me for being rude to you!" Another man shouted coldly, but there was an unconcealable lust in his eyes, and there was a trace of transparent liquid at the corner of his mouth. Immediately threw Ankeke to the ground.

This woman is really superb,

No wonder it was booked by the boss's son.

"Oh, Ke Ke is my good sister, how can you point a gun at her? Seriously...Damn it!" An extremely charming voice suddenly sounded.

The expressions of the two men froze immediately, and they were really taken aback. They never expected to say that there were other people in this room besides Enkeke. After all, according to their investigation results, there should be people in this room. Only Encore is right.

But when they saw Mia appearing in front of them at that time, their eyeballs suddenly widened. This foreign woman is really a stunner, especially when she smiles, it seems to take your soul away It seems that they have a momentary loss of consciousness.

At this moment, Mia moved, and her long legs kicked out as fast as lightning, and accurately imprinted on the crotch of the man with the gun.


"Hmm..." The man with the gun seemed to hear the sound of the egg breaking, and let out a muffled, depressing but extremely painful muffled sound. The pistol in his hand slipped from his hand no longer, He bent over and fell flat on the ground, his body twitching non-stop.

The pistol did not fall on the ground, but was caught by Mia casually. The next second, she pointed the gun directly at the forehead of the other man who hadn't reacted yet, and said with a smile: "Oh, how do you want to die?"

"..." The man's pupils widened in an instant, and there was already horror in his pupils, and he couldn't believe it was true. This time it was really kicked on the iron board. I didn't expect that Enkeke would be protected by such a woman with such terrifying means. From kicking out to snatching the gun, it was obviously practiced, not like them. It is comparable to the punks who know how to do things to honest people.

"Don't...don't kill me." The man's voice trembled violently.

"Oh, I won't kill you, at least not now, I still need you to help me drag this bastard lying on the ground into the house, it's not good to disturb others, what do you think?" Mia laughed It was extremely charming, such a smile fell into the man's eyes, but it was like a ghost smiling at him.

Immediately, according to the words, he quickly dragged the man on the ground who was clutching his crotch tightly and was so painful that he doubted that he had died into the room. like down.

Mia closed the door, looked back at the man and smiled, "Oh, you can die."

Then the gesture is about to pull the trigger.

"Bang!" She parted her red lips lightly, and even simulated the sound of a gunshot, as if a shot had been fired.

The man's stiff body simply fell to the ground, and his already green face was full of expressions of undecided shock, and then his crotch became hot, and he peed in fright.

An Keke on the side looked at this sexy and charming but suffocatingly powerful woman with a dull face, unable to react for a long time.

I learned from Li Zedao that this Mia is very strong, as long as he doesn't meet a master of his level, even if he loses, he can protect himself, let alone deal with bodyguards like Dong Jun, kill them It's like cutting leeks.

For the kind of strength that Li Zedao said, Enkeke actually has no concept, but now, she has it.

"Oh, damn it, trash is trash, just scare it and pee in scare." Mia looked at the man who was scared to pee, with extremely contempt and disgust on his expression.

"Sister Mia, you are so powerful, you are so powerful, I really admire you." An Keke reacted and exclaimed, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it was a movie."

Mia played with the pistol in her hand and smiled: "Oh, it's not that I'm good, it's that these two people are too rubbish. Compared with the boss, I'm nothing at all, but the boss asked me to teach you some self-defense skills. You have very good dance skills and your body is flexible enough, so it is not difficult to learn, are you willing to learn?"

An Keke nodded quickly, and said with a little excitement on his face, "Of course I would."

Encore has a violent gene in its bones. When Dong Jun was slapped in the face with a shoe last night, he was really excited for most of the night. But now seeing these two people, one egg was broken and the other peed in fright, instead of being scared, they were extremely excited, wishing to take off their shoes again and slap their faces fiercely.

"Oh, now there are ready-made teaching tools, I will teach you a few moves that are relatively simple but full of lethality." Mia's eyes fell on the two men on the ground, with an inexplicable smile on her face.

An Keke looked at the two men with a playful expression on his face.

"The first trick, oh, in your Chinese language, it's called teasing the yin leg, you can try it." Mia said with a smile.

"Pick up your vaginal legs?" An Keke's eyes lit up.

Hearing this, and seeing that horrible woman's index finger painted with black nail polish pointing at him, the frightened man trembled again, almost passed out like this.


In less than half an hour, two middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes appeared in the box. One of these two people is a well-known lawyer, surnamed Zhao. Lawyer Zhao is Dong Jun's queen lawyer. He does not know how many lawsuits he has helped Dong Jun win over the years.

The other is a professional manager hired by Dong Jun at a high price, surnamed Sun, who is usually responsible for helping Dong Jun take care of those properties.

Both of them are deeply trusted by Dong Jun.

"Mr. Dong, we have already prepared all the asset transfer materials you requested, including 70% of the shares of Guanghui Entertainment, and five other properties." Manager Sun took out all the materials from the handbag and put them away. In front of Dong Jun.

"As long as you and the recipient both sign on it, it will take effect immediately." Lawyer Zhao added.

Both Lawyer Zhao and Manager Sun glanced at Li Zedao who was sitting opposite Dong Jun with surprised eyes. Seeing the situation, Dong Jun seemed to want to transfer all his property to this young man. The origin of the young man, wouldn't it be Dong Jun's illegitimate son? I heard that Dong Jun offended someone who shouldn't be offended, maybe it will be bad luck, so start transferring assets now?

But soon, Dong Jun's attitude directly denied the guesses of Lawyer Zhao and Manager Sun.

I saw Dong Jun quickly signed and wrote his name on those documents one by one, and then tried his best to put a smile on his face, handed the materials to Li Zedao, and said, "Young Master Li, you can sign the papers as soon as you sign. OK."

With this movement, Dong Jun only felt that his bladder was swollen and painful, and he almost peed his pants without holding back.

During the half an hour of waiting for the asset transfer document to be delivered, Li Zedao was extremely enthusiastic and kept helping him pour tea, after brewing Tieguanyin, Dragon Well, and Dragon Well, and clouds... Dong Jun really regretted it to death , why ask the waiter to bring every type of tea? Isn't this a murder?

In short, Dong Jun had to drink one cup after another, so that he felt that his stomach was full of tea and his bladder was very distended, which was really uncomfortable.

So, now he just wants Li Zedao to sign his name on this document quickly, so that he can quickly release the water.

"Don't worry, Mr. Dong." Li Zedao said with a smile, stretched out his hand to take it, and then added tea to the empty cup in front of Dong Jun, "Mr. Dong, drink tea first, don't be too polite, let me see Look...Which of you two can give me a good introduction to these industries?"

"...the spicy one next door!" Dong Jun smiled with a stiff expression, but his heart was spurting blood, and he couldn't help but greet the eighteen generations of ancestors of this bastard in his heart.

м.③③χs.cóм, please remember for a second

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